Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - # 2

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While very few people knew the family had left Sydney to visit the area, I bet a whole bunch of people knew that the family had arrived in Kendall to visit the grandma. Small town, news travels fast. Different people in town stand out like a sore thumb. As do different vehicles in town.

I wonder if this is a case of someone knew someone who told someone .....

Thylacine, the article is written by a journalist with quotes taken from a conversation with Fehon. As a body of text it cannot be taken as wholly accurate, as the journalist is adding his own story to join up Fehon's quotes.
In such articles, even the quotes could be taken out of context if a journalist wanted to. I'm not saying that's the case here, just that a body of text with intermittent quotes cannot be taken as a good summing up of the case so far (albeit the best we have been given) to the point that we should no longer be going over 'old ground' as such.

Going over old ground is what investigators do. We all have little to go on here. I wouldn't want the conversation to end here just because the article you posted a link to sums up everything....for some people.

"We don’t know, either,” Fehon says. “That’s why we are keeping an open mind to all *sibilities.”

With regards to the 'errand' - I can see nowhere in the Australian article that the possibility of the boy travelling in the car on that errand has been ruled out, do you? I was pondering the what, where, why aspects of the errand as something that I am interested to know. I realise that the LE have more knowledge about this than I do..but still I am curious.
To play devils advocate- if William snuck into his fathers car, before his father left to complete his errand, why would mum/grandma say he went missing later? There is nothing sinister in a child secretly climbing into a car, so why change the story later? He is still missing, they still dont know where he is? I thought we had seen an article where it said that all the vehicles had been inspected? Will see if I can find it.
What South Aussie mentioned about a reward is playing on my mind. Why hasn't there been one issued? Would there have normally been one by now? I guess I figure that if it could help it would already be out there - so what sort of situation do we see where a reward would be more harm than good?

A scenario where perhaps they are afraid of william coming to harm out of panic? That maybe LE are aware that multiple people would at least be peripherally aware of what transpired - and if the people that have him thought someone might roll on the others William may come to harm?

I'm still firmly of the belief that he is alive.
A builder once told me that when he was squeezing under a house he got wedged. He explained he couldn't breath in because he breathed out to squeeze under and then panic set in and passed out.

The dogs would find William's scent if he was caught under the little timber side verandah.
Just saw on Sunrise the search has stopped for would
be terrifying for his loved ones...
poor poor dear little boy
Hi everyone,

I've been reading this thread for the past week and decided to participate.

<modsnip> I remember with the Kiesha Abrahams case Homicide detectives becoming involved from about day 3. There's been no involvement of the Homicide squad so I figure that's a good sign ? ....... right?

I am not 100% clear on the details of the family structure so I am drawing a bit of a long bow but I lean more towards someone knew William was going to be visiting his grandmother, and perhaps this was the first time they knew his location and so they laid in wait for an opportunity. If he didn't run around playing chasey maybe the home would have been broken into at night or similar. Or maybe they just wanted to see him and then he was alone and they acted on impulse. Would his trail stop if he was carried by an adult, or only by getting in a car?

I was heartened to read of these alleged circumstances because it gives him a much better chance of survival.

It is so bizarre not to even know any of the other peoples names involved. Ultimately I guess it is immaterial, what do the family and police need from the public? Those who know anyone associated know the circumstances that could contribute to this event, they don't need info via the media. The rest of us just need to keep an eye out for a small boy.
According to the news the Grandmother is maternal, but I'm not sure if it's biological or foster - but keep in mind that the news is accurate about 50% of the time on a good day ;)
What South Aussie mentioned about a reward is playing on my mind. Why hasn't there been one issued? Would there have normally been one by now? I guess I figure that if it could help it would already be out there - so what sort of situation do we see where a reward would be more harm than good?

You have to remember that William is in OOHC. This doesn't usually happen to wealthy families - whether it's because wealthy families can pay for legal representation to prevent their children from being put into OOHC or whether it's because of other factors coming into play. My gut instinct is that the families can't afford to raise the money for a reward.
Thylacine, the article is written by a journalist with quotes taken from a conversation with Fehon. As a body of text it cannot be taken as wholly accurate, as the journalist is adding his own story to join up Fehon's quotes.
In such articles, even the quotes could be taken out of context if a journalist wanted to. I'm not saying that's the case here, just that a body of text with intermittent quotes cannot be taken as a good summing up of the case so far (albeit the best we have been given) to the point that we should no longer be going over 'old ground' as such.

Going over old ground is what investigators do. We all have little to go on here. I wouldn't want the conversation to end here just because the article you posted a link to sums up everything....for some people.

