Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - # 2

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Alien abduction did cross my mind today. I know that sounds dreadfully facetious given the gravity of the situation, but it really did make me think. Not that I really think that would be the MO of aliens that came to earth, and I'm not a conspiracy theorist either, and I'm sure it would be a case of 'human' intervention not 'humanoid', but I don't think we're alone in the universe (it would be impossible) and it just... made me wonder. But that's big picture stuff and sorry if it sounds disrespectful, I don't mean it to be at all.

But yeah, exactly. It has to be *something*. Evidence could be right under their nose and it's just missed. I was reading on today about a South Australian case where a woman went missing and her body was found *at a police station*; it had been missed by searchers and was only discovered when the murderer phoned in and said where her body was. The thought of him actually being close by, just so far undiscovered, is awful. The potential sinkhole explanation, perhaps?? I know they said they've put CCTV down drains etc multiple times.
What does that leave us with .. alien abduction?

One of the key points the police are making cannot be correct, because something happened to William, and it wasn't a yowie.

You made me laugh - in this miserable thread of all places.

Thank you
Maybe I have the wrong end of the stick regarding the layout of the house/gardens, but I get the impression that running downhill away from the house itself would take you into the clusters of tall gum trees on the property - and that if you kept going you'd end up at the road as it's a corner block? If a child did that I can easily see how you'd lose sight of them from the house. I know it's been reported that from the house there is a clear view down the street - but there are two streets involved here and I doubt you'd have a clear view of both unless you were standing right on the corner.

I agree if he had run down hill he would have been out of the line of sight of both adults who remained after father left.
Alien abduction did cross my mind today. I know that sounds dreadfully facetious given the gravity of the situation, but it really did make me think. Not that I really think that would be the MO of aliens that came to earth, and I'm not a conspiracy theorist either, and I'm sure it would be a case of 'human' intervention not 'humanoid', but I don't think we're alone in the universe (it would be impossible) and it just... made me wonder. But that's big picture stuff and sorry if it sounds disrespectful, I don't mean it to be at all.

But yeah, exactly. It has to be *something*. Evidence could be right under their nose and it's just missed. I was reading on today about a South Australian case where a woman went missing and her body was found *at a police station*; it had been missed by searchers and was only discovered when the murderer phoned in and said where her body was. The thought of him actually being close by, just so far undiscovered, is awful. The potential sinkhole explanation, perhaps?? I know they said they've put CCTV down drains etc multiple times.

OK that did make me laugh .. we're at alien abduction LOL!! That is not a good sign is it ..
Hello 46 guests. *WAVE*

Come on in - share your thoughts - alien abduction means we've pretty much run out of steam here.

Baffled. Confounded. Stumped. Perplexed.

Help a brother out?
William Tyrell case baffles police

"There are a lot of unknowns baffling us at this stage. We have put a lot into this. We have come to the stage where we are going over the same ground and we're not finding anything," Mid North Coast local area commander superintendent Paul Fehon told a community briefing in Kendall on Sunday.

We consulted with an expert in geoforensics in regard to the areas we should be looking at. This expert has worked on several high-profile, international cases of child disappearances and when he went over this one, it's fair to say, he was baffled as well. It's just not making sense that we don't have that next lead. But that doesn't mean we give up."
Supt Fehon reflected back to 10.30am Friday September 12, the time William disappeared: "There were three generations of a family in the back yard at Benaroon Drive at the time William was playing. In a very short space of time he disappeared.

"As you can imagine having three generations of family there playing, supervising or just around, it's extremely unusual for us over the period of time that we have spent out there to not be able to come up with something."
William Tyrell: The faces of those who searched

N Kendall, children ride their bikes and play in local parks with carefree innocence in a safe country town.

On a Friday afternoons a group of around 30 children walk from school to the tennis courts for their weekly lessons and sports activities.

Local shopkeepers said they would say "G'Day" to the children every day they walked past.

Last Friday no one walked to tennis.

A tension has settled on the village since young William Tyrell disappeared on September 12. Parents and children are highly vigilant.

