Australia - Warriena Wright, 26, dies in balcony fall, Surfers Paradise, Aug 2014 #2

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Not long. Uploading to the Internet is the time consuming activity.

The Sony Xperia is an Android phone which can allow micro SD cards of up to 64 Gb. So it might even be as fast as turning off a phone and taking the card out.

Really, there iare a lot of factors that would affect how long it'd take such as file size (based upon factors such as audio length, file compression used, sampling rate of audio, etc).

So worse case scenario, probably 10 minutes.

There are a couple of posts here ... one says every file on his phone is backed up and synced to PC the moment he steps into his home. Seeing that he was at home, I would think that his recordings of Warriena would also be on his PC.

The other post shows a pic of how he customised his phone so that it was like carrying around a mini PC and could do everything he wanted.
Going to play devils advocate here - it seems to me from the transcripts we've read, he's been rather more of a gentleman than most men would have been. It seems like he's continuously told her to tone it down but she's continued. He's offered to cook food for her etc. It looks like in the end she's picked up something to attack him (what she dropped), and to me, it seems he's held her until she dropped it and then pushed her out onto the balcony after she attacked him with a weapon (IMO not unreasonable).

The question is: Was she so scared for her life that she died fleeing him? (Keeping in mind she seems to have been the physical aggressor and over and over he's just made threats or tried to calm her down) OR

Did she climb over the balcony because she was drunk and angry and trying to avoid seeing him again?

I honestly feel like he had reasonable excuse to push her onto the balcony (it sounds like she was attacking him) and it was probably the closest place he could get her away from him.

No way was this murder. Not even sure it was manslaughter.

Do I think he's a great guy? Hell no. But I think he's smart - the recording of his evenings is probably in case some girl he hooks up with cries rape. I honestly don't think this is an unreasonable thing for a guy to do. Hooking up for casual sex, guys have to worry about that.

Do I think he's the most sweet, charming and sensitive guy? HELL NO.

But I don't think he's the evil monster people on here are making him out to be.

If some guy was attacking me during sex, and after, I'd push him out onto the balcony, lock the door and yell threats at him too.
I guess you have not read his posts on the BB forum, aussiegirl, his recordings were not just in case someone cried rape - and he is not a gentleman at all.

More than a few of his recordings are posted there, for all to hear. He laughs about his conquests, asks opinions, ridicules the girls, rates them - all while he is trying to hook up with the next girl on the list.

In fact, I think he should have additional charges added … publication of illegal recordings.

…. it’s illegal to use your phone or another device to record a conversation without the knowledge and permission of everyone involved. It is illegal to publish the private conversation whether or not you were a part of it–for example, by posting it on YouTube.

It’s NEVER ok to photograph or record someone’s private parts or private activities without their knowledge or permission.
Interesting perspective Aussie girl, I've had a hard time trying to change what I originally thought went down, and the image I had of Rrie with the latest msm reports of her being violent too, though I don't think she was the instigator. I wonder if we'll ever know how it all really unfolded. I guess not. It's challenging all the assumptions I made (though I still think he's guilty). It's just interesting that's all.
Going to play devils advocate here - it seems to me from the transcripts we've read, he's been rather more of a gentleman than most men would have been. It seems like he's continuously told her to tone it down but she's continued. He's offered to cook food for her etc. It looks like in the end she's picked up something to attack him (what she dropped), and to me, it seems he's held her until she dropped it and then pushed her out onto the balcony after she attacked him with a weapon (IMO not unreasonable).

The question is: Was she so scared for her life that she died fleeing him? (Keeping in mind she seems to have been the physical aggressor and over and over he's just made threats or tried to calm her down) OR

Did she climb over the balcony because she was drunk and angry and trying to avoid seeing him again?

I honestly feel like he had reasonable excuse to push her onto the balcony (it sounds like she was attacking him) and it was probably the closest place he could get her away from him.

No way was this murder. Not even sure it was manslaughter.

