Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #15

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The timings should rule him out though, no? He can't be abducting a 3 year old in Kendall while drinking coffee with his wife miles away at the same time. If his alibi was watertight the police would have moved on from him long ago. There's obviously something not quite adding up.

He may be perfectly innocent but he seems to get himself linked to cases involving children.

IF she was drinking coffee with BS at the time then I would guess her question to the psychic was whether he was 'in some other way' involved in William's disappearance - an involvement which was not physically taking him while he was drinking coffee with MS but some involvement earlier or later.

And I guess IF she knows she was drinking coffee with him at the time and yet the police are still extremely interested in him then I guess that could make her curious too.

Or she was not drinking coffee with him at the time and now wonders what exactly it was that he was doing at that time.
I havent checked, but I would say the watermark denotes the date of the image dataset. In this case, 2014. The image would be copyrighted according the date it was taken, not prior as it would be illegal. Google would know.

You're right. I see the datestamp on the bottom right now.
The one person who really knows if BS was really having coffee with her and was at the school with her is MS. But she still had to consult a psychic regarding his involvement with William's abduction.

It will be interesting to see what comes out when people are under oath.
They are still gathering evidence, of which there is enough for him to be charged. He has NOT been exonerated, he's simply out on bail.

Sorry, I was behind when I responded to this. it's obviously been already discussed. I should have read on further, however I do stand by my comment.

Where on earth did you get that i said he was exonerated? I said no such thing nor did i imply such.
I don't have time to find a link right now, but I am almost certain I read somewhere that the 2 girls in questions had been checked over medically and it did indicate things had happened to them. Cant recall if they had been checked straight after though or with some time delay though. System is much more streamlined nowadays but back then perhaps not as thorough? From the info I read it didn't sound as though it had been handled well at all, even for the 80's.

I am in No way disputing those little girls were raped, they were taken to the hospital at some stage according to msm articles and there would of been medical notes to that fact. I have no idea what happened as far as any investigation and arrest toward the perpetrator of the crime and how it was handled, only read that BS had been investigated and cleared according to msm articles.
I have posted links about it upthread.
I think he was moved to a secret location but I don't recall he got a new name. I think they are on their own when released but monitored.

Thank you just finding it strange and frustrating to find someone who appears to have no electronic footprint in this day and age.
I can never 100% eliminate misadventure, when I think back to the wee kiwi girl who fell down the stormwater drain, only metres from her home.
The river was my first thought, if he been missing longer than mother thought, and no one had chosen to look in the direction of river for some time, he may have had an hour to reach there, however locals don't think that possible.
I totally understand how police could not arrest anyone at this point, there doesn't seem to be a single piece of physical evidence as to what happened.

Yes, and still it was only 8 days later that they found her in an unlikely place.

I see they searched it, found nothing, had some suspicions, kept searching. They searched the drain 3 times before they found her.
Where on earth did you get that i said he was exonerated? I said no such thing nor did i imply such.

I'm sorry, no I didn't say you did, and I apologise if you took it the wrong way; I was just re-stating facts in the climate of the conversation back down the thread.

For example, Post 786.~Yeah but the murderer and child molestor that had contact with those girls was imprisoned and there was no evidence BS did anything to them. It was his brother in law who did that.

It (obviously wrongly on my part) appeared to be an assertion that the brother-in-law was the guilty one and that therefore meant BS was innocent. I won't go into it any further as it was all discussed by other posters pursuant to Post 786.
I am in No way disputing those little girls were raped, they were taken to the hospital at some stage according to msm articles and there would of been medical notes to that fact. I have no idea what happened as far as any investigation and arrest toward the perpetrator of the crime and how it was handled, only read that BS had been investigated and cleared according to msm articles. I have posted links about it upthread.

I'm so sorry, but I can't find it. Are you able to post the link for the bolded information, please? Many thanks.
Looking at the google image of those two cars, I think there is a P plate in the windscreen of the front grey/green car. That means a young person, or someone that's lost their license.

My theory: this pic / these cars are from that day. I think police got this pic from Google, and this is the reason that since the beginning, they have said "we KNOW that there were people / cars in the area that have not yet come forward."
I am not sure that the cars were seen in Beneroon drive at all. I think they're just frustrated these drivers have not come forward, so they're now placing them there to see if it makes people come forward.
THis might be totally way out of left field, but I wonder if the person who could be responsible for William's disappearance is someone who has been on the radar of police in some way, even if it was to be checked out and dismissed in that particular instance, with Daniel Morcombe's murder?

William has been missing for over a year. It is suspected that he may have been taken by someone with links to a paedophile or a related group.

I was reading this article on Daniel :

and this bit during the inquest struck me as very interesting (bbm) ...

The next morning. Buttering up over, Johns went in for the kill.

“You’re pretty unlucky, aren’t you?’’ he asked his number one suspect.

“You’ve committed these two offences and both times, for some reason, the victim’s gone and provided a statement straight away saying that you had choked them. And on your account, on neither occasion did it occur. An extraordinary coincidence, isn’t it?

“Do you know how rare the type of crime is, and to define it, I’m talking about situations where a juvenile boy, a boy under 18 years of age, is snatched or kidnapped from a public area and the perpetrator is never found or isn’t found for years — that type of crime?