Children are being walked or driven to school or activities. A fortnight ago they would have walked or ridden a bike.
Supt Fehon reflected back to 10.30am Friday September 12, the time William disappeared: "There were three generations of a family in the back yard at Benaroon Drive at the time William was playing. In a very short space of time he disappeared.

"As you can imagine having three generations of family there playing, supervising or just around, it's extremely unusual for us over the period of time that we have spent out there to not be able to come up with something."

Bolding mine - doesn't sound like there is anything of significance about the family visit then.

I think they sound genuinely stumped. In a way I don't think I've ever heard cops speak before.
Based on the "dingoes ate my baby", is there any animal that could have carried him off?
Feral dogs or pigs perhaps, but they'd leave a mess, to be blunt.

Okay this will sound SO stupid, but could a large bird of prey pick him up and carry him off?
No one heard screaming though so of course that's highly unlikely even if possible...
... and in those cases you'd think there'd be scent traces the dogs would've picked up, if not blood etc as you mentioned.

The dogs couldn't search the immediate surrounds of the house as it was thoroughly compromised by all the searching that had been done by neighbours etc up to the point when the dogs arrived, but they were used in the bush and found nothing.

That would of course be in keeping with him having been taken in a car. I'm still finding that the most likely scenario, now, after the results (or lack thereof) of the search. It's much more likely someone missed a car, regardless of the vigilance of those in country towns, than him having gone off into the bush by whatever means and there not being a single trace found in such a meticulous search.

EDIT: I think the MSM have given up on trying to correct the spelling of his surname (Tyrrell, 2 R's) if they were even aware they had it wrong, as if they correct it they'll probably look like the ones spelling it wrong by virtue of being in the minority ha. Certainly doesn't matter in the scheme of things...
Yes I think that's why they must have felt safe ending the bush search, there being absolutely no evidence of him being there, plus the fact they found it hard to traverse as adults in protective gear with supplies. (I mean in the context of, if they found it hard being fully prepared, WT must have not found it easy to get through it far enough to get lost being in a thin costume with sandals, no water or food, and no asthma medication...)
William Tyrell case baffles police

"There are a lot of unknowns baffling us at this stage. We have put a lot into this. We have come to the stage where we are going over the same ground and we're not finding anything," Mid North Coast local area commander superintendent Paul Fehon told a community briefing in Kendall on Sunday.

We consulted with an expert in geoforensics in regard to the areas we should be looking at. This expert has worked on several high-profile, international cases of child disappearances and when he went over this one, it's fair to say, he was baffled as well. It's just not making sense that we don't have that next lead. But that doesn't mean we give up."

IMO it's not making sense because one of the conclusions they've drawn is incorrect .. they've either verified something that should not have been verified, or overlooked something.
I think the whole assumption that a strange car "Would" have been observed because it was a quite street is ruling out what could be possible.

Yesterday I was forced to drive at 40km through a suburban area that was actually in a semi locked down situation due to our Terrorist rating being upgraded to high...

As I drove... I thought of William and took notice of just how many people would "Observe" me driving down their street (Remembering I'm in an area where people should be on high alert)...well...after passing roughly 60 houses....I made eye contact with one teenage girl...One old man...and two women who just happened to be outside the front of their houses..

I think it very possible a car could come into that street without being observed...we had a media report of a man mowing his lawn...would he have heard a car..was he at the back of his house.

Mums inside making a reason to be staring out the window watching for cars...Nana out the back ..wouldn't have observed any car.

Other houses on opposite side of the street are set fairly well back from the road...unless the neighbours were out and about in their gardens...why would they notice..

Personally though I feel William must have been observed then snatched...and I can only see a few houses that would have had direct view to any activity at the house... and it may have been as simple as the person driving past the driveway (out of view of mum and nana) and perfect timing that little William just happened to run around that part of the house...snatched and immediately driven out of the street...I'm thinking this is why they moved the search area...that maybe the police saw that as a distinct possibility...hence they are saying they will be going back to do random checks on homes in the street...I think they want to put one of the neighbours on edge...hoping for them to slip up at some point...or crack!!
I agree Puggle .. just because everyone thinks streets like that are 'safe' and every car is noticed does not make that true, at the end of that street is a road into the forest if I'm not mistaken, so that car could drive in there (not discard anything) and pop out god knows where, alternatively a car could have turned around and driven back up the street and there is no reason to think anyone would have seen it.

