Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #15

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In granting bail, Justice Geoffrey Bellew said one of the girls, who was three at the time of the alleged offence, had no recollection of it and "vague memories of youth" despite a 21-page statement.

He said the reliability of the complainant would probably be an issue and there were concerns about whether both girls were "coached" by an adult in making the claim

Justice Bellew noted that Spedding was investigated over the alleged offences nearly 30 years ago and never charged.

He said Spedding becoming a person of interest in William's disappearance had "revived" the prior allegations.

Justice Bellew pointed out further shortcomings in the crown case including that it had no transcript of an interview with Spedding from the investigation in the 1980s.

Just had to leave a comment. This sort of comment by a judge makes me despair for all abused children everywhere.
That's possible Imagining. There could be any number of reasons why those two cars were parked in Benaroon Drive that morning. The thing is, the owner's of those cars have not come forward to explain why there were there.

The cars were only mentioned this week. Bought into the picture 1 Year later. Not everyone reads or watches the news the owners could be anywhere, passed away, o'seas, interstate, hospital who knows. I live out of the country and only know what going on through websleuths.
The cars were only mentioned this week. Bought into the picture 1 Year later. Not everyone reads or watches the news the owners could be anywhere, passed away, o'seas, interstate, hospital who knows. I live out of the country and only know what going on through websleuths.

I do understand what you are saying, I live out of the country as well. But wasn't William's disappearance reported in your country at the time it happened?
Wherever you live, surely you would be aware that you had been in close proximity at the time this occurred?
A dead end road in a residential district of Australia ?
Even if you were a traveller, a visitor, wouldn't this click with you?

Can outsiders be so unaware of what has happened while they were in the vicinity?
Also my only up to date knowledge is through Websleuths. - Thank you all for the constant info.
I must admit, I find it very odd that the police waited a year before releasing the info on the vehicles.
This is one of those mysteries where I can't help but lie in bed night after night playing different scenarios in my head. For it to be an organised abduction, they'd have to have been pretty confident that a child would venture off playing a little further afield than gran and mum's watchful eye and not be witnessed.

I keep coming back to it being opportunist like Jubelin says. A horrible twist of fate, someone with some kind of interest in children, parking or driving down that street, William ventures out further away than a normal safe boundary, and that person realises they have an opportunity and can't resist their vile urges. Horrible, but this makes more sense in my head than other scenario. He's in my thoughts everyday, god bless him.
The cars were only mentioned this week. Bought into the picture 1 Year later. Not everyone reads or watches the news the owners could be anywhere, passed away, o'seas, interstate, hospital who knows. I live out of the country and only know what going on through websleuths.
Many possible reasons why the cars were there and why the owners haven't checking in with LE. But I think if they lived in the area they would have heard about the case from the letterbox drop (that's happened now I think), the highway billboards, shopfront window posters, gossip etc, even if they don't watch/read the news. I don't either, it's more like if something big happens I'll find out unintentionally. If they aren't 'locals', then surely a friend or family member would say 'hey weren't you around that area then'. All just seems too suss given all the circumstances.
Fellow sleuthers. I have not been on this site for a long time due to technical challenges so I apologize for not being up to date with your posts. However I wish to share my thoughts on William's disappearance. Perhaps the cars seen in the street were involved in their own private drug transaction and maybe William wandered out. Either they felt threatened by a potential witness and took him or perhaps accidentally hit him with their car and took him to hide their mistake. Young people with a fear of being found out will hide their crime but if they have any conscience will be racked with guilt over this event. Perhaps the police need to appeal to these people in a sensitive way showing a degree of understanding for how a cover up may have happened. This would at least flush them out. I have a feeling that we have overlooked the potential of this being a tragic accident or a cover up for another crime. What do you think?

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I still think BS has checked out the machine, and while doing so, had a chat to FG about grandchildren and she's told him that she is expecting the family on Friday which is why she needs the machine fixed. BS has noticed photos of William and his sister and more than likely William in his spiderman outfit. He alerts his peddo mates that the family are due on Friday. The cars are there Friday morning (as BS would have no idea of the time of arrival) ..... just in case an opportunity arises. FD goes to make his skype call - not realising he has been followed. FM and GM have gone inside for the "5" minutes or so, to make tea, take William's sister to the toilet, and in those split seconds, someone has piqued Williams curiosity with a Spiderman something ... toy, mask, promise..... and he's been taken.
BS after watching "60 Minutes" is now feeling the heat, things aren't going well with MS, and he is resorting to desperate measures which explains his Youtube video. There are just too many prior and current coincidences with him to dismiss this as a random abduction. IMHO.

YES YES totally agree I just KNOW its him
BS has an ex who <modsnip> has a brother who is not only a convicted murderer but also a convicted child sex abuser.
That alone is probably a good reason for the Judge to make those statements about the historical charges.
The problem I am having with the planned abduction is that they had no idea if William and his sister would play outside, or if the mother and grandmother would be outside or be able to see them. Although it is a quiet street there was still neighbours who could have looked out the window or come outside at the right time. There was someone mowing. If the second car was to follow Dad, how did they know he would be going out. There is just something not right with the whole scenerio.