“In your lifetime, for instance, apart from Daniel’s case, how many times do you think that might’ve happened in Queensland?”

Cowan didn’t know.
“Well, I can tell you. The answer is never,” Johns retorted.

“This is the only time. And do you understand that, as of December 2003, you were one of the very few people in Queensland, if not Australia, who had a proven history of kidnapping and sexually assaulting young boys after taking them from public areas. Do you understand that?’’

Cowan understood.

“You haven’t ever cursed how unlucky you are that, here you are, someone trying to get yourself back on the straight and narrow, stay away from assaulting children, and you say you don’t want to go back to jail, and then this event (happens) — this event that’s only happened once in your lifetime in Queensland.

“(And) you, the person with this history who would immediately attract suspicion, happens to be right there, right then?”

I know that the comments to Cowan were about instances in Qld being extremely rare, so I wonder if they are as equally as rare in other states? Could the people that fall into this rare group (Qld and Australia) possibly have been in Kendall last year? I'm sure police have checked these people out already, but the statement about the rarity of the kidnapper being found years after the kidnapping struck me as being important, probably because I don't remember reading or hearing that comment before during the case.

I would love to know who those rare people are and what connections they have to anyone in the past year who have been charged with historical crimes, if any.

Edit to add _ I would consider the driveway of the house at Benaroon Drive to be a public place.
I'm so sorry, but I can't find it. Are you able to post the link for the bolded information, please? Many thanks.

The link is on page 55 of this thread and my post #817 Makara told me it is behind a paywall and its a msm article.
I found it via a websearch and i didn't get the article was behind a paywall as i know the ones from The Australian msm are, so not sure why that would be? Maybe someone who is tech. savvy could explain it?
Looking at the google image of those two cars, I think there is a P plate in the windscreen of the front grey/green car. That means a young person, or someone that's lost their license.

My theory: this pic / these cars are from that day. I think police got this pic from Google, and this is the reason that since the beginning, they have said "we KNOW that there were people / cars in the area that have not yet come forward."
I am not sure that the cars were seen in Beneroon drive at all. I think they're just frustrated these drivers have not come forward, so they're now placing them there to see if it makes people come forward.

But wouldn't the cars be from the description that Williams FM gave the police that she saw?
The link is on page 55 of this thread and my post #817 Makara told me it is behind a paywall and its a msm article.
I found it via a websearch and i didn't get the article was behind a paywall as i know the ones from The Australian msm are, so not sure why that would be? Maybe someone who is tech. savvy could explain it?

Thanks, Karinna, the Paywall would explain why I couldn't find it. I Know it's tiresome, but are you able to paraphrase for us? Thank you so much.
I am looking forward to see if the police can locate those two cars found by Hilly on Google 2014. I hope the police could get the number plates. Feels like somewhat promising.

MS might be more concern of the old rape cases that BS had. Might be BS never told MS about the accusation, finding it out from media might made MS feeling that BS had not been honest to her.

Perhaps MS was asking psychic where WT is, she probably wanted to have this case solved so her husband BS can has some peace.

Even if there were prove that BS wasn’t at the abduction location, for me, that
still doesn’t prove that he wasn’t involved.
The link is on page 55 of this thread and my post #817 Makara told me it is behind a paywall and its a msm article.
I found it via a websearch and i didn't get the article was behind a paywall as i know the ones from The Australian msm are, so not sure why that would be? Maybe someone who is tech. savvy could explain it?

Yeah there isn't really a paywall per se with the Telegraph articles, though there is a limit of 15 per week if you don't sign up (or delete your cookies).
But wouldn't the cars be from the description that Williams FM gave the police that she saw?

No, that's my point.
I reckon they identified these cars from traffic pics and have been asking for them to come forward for a long time.
I think they're just pretending they were spotted in the street.
Would explain why the cars weren't mentioned from day one, when Williams mum apparently told police she'd seen them.
The link is on page 55 of this thread and my post #817 Makara told me it is behind a paywall and its a msm article.
I found it via a websearch and i didn't get the article was behind a paywall as i know the ones from The Australian msm are, so not sure why that would be? Maybe someone who is tech. savvy could explain it?

Hi Karinna, looking back through your previous comments you have stated numerous times that BS wasn't responsible for the historical charges. You haven't said the word 'exonerated' but you have definitely implied this a couple of times. Nowhere in mainstream media does it say the brother-in-law did it (apart from BS defence lawyer's opinion). I think to stop the to-ing and fro-ing just add IMO to the end of your messages. BS is currently on bail which means he is yet to be cleared of these charges. Please see below two examples: (BBM).

Post #786: Yeah but the murderer and child molestor that had contact with those girls was imprisoned and there was no evidence BS did anything to them. It was his brother in law who did that.

Post #925: I am in No way disputing those little girls were raped, they were taken to the hospital at some stage according to msm articles and there would of been medical notes to that fact. I have no idea what happened as far as any investigation and arrest toward the perpetrator of the crime and how it was handled, only read that BS had been investigated and cleared according to msm articles.
I have posted links about it upthread.
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