NOTGUILTY Australia - Warriena Wright, 26, dies in balcony fall, Surfers Paradise, Aug 2014 #12

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It's not Karinna, unless Ksks was alluding to something else which might also be relevant.
It's not Karinna, unless Ksks was alluding to something else which might also be relevant.

Yes it is. I posted the link to QLD Govt. Criminal Codes and look for yourself. Maybe ksks can explain, unless that poster has a different link?
deleted post, cant be bothered, back to ignore....
deleted post, cant be bothered, back to ignore....

The crickets chirping of an evening, or any time really, are a balm for the soul. The Super Moon should be amazing tonight too.
Where then was the evidence of an assault on GT? Where is the evidence that he didn't assault Warriena and she was acting in SD? She died so that is an assumption/speculation on their part.
The jurors had 6 mins. worth of tape as evidence to deliberate with, no wonder they couldn't come to the right decision. What's to say GT didn't edit the recording and omit some of what really happened?
I know courts, lawyers, judges etc. have to work within the confines of their profession, but we the public don't have to agree.

There didn't need to be evidence of an assault by WW because prosecution agreed that this happened. This was probably done based on evidence that was never tendered to the court. This happens all the time to narrow down the issues in dispute. An example is an assault cause harm. Often prosecution agree that harm was cause , which narrows down the issues to whether an assault occurred and harm was caused by the assault. If both sides contested every single element of every offence, courts would get completely bogged down.
Sydney lawyer Sam Macedone interview 2UE

I will ask you this question.
Having seen the interview last night. Having seen the questions that he was asked and the answers that he gave.
Do you think the jury would have come to the same conclusion that they came to during the trial?

That was an interesting listen. Basically, the defence attorney said that if our legal system required Tostee to take the stand, and if a good prosecutor had been able to ask him questions, the defence attorney thinks the trial outcome may well have been very different (based on the court of public opinion, following the 60 Minutes interview). He thinks the jury could well have had reasonable doubt because questions are raised about what is missing from this story.

He said that is why defence attorneys sometimes decide to keep their clients off the stand. Especially articulate ones like Tostee.
I remain unconvinced that Warrina was on the safe side of the railing when he locked that balcony door.

However, even if his accounting of events is gospel (It's not!),
It is beyond ludacris for him to claim it never crossed his mind that she might be in danger out there. There is much evidence that it crossed his mind constantly that someone was going to fall from that balcony.

Just seems a little too much of a "coincidence" for a guy who has a mock drawing of a body outline, at the foot of his building on his phone, and all the many references he made with respect to said balcony and people going over it (one way or another), even to the point of terrifying other young women by lifting them in the air while out on said balcony. I am just not buying his BS about inoccently trying to calm the situation. No Way.
I've seen that posted here before. I don't understand what it means. Can you tell me, please?

It means 'Silence is golden.'. Much the same as Gable is in relation to legal consequences for his part in Warriena's fatal 'fall' from 'his'/not his 14 storey balcony at this point in time. Thankfully, as I've said before, moral justice is not reliant on common law, therefore any legal argument is of no interest to me at the moment, only the moral consequences for his actions.
I remain unconvinced that Warrina was on the safe side of the railing when he locked that balcony door.

However, even if his accounting of events is gospel (It's not!),
It is beyond ludacris for him to claim it never crossed his mind that she might be in danger out there. There is much evidence that it crossed his mind constantly that someone was going to fall from that balcony.

Just seems a little too much of a "coincidence" for a guy who has a mock drawing of a body outline, at the foot of his building on his phone, and all the many references he made with respect to said balcony and people going over it (one way or another), even to the point of terrifying other young women by lifting them in the air while out on said balcony. I am just buying his BS about inoccently trying to calm the situation. No Way.

I think you meant 'not buying it', SG. That number grows by the day IMO. Gable's 'story' just doesn't pass the good old Aussie 'pub test', does it? The expression, 'Never in a million years!' comes immediately to mind.
I think you meant 'not buying it', SG. That number grows by the day IMO. Gable's 'story' just doesn't pass the good old Aussie 'pub test', does it? The expression, 'Never in a million years!' comes immediately to mind.

