Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #38

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I went to Kendall on my way home from holidays. My visit was brief due to circumstances. I went to the cemetery. I saw the pathway and walked along it a little way but returned to my car. There was no one around. I noticed the topes of the houses that can be seen right at the edge of the cemetery from Ellendale, but the houses at the end of Benaroon were much further away. They were not visible. I went to Benaroon which was strange after seeing it so many times in the media and looking at satellite pictures, it was at once the same but different. Benaroon is not nearly as long as I imagined, the vacant block across from the FGM's former home now has a new home on it. No cars on the street, no one visible, the houses are set back but not that far, anyone could be observing you. Although a lot of people live around the area, it is really a sleepy little town as far as towns go down the East Coast of NSW. Benaroon Drive is not far from the rest of the town either. I drove down Batar Creek road and onto Stoney Creek Road through Middle Brother national Park. I only passed one other vehichle and I was in there for about 1/2 an hour driving. If he was in there he could be anywhere, it is massive and roads leading off to all sorts of places, but vehichles would be noticed by others as they are infrequent. The road is very stoney and shakey so I can see how there may have been a chance that something was dislodged from a vehichle. I followed that path and came out on the Pacific Highway at John's River. There had been a missing 2 year old boy the year before at a property in that location and he was found on the same property after 11 hours. That case came back to me again as I left Middle Brother. The main feeling I got from driving around was that if it was opportunistic, the person would have had overpowering feelings to do something like this, it is so brazen, so high risk of being seen, and it makes me think they couldn't help but repeat this behaviour again. I find it very difficult to believe this was an opportunistic abduction unless there had been other abduction attempts in the area. IMO

Thanks for this most detailed & insightful recount Froggie. What a heartwrenching journey that must have been for you, with your thoughts on a missing little boy.

I've always been of the belief that William's abduction was intentional. It may have been 'opportunistic' in so far as the perpretator/s waiting for 'that opportunity' to present, however I think someone planned to take him, and this weekend presented an ideal opportunity with him being in such a remote & sleepy neighbourhood.

In saying that, I'm not ruling out any local involvement or otherwise. It's all so complicated with the degrees of seperation going full circle to all degrees of relationships!!

IMO - Time will tell & Justice will be served.

Lord God Almightly, please see the time now as fit to provide answers for William & Please reign your strength & power upon the investigating team, guide their deliberations & their focus towards providing the missing links in the solution.
I've always been of the belief that William's abduction was intentional. It may have been 'opportunistic' in so far as the perpretator/s waiting for 'that opportunity' to present, however I think someone planned to take him, and this weekend presented an ideal opportunity with him being in such a remote & sleepy neighbourhood.

An ideal opportunity, maybe, and even the last opportunity, because FG was going to move. Who knows, if it played a certain role.

Tagging of this article = 99 (look at the end, background color= red)

Even PS is included, but BS is missing. Instead of BS "Margaret" is tagged. Not important to us, but interesting, IMO. ;) The defamations thing?

You don't have to think, I'm counting on the tags all the time. I was searching for the one and only sentence re "lawn mower son" and btw first time reading the tags. - Now I will give up, finally.
The day William Tyrrell vanished – The Fiji Channel

Tagging of this article = 99 (look at the end, background color= red)

Even PS is included, but BS is missing. Instead of BS "Margaret" is tagged. Not important to us, but interesting, IMO. ;) The defamations thing?

You don't have to think, I'm counting on the tags all the time. I was searching for the one and only sentence re "lawn mower son" and btw first time reading the tags. - Now I will give up, finally.

The dialogue of a certain someone seems to waffle a bit - sometimes giving unnecessary info IMO
The day William Tyrrell vanished – The Fiji Channel

Tagging of this article = 99 (look at the end, background color= red)

Even PS is included, but BS is missing. Instead of BS "Margaret" is tagged. Not important to us, but interesting, IMO. ;) The defamations thing?

You don't have to think, I'm counting on the tags all the time. I was searching for the one and only sentence re "lawn mower son" and btw first time reading the tags. - Now I will give up, finally.

Sounds more and more as if William's sister may have been out there with William when this all happened (though maybe not visible to an abductor, or necessarily very physically close to William). Poor little mite.

