Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #33

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He was found 5 Kilometres away.
Could William have walked the same distance.

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His FP and their spokesperson said William wasn’t a wanderer. Besides the area is semi-rural apart from the bush which was reported by emergency services personnel, searchers and residents to be thick with lantana, etc; other than on the fire trails, from all that I’ve read and seen on various maps.

Continued ineptitude, tunnel vision by investigators or a ‘cover-up’ by members of SF Rosann, Port Macquarie LAC, FaCS, the NSW Justice Minister, the NSW Coroner, the FF ad infinitum would be required. That’s akin to requiring ineptitude on a grand scale or a conspiracy with too great a number of people being parties to it to even be considered a remote possibility if William was ‘lost in the bush’ within a 5 sq km radius after this amount of time.

I’m sorry, but from what I’ve read that scenario doesn’t sit well with my gut or ‘pass the pub test’. Nor do I think the likelihood ratio would be very strong for the ‘little boy lost/undiscovered remains’ or ‘conspiracy theory’ scenarios if I could remember how to do the statistical calculations (or, indeed, had been able to decipher what my Forensic Stats lecturer at my Uni was going on about in the first place. :D Ruined my love of Stats for life that man. :()
I was under the impression that the official ‘Where’s William?’ campaign was endorsed by William’s family. As far as individual citizens and community groups go when it comes to someone’s missing child, who cares if their views are counter to those of the child’s family and the police investigating a crime? That is, unless there is some conflict between members of the missing child’s family irt the way the campaign and investigation is being undertaken. In any case, surely the interests of the missing child would be best set aside by family members by working together and with police, not against each other (via proxies).

Well it was fully understood by many in the public by the time the 1st anniversary was approaching, that WT was a foster child who was not acknowledged by the minister, his bios weren't allowed to speak or be identified and his fosters were not to be identified and were restricted. Maybe this was acutely apparent to some members of the public more than others that there is really no one to advocate properly for a missing child. So without making WT's status an issue, groups undertook an awareness raising exercise, which as I understand was quite effective in achieving its aims. they didn't need money, and they didn't need to get waylaid in their aims by having to adopt other people's agendas. They were on William's side, not either families side, or FaCs or the Police's side, just Williams. Just let lots of people know that this kid went missing at this time and date at this location and he hasn't been found.
Well it was fully understood by many in the public by the time the 1st anniversary was approaching, that WT was a foster child who was not acknowledged by the minister, his bios weren't allowed to speak or be identified and his fosters were not to be identified and were restricted. Maybe this was acutely apparent to some members of the public more than others that there is really no one to advocate properly for a missing child. So without making WT's status an issue, groups undertook an awareness raising exercise, which as I understand was quite effective in achieving its aims. they didn't need money, and they didn't need to get waylaid in their aims by having to adopt other people's agendas. They were on William's side,not either families side, or FaCs or the Police's side, just Williams. Just let lots of people know that this kid went missing at this time and date at this location and he hasn't been found.

BBM. I hope that you realise that I, too, am on William’s side, as are many committed WSers who post on his threads (within the bounds of WS’ TOS, of course). I hold no partisanship to any one group as long as they are within the bounds of NSW Law.

Full Disclosure:

Although I must say I am very partial to the personage of a certain lead investigator *coughs* and his open-minded view on William’s case *bats eyelashes and blows kisses* :D
BBM. I hope that you realise that I, too, am on William’s side, as are many committed WSers who post on his threads (within the bounds of WS’ TOS, of course). I hold no partisanship to any one group as long as they are within the bounds of NSW Law.

Full Disclosure:

Although I must say I am very partial to the personage of a certain lead investigator *coughs* and his open-minded view on William’s case *bats eyelashes and blows kisses* :D

??? How is this about you? I have had difficulty understanding your last 3 posts in regards to my own. So I clarified what my points are about how the walks were organised by community for WT as that seems to be getting lost in some type of intrigue around 1 or 2 members of these groups. I am highlighting people power to achieve things where officials bound by policies etc. get tangled up and can't respond in straightforward, meaningful ways. I have heard their great efforts being nothing but **** on in this forum and it irks me. Yes, there are people on those forums that have strong opinions about what has happened to WT, and they are not bound by TOS, and some of them have insane ideas and unlawful ways of expressing themselves. IMO

After rereading your post for the mnth time, in organising these walks, this group broke no laws. Were they shown gratitiude by the Official Campaign, only registered groups were. It was found in the Supreme Court APS broke no law and the same result upon appeal. MOO

