Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #23

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what if this person who may or may not come forward with information that leads to locating William was part of the crime and aided in the crime . Would they be exempt from any prosecution ? It would be wonderful to recover him through information passed on this way but surely if they were involved they couldn't walk away Scott free.

Tracey asked Gary this question and he pretty much said that they would take a look at the circumstances, or words to that effect.
The interview is up on the A current affair facebook page. Sorry don't know how to link it!?!
I've had ABC news on in the background most of the day and every time I see that gorgeous little face when he is playing the guitar I tear up.

I hope with all my being that someone is thinking really hard tonight about their choices.
Jubelin was just on ACA. Rehashed most of what has already been said.

He said they have no evidence to suggest William is dead. Keep an eye out for families who have acquired a child in unusual circumstances, and anyone who reacts strangely to mention of William.

Message to POIs - if you have been spoken to only once don't assume police won't come back.

Identity of anyone who comes forward will protected. They will not be charged with concealing a crime but GJ did say this obviously doesn't include anyone who was responsible for taking him.

An artist's impression of William at 5 was shown (taken from a newspaper, not police.) GJ said the resemblance wouldn't change much from 3 to 5 so police are not concerned with images, just the circumstances of the crime.

GJ said the offer of a reward at this point was strategic. It doesn't mean investigators are not getting anywhere.

Thank you Angeline for articulating what I couldn't lol!
Tracey asked Gary this question and he pretty much said that they would take a look at the circumstances, or words to that effect.

Thankyou I missed ACA. I hope there is a loophole in the reward so that no one who has deliberately concealed this information for their own benifit with no care or regard to Williams wellbeing to gain a thing. I'm hoping the reward is filled with clauses as to how much the information offered has hampered the life of a little boy.
I wonder if a certain somebody is sitting across the dinner table tonight looking at their spouse and wondering if they are worth more than one million dollars.
I wonder if a certain somebody is sitting across the dinner table tonight looking at their spouse and wondering if they are worth more than one million dollars.

As serious as this all is, that made me chuckle...:blushing:
I wonder if a certain somebody is sitting across the dinner table tonight looking at their spouse and wondering if they are worth a million dollars.

I know right? Like rats deserting a sinking ship. It will be interesting to see who caves first.
you can catch up online at nine jump in, and the project is repeated tonight at 11.34 pm
I know right? Like rats deserting a sinking ship. It will be interesting to see who caves first.

Now of course there are hundreds of poi.
But I could not help but think about BS given he has been in the media just a little.
That one interview he gave :tears: we are close to nervous breakdowns.
We just have to stick together and we will get through it.
His knockabout mate so willing to talk, talk, talk, but now a reluctant spokesperson.
Imagine sitting and waiting to see who might throw you :underbus: for a million bucks.
The ACA interview.
Tracey asked will it flush out a pedo ring or one opportunistic sicko.
GJ did not really answer the question.
I would think bikie crimes would fit into all those categories.

No, wwgy OMCG (bikie) crimes are investigated by Organised Crime squads, not Serious Crime squads (although, colloboration is often necessary between the two directorates):

Organised Crime Directorate

Drug Squad

The Drug Squad provides advice and direction to the NSW Police Force response to illicit drug crime as well as leading and conducting investigations into upper level distribution and manufacture of illicit drugs.

Firearms & Organised Crime Squad

Firearms & Organised Crime Squad has four primary investigative responsibilities:

Investigation and prosecution of persons involved in the manufacture, trafficking and/or possession of illicit firearms and military style weapons.
Investigation and prosecution of Organised Crime Groups who possess/use firearms in furtherance of their criminal activities.​

Gangs Squad

The Gangs Squad leads and drives the NSW Police response to Gang related crime at all levels. This is done through the development of tactical and strategic intelligence products, policy advice and the provisions of specialist investigative services in response to serious and organised gang related crime, particularly those involving Outlaw Motor Cycle Gangs and other Organised Crime Networks.

Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad

The Squad conducts multi level investigations and develops intelligence products on Middle Eastern Organised Crime groups including those who have a propensity for violence.