Do I think he's a great guy? Hell no. But I think he's smart - the recording of his evenings is probably in case some girl he hooks up with cries rape. I honestly don't think this is an unreasonable thing for a guy to do. Hooking up for casual sex, guys have to worry about that.

Do I think he's the most sweet, charming and sensitive guy? HELL NO.

But I don't think he's the evil monster people on here are making him out to be.

If some guy was attacking me during sex, and after, I'd push him out onto the balcony, lock the door and yell threats at him too.
Well...ive finally made it to the last page after spending all evening catching up! Interesting read...

However in response..all being said & done & if this was the case...WHY for gods sakes would he not then call the police?? Panic ok fair enough but go get pizza just doesnt make sense. Even if you were a little intoxicated surely you would think to try get that person doesnt seem an unreasonable thing to do. And you would suffer the consequences of dealing with the police especially if you felt you were innocent. Look I've never been in such a situation, but even if a guy was being a real t..d to me & something unspeakable like that happened, I'd be pretty confident I'd at least have the decency to call the police first & not a lawyer...IMHO :).
They entered the apartment at 8.58pm.
Some 4 hours later GT starts recording - 20 seconds into the recording GT says *advertiser censored** me.
Why didn't he record the previous 4 hours.

She says in the recording are you going to untie me seems he may have had the upper hand.
For sure Enigmatic
GT had phoned his lawyer 2 seconds before the woman in the apartment below called OO0
Police are uncertain what was used to record the audio but say the file appears to have been transferred to a Sony peria phone.
Thinking that original recording devise may have left the apartment at 2.25 with GT.

In the recorded call to his father he has presented a multiple choice
I never forced her over the edge
I didn't push her.
I absolutely did not throw her of my balcony.
They entered the apartment at 8.58pm.
Some 4 hours later GT starts recording - 20 seconds into the recording GT says *advertiser censored** me.
Why didn't he record the previous 4 hours.

Well, he may have recorded it but may have deleted it or the police may not have publicly acknowledged they have it.

There could be many reasons he didn't record it. Firstly, what was used to record it. If it's plugged up to a PC, he wouldn't need to worry about running out of batteries and almost certainly has more disk space.
I'm guessing he recorded it on a mobile phone. His app (another unknown) probably records straight to MP3. Disk space probably wouldn't be a problem is it's not go too much music/apps/video on it.
WHY for gods sakes would he not then call the police??

Maybe firstly, distrust of the police. He has a long list of unrelated charges that still haven't been dealt with by the court system.
Secondly, time to deal with the crime scene and evidence against him. He may not have known that there were witnesses who could pinpoint which apartment the incident occurred in. He and his father and their lawyers are smart enough to know that inevitably, the police would work out that GT was the last person to see Rrie.

Even if you were a little intoxicated surely you would think to try get that person doesnt seem an unreasonable thing to do.

Maybe he really really hates women. She was nothing to him and not to GT's parents.
The questions I would like answered -

If Warriena was SOOOOOOOOO outta control why did GT give her more alcohol?

Why didn't GT throw Warriena out of the apartment instead of out to the balcony?

He KNEW he was being recorded, he acted accordingly, especially with all the 'owwwws' . My 25 yr old son used to do that when he was 4 yrs old for pete's sake.

1:06am: Female states that I know you want to kill me because you told me so. Further reference to dying from smoking.
1:08am: Male states that he doesn't think there is anything after this you die and that is it. Male states – Throw me off the balcony and that is it. This is it boom.

GT obsessed with talking about death and throwing himself or others off the balcony.

1:19am: Music still playing in the background and soft sounds of groaning in background.
1:21am: Sounds move away from recording device and are fainter. Female states You do have to do **** to me.
1:23am: Male is heard to say ow again.
1:29am: Male is heard to state – I don't like getting beaten up.
1:36am: Male states "There is a ton of your stuff here, hey I didn't say you have to leave I said that you have to stop beating me up." Heated conversation.

IMO, for recorded purposes. No response from female, just his story telling.

1:36am: Female states – Are you going to untie me because I will destroy your jaw. It is not funny.

