Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #19

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As far as a child's t- shirt found in the plumbing of the house the Spedding's rented, it could of been from previous tenants/owners if it didn't belong to anyone from the Spedding household. I also think if as speculated here that it was a t -shirt WT was wearing under the spiderman costume found in the plumbing at Spedding's home, then Spedding would of been arrested for that by now.
As far as a spiderman doll goes i'm not sure that with WT being a missing child in a high profile case that Spedding would of kept a spiderman doll in his vehicle that belonged to a missing child. It would have William's dna on it i would think. And was it ever reported a spiderman doll belonging to WT was missing? I haven't read anything about that in this case in msm. And again if it was confirmed it belonged to WT i think definitely Spedding would of been arrested for that too by now. JMO. news for William??

Hope there is a break through soon...
I hope you're not telling me to go back through the threads! LOL. What do you think I do all day now?

No, not you, Makara :) I meant anyone (like me) who is concerned about the length of time it's taking to resolve William's case.

PS Please excuse any bad grammar at the moment. I fell backwards down a flight of 10 (or so) concrete steps on Saturday, got a bad concussion and horrific bruising to my back.
BBM Sometimes I have wondered if William could possibly have wandered off and somehow been missed, too, it seems less likely as time goes on though when locals still look out for him and police do training exercises in the search areas, according to this article :

Bohemian, with your final theory, does MVA stand for motor vehicle accident?

Yes, Kal. Slim possibility, but a possibility nonetheless.
As far as a child's t- shirt found in the plumbing of the house the Spedding's rented, it could of been from previous tenants/owners if it didn't belong to anyone from the Spedding household. I also think if as speculated here that it was a t -shirt WT was wearing under the spiderman costume found in the plumbing at Spedding's home, then Spedding would of been arrested for that by now.
As far as a spiderman doll goes i'm not sure that with WT being a missing child in a high profile case that Spedding would of kept a spiderman doll in his vehicle that belonged to a missing child. It would have William's dna on it i would think. And was it ever reported a spiderman doll belonging to WT was missing? I haven't read anything about that in this case in msm. And again if it was confirmed it belonged to WT i think definitely Spedding would of been arrested for that too by now. JMO.

I agree to that to an extent. I just find it very odd that around the same time the parents casually mentioned in a media release how he was wearing at shirt under his suit. That seems deliberate to me that it was said around the same time. Whether they actually have retrieved the Tshirt or not is another question. It may if just been pulled out by the plumber and chucked in his or their bin. I not convinced it's from William but the timing of the release makes me think they were trying to make the public believe it's BS as they believe it's BS. IMO.

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Do we know if Tony Jones' property was searched? Has his station wagon been returned? Are there any timelines for his movements on the 12th?
I haven't read or heard anything re this since they seized the car :(. It's all too quiet. Hoping for a breakthrough soon.
No, not you, Makara :) I meant anyone (like me) who is concerned about the length of time it's taking to resolve William's case.

PS Please excuse any bad grammar at the moment. I fell backwards down a flight of 10 (or so) concrete steps on Saturday, got a bad concussion and horrific bruising to my back.
Ouch, hope your ok bohemian x

I often think of the shirt found in the septic tank and I don't want to start silly rumours here but I can't help but wonder if it wasn't actually a shirt but part of a costume. I wish we knew if it was ever recovered or was it just tossed out at the time without realising the significance, if any.
Ouch, hope your ok bohemian x

I often think of the shirt found in the septic tank and I don't want to start silly rumours here but I can't help but wonder if it wasn't actually a shirt but part of a costume. I wish we knew if it was ever recovered or was it just tossed out at the time without realising the significance, if any.

It was probably the reason the tank was drained in the first place.
Yeah I'd dare say so wexford. Just seems odd that it was reported by the plumber at all considering BS had kids living there, there had to be a damn good reason to make he or she remember that particular shirt and then for police be able to obtain a warrant....
A kids shirt doesn't really fit this scenario in my opinion.
Hope we hear something soon!
Also hoping its quiet because they have some new info to go through. Hope his family are ok too. Must be so hard for them :/
No, not you, Makara :) I meant anyone (like me) who is concerned about the length of time it's taking to resolve William's case.

PS Please excuse any bad grammar at the moment. I fell backwards down a flight of 10 (or so) concrete steps on Saturday, got a bad concussion and horrific bruising to my back.

Hope you feel better soon my gran was badly injured from falling down concrete stairs abroad I know how horrendous it is. Thanks for caring about William we are all frustrated at no developments. Let's hope progress it being made behind the scenes.
Hope you feel better soon my gran was badly injured from falling down concrete stairs abroad I know how horrendous it is. Thanks for caring about William we are all frustrated at no developments. Let's hope progress it being made behind the scenes.

Thanks greg. I hope your gran's OK. It could have been worse for me than a few bumps and grazes.

I know everyone on this thread thinks about William and his family daily. Poor little man. I still hold out a slim hope he is alive, well and safe somewhere although he must be missing his sister; in particular.
Ouch, hope your ok bohemian x

I often think of the shirt found in the septic tank and I don't want to start silly rumours here but I can't help but wonder if it wasn't actually a shirt but part of a costume. I wish we knew if it was ever recovered or was it just tossed out at the time without realising the significance, if any.

Thanks kyja. Not 100% but getting there.

I can understand a t-shirt being flushed down the toilet by a 3-4 year old and being found in the septic system but, unless it was an outside drain, I can't see it fitting through an inlet and being found in waste water pipes.

Could someone refresh my memory please? Have investigators reported that a child's t-shirt was recovered from BS' house during the search?

Just an aside, I think the children living at the house prior to January this year were school-aged, not 3-4 year olds. I suppose that a child of that age could be part of their extended family or a visitor to the home.
'blocking a pipe'
Where does 'a pipe' go?
The shirt could have been in a stormwater pipe that leads to the street or drainage gully overland. Potentially beneath a tap on the external of the house. It's easy to pick up the grate and shove anything down. Or beneath a downpipe from the roof. I think they are the only pipes that don't go to the sewer (septic). But I live in city, not sure how rural areas are set up.
'blocking a pipe'
Where does 'a pipe' go?

We are on septic where I live. Our grey water goes to a grey water tank for recycling and the toilet water goes to the septic. I always thought the reports were that it was in the septic.

We do have a pipe from our bore pump to underground and when we had it 'flushed' to clear it (to get better flow) a lot of stuff came up in the geyser - a t-shirt, rocks, matchbox cars that we assume belonged to the previous owners' children or grandchildren. We have two septic tanks and they are due next year to be emptied or whatever happens to them. I wouldn't like to think what would be in there.
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