Australia Australia - Theo Hayez, 18, Belgian backpacker, Byron Bay, 31 May 2019 #4

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Welcome to the thread, and to Websleuths @BruceBanner!

Good thinking! I see where you’re going with this idea! I think…..

Would be hard to get information after this length of time particularly if there was nefarious activity taking place……..unless pressure could be applied in the form of a bargaining/ plea deal situation!??
Definitely. At the time it was free parking there so people would park their camper vans/busses and basically live there moving the vehicles around. Same on the parallel street too.

It’s all been remodelled there now and council put in paid parking to prevent this.

I’ve been to the area many times, happy to go check anything out for you, too.

People still live/camp in the scrub area there. Recently a homeless man who lived there through Thea and Theo’s disappearance passed away from health issues and police were there searching the area. As far as I’m aware nothing of interest was found though.
Definitely. At the time it was free parking there so people would park their camper vans/busses and basically live there moving the vehicles around. Same on the parallel street too.

It’s all been remodelled there now and council put in paid parking to prevent this.

I’ve been to the area many times, happy to go check anything out for you, too.

People still live/camp in the scrub area there. Recently a homeless man who lived there through Thea and Theo’s disappearance passed away from health issues and police were there searching the area. As far as I’m aware nothing of interest was found though.
To the left the cricket nets and where cars drive in there is always large drug related para there. It was a known spot for people to meet up (and it was a little more heavy in bush back then) and do drugs. Not so much the hard stuff mostly kids. I have quite a few pics from one of my visits when was doing some testing on gps and google couple years back of the spot and all the drug para that was there. I have no doubt Theo went to that spot that night, probably engaged in some chit chat and then went on his way.
Hello Sleuths,

The attached photos are from various dates in 2019. As you can see the cricket nets were also used as a parking space for numerous locals. There is one car in particular that has been frequently photographed parking here throughout 2019. Has there been any investigation into this? Could Theo have possibly met someone at a car for 7 minutes before heading to the beach?
These photos are from satellite images from NEARMAP. The dates of photos are at the bottom of the images.


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Thanks for sharing this. Any chance you could get photos from the end of Milne Street?

The 2 places where Theo's movements are confusing in my view are at the end of Milne St and when he crosses the sports field. Why did he walk to the end of Milne St and to the start of the track but then deviate up to Evans St? Was there a camper parked at the end of Milne St? Was he walking with someone who had parked his camper right there and picked up something from the camper?
Thanks BruceBanner.

I've attached a screenshot of a youtube video (
) this is at the end of Milne street. It appears that at the time it was a spot where campers would park.

In that video a man claims Theo went for a swim and got trapped in a current. If so what happened to his phone? It was turned off at 1:01AM.

Theo didn't go for a swim on a cold autumn night in Byron Bay. But he did trust someone enough to go to that remote corner of the beach. Who does a 18 year old Belgian trust to do such a thing? Presence of a female or females, someone who speakes his language? At some point during that night when he's at cozy corner near the lighthouse he watches a few minutes of a french quiz show, to me this might point to the presence of someone who speaks french, he's showing one of his favorite shows.


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There’s also “the pipeline” mentioned in the inquest I would like to go follow. Allegedly totally possible to follow and walk up to the track above. I’d like to check where it pops out.
Still a possibly believable scenario for me as the evidence in the inquest still suggests the phone moves after GPS is off, through triangulation.View attachment 435743
very interesting, why hasn't this been done yet?
from this perspective during daylight it does look like a fairly easy walk up to the lighhouse road, looks far easier then going through what appears dense bush around that pipeline, also steeper?


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theo's CEL vs GPS location data. we can see the deviation in distance at around 23:39 because we've access to both data. why would that deviation suddenly massively increase when in fact there's more activity on his phone at the last cel ping which should make geo location more precise in my view.

from the inquest:

"Theo appears to have used his camera (at 23:38pm) and viewed Google Maps
a number of times."

"at 12.50 am, Theo searched for directions to the Wake Up! Hostel. From
the analysis available, it is unclear if Theo entered a new search for Wake
Up! or accessed a prior search made that night;
(d) at 12.55am, Theo sent a brief message on WhatsApp to Emma. The
message was in French (“merci”) and continued a discussion thread from
earlier that evening;
(e) at 12.56am, Theo sent a message on WhatsApp to Loic Speiss a German
backpacker Theo had met in January 2019 in Melbourne and travelled with
for about a month. The message was in French and responded to a
message from Loic sent earlier that night, at about 10.30pm, asking Theo
if Byron Bay was a “surfers paradise”. In his response Theo used a slang
expression meaning something along the lines of “yes, totally!”


