Australia - Tiahleigh Palmer, 12, slain, Pimpama River, Qld, 30 Oct 2015 #2 *Arrests*

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The murder and rape of Anita Cobby was committed by a gang containing two 17 year olds and a 19 year old. Janine Balding murder was also committed by 14 15 16 year olds. Young people can and so commit horrific crimes.
the thing I find odd , is, there is no mention of drugs or alcohol in regard to this situation, this family, or Tia.. no claim or concern that drugs, and/or alcohol played any part in the life of these 5 people, Rick, Julene, Trent, Josh and Tia. Not a whisper of it. .. ..

According to statistics, this is a little bit unusual. Generally, alcohol , either in the perpetrator or the victim, or both , plays a big part and among teenage crime, both drugs (illegal and legal ) play a hefty part of the crime itself. ...

So in that respect, this is , if not wildly unusual, it is somewhat significant, statistically, that apparently these factors were not a part of the Thorburn's crime against Tia.

The family locally were thought of as nice normal people. There were no outward signs of these people being involved in any bad behaviours. This is how these types slip under the radar
I've sat back and watched this thread for a while but wanted to add.
Growing up as a ward of the state I was in both institutionalized care (2 different homes) and then was fostered by a relative at 13.

One of the group homes was fantastic and run by the government , the other the Salvation Army and was so strict and beatings occurred regularly . The in home foster care was a nightmare . I'm all for institutalised care if it's run properly .

Children in foster care have often been exposed to way more then they should . They often associate sex with love . They are often very sexually actively at a young age as they want to feel loved and wanted. The cretins in society know this and prey on these volnurable children and take advantage of them.

It's not until the foster children are older and realize with adult eyes looking back how bad the situations were .

The foster children don't report it as unfortunately to get justice ii is a long drawn out process and in Australia the court system is a joke and the perpetrator only gets a few years jail .

Just my 2 cents worth here 😎

Thank you for your post Anon. Hugs for you and Bohemian.

There's an organisation called Relationships Aust. NSW. Wattle Place for adults who grew up in a children’s home, foster care, orphanage or institution during the 1920s -1990s. I'm sure there are similar organisations in other states that provide counselling, record search, family trace etc. Please use these services available if you haven't already, you're not forgotten.
What Trent did was wrong in Trent's eyes ... We know from his message to his cousin that he knew that. What Trent did was wrong in his father's eyes ... We know by his actions to erase Tiahleigh. What both did was wrong in the eyes of the Law ... We know that because they have been charged and are in prison.
There is no argument to be had.
What Trent did was wrong in Trent's eyes ... We know from his message to his cousin that he knew that. What Trent did was wrong in his father's eyes ... We know by his actions to erase Tiahleigh. What both did was wrong in the eyes of the Law ... We know that because they have been charged and are in prison.
There is no argument to be had.

I do think that this crime will go deeper than TT / Tia . RT is much darker and it will all come out in the wash. I don't believe that Tia has killed to protect TT I think RT has a much darker secret he wanted kept
What Trent did was wrong in Trent's eyes ... We know from his message to his cousin that he knew that. What Trent did was wrong in his father's eyes ... We know by his actions to erase Tiahleigh. What both did was wrong in the eyes of the Law ... We know that because they have been charged and are in prison.
There is no argument to be had.
I agree so much possum. These circular arguments aren't productive because it brings about a sense of hopelessness and that nothing can be done, that these children are left for the hungry wolves to devour and we can't do a thing about it. Not so. :no:
respectfully I have to disagree Trooper - I think the degree to which this happens is far more widespread and that girls and boys are subject to so much sexual boundary pushing from the media. Yes TT's crime is heinous and not the general situation and that is what gets us inflamed and honestly this crime could have occurred 30 years ago as well and we would be duscussing it in the same way, but the loss of innocence and the value placed on being sexually provocative is something that is escalating that is borne out of this constant barrage of exploitation and the exposure in society.

I agree this happens, it isn't something that never happens, but I don't agree that it's worse than when I , or perhaps you were a teenager, or a pre-teen.. the only thing I think is worse, is the danger on public transport for young women, while that was an occasional horror in my early youth, it now appears to be endemic, according to my teenage acquaintances . .. whether this is promoted to obtain a lift or as a reality, I cant tell. I accept it , though. I was a teenager, post pill, yet today, there seems , and I am careful to state, seems, not is, I don't know the stats, more teenage pregnancy than back in the 80's, why is this? I don't know.