I still think the 5 minute window was likely more like 15.
Yes, I thought that the "a strange car would have been noticed" a little presumptuous. As a kid I lived in a semi-rural area on acreage for a few years and I know I for one would never have taken any notice. As an adult you may be slightly more in tune to what is normal and what isn't, but I doubt anyone sits around with a notepad waiting to jot down the numberplate of an unknown car. Enough people would get enough visitors for it to not be that weird to see non-resident cars down the street.

Maybe they just mean that the neighbours didn't think they'd seen cars that looked out of place that day, not that they would always take note of strange cars. It doesn't mean that cars couldn't have driven up the street unnoticed while people weren't looking at the road specifically. I know one guy was out mowing his lawn, but that is noisy enough and requires enough attention to detail that you're not going to see everything happening down the street in your peripheral vision.
After reading the Kendall Chronicle, it strikes me as the kind of small town where anyone who was remotely odd or suspicious would show up quickly and names given quickly to police.
Depressing to read the police have checked out all known paedophiles in the town, even ones that could live in same street, how many are there in a small town, it always annoys me that the police know who they are but neighbours may not.
This is the most baffling disappearance in my lifetime. Usually there are snippets of information released that gravitate towards family involvement or something more sinister. I keep reflecting back to the Kiesha Abrahams disappearance and the 'drip-feeding' by detectives via the media ... it clearly didn't take a rocket scientist to draw conclusions very early on.

Perhaps I have a warm and fuzzy utopian view of the world but, stranger abduction seems really unlikely. I'm sure Police would have warned the community to keep their children safe.

I'm also not alluding to any involvement of the parents, but the DOCS involvement has to mean something. There have been other cases of missing children and the only time DOCS become involved is if they have history with a family (I'm open to correction here).

Back to my notion that the world is unicorns and butterflies, I'm personally leaning towards family involvement and William is safe somewhere.
I agree Puggle .. just because everyone thinks streets like that are 'safe' and every car is noticed does not make that true, at the end of that street is a road into the forest if I'm not mistaken, so that car could drive in there (not discard anything) and pop out god knows where, alternatively a car could have turned around and driven back up the street and there is no reason to think anyone would have seen it.

I think the whole assumption that a strange car "Would" have been observed because it was a quite street is ruling out what could be possible.

I think it very possible a car could come into that street without being observed...we had a media report of a man mowing his lawn...would he have heard a car..was he at the back of his house.

Mums inside making a reason to be staring out the window watching for cars...Nana out the back ..wouldn't have observed any car.

Other houses on opposite side of the street are set fairly well back from the road...unless the neighbours were out and about in their gardens...why would they notice..

Yep definitely, that's what I meant in my earlier post too. That (abduction) has never been ruled out though, and everyone in the vicinity was questioned about having seen/heard anything, but nobody did.

That of course doesn't mean that that's not what happened, and it was never ruled out (keep in mind they searched neighbours' houses, checked out known sex offenders, etc, all in the early days) so walking off into the bush wasn't the only focus early on, simply the main focus in the face of a complete lack of evidence in the face of anything else.

It's easy for all of us to say (not saying that anyone's being derogatory) that they should've looked elsewhere early on, but a) they did, and b) without ANY evidence whatsoever, where would we expect them to start? Where do they look?

I'm thinking more about abduction by car here... we know they checked houses (abduction-by-local, not that that rules out a car of course), other family (no known family issues though, or motive, or knowledge they were there, as far as we can tell, and they were all checked out anyway and found to be great distances away... doesn't preclude the possibility of someone arranging something of course), but where do they start looking for an abductor's car, if none was seen or heard?

The alert for William himself went out nationwide, certainly statewide, it wasn't kept local, so clearly nobody had ruled out the possibility of him being taken far away, and quickly.
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