Australia - Tiahleigh Palmer, 12, slain, Pimpama River, Qld, 30 Oct 2015 #2 *Arrests*

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Oh Morrisa!!

Police allege Queensland man Rick Thorburn raped a girl under the age of 12 while working at a childcare centre south of Brisbane, later warning her: "Don't tell anyone".

Richard Neville Thorburn, 57, is also facing charges of attempting to rape another girl and seven indecent assault charges stemming from a period between 2015 and April 2016.

The alleged offences primarily occurred at the Chambers Flat childcare centre operated by his wife Julene Thorburn, police said in a 2016 affidavit.

"Both the victims have disclosed numerous allegations of sexual abuse where the defendant has clearly taken advantage of his unsupervised access to children," Senior Constable Amarjeet Kumar wrote.

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He molested the kids in the day care van on the way to school!!

On one occasion the abuse occurred while he was dropping her off at school in a black van which had a large "Miss Julene's Family day care" sticker on the back, police claimed.

"The victim child ran off when they got to school and the defendant said 'don't tell anyone'," Senior Constable Kumar alleged.

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She supported him. OMG!

After the charges were laid, Ms Thorburn said she shut down her business amid the allegations against her husband and said she was "fully supportive" of his bid for bail in May 2016.

Are we seeing similar with M Spedding’s undying support in the William Tyrrell case? If/when Bill is charged will she dob like Jules? We are yet to see.
Wives of alleged peddos astound me!!

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Rick was mighty busy that year... 2015,,.... anyone who believes Rick just began his career of sexual pervert and paedophile in 2015 might seek therapy....

and this little gem... 'After the charges were laid, Ms Thorburn said she shut down her business amid the allegations against her husband and said she was "fully supportive" of his bid for bail in May 2016.

good old Julie, .. behind every yob there is a fully co operative woman ..

so why.. why why why was TIah still at their residence in October, 2015?.. by this time Julie knows she is married to a paedophile, and has a son who's a paedophile, and is still backing the status quo....and sure, the authorites don't know yet about the two little kids, but Julie knows... ..

what's wrong with this picture?
and hands up anyone who believes Rick's motivation for murdering Tiah was to 'save his son from a prison experience'...

He murdered her out of crazed jealousy, because his son managed to sexually assault Tiah before Rick could make his claim.. anyone who believes he didn't sexually assault Tia before murdering her needs therapy, too.
Bit like someone we know on another thread, eh? Coffee anyone?

Rick was mighty busy that year... 2915,,.... anyone who believes Rick just began his career of sexual pervert and paedophile in 2015 might seek therapy....

and this little gem... 'After the charges were laid, Ms Thorburn said she shut down her business amid the allegations against her husband and said she was "fully supportive" of his bid for bail in May 2016.

good old Julie, .. behind every yob there is a fully co operative woman ..

so why.. why why why was TIah still at their residence in October, 2015?.. by this time Julie knows she is married to a paedophile, and has a son who's a paedophile, and is still backing the status quo....and sure, the authorites don't know yet about the two little kids, but Julie knows... ..

what's wrong with this picture?
Rick was mighty busy that year... 2015,,.... anyone who believes Rick just began his career of sexual pervert and paedophile in 2015 might seek therapy....

and this little gem... 'After the charges were laid, Ms Thorburn said she shut down her business amid the allegations against her husband and said she was "fully supportive" of his bid for bail in May 2016.

good old Julie, .. behind every yob there is a fully co operative woman ..

so why.. why why why was TIah still at their residence in October, 2015?.. by this time Julie knows she is married to a paedophile, and has a son who's a paedophile, and is still backing the status quo....and sure, the authorites don't know yet about the two little kids, but Julie knows... ..

what's wrong with this picture?
This was too good to just like

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He’s gotta be a lifer! Add murder into the mix.

In June last year, Mr Thorburn was committed to stand trial on one count of rape, one count of attempted rape and seven charges of indecent treatment of a child under 12, relating to both girls.

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He’s gotta be a lifer! Add murder into the mix.

In June last year, Mr Thorburn was committed to stand trial on one count of rape, one count of attempted rape and seven charges of indecent treatment of a child under 12, relating to both girls.

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and good ole Julie, with her never ending supply of vulnerable children to make available to Rick!.. what a wife, ey?.... Fully Supportive.. that's the phrase.. in everything.. ...
and good ole Julie, with her never ending supply of vulnerable children to make available to Rick!.. what a wife, ey?.... Fully Supportive.. that's the phrase.. in everything.. ...

This says it all Troops. The whole friggin’ family should be locked away off our streets.

Within hours Tiahleigh was murdered. Who instigated the murder?