But it isn't the general situation. It makes headlines precisely because it ISNT the general situation. Trent's crime is considered horrific, because it isn't the general situation.. .
If Rick is to be believed, his motive is unusual. I cant find another case even similar, .. Killed Tia to preserve his son from going to prison to be attacked because of the son's sexual orientation.. or orientations,...... there are many cases of men who will kill a child to protect themselves from the consequences of their sexual predatory activities, , but I cant find one where the bloke kills the child for the sons's sake..
Further to my above comment:
We know what Trent did was wrong in Tialeigh's eyes because she confided in a friend and in Julene.
The Lolita argument is dead in the water*.

(*ironically, a bad choice of words in this instance).
If Rick is to be believed, his motive is unusual. I cant find another case even similar, .. Killed Tia to preserve his son from going to prison to be attacked because of the son's sexual orientation.. or orientations,...... there are many cases of men who will kill a child to protect themselves from the consequences of their sexual predatory activities, , but I cant find one where the bloke kills the child for the sons's sake..

I would not believe anything RT says. He is an experienced manipulator. There is much more to this. It will eventially come out. I fear it will be very shocking
And staying on topic, there is currently no charge of rape against any of the accused. IMO the police have charged TT with incest as IMO their current evidence would only put him at 17 years of age when the sexual contact occurred. So neither party would have been an adult, hence the incest charge as this would carry a harsher penalty than him being charged as a minor.

How do you get the 17 years of age? He's 19 now, and the murder happened less than 12 months ago...I'm not sure when his birthday is, but he allegedly had sex with her the week she died.... That would make him 18? Confused here haha
Wow, I just realised I have been on and off Websleuths for 4 and a half years!
In this time I have seen my share of petty banter; have only been threatened with time-out once; have been stimulated by the wonderful use of the English language by regular posters; have seen some amazing sleuthing; have empathised with and been greatful for our Police Force; have questioned 'The Law'; have had my doubts about legal people and the process; have wept with fellow sleuthers over my iPad; have lost sleep and my appetite sometimes; but most importantly whilst empathising with victims and their families and I have seen 'The Law' change.
Loved sharing some of those moments with you poss!:tyou:

Wow, I just realised I have been on and off Websleuths for 4 and a half years!
In this time I have seen my share of petty banter; have only been threatened with time-out once; have been stimulated by the wonderful use of the English language by regular posters; have seen some amazing sleuthing; have empathised with and been greatful for our Police Force; have questioned 'The Law'; have had my doubts about legal people and the process; have wept with fellow sleuthers over my iPad; have lost sleep and my appetite sometimes; but most importantly whilst empathising with victims and their families and I have seen 'The Law' change.
While you are arguing the point of over sexualisation of our children in society - believe me it is endemic. Teachers, guidance officers and principals are continually dealing with the fall out from this - children are under real pressure. These 'relationships' between teenagers- underage teenagers. Parents condoning yes CONDONING 14 year old boys sleeping over with 13 year old girls (alone in their room), 14 year old girls experimenting with lesbian relationships and having 3 somes. The sexting and nude selfies that get posted on FB or snapchat (that parents don't get to see because they evaporate once they are viewed). The self harm and the psychological games that get played after the relationship ends badly ....

School's ban dances and free dress days simply because kids are wearing revealing and see through clothing and bring alcohol. The move of grade 7 to high school - worst move ever, the 11 year olds going on 12 are at the mercy of the attention of those no hoper 18 year olds that prey on their attention.:scared:
Let's be real, there's quite a bit of difference between a 13 year old and a 14 year old sleeping together vs. a 16/17/18 year old having sex with a 12 year old. For all of you people trying to say that society accepts that it's normal for teenagers 16 and older to sleep with 12 year olds, I really don't think you have a grip on reality. I know that when I was 12 in the past decade it was certainly not normal for any girls of that age to be sleeping with males in their mid-late teens. Why do you think so many people are expressing their disgust all over social media that TT, an 18 year old, had sexual intercourse with a 12 year old kid?! Not trying to be rude, but I'm not sure about the age of some of these people posting and I suspect they might be just lumping young people into one category, even though there are so much developmental changes in the pre-teen and early teenage years. I remember my teens clearly, and it would've been seen as very weird and wrong for even a 15 year old to be sleeping with a 12 year old.

