Australia- Two sisters in their 20s found dead inside Sydney unit had been there lengthy time, Suspicious deaths, June 2022

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The family not wanting their bodies returned is telling..these poor girls :(
It might have something to do with Muslim habits of burying. (No more than 24 hours after death. Never cremated. It has to do with hygiene). Since many of these rules might have been bent in this particular case, burial in Saudi Arabia might have presented certain difficulties. I bet the family received a fatwa from a local imam allowing to bury the girls, and it was not easy. JMO.
This is extremely strange. I’m not a doctor but it would be great to get a medical professional on this thread to discuss possible non-foul play causes of death (like carbon monoxide poisoning, for example) as well as whether or not a toxicology report could even be completed if both of the women have been deceased for an extended period of time.

ETA: Looping in @LaborDayRN
it's summer this time of the year in Australia _ I doubt they would have had a Heater on. however, am with you with toxicology and hair samples - I feel this is bad Bizz gone wrong ...
I was thinking the very same thing. don't even need to be in a gang - just need to have seen something with their foodAsra Abdullah Alsehli, 24, and Amaal Abdullah Alsehli, 23 said they thought someone is tampering
Suicide pact doesn't ring true both sisters were alone in a strange place had no friends , they only had each other .. why would they die in separate bedrooms, both feared for their lives and stated their food might have been tempered with ,because they were looking out window being scared and saw a van a man and a car we don't know, if that man bought the food straight up to the girls apartment, but both sisters feared for their lives . Do the police know more than they are saying.
''It has now been alleged that Asra and Amaal concocted a suicide pact after a "fall out" with their "well-connected" family in Saudi Arabia that left them fearing for their lives.

They had fled their homeland for Australia in 2017 with $5,000 in savings, but were believed to have been receiving financial support from relatives.''

''New South Wales police suspect the cash flow suddenly dried up in February, with the sisters becoming recluses in their Canterbury apartment, according to the Daily Telegraph.

The siblings are understood to have remained holed up inside the flat until they died in early April, while their decomposing bodies went undiscovered until the following month.

One source told the publication: "There was a stream of money coming to them from their (family) that stopped in February''

The sisters were sent a payment of over $4,400 from their relatives on February 3 last year - which was the final installment they received.

Amaal - who was in charge of the money - used $960 towards their fortnightly rent and transferred another $2,000 to sister Asra.

Their rental agent Jay Hu said the women were initially "good tenants" when they first moved in during 2020, with proof of "ample" savings to support them.

But the duo began to fall behind on their rent two years later, prompting building manager Michael Baird to ask cops to make a welfare call.''

"Toxicology reports - which were ultimately inconclusive - found unusual levels of sodium, nitrate and fluoride in the apartment, with a report claiming police 'strongly' believe the sisters died as a result of a suicide pact.

'There was a stream of money coming to them from their (family) that stopped in February,' one source told the Daily Telegraph.
'Now, we don't know why it stopped, but it seems there had been some sort of a fall out with their family overseas.

'After that, they cut off communications with everybody.'

The girls also drove a black BMW coupe, which usually costs upwards of $38,000.

Building manager Michael Baird asked police to conduct a welfare check on the two women, who refused to unlock the door when officers arrived.

They said they were OK. They didn't want any police involvement. And the police left it at that.'

While it remains unclear what ultimately caused their deaths, multiple sources believe the girls had a falling out with their 'well-connected' family.

They remained inside their apartment from late February to early April, speaking to their father only once more and receiving a visit from a NSW Sheriff.

The sheriff told the young women they would be 'kicked out or evicted' from the Canterbury unit after they fell behind about $5,000 on their rent.

When the sheriff's office returned to evict them in June, they found the bodies of the two girls in separate bedrooms of the first-floor unit.

Police found no evidence that the girls were being followed by a private investigator as they had suggested to several of their friends."

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Police found no evidence that the girls were being followed by a private investigator as they had suggested to several of their friends."

Perhaps they were being followed though not by a private investigator. Somehow the women were so frightened that they wouldn't leave the apartment or even open the door to police.

It's good to read that they had some friends. Perhaps these friends were in Saudi Arabia, because we don't hear of their friends offering any assistance. They may have been too far away to connect the sisters with job opportunities or social assistance.
Earlier story

Oh my. What if one just wants to skim for new facts?

I wonder whether it's an AI algorithm: type in few details and photos, select a category like 'noir mystery', and the story is generated by itself...

Googling these elements comes up with a commonly available product. Fluoride can be fatally toxic in large doses.

What is the brand name for fluoride potassium nitrate paste?

Brand names for fluoride/potassium nitrate topical include PreviDent 5000 Enamel Protect, and Prevident 5000 Sensitive. The cost for fluoride/potassium nitrate topical topical paste (1.1%-5%) is around $23 for a supply of 100 milliliters, depending on the pharmacy you visit.

"sodium, nitrate and fluoride" also come up as a mouthwash in google search.

I'm no expert in suicides but I find it very strange if they chose this method to die in a "suicide pact" and managed to die in separate rooms on their own.

What about the early reports about chlorine and chemicals found in the rooms they died? And reports that the girls were afraid someone was tampering with their food and were afraid for their lives?

There are many discrepancies and little information released. They had a very expensive car in their possession. Couldn't they sell it to cover a years worth of rent?
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I have similar prescription toothpaste -- yes I am an old woman -- but beyond Use As Directed By Your Dental Practitioner there isn't a warning label?

Wonder if one/both had some dental problems, but couldn't afford a dentist or were afraid?

I remember an article repeating workers saying something about a chlorine/cleaning product smell.

jmho ymmv lrr
Early on they attended some kind of school, they worked, they rented accommodation and lived with a family.

They seemed to lead a normal life.

Then there was some quarrel with a man and even Court was involved.

After that they rented a flat by themselves and started to behave in an odd way.
They turned into hermits.

What really happened?
I don't think we will ever know.

But surely they could ask somebody for help?
Or not?


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