Trent Thorburn, 20, confessed to his mother in late October 2015 he’d had sex with Tiahleigh amid fears the young girl was pregnant.

Within hours it is alleged Tiahleigh was murdered.

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This says it all Troops. The whole friggin’ family should be locked away off our streets.

Within hours Tiahleigh was murdered. Who instigated the murder?

Trent Thorburn, 20, confessed to his mother in late October 2015 he’d had sex with Tiahleigh amid fears the young girl was pregnant.

Within hours it is alleged Tiahleigh was murdered.

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I read that Trent told Julie. .. Naturally Julie tells Rick. it is a big ask to believe that the three of them, I include Trent, didn't come up with the solution to the problem the three of them now faced. .. separating them from that decision, with the motives all three had is beyond my pay scale. I 'm going for a Troika Decision, a 3 way conclusion.

I know I am going to be expected to believe that Rick did the murder and disposal alone.... it, too , is beyond me . All three in that , too.
Hi I didn't follow this full thread - I honestly couldn't stomach this twisted family but can I please ask is this a totally different group of charges to another poor girl as well as Tiahleigh.
Morrisa's post is that "new" information. So like 3 different lots of info
How is it possible they had a foster child with all these allegations ? Good grief. The departments need to talk and share information. I'm not going to throw blame except where it lays on this family.

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Hi I didn't follow this full thread - I honestly couldn't stomach this twisted family but can I please ask is this a totally different group of charges to another poor girl as well as Tiahleigh.
Morrisa's post is that "new" information. So like 3 different lots of info
How is it possible they had a foster child with all these allegations ? Good grief. The departments need to talk and share information. I'm not going to throw blame except where it lays on this family.

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it is a totally separate group of charges, H.. the crime took place at the same location, with the same cast of characters. Once Rick had been charged with the murder of Tiah, these particular charges went somewhat underground due to legal jostling and wrestling. '

What I don't know, is, when were these accusations made to Child Protection Services, did someone speak up before Tiah was murdered or after?. a lot hinges on that, for me. Those poor little girls. Or was Rick being taken in to custody enable the girls and their mother to speak out. I just don't know the time line.

The whole thing is hard to stomach.... frankly, I don't know why they were deemed suitable as a foster family even if they were as pure as the driven snow, for a vulnerable 12 yr old girl. Those two boys, the odd father , should have been a loud ringing bell. The two teenage boys alone, that should have invalidated them from anyone over 3, really. Certainly not a beautiful , loving, lonely vulnerable 12 yr old girl. What on earth did Child Services expect? that Nature would suspend Itself in Qld, just for the Thorburns?..

Someone in Child Services QLD is as nutty as a snickers bar to have let this one slip thru. AND stay slipped . !..
Hi I didn't follow this full thread - I honestly couldn't stomach this twisted family but can I please ask is this a totally different group of charges to another poor girl as well as Tiahleigh.
Morrisa's post is that "new" information. So like 3 different lots of info
How is it possible they had a foster child with all these allegations ? Good grief. The departments need to talk and share information. I'm not going to throw blame except where it lays on this family.

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Cindy Palmer deserves her right to speak up to this filth and the case workers.


"I have lots to say, but right now, I will let the police and court do their job. Tia, I love you."

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It's really hard to fathom thank you Troop and TGY. I am just shocked and the thought there may be others that have said nothing. He better not get out ever.
Editing not shocked at this family as they have shown themselves but just the whole terribly sad tragedy.

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It's really hard to fathom thank you Troop and TGY. I am just shocked and the thought there may be others that have said nothing. He better not get out ever.
Editing not shocked at this family as they have shown themselves but just the whole terribly sad tragedy.

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Heads should roll here Horror.

I look forward to the day Cindy speaks her mind. I bet it’ll be a doozy and so she damn well should.

1) Who in their right mind would place a 12 yr old girl in a house with two teenage boys.
2) Rick was a known peddo before Tiah was placed.
3) Jules just takes the cake.

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Yep the whole family are dropkicks. I still think old Rick committed other crimes while driving a truck but if he is sent away for 20 years then justice is done. How many times can I say that family is a waste of oxygen.
Whaaat? Showed her a *advertiser censored* movie in the day care van? That is so depraved on so many levels.

If mom suspected or knew about all of these other victims, I wonder if Tiah was supposed to be a sacrificial lamb to keep him in check at home and maybe prevent from destroying the business or was Tiah just another plaything to appease his... appetite.

Why on God's green earth would she support him if she didn't know? I cannot fathom this at all.

Good to finally see the evidence lined up to support these charges! This is excellent news, as horrific as it all is.

[emoji92]Justice for Tiah[emoji92]
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