Just wanted to note that I found the dismissive attitude from some of these posters quite disturbing, some even actually saying they didn't think the sexual contact between TT and Tia was sinister and basically trying to downplay it as "kids fooling around".There is so much of a difference between the mind of a 12 year old and that of a 16/17/18 year old.
hahaha I have actually been here longer - lost my email address for the first account I had when I moved interstate- so I had to start another - it was JonBenet that started all this for me, then Danielle van dam, Stacey Petersen and that horrid Drew Petersen, Jill Meagher - the list goes on but Allison's was by far the most in depth I ever got (as you would know!!!). I never thought I would meet and become friends with people on WS but that is just what has happened - it has been quite an amazing experience! Fighting for Justice for victims is so important!

wow Liadan, you've been here for twice as long as me! You are a GURU.
It goes without saying that RT, JT, TT and JT will attempt to save themselves from jail time with the help of their lawyers. Absurd and disgusting excuses will be used to explain their behaviour, and paint Tiah and her family in a poor light. We don't need to assist them with it's 'society's fault' for their predicament.
Tiah was only 12 yrs old and in the Thorburn's care. It's irrelevant that she had a crush on TT and it's irrelevant how she came into their care, BUT these lawyers MAY try to exploit these circumstances.
We have to stand firm and united, otherwise these nameless, faceless hecklers in the back of the hall will try to push their agenda. What's their agenda? Lower the age of consent and even, remove it altogether. JMO
It goes without saying that RT, JT, TT and JT will attempt to save themselves from jail time with the help of their lawyers. Absurd and disgusting excuses will be used to explain their behaviour, and paint Tiah and her family in a poor light. We don't need to assist them with it's 'society's fault' for their predicament.
Tiah was only 12 yrs old and in the Thorburn's care. It's irrelevant that she had a crush on TT and it's irrelevant how she came into their care, BUT these lawyers MAY try to exploit these circumstances.
We have to stand firm and united, otherwise these nameless, faceless hecklers in the back of the hall will try to push their agenda. What's their agenda? Lower the age of consent and even, remove it altogether. JMO

and the desire to lower consent certainly isn't for the benefit of the child.. it is for the benefit of the older person in the equation, because as it stands now, there are some constraints, that have consequences, and as everyone knows, consequences are the devils work , according to the apologists for the Trent's and Ricks of this world...
Check the date of my post that you keep referencing, you will find it was the day this was all breaking and it was one possibilities that had come to my mind. I then dug much deeper and found other dark things on the Thorburns, which if you have read the threads you will see. I in NO way condone any underage sex nor do I condone what happened to Tiah!! Yes I have strong opions on the teenages of today. I have a 16yr old and a 14yr old. I constantly have at least 3 other teenagers, nearly every weekend ages 18yrs and down, watching movie's and playing video games. I have a very strong grasp of teenages today. No my teenagers do not part take in any sexual practice's, nor do they have boyfriends or girlfriends. They do however have open dialogue with me about people at school, at least 2 13yr olds pregnant in the last 12mths!! Disgusting! There are also children on the sex offends list that go to highschool, they got caught sending on naked selfies of their girlfriends to their mates. Disgusting!!!!

IMO I have NEVER been anything but victim friendly towards Tiah. I am NOT a Thorburn supporter! I personally believe that this is going to get more darker as more things are investigated, I believe there is a very dark past that will come to light. MOO
ye gods, I just realised I've been clattering around webslueths for as long as Possumheart!!...

but there have been watershed moments.. Gittany's self propelled jump over his own court imposed balcony was one such moment, rendering him incontrovertibly guilty as charged.. the antics of Rachel Louise not withstanding, off he went in the divvy van, for life.

Gerard Baden-Clay was the dream killer if justice and it's working out was your thing. It is mine, so that murder, trial, appeal, trial, appeal and losing his appeal had everything necessary along with the bonus of Gerard's bone deep stupidity. It isn't often a murderer is as stupid, as determined to take the most stupid path as Gerard did, but there you are, he did and I am forever grateful. ..

I think the Stanford sentence will be interesting, and even I know that Vincent Stanford is not going to get what I think he should, but I am hoping it is at least rational. .. then there is Crazy Cardamone..... why he did what he did, and where he did it and when and what for and what possible defence he can come up with is the stuff of deep interest.

There are two other cases that have appalled, intrigued and disgusted me, yet the silence about them seems endless.. the girl in the suitcase, and the little mum in the Canberra forest... and the police man ( Randall , I think ) in Brisbane who's baby son died while he was in charge.. the Qld Police force seems to have thrown a huge blanket over this one.. not a whisper, not a peep not the tiniest of info has leaked out about these two crimes..
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