Organised Crime Squad

To work with the NSW Crime Commission and other agencies to identify, target and investigate high level organised crime activity, identities and groups impacting on NSW;
To investigate organised crime activity within the precinct of 'The Star' Casino;
To investigate organised crime activity within the NSW racing industry;
To investigate money laundering activity, the proceeds of crime and seize criminal assets; and
To investigate transnational trafficking in illicit commodities and the provision of illicit services that impact NSW by criminal networks stemming from East Asia and other jurisdictions.​
I have no doubt a partner is now sweating on this reward and weighing up her options....... as much as it disgust me....the recent case of Karlie Pearce - Stevenson and her daughter Khandalyce says to me police are willing to let off verom for the sole purpose of getting to the root of facts quicker.....and sealing the fate of the sole perpetrator of the initial crime...

Hazel off scott free.... I believe because she sold out her ex Daniel..... no conviction, even though she was heavily involved after the fact....

Now they are even going so far as to offer a million dollars to one of the pond scum..... not right....but at the end of the day if it helps find William......... so be it.

That person with their Million dollars will still have to get up every day and look at their lousy face in the mirror and know they we responsible for so much hurt.......

If they are smart they will take up the I firmly believe when it gets to this stage....police already have a good idea what has happened. .......... they delay is simply in gathering the evidence.....if the person doesn't come forward to accept their blood money...they will eventually get done anyways.....and then suffer the correct criminal/trial sentencing...

Balls in their court I guess..... live with the money and eventual Karma....... or wait years to finally receive criminal sentencing.
If someone has taken William and he is in their care how the hell have they managed to conceal him for 2 years . They would have to be a hermit who has given up their own life to have him with them. I'm not referring to a paedophile ring I'm thinking along the lines of if someone loved him so much that they have orchestrated this life of apsolute solitude to have him with them. I just can't imagine that scenario ( although it would be the best one for Williams sake) realistically I think Williams fate is not going to have a fairytale ending of him being reunited with his family. If he was taken by someone with good intentions for him I think they would be busted by now. The paedophile connections to this case are surely no coincidence sadly. I hope I am wrong .
Another thing that I noticed was Tracey said in the ACA interview. William disappeared from the front yard.
Initially it was said to be front yard then the back yard but the recent articles seem to be heading back to the front yard.
I am thinking as GJ was sitting there it must be the front yard.
So the front is the concrete driveway...correct.
Well, if my money was on anyone being thrown under the bus, that has been put in the public eye, I'd say, NC or her acquaintances. Just due to the fact, she is the only named family member, her association with KL is weird and media have made a point of letting the public know that it was her that resembled a sighting in Central Queensland. She also vaguely alluded to, in the ACA interview, that police have let her know before that someone she knows is suspected of being responsible or involved in WT's disappearance. All this public pressure just before the announcement of a reward. Jubelin said today that he cleared the family, yet it's obvious to me now, he only means the foster family as I think they have shown suspicion towards NC for quite some time. MOO
Well, if my money was on anyone being thrown under the bus, that has been put in the public eye, I'd say, NC or her acquaintances. Just due to the fact, she is the only named family member, her association with KL is weird and media have made a point of letting the public know that it was her that resembled a sighting in Central Queensland. She also vaguely alluded to, in the ACA interview, that police have let her know before that someone she knows is suspected of being responsible or involved in WT's disappearance. All this public pressure just before the announcement of a reward. Jubelin said today that he cleared the family, yet it's obvious to me now, he only means the foster family as I think they have shown suspicion towards NC for quite some time. MOO

Yes I agree NC is on the radar. Could it be when they say two worlds collided that it was her and her love for her grandchild and the connection to her and the dodgy company she keeps ? Has she somehow inadvertently put William in harms way ??
Yes I agree NC is on the radar. Could it be when they say two worlds collided that it was her and her love for her grandchild and the connection to her and the dodgy company she keeps ? Has she somehow inadvertently put William in harms way ??
You may be onto something here. This theory, abhorrent as it is, actually makes sense.
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