I am only on William's side, No one elses.
??? How is this about you? I have had difficulty understanding your last 3 posts in regards to my own. So I clarified what my points are about how the walks were organised by community for WT as that seems to be getting lost in some type of intrigue around 1 or 2 members of these groups. I am highlighting people power to achieve things where officials bound by policies etc. get tangled up and can't respond in straightforward, meaningful ways. I have heard their great efforts being nothing but **** on in this forum and it irks me. Yes, there are people on those forums that have strong opinions about what has happened to WT, and they are not bound by TOS, and some of them have insane ideas and unlawful ways of expressing themselves. IMO

I’m sorry, froggy, but what? Now I don’t understand. Please forgive me.
His FP and their spokesperson said William wasn’t a wanderer. Besides the area is semi-rural apart from the bush which was reported by emergency services personnel, searchers and residents to be thick with lantana, etc; other than on the fire trails, from all that I’ve read and seen on various maps.

Continued ineptitude, tunnel vision by investigators or a ‘cover-up’ by members of SF Rosann, Port Macquarie LAC, FaCS, the NSW Justice Minister, the NSW Coroner, the FF ad infinitum would be required. That’s akin to requiring ineptitude on a grand scale or a conspiracy with too great a number of people being parties to it to even be considered a remote possibility if William was ‘lost in the bush’ within a 5 sq km radius after this amount of time.

I’m sorry, but from what I’ve read that scenario doesn’t sit well with my gut or ‘pass the pub test’. Nor do I think the likelihood ratio would be very strong for the ‘little boy lost/undiscovered remains’ or ‘conspiracy theory’ scenarios if I could remember how to do the statistical calculations (or, indeed, had been able to decipher what my Forensic Stats lecturer at my Uni was going on about in the first place. :D Ruined my love of Stats for life that man. :()

IF (big if) that is what happened, it wouldn't be ineptitude or a conspiracy. It would just be ~one of those things.~ It wouldn't be anyone's fault. It wouldn't be the first time a huge search party couldn't find a missing person, or the first time a search party went very close to the person or the body of the person and didn't see them.
I’m sorry, froggy, but what? Now I don’t understand. Please forgive me.

Bo, there is nothing to forgive. We just don't seem to understand each other at present... it will pass. IMO
Bo, there is nothing to forgive. We just don't seem to understand each other at present... it will pass. IMO

Yes, I think that’s it. A misunderstanding. I have somewhere to be right now but I’ll take a fresh look at our posts to one another later in tonight, see what part I played and remedy it. We both want what’s best for William and the people who love him, I’m sure. Have a Happy (what’s left of) Easter Sunday, froggy x
Yes, I think that’s it. A misunderstanding. I have somewhere to be right now but I’ll take a fresh look at our posts to one another later in tonight, see what part I played and remedy it. We both want what’s best for William and the people who love him, I’m sure. Have a Happy (what’s left of) Easter Sunday, froggy x

Happy Easter. I only want what is best for William.
The instigator who took it to court to have the suppression lifted IMO has done more harm than good, pushing their own agenda me thinks ....
The instigator who took it to court to have the suppression lifted IMO has done more harm than good, pushing their own agenda me thinks ....
Are you referring to FaCS? Yes I agree.
Are you referring to FaCS? Yes I agree.
I’m referring to the individual that took it upon herself to do so. She was opposing FaCS as far as I see it and now being very opinionated about Jubelin and FaCS in a very negative way on a very slanderous page. As I said , she is doing more harm than good and her true colours are certainly on public display to see. was she in court with KT supporting her if she cared so much ?
Why was it wrong of a member of the public to state publicly that William was under the Minister's care when he disappeared? a) he was b) understanding the law around this situation she was within her rights to do so. What is wrong with defending yourself in court and winning? I'd have a filthy attitude to some of these players as well if they tried to use their power to intimidate me and others and took me to court when I am operating within the bounds of the law because they want to suppress the truth and protect their backsides. Complete self interest agendas vs public interest agendas. IMO
I’m referring to the individual that took it upon herself to do so. She was opposing FaCS as far as I see it and now being very opinionated about Jubelin and FaCS in a very negative way on a very slanderous page. As I said , she is doing more harm than good and her true colours are certainly on public display to see. was she in court with KT supporting her if she cared so much ?