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very interesting, why hasn't this been done yet?
from this perspective during daylight it does look like a fairly easy walk up to the lighhouse road, looks far easier then going through what appears dense bush around that pipeline, also steeper?
Very steep but walkable.
I don’t have a lot of stock in what “Mr hominoid” posts personally.

The fact that Theo never used his torch once is a bit of a tell he was with someone/people in my opinion.
Very steep but walkable.
I don’t have a lot of stock in what “Mr hominoid” posts personally.

The fact that Theo never used his torch once is a bit of a tell he was with someone/people in my opinion.
If he didn't use the light on his phone in the pitch dark , how can it be said he was carrying his phone to the beach. I don't think he was.

"The evidence suggests that Theo had a quiet couple of days in Bryon and did not
have much interaction with others before the Friday night. Although some tourist
brochures were found in his luggage, there is no evidence of him visiting any of
the sights or engaging in other typical tourist activity such as surfing. His dorm
mates remember him lying on his bunk and watching movies on his phone a lot
but said he was friendly. The only evidence of Theo sightseeing in Byron is a
photo he sent to Emma on 30 May 2019, which appears to depict the stretch of
beach known as “the Pass” just to the west of the lighthouse. The accompanying
message said (in French) that the photo was taken during a walk that day."
Hence, this is not the kind of 18 year old who'd run in the middle of a cold
night to a remote beach spot and doing so via a path you can't even see at night.

"It can also be inferred, from the nature of the activity engaged in and content of
the messages sent, that until at least 12.56am Theo was himself in possession of
his phone did not feel scared or in danger."
Can it? Is there really evidence of Theo voluntarily or even himself writing
these messages? In my view, there's not.

"Theo’s family gave evidence at the inquest about their firmly held belief that Theo
would not have taken the route that Theo took from the cricket nets to Tallow
Beach, as evidenced by the Google timeline data, on his own. Theo’s family
believe it likely that Theo met a person or persons unknown at the cricket nets
and was thereafter guided to Tallow Beach. Whilst I can understand the assertion
that Theo was unlikely to have travelled alone at night in an unknown bush
environment, unfortunately there is no evidence available to me in support the
supposition that Theo was in the company of others during this time"
"No evidence"? Sometimes they want evidence, on other occasions "the nature
of the activity" appears good enough.

Doesn't "the nature of activity" here point to the obvious? Theo runs into people
at the cricket nets. Up to that point the gps is steady then all of a sudden there's
an accelaration accross the field, and up and down or viceverca. This isn't gps data
of the same person just walking into a different direction, the pattern is totally

"At 1.02am, Theo’s phone stopped transmitting data. It reconnected to the network
at 6.17am but there was no further user activity. A message from Lou at 2.33am
and a message from Loic at 3:23pm on 1 June 2019 were not delivered. The
telecommunications expert concludes that there is no way to know exactly why
the phone disconnected from the network between 1.02am and 6.17am. It could
be related to a change (even a slight one) in the orientation or height of the phone
or a change of weather conditions, such as dampness evaporating."
It could...but what are the probabilities of the latter having happend for
a period of 5 hours when up to that point the phone never experienced any such
episodes. In my view, close to zero.

Based on an analysis of timing advance data in the cellular records, the expert
infers that the location of the phone after it ceased to record GPS-derived location
data (i.e. from 12:05am to 1:47pm on 1 June 2019) was in the headland area to
the north of Cosy Corner.
Ignoring a cell ping at 00:56, "inaccurate". (or doesn't fit the story).

it's said theo lost his cap here, "more prove he walked there", right on the track shown by gps data. In my view, looking at the totally odd and illogical path, it points to his cap being dropped there by the person holding theo's phone.
View attachment 458942

it's said theo lost his cap here, "more prove he walked there", right on the track shown by gps data. In my view, looking at the totally odd and illogical path, it points to his cap being dropped there by the person holding theo's phone.
The lay of the land here dictates the route taken. In weather it’s a swamp. I found where the hat was located (still flag markers there) and it’s down an embankment.
It’s my strongly held opinion he was following people that knew where they were going but he fell or was left behind there at the path crossroads.
I have theories on the Milne/Evans deviation too. The properties in that area have been renovated/rebuilt so it doesn’t make as much sense now. IMOO.

''Theo Hayez, 18, enjoyed one last night out in Byron Bay on May 31, 2019, before he mysteriously vanished and was never seen again.