That's right, it's not funny. Why is Warriena tied up? I would be physically violent if someone tied me up.

1:38am: Male states – I should have never given you so much to drink. I thought that we were going to have fun?
1:39am: Male states – I don't deserve this **** OK. I am a nice guy.

For recording purposes, he states he's a nice guy, did she ever say he wasn't. He isn't a 'nice' guy.

1:39am: Male states – Do you even remember what you were doing to me half an hour ago he states that you were beating me up for no reason. She states exactly. He states You thought it was funny or something. He asks why were you beating me up. Female states 'I am gone I will be out of your hair see you later. I am going'. Then produces the phone. She states 'See you later'. Male states You are such a drama queen.

If he has to ask that question, why does HE think she can't remember? She was drunk or drugged.

Female stated it was not funny when she was tied up. GT repeats, you thought it was funny. He mimics her.
She got physical with him because she didn't like being manhandled. I would have given him a few slaps too. Warriena wants to leave, he says SHE'S a DRAMA QUEEN. lol. Talk about projection.

1:41am: Male asks if we can sit down and discuss this. Female states she is a freak. Male states that he is going to get bruises. He asks the female to stay the night. He states that he is the most tolerant person that he would meet. Male states ‘But you are just a bit violent. Male offers to cook something. Male again asks if she wants something to eat.

Why would GT want to discuss anything UNLESS he did something wrong, he didn't want her to leave mad and report him. Warriena puts herself down, she is a freak. This could mean she doesn't like to be held down etc. and will go ballistic if this happens.
GT mentioning bruises, for recording purposes. GT says he is tolerant means he definitely is not. lol

GT mentions she is violent, again for recording purposes. I lash out too if I'm held down. GT offers to cook, woopdeedoo!

1:48am: Female asks the male not to be a dick. Female asks the male if she can go over to the window and have a look. The male says 'Don't jump off or anything.' Female states 'No'
2:05am: Male tells Cletus to chill out. He states that is not cool here and he will fix that ****. Possible pouring drinking. Male asks female to promise that she does not beat him up. Asks her to sleep next to him and doesn't want him. [sic]

GT's obsession with someone going over balcony and yet he locks her out there? Why would Warriena want to sleep with him?! She doesn't want him, he feels rejected.

2:09am: Male states that if she was going to go all kung fu on me then I will kick your *advertiser censored* (calm conversation). Male states that she is a woos and male then offers food to the female.

See here? GT says she's a woos? So he did something violent first, she retaliated.

2:10am: Sounds of a struggle and ruffling sound of recording device. Female states – That really hurt my vagina. More struggling and male laughing and female replies you sound like a ******.

Why is GT handling her vagina, violently even?!!! Who's the violent one here... TOSTEE! She calls him a name, again she is retaliating against this creep!

2:12am: Male states alright I give up what do you want. Loud bang and then male states oww. Male asks – Do what. Female states I don't understand Dick.
2:14am: That is enough. Female says 'No seriously I have to have a ****.' You are not my kind of girl. That is enough. You have worn out your welcome. You have to leave. Female says ok. It is all good. Female out of breath. Male states, 'You have to leave.' Female replies 'OK. It's all good'. I thought you were a nice girl.

GT asks her to leave, she agrees, this would make a control freak mad because he wants her to say, 'awwww, no, I wanna stay.'

2:15am: Male states – I thought you were kidding and I have taken enough. This is ********. Male states – You are lucky I haven't chucked you off my balcony you god damn psycho little *****.

Projection again, he's the psycho. Why is he threatening to throw Warriena off the balcony? Why is he obsessed with this?

2:16am: What. What – Got something to say – say it. Female breathing heavily. Female states ... sexist. Male replies Yeah right. I am the one who is injured. You don't have a god damn scratch on you.

Again for recording purposes.