Said perfectly Hbayne. The venom spraying towards these mentioned and others who have been cleared is mind blowing.
When I was reading her words I could nearly feel her spit.

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IF (big if) that is what happened, it wouldn't be ineptitude or a conspiracy. It would just be ~one of those things.~ It wouldn't be anyone's fault. It wouldn't be the first time a huge search party couldn't find a missing person, or the first time a search party went very close to the person or the body of the person and didn't see them.

Do you really think that it’s a possibility that William’s remains are within that 5 sq km area? Or that missing him in a search would’ve been ‘just one of those things’? I’d be surprised if it would be a remote possibility, at best, with a probability of close to zero in William’s case. Besides, DCI Jubelin and all the of the profilers that have been consulted to date have stated publicly that William was abducted — including Steve(?) Jones who was interviewed on the recent Sunday Night program.
Why was it wrong of a member of the public to state publicly that William was under the Minister's care when he disappeared? a) he was b) understanding the law around this situation she was within her rights to do so. What is wrong with defending yourself in court and winning? I'd have a filthy attitude to some of these players as well if they tried to use their power to intimidate me and others and took me to court when I am operating within the bounds of the law because they want to suppress the truth and protect their backsides. Complete self interest agendas vs public interest agendas. IMO

Not her circus or her monkeys , I can’t see one positive that’s come from this. All she has achieved is to give an avenue for open fodder on the bio parents .
I’m referring to the individual that took it upon herself to do so. She was opposing FaCS as far as I see it and now being very opinionated about Jubelin and FaCS in a very negative way on a very slanderous page. As I said , she is doing more harm than good and her true colours are certainly on public display to see. was she in court with KT supporting her if she cared so much ?

Why would she be? She was in the Supreme Court on the same day as KT as she had charges to defend herself. She was not in there in any capacity to support KT, they all just happened to be in the same court on the same day, nutting out their own issues that have arisen due to WT's disappearance. There are many different rights involved to be considered. Children's rights, Foster's rights, Bio's rights, media rights, FaCs rights, Police investigation rights, the public's rights. I think APS may have sympathy for the bios and felt a cameraderie against FaCs but has made it clear, her primary interest is in what has happened to WT. IMO

After rereading your post for the mnth time, in organising these walks, this group broke no laws. Were they shown gratitiude by the Official Campaign, only registered groups were. It was found in the Supreme Court APS broke no law and the same result upon appeal. MOO

I am only on William's side, No one elses.

I think you misunderstood my intention. I wasn&#8217;t implying that Walking Warriors have broken the law by organising walks, froggy. What I was trying to ascertain initially was if Walking Warriors had the support of William&#8217;s family members. If they weren&#8217;t registered or disendorsed by the official &#8216;Where&#8217;s William?&#8217; campaign there must&#8217;ve been some reason. I understand that both the NSW Supreme Court and Court of Appeals found for APS in the matter although that, too, still doesn&#8217;t answer if Walking Warriors had the support of any of William&#8217;s family members either.

I am sure if we&#8217;ve all stuck with William&#8217;s case for a number of years, we&#8217;re all on his side &#8212; or at least I would hope so.

PS Thank you for your kind Easter wishes too, froggy x

Why would she be? She was in the Supreme Court on the same day as KT as she had charges to defend herself. She was not in there in any capacity to support KT, they all just happened to be in the same court on the same day, nutting out their own issues that have arisen due to WT's disappearance. There are many different rights involved to be considered. Children's rights, Foster's rights, Bio's rights, media rights, FaCs rights, Police investigation rights, the public's rights. I think APS may have sympathy for the bios and felt a cameraderie against FaCs but has made it clear, her primary interest is in what has happened to WT. IMO

There’s one little girl whose rights of anonymity is paramount.

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Why would she be? She was in the Supreme Court on the same day as KT as she had charges to defend herself. She was not in there in any capacity to support KT, they all just happened to be in the same court on the same day, nutting out their own issues that have arisen due to WT's disappearance. There are many different rights involved to be considered. Children's rights, Foster's rights, Bio's rights, media rights, FaCs rights, Police investigation rights, the public's rights. I think APS may have sympathy for the bios and felt a cameraderie against FaCs but has made it clear, her primary interest is in what has happened to WT. IMO

I didn&#8217;t know Karlie was at the NSW Supreme Court&#8217;s or the Court of Appeals&#8217; hearings of the matters irt FaCS v. Allanna Pearl Smith. I was under the impression she had given her statements via a FaCS worker.
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