Good catch. Fixed that! :)
"Not in a million years".

Some woman was going off that messed up mental case's balcony someday, he was simply fixated on it.

And he did know how to make it work and get off scott free legally, but his failed attempt to mimic human emotions blew his cover with the public.
........ any legal argument is of no interest to me at the moment, only the moral consequences for his actions.
Okay, I see. What are the moral consequences, and how are they delivered to him?
Okay, I see. What are the moral consequences, and how are they delivered to him?

The moral consequences of his actions are not within the realm of my perception but his own. Unless, of course, he is amoral then there will be none. The only consequences will be for the society of which he is a member at that point in time.
I thought that Liam handled the interview well (even though I dont like 60 Minutes journalism in general).
I didn't realise that Rie's last scream was recorded as well.
Regarding the parents' responses, I felt that the father showed "some emotion".
Glad to see that the threat of GT saying he ought to throw her off the balcony, was mentioned.
After he locked her out on the balcony, it was only 26 seconds until she fell to her death.....
this interestingly shows that even though 60 Mins invested a 6 figure sum in this interview, they couldn't even be bothered checking their "facts". It most definitely was not 26 secs, it was about 12 secs after the door was closed and he went inside that she fell and screamed.
A link to substantiate what claim? Are you talking about the fact that he didn't seek medical assistance, as any decent human being would do after the young woman in his company fell to her death from his balcony?
Maybe there is no case law in Australia pertaining to that kind of thing, because i can't think of any other case that has happened in, unless someone has been murdered and then of course the perp. isn't going to obtain any medical assistance for the victim. If this was truly an accident as Tostee claims then why didn't he call for an ambulance? He could of even given first responders a fake name if he was in CYA mode.
Theres no point in evasion, you made a claim in the thread 11 Post 1188 that you could not substantiate, it is therefor hearsay. Also in regard to same, indictable charges are serious charges for which substantial jail terms can be imposed. If police have an opportunity to lay indictable charges, they always do, so clearly Tostee committed no other offences as far as they were concerned other than the alleged murder. I point this out because it seems after all this time it is still not clear to some..
BBM, Yes, and it is a crime to falsely imprison someone as GT did to Warriena. She stated she wanted to go home and he blatantly refused to let her do so. He therefore committed a crime. Wonder why that was not addressed at Trial? Was it even a part of the murder charge?
See above comment.
this interestingly shows that even though 60 Mins invested a 6 figure sum in this interview, they couldn't even be bothered checking their "facts". It most definitely was not 26 secs, it was about 12 secs after the door was closed and he went inside that she fell and screamed.

I think you are right. It was 26 or 27 seconds from when.
Eventually, he said he “bundled her up and carried her out the nearest door” – which happened to be onto the balcony – in order to “de-escalate” the situation.
The 6ft3 Tostee said he couldn’t recall how he restrained 5ft4 Warriena.

But only 12 seconds from when he locked the door and saw her for a fleeting moment on the other side of the rail.

Then what another 10 seconds before he needed to speak to someone impartial?

Just unbelievable...imo
this interestingly shows that even though 60 Mins invested a 6 figure sum in this interview, they couldn't even be bothered checking their "facts". It most definitely was not 26 secs, it was about 12 secs after the door was closed and he went inside that she fell and screamed.
Theres no point in evasion, you made a claim in the thread 11 Post 1188 that you could not substantiate, it is therefor hearsay. Also in regard to same, indictable charges are serious charges for which substantial jail terms can be imposed. If police have an opportunity to lay indictable charges, they always do, so clearly Tostee committed no other offences as far as they were concerned other than the alleged murder. I point this out because it seems after all this time it is still not clear to some..
See above comment.

BBM, You need to get your facts straight because Post 1188 on Thread 11 is a post by Makara, LOL. Try again.
And so what if it is hearsay, i am not involved in a court case, it's an opinion of mine LOL.

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