Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #13

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I agree :( I think that fear not guilt in this person is the only thing that will help them talk.

But there may be others (friends/ relatives)that may know something Or there may be a certain person (wife) who knows that someone's story or timeline from that day that they told police is different from what they witnessed. And that is who needs to speak up.

I'm sure that's their theory. Just my opinion :moo: though - I think if someone has known about it all this time and is willingly married to someone who would keep a child in a basement or something for their disgusting purposes, then I doubt they have much of a conscience either.

I agree motivating them somehow else would be more appropriate. Fear sounds good. :judge::jail::behindbar::rage:


I do not know if Bs is innocent but this implys he is a pedophile or some kind of deviant. The only thing known about him is a weak case about sexual abuse years ago. I agree it's plausible but the whole William case has been based on him. Very possible it's not him. And IMO if they are clutching at straws with a case 30 odd years ago what are the chances of him being convicted of WT disappearance. Possible but unlikely I feel. It's been too long.... Other scenarios need too and surely are being looked at.

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I don't think anyone not coming forward is about not knowing it's about fear. I wonder if the police can offer protection for someone not directly involved publicly? Ie if you were not the abductor you just knew about it we will do all we can to protect you... It seems they know it was local. As rather than expanding the search they are still pushing for local knowledge.

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I suppose there is another reason the media has gone quiet...I too doubt they would just do it because they have been told but it could be....they have been given a deal?? It is possible....."back off and we will give you one huge story in a few weeks time"....type of thing.
Let's hope that's it [emoji1] Maybe they want to give BS a false sense of security. Hoping he slips up.

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I don't think anyone not coming forward is about not knowing it's about fear. I wonder if the police can offer protection for someone not directly involved publicly? Ie if you were not the abductor you just knew about it we will do all we can to protect you... It seems they know it was local. As rather than expanding the search they are still pushing for local knowledge.

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If someone was afraid of a certain person or group I think they would, at least until the perp(s) were all locked away.

If someone is just afraid of getting in trouble themselves for not telling what they know hopefully police would work that out with them. If it means finding William I think it's possible.

But does someone else know? I hope so, I think it's the only hope of finding William.

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I think albeit the previous post no one seems to entertain the thought it's not BS.

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I think albeit the previous post no one seems to entertain the thought it's not BS.

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In this particular case, I can't see why the police would have focused on BS the way that they have unless they had a good idea that he was involved in WT's disappearance. I think that the police probably found evidence on his computer of child *advertiser censored* and maybe links to other paedophiles, and they have decided not to charge him for these offences yet until they find evidence linking him to WT. I can't think of why else they would imply, or allow the media to imply, that BS may be part of a paedophile ring. The police must know that if BS is later cleared of all suspicion then they will have to answer for it, so I don't think they would have repeatedly named him as a POI etc unless they felt sure that he had something to do with crimes against children. I think that the police have a lot more evidence against him than we know about - probably on his computer and maybe other circumstantial evidence such as red and blue fibres found on the mattress in the Pawn shop, or other allegations against him by children who know him. I'm just speculating here on what further evidence they may have, but I do think that they must have good evidence that we don't know about.

I think that the historical sexual abuse case is a very strong case. Many people have been convicted of historical sexual abuse simply on the testimony of their victim years later, whereas in this case we have plenty of evidence and statements from the time as well that an offence took place, and that BS was the culprit. Yes it's possible that the uncle (or someone else!) was actually the one who abused the children and not BS, and the outcome will come down to how convincing the jury finds the victim and the victim's mother's testimony, compared to how convincing they find BS's testimony.
Great post. Thank you and welcome to the forum Rayemonde.

In this particular case, I can't see why the police would have focused on BS the way that they have unless they had a good idea that he was involved in WT's disappearance. I think that the police probably found evidence on his computer of child *advertiser censored* and maybe links to other paedophiles, and they have decided not to charge him for these offences yet until they find evidence linking him to WT. I can't think of why else they would imply, or allow the media to imply, that BS may be part of a paedophile ring. The police must know that if BS is later cleared of all suspicion then they will have to answer for it, so I don't think they would have repeatedly named him as a POI etc unless they felt sure that he had something to do with crimes against children. I think that the police have a lot more evidence against him than we know about - probably on his computer and maybe other circumstantial evidence such as red and blue fibres found on the mattress in the Pawn shop, or other allegations against him by children who know him. I'm just speculating here on what further evidence they may have, but I do think that they must have good evidence that we don't know about.

I think that the historical sexual abuse case is a very strong case. Many people have been convicted of historical sexual abuse simply on the testimony of their victim years later, whereas in this case we have plenty of evidence and statements from the time as well that an offence took place, and that BS was the culprit. Yes it's possible that the uncle (or someone else!) was actually the one who abused the children and not BS, and the outcome will come down to how convincing the jury finds the victim and the victim's mother's testimony, compared to how convincing they find BS's testimony.
I think albeit the previous post no one seems to entertain the thought it's not BS.

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I think it was probably BS. But I am open to other possibilities. What do you think, Found?

How about the rest of y'all? Anyone completely locked in to BS?
Stranger things have happened, but the BS scenario just fits so well. And I think they want BS in jail so a) he will talk when he's in there and b) because things on the outside might also change i.e. people on the outside might also be willing to talk.
I think the cops want him away to get things moving for William. I think the outcome of the historical case is super important, & until the case goes to actual trial and he is sentenced*, I think we'll hear very little else.

*if he's cleared then I really don't know where that leaves us. Back to square one?
The charges against BS are serious, yet the police case against him is weak, hence the reason he is on bail. I am wondering where the interstate charges are the police alluded to months ago.
"*and police say it is 'likely' he was abducted."

And again no mention of BS

I'm still so very confused by the sudden change of reporting regarding BS

William where are you?

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Adding to my post with an afterthought

I bet the historical charges case against BS are no longer being reported in MSM because of the victims requesting privacy.

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when william first went missing i was sure it was family, it almost always is, everything seemed to fit, then i thought a neighbour might have been watching through the trees and lured him over, and thats still a possibility, but now i think its very likely bs is involved or someone in his family hes protecting, he was at williams grandmothers house, he was scheduled to be there etc, so many other coincidences and i think ms knows a lot and in denial, her needing reassurance from a psychic shows she doesnt trust him, the fact police still havent cleared him from poi, so many things point to his involvement now,
wondering if people would come forward if offered a big reward, enough money to start a new life?
when william first went missing i was sure it was family, it almost always is, everything seemed to fit, then i thought a neighbour might have been watching through the trees and lured him over, and thats still a possibility, but now i think its very likely bs is involved or someone in his family hes protecting, he was at williams grandmothers house, he was scheduled to be there etc, so many other coincidences and i think ms knows a lot and in denial, her needing reassurance from a psychic shows she doesnt trust him, the fact police still havent cleared him from poi, so many things point to his involvement now,
wondering if people would come forward if offered a big reward, enough money to start a new life?
I keep forgetting about the psychic. Every time I am reminded of it it makes me feel like MS is 'saying' BS's timeline is accurate and it really isn't. I keep coming back to covering up for a family member as well.

I still do not understand why there is not a reward.


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My thought is that this case may be very similar to Brett Cowan, i don't mean about the outcome for Daniel I prey for wt safe return .But that his timeline was out by a small amount of time and it eventually brought him unstuck. I don't know if bs is involved but I have faith le know more than I do. Just my oppion
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