Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - # 2

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It is sad for everyone, especially for William. He is the suffering.

Thanks for joining up IloveCola, I am hoping/guessing there is a lot of support for his family, it must be absolutely agonising. May he be back safely with them as soon as possible.
Hi all,

New to this forum and particular case. This is close to home as my children attend the child care where William and elder sister attends. My child and William are friends. It's especially heartbreaking to be witnessing the pain etched in the WT's sibling and parent. <modsnip>.
Welcome, glad you have joined us, this must be very upsetting for you, knowing William personally.
Hi there,

I'm a fellow child care parent and ashamedly made the connection when we received an email from child care, we were advised the parents would like to keep it private (I am guessing they didn't want the child care parents bombarding them with queries and concern). My personal experience seeing William was positive with his parents.
It is heartening to still see people engaged with this forum and, in particular, new people even joining. Welcome!! This is currently the only public proof that people are still thinking of poor little William...
Hi there,

I'm a fellow child care parent and ashamedly made the connection when we received an email from child care, we were advised the parents would like to keep it private (I am guessing they didn't want the child care parents bombarding them with queries and concern). My personal experience seeing William was positive with his parents.
This sounds, to me, like an unusual thing to do in a missing child case. I feel that it would be decried as inappropriate in another missing child case for parents to say "they want to keep their missing child private". However, I don't know how the letter was phrased. Did if come off as inappropriate to you at all? Clearly, parents from child care shouldn't knock on the parents door to chat if it would be painful to them. But if fellow parents knew anything helpful, wouldn't the parents want to know?
Maybe it was more written as the parents wanted it kept quiet as to who they are. <modsnip>
Folks for about the 100th time....get off the subject of names, foster care/adoption.

There are ZERO facts to support that in media and police reports.
I think i need to take a break from here, this is really affecting me beyond here. My prayers will be with dear William, that he is being taken care of.
I think somone must have been watching them and followed them there. I can't see how it could be random. The house is not set up where anyone could watch secretly. Unless it is one of the few neighbors. But I would think any neighbor that had a good view would be seriously looked at already.

I am thinking someone wanted lil William and took the opportunity when it arose. jmo
I've just watched the Today show clip that was put up ( Thank you BTW) .......after hearing the interview with a mum in the street, it sounds like the street is full of kids playing in front yards. Just a random thought, but...if there is usually lots of kids around, maybe not with a lot of supervision ( not a dig at any mums at all, just observation) it's not too hard to imagine that creeps may be lurking and waiting for a good moment to pounce. Maybe ,just maybe, it was a split second snatch by a random creep, who'd been staking the area for ages. The fact that it was a weekday morning doesn't fit so well with my theory....but the mum interviewed made it sound like the street was filled with playing kids usually.......also the comment about evidence being looked at was very interesting I thought.
I don't know how that poor poor family is coping. I can't believe that theres still no answers.
Saw a little boy at the park today in a Spider-Man costume. It made me so sad :/
Hi guys. First time posting but have been lurking/reading for ages. I can't get this case off my mind. I just want poor little william home safe. I really hope somehow he is with someone who is caring for him.

Just came across this article.

If someone has something to hide will they really come forward voluntarily?

Thank you for that link, nat198. Interesting. So, sounds like police dogs were brought in for another search at the end of September, but to no avail.

The fact that police are appealing for anyone in Kendall on the day William went missing to come forward, to me suggests that they might have had numerous sightings of unknown persons or cars in town. But for that appeal to work, I think it needs to be much better publicised! I've seen nothing on tv and I guess many people would have stopped searching newspapers for news of William.
The dead end of Benaroon earth view shows this point has a dead eye view of the exact location that William and his sister were playing in...I can't help but wonder if there is a well worn walking track from the Kendall Cemetery which sits NE of Nana's house.... 250 metre walk - isolated from all neighbours - if this was a planned abduction or even an opportunistic (someone scouting around) this spot would be ideal for a perpetrator to walk from their car.. whisk William up in their arms and simply walk him back to their car...exit without much far as a child screaming...I think some adults.. could be overcome with fear and simply be quite....when you hear something go bump in the night do you scream out or do you freeze with fear??? depends on personality I guess???
Further to your thoughts Puggle. It would be easier to carry William rather than his sister. One of many questions I ask, what attracted the person to William if there were so many kids around? Was it opportunity? Was it an experiences adductor, smart enough to ensure WT left nothing behind, even his scent. It makes sick to think these creeps are out there.
Hi all,

New to this forum and particular case. This is close to home as my children attend the child care where William and elder sister attends. My child and William are friends. It's especially heartbreaking to be witnessing the pain etched in the WT's sibling and parent. <modsnip>

How devastating. I hope William is back soon, at day care, playing with your child. I'm a stranger, but I'm not forgetting William, I couldn't imagine how hard this is for his family, and people who know William.
I think it's surreal... I don't think anyone really "cares" per se until it is close to home. Nearly 4 weeks and nothing. It's a case of whispers at child care too. My child told me William got killed by bad man, what do you tell your child??? (I am assuming the friends are talking). Just praying for his safe return and minimal damage.
I think it's surreal... I don't think anyone really "cares" per se until it is close to home. Nearly 4 weeks and nothing. It's a case of whispers at child care too. My child told me William got killed by bad man, what do you tell your child??? (I am assuming the friends are talking). Just praying for his safe return and minimal damage.

Poor Little William I hope he is safe. How awful for you and your child, people should be extra careful what they say around little people.
Where are you William? i hope that wherever he is he's at least being cared for.

As far as the privacy thing goes I really think it's some sort of legal matter because i don't think it's helping the case. Perhaps because there is some delicate legal matter involved they don't want all the other daycare parents doing tell-all interviews with dodgy media. I can imagine that if it was my child missing I'd be out there doing whatever I could, so there must be something pretty important to hold them back. I'm frightened for William but still trying to be hopeful.
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