2:17am: You're a god damn psycho. I am going to let you go. I am going to walk you out of this apartment just the way you are. You are not going to collect any of your belongings you are just going to walk out and I am going to slam the door on you do you understand. If you try and pull anything. Ill knock you out. Ill knock you the f... out. Do you understand? Do you understand? Do you understand?
2:17am: Cmon Get up. Get up. Female states – I am so sorry. Male states I don't care. Struggling – Male – You don't understand do ya. You don't understand anything at all do you. You don't understand do you. Struggle. Male states 'Let go' You think that you hit me and I was going to fall down like in the movies. More laboured breathing sounds. Male states Let go of it. Let go. Let Go. Let go. More choking sounds.

GT is choking Warriena, he was always in control, he even agrees, he can knock her out anytime he likes. I think he's forgotten about the recording at this point. It is getting serious, and he wants to really hurt her.

2:18am: Still laboured breathing sounds. Breathing slows. Male – Let it go.
2:19am: Sounds consistent with door unlocking and then female states "No". Possible sound of glass door being hit.
2:20am: Male – Who the f... do you think you are? Hey?
Female – No, No, No.
Female – No! No No. No
Male – You tried to kill me huh?

He's in back in complete control, he's talking again for recording purposes.

Male – Well why did you try and hit me with that. Huh? Shut your filthy mouth.
Female – No. No. No No. No (Screaming)
Male – It is all on recording you know. It is all being recorded.
Female – No no no no no no no no no no no no. Just let me go home.
Male – I would but you have been a bad girl.
2:20am: Sound of door sliding shut. Just let me go home. Just let me go home.
2:20am: Just let me go home. Just let me go home.
2:20am: Last words of 'Just let me go home'

2:21am: Male – Heavy breathing
2:21am: Faint screaming detected.
2:21am: Very Heavy breathing from male.

GT let slip with, "I would but you have been a bad girl".

Through all this GT promises to let her go home, but he never does. He is saying one thing, (for the recording) yet his actions are the opposite. He accuses Warriena of hurting him and holding him hostage? I don't believe it for a moment. Whether anyone believes they were in for a kinky night of sex, maybe, but GT wants it all his way. That's not consensual by any terms. A guy with nothing to hide would have let Warriena go without a second thought.
GT told his father in their recorded conversation that "The last thing he remembers is she was just like hitting me for some reason".
He also told his father earlier in the conversation "I don't know like I tackled her on my floor inside the building and I never forced her over the edge"

He also said" I have no proof of her being aggressive though"

That recording was going from 12.55am until 4.15am.

If Warriena had really been so aggressive and he knew he was recording then Why would he feel he had no proof ?

1.05.30am: Male: “Do you want to come to my work tomorrow?” Female: “Do you want to come to my family tomorrow?”

Male: “You can help me lay carpet. You can help me tell my mum I am not a loser ...”


1.31am: Male: “Just be nice.” Inaudible conversation. Conversation is calm.

1.33.30: Male: “Come here.” Female: “Have a good night.” Male: “Do you want me to walk you back home.” Moves closer to the recording device. Sounds of ruffling and female is heard to say “have a good night” and male states “no (inaudible) I’ll take care of you in the morning.”

1.35.30am: Music stops.

1.36am: Female: “Where is my sister’s (expletive). Where is all my (expletive) data? Where is my iPhone?” Male: “Do you want me to ring it?” Female: “Yes, I would love you to (expletive) ring it.”

1.36.30am: Male: “There is a ton of your stuff here. Hey I didn’t say you have to leave. I said that you have to stop beating me up.” Heated conversation.

1.37am: Female: “Are you going to (expletive) untie me because I will (expletive) destroy your jaw. It is not (expletive) funny.”

Female: “Get it for me. Male: “No, you get it.” Female: “I am going to call the police.”

1.37.30am: Repeats she is going to call the police.

1.38am: Male: “Cmon Cletus.”
1.49am: Male says people with white coats are going to come in and the states that she would jump off the balcony. He says he is totally flattered that his vodka has had this effect on her.

So he got her wasted on home made vodka, knew that she was in a frame of mind she would jump for her life, but locks her on the balcony anyway...
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