7.45pm: Theo Hayez and new Belgian friend Antoine Van Laetham were caught on CCTV camera at the Great Northern Hotel bottle shop in Byron Bay.

8pm: Theo pays for an Uber back to the the WakeUp! Hostel and drinks goon (cheap cask wine) with other backpackers. The wine was so bad, they later said no-one drank much of it.

9.25pm: Theo and backpackers leave the hostel in two shuttle bosses to head into town. He drinks two schooners at Cheeky Monkey's bar, one bought at 9.51pm and another at 10.14pm.

10:44pm: He is seen dancing on a table.

10.55pm: He goes to the toilet and stays there for five minutes. He was seen swaying by security guards as he left the toilet and told to leave.

11.03pm: The last confirmed sighting of Hayez. He was spotted leaving Cheeky Monkey's bar after being ejected for appearing drunk. The backpackers he was with were unaware he had been kicked out.

Theo is seen on CCTV outside the bar googling directions to his hostel, but walks off in the opposite direction on a bitterly cold night.

11.15pm: He stops at some nearby cricket nets and stays there for seven minutes.

11.30pm: About 1km from the bar, he again googles directions to his hostel. However he instead leaves the streets of Byron to walk through dense bush along the dark Milne Track towards Tallow Beach, sometimes appearing to run or walk quickly, according to Google data.

11.39pm: He again googles directions to his hostel while in the thick scrub but then heads down towards Tallow Beach, off the trail, through even denser bush, losing his cherished Puma baseball cap in the process.

11.49pm: He googles directions for his hostel again after reaching the beach but walks along the sand towards Cosy Corner Beach, about 1.2km away.

11.56pm: He walks past Cosy Corner, back up the hillside into the rugged headland bush, and stays there for eight minutes.

12.05am, June 1: After returning to the beach, he turns off location services on his phone, apparently to save battery. For the next hour, he sends light-hearted messages to friends and family, and watched videos on his phone.

12.55am: Theo sends his stepsister Emma a WhatsApp message in French, his final recorded contact with anyone.

1.02am: His phone suddenly stops receiving data.

6.17am: Theo's phone starts receiving data again.

1:47pm: Theo's phone stops receiving data for the last time and has never been found since.

June 6: Theo was reported missing to local police.''


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thanks for that timeline, dotr. On that picture you can see his wallet in his left front pocket, looking at the footage when he's kicked out of CM you can see he wlks away and puts it in that pocket and then he turns the corner and grabs his phone from his right back pocket. A wallet, a watch, a phone, clothes, choes, a person. Nothing at all has been found. Someone dropping off a cliff with a low probability of falling into water let alone being swepted out to sea and no item is ever found. In my view, the police theory is extremely low probability.
The lay of the land here dictates the route taken. In weather it’s a swamp. I found where the hat was located (still flag markers there) and it’s down an embankment.
It’s my strongly held opinion he was following people that knew where they were going but he fell or was left behind there at the path crossroads.
I have theories on the Milne/Evans deviation too. The properties in that area have been renovated/rebuilt so it doesn’t make as much sense now. IMOO.

I also used to think he was just following people but the more you look at the actions and movements, and considering theo, as a person with his personality and qualities, it doesn't add up. The assumption is that Theo would of course not have been able to walk the route shown by the geo location data, hence he's been following someone. I don't believe that any longer. To walk that trail at night you either know it by hart or you don't, at that speed. Thus, the only path that would make sense is to that parking lot, they are too close for not to continue there. There must be a specific reason to deviate from that path the way it is shown on the gps data. In my view, Theo is not there by his own will, or at all.
For example, one of the odd actions is him turning off GPS. That's not a spot an intelligent young man would do that. And then you don't watch a youtube video for minutes if you're so worried about battery life. And what are the odds of switching of geo loaction services and ending up vanishing for ever at the same location and time? I'd say zero.
For example, one of the odd actions is him turning off GPS. That's not a spot an intelligent young man would do that. And then you don't watch a youtube video for minutes if you're so worried about battery life. And what are the odds of switching of geo loaction services and ending up vanishing for ever at the same location and time? I'd say zero.
I think someone was playing with him/his belongings to get him to follow them.
Maybe took his hat/wallet something after a quick interaction at Tennyson, taunted him a bit and said he could have it back if he went with them or something. Lots of youth with attitude who mess with tourists here.
Turning off the gps makes sense if you’re trying to save battery but the bit where it’s off/in airplane mode is highly suspicious.
I think he’s with the phone trying to play it cool at least until 1am.
Watching the show on YouTube almost implies he was alone for a bit and entertaining himself until the people he was with came back or something similar.

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