"We don’t know, either,” Fehon says. “That’s why we are keeping an open mind to all *sibilities.”

With regards to the 'errand' - I can see nowhere in the Australian article that the possibility of the boy travelling in the car on that errand has been ruled out, do you? I was pondering the what, where, why aspects of the errand as something that I am interested to know. I realise that the LE have more knowledge about this than I do..but still I am curious.

Oh I totally agree, no issue with covering old ground, meant it more as a means of illustrating that it's been discussed in previous pages if people wanted to go back, sorry should've phrased it better.

.. and definitely the article is not a perfect document of evidence etc, but as you mention it's the best we had so far in terms of actually describing things that occurred re chasies around the house with nan out back and mum making a cuppa near a window with full view of the street etc; I think this was the first article that ever mentioned those details, which clarify a lot re the actual time of disappearance.

I'm sure dad's car would've been thoroughly searched/checked as part of investigating the 'errand'. Tragic as it is, family are often perpetrators in cases like these, so would generally be the first place investigators look (as they appear to've done in this case; the article mentions having thoroughly checked the family, ruling out any family conflicts etc), so dad not being there during the disappearance would be red flag to any seasoned investigator so they'd surely check dad's car to make sure William hadn't been taken away in it, if people's version of the timeline was maybe a bit off, but we don't know (AFAIK) exactly how long dad was away before the disappearance, could've been an hour or more, eg before the photo was taken, ruling out him having taken William elsewhere etc.

SouthAussie, definitely agree locals might've heard that they were there (they arrived on the Thursday so nan could've even called friends to gush about her lovely surprise visit from family), it was more to address comments about family knowing Williams was there; the article linked, and others, clarified that no family, close or otherwise, knew they'd gone up there.
tsk tsk gender stereotypes ;-)

I'm a dad and I wonder if I wouldn't drop dead on the spot if something like this happened to one of my kids (though hopefully not, wouldn't be much help then would I!).

From what I read mum was heavily sedated (though not sure when) so was possibly even worse.
You have to remember that William is in OOHC. This doesn't usually happen to wealthy families - whether it's because wealthy families can pay for legal representation to prevent their children from being put into OOHC or whether it's because of other factors coming into play. My gut instinct is that the families can't afford to raise the money for a reward.

His parents, I was told, live at Killara, on the upper north shore. They were described to me as &#8220;committed Christians and reasonably well off&#8217;.
SouthAussie, definitely agree locals might've heard that they were there (they arrived on the Thursday so nan could've even called friends to gush about her lovely surprise visit from family), it was more to address comments about family knowing Williams was there; the article linked, and others, clarified that no family, close or otherwise, knew they'd gone up there.

Thanks thylacine666, my comment was not aimed at you. Just jumping off your post. :)

I just think that extended family could have learned that William was in Kendall pretty quickly, if they had an interest in seeing him or knowing his current whereabouts. It is even possible that some extended family live in the surrounding area somewhere, depending on whose mum the grandmother is, what the relationship is between William and the grandmother (maternal/paternal/bio/foster), where William's bio parents are from.

Also, just want to welcome all of our new posters! I noticed that there were a couple yesterday, and now a couple more today. Many brains mean light work. :)

Thinking out loud and trying to get jumbled thoughts in order here-

William has a complicated family history, right? I wonder why abduction wasn't bought up sooner, given there was clearly no sign of him wandering into the scrub? Or was it immediately a concern?
When you think about it, even the locals aren't talking, the media aren't talking, how can you silence everyone in this day and age?
We don't know. Maternal / Paternal / foster-maternal / foster-paternal.

My hunch is biological maternal, based on this being the "first visit" despite the horrific year grandma has had. To me the guesture is of a really caring foster family - because I can't understand a direct family member not being there at either the funeral or hospital admission. But it's just my opinion.
[modsnip] I don't think it is the maternal grandparents given the mum and the son have the same surname. [modsnip] I've searched this surname and the grandmother has been very involved with the community for years but can't find much on them before they lived there.

I cannot get this story out of my head. I just keep thinking it's too clean, the answer must surely be right under our nose and we are missing something. :(
When you think about it, even the locals aren't talking, the media aren't talking, how can you silence everyone in this day and age?

We were surprised by how quiet the locals had been after Morgan Huxley was killed - police had been questioning every business owner, yet none of them had spoken to the media.

On the other hand, people sometimes stay quiet when there's something to hide. This "complicated legal history" could mean that if they speak out they could be in danger.
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