I tend to agree....there would have to be a lot of coincidences ...or just maybe it was an opportunist who was there at the right time and saw him playing alone.....,even that seems a pretty big coincidence in itself given the location
YES YES totally agree I just KNOW its him

I'm convinced it's him too, if he was ever eliminated I'd have to go back to William got lost in the bush or water and was not found, there just is nothing else that works for me.
I feel sorry for the police, they would have a huge problem prosecuting at this point, they need a confession, hence what their appeals are trying to accomplish.
Police would have gone over BS phone records with a fine tooth comb. Pointless exercise deleting phone logs etc.

I was led to believe whatever is deleted in your phone can be retrieved by the right person
<modsnip> the bio parents have been cleared, but I bet their acquaintances haven't. Someone said six degrees of separation, which is probably true, there is a lot more to it than meets the eye. NSW police would know , they are just releasing certain information to find the missing pieces of the puzzles and how it all fits in.
&#8220;We would particularly like to hear about anyone who has been quite deliberate in avoiding the publicity about William&#8217;s abduction or in contrast, anyone who has been uncharacteristically, overly interested in the case.&#8221;

Back when MS and Colin were still talking to the media she wanted it to be known that they had been offered significant amounts of money for media interviews.
Which is why I do not understand - BS face book video to deny media reports that he was expected to be at the grandma's house on the morning of the 12th Sept.
Why not tell your side of the story if you have a sound alibi and truly believe you are innocent of any wrong doing?
Why not have a chat to the media? If you do not want to show your face - do a radio interview. Why facebook?
If the police were really seeking the public help in identifying these cars they would have circulated those pics months ago. Who can really remember the exact car and colour that was parked in your street a year ago? Not me that's for sure, I couldn't tell you cars from last week let alone last year.
This release of information feels very strategic and I wish I could work out who they are putting the wind up.
Planned or unplanned, no one would know William would be at the bottom of the drive. Someone watched and waited for the perfect opportune moment. Cars across the road with windows down. Open fences across properties to see into the backyard.
Low density housing with many views from house to street hidden by scrub. During a work day when everyone is at work. When dad would go to work.

Google Earth snap feature

The problem I am having with the planned abduction is that they had no idea if William and his sister would play outside, or if the mother and grandmother would be outside or be able to see them. Although it is a quiet street there was still neighbours who could have looked out the window or come outside at the right time. There was someone mowing. If the second car was to follow Dad, how did they know he would be going out. There is just something not right with the whole scenerio.
I still think BS has checked out the machine, and while doing so, had a chat to FG about grandchildren and she's told him that she is expecting the family on Friday which is why she needs the machine fixed. BS has noticed photos of William and his sister and more than likely William in his spiderman outfit. He alerts his peddo mates that the family are due on Friday. The cars are there Friday morning (as BS would have no idea of the time of arrival) ..... just in case an opportunity arises. FD goes to make his skype call - not realising he has been followed. FM and GM have gone inside for the "5" minutes or so, to make tea, take William's sister to the toilet, and in those split seconds, someone has piqued Williams curiosity with a Spiderman something ... toy, mask, promise..... and he's been taken.
BS after watching "60 Minutes" is now feeling the heat, things aren't going well with MS, and he is resorting to desperate measures which explains his Youtube video. There are just too many prior and current coincidences with him to dismiss this as a random abduction. IMHO.

This is very similar to what I am thinking.
I think BS has seen a photo of William while at grandmas house, and she has mentioned they are coming to visit.
Williams mum said on 60 minutes something about how William could really grab people's attention, and that they would turn their heads to look at him (he is an extremely cute little boy).
Maybe I watch too much Criminal Minds, but even if William isn't to BS's "taste", he may be exactly what other people in the "ring" might want.
Maybe BS has informed the ring of this child and let them know that he is scheduled to go back at some point to fix the washing machine (thus giving him a legitimate reason to go back to the house).
The two cars parked across the road may not have been involved at all (meaning it was solely BS involved) .... OR those cars may have been there as a lookout, to possibly scope out if the parents left the house / kids were playing outside etc. They then could have let BS know the best time to "coincidently" turn up to do the repair.
BS can go to the house and try his luck. If by chance he is spotted, he can simply claim he is there to fix the washing machine. If he's not spotted, then he simply grabs William and flees before anybody even realises.
Of course, if the other cars weren't involved, then he simply took his chance by going there on the Friday, because grandma had already mentioned that's when they would be there.
I'm also thinking that if the other cars were involved, they possibly left just prior to the abduction, but parked somewhere close by, so that BS could probably deliver William straight to them, thus if anybody suspected him at all, he would not have William in his possession.

edit - this theory could also fit in with when BS and MS were being questioned by the media that time and he said something like "I did not hurt him" .... i.e. he personally didn't do anything to William (apart from snatching him)
Which is why police let it go. Police probably felt they would better leave the public out so the cars weren't hidden. Police do these things for different reasons.

If the police were really seeking the public help in identifying these cars they would have circulated those pics months ago. Who can really remember the exact car and colour that was parked in your street a year ago? Not me that's for sure, I couldn't tell you cars from last week let alone last year.
This release of information feels very strategic and I wish I could work out who they are putting the wind up.
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