When she noticed William was missing, his foster mother asked William’s four-year-old sister where he was and then ran back to the house and asked the grandmother if William was back up there.
The day William Tyrrell vanished – The Fiji Channel
What happened on the day William Tyrrell vanished?

Also just wanted to mention for kiwi (I think it was) that this article does say they were playing a version of hide and seek, where other articles describe it as chasey.

It was a Friday and across at number 48, William Tyrrell and his sister were playing a version of hide-and-seek in which the hider, when found, would jump out and roar like a lion.
What happened on the day William Tyrrell vanished?
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i notice a lot of the searches involved local volunteers, how would it work if a volunteer was actually the person who committed the crime, im not implying any volunteers in this case are guilty, but just in general, wouldnt that be the ideal way to cover your crime? i doubt the volunteers are screened
i notice a lot of the searches involved local volunteers, how would it work if a volunteer was actually the person who committed the crime, im not implying any volunteers in this case are guilty, but just in general, wouldnt that be the ideal way to cover your crime? i doubt the volunteers are screened

Maybe they were. From memory there were 700 odd poi's at one point.
About 200 known to be in 1 km radius at the time William disappeared.
Just to add to overall impressions, ( they are a bit contradictory) are, this is a really incredible abduction and feels so unlikely in such an ordinary place. From what I saw, if it was opportunistic, you would have to be a madman and people don't hide being a madman well. To not get caught, you would have to know the place really well or be a local, and it stands out to me, that many locals have been recorded in MSM saying they don't think it is a local who did this. I'm stating the obvious here, but this disappearance really disturbs me.


I wonder what the reasons are behind this thinking by locals? While Kendall is a small town, there are still approx. 1000 people living in that community. There is no way of knowing what every individual is capable of, so I find it perplexing that some of the locals could be confident it wasn’t someone living amongst them. It must be incredibly hard for the community to still be without answers 4+ years on and I do hope it is solved for them as well as William’s family.
i notice a lot of the searches involved local volunteers, how would it work if a volunteer was actually the person who committed the crime, im not implying any volunteers in this case are guilty, but just in general, wouldnt that be the ideal way to cover your crime? i doubt the volunteers are screened
Perhaps someone innocently involved in the search for Tyler, "inspired" by it to see how easily it could happen again. Something like the fireman who found firefighting so exciting that when there weren't any fires he lit them himself.

I wonder what the reasons are behind this thinking by locals? While Kendall is a small town, there are still approx. 1000 people living in that community. There is no way of knowing what every individual is capable of, so I find it perplexing that some of the locals could be confident it wasn’t someone living amongst them. It must be incredibly hard for the community to still be without answers 4+ years on and I do hope it is solved for them as well as William’s family.

There are locals who have expressed another, more cautious attitude, though ....

"I can't say I look at any locals differently, but I guess you never know," Kendall Cellars owner Rheannon Chapman says.
"There is that fear that you never know. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors?
"Until we know. It is the unknown.

Children are not walking home from school any more - many mothers are picking their children up from bus stops less than 100 metres from their front doors - and there is a lack of youngsters playing in the street or in front yards.

Desley Copeland finds herself parked at the start of Benaroon Drive every afternoon these days.
She is across the road from the bus stop where the kids used to be dropped off and walk home, giggling as kids do.
"You don't see them out playing in yards any more, you used to see them riding up and down on their bikes," she says.
Sounds more and more as if William's sister may have been out there with William when this all happened (though maybe not visible to an abductor, or necessarily very physically close to William). Poor little mite.

When she noticed William was missing, his foster mother asked William’s four-year-old sister where he was and then ran back to the house and asked the grandmother if William was back up there.
The day William Tyrrell vanished – The Fiji Channel
What happened on the day William Tyrrell vanished?

Also just wanted to mention for kiwi (I think it was) that this article does say they were playing a version of hide and seek, where other articles describe it as chasey.

It was a Friday and across at number 48, William Tyrrell and his sister were playing a version of hide-and-seek in which the hider, when found, would jump out and roar like a lion.
What happened on the day William Tyrrell vanished?
Thanks SA yes it was me who thought they were playing hide and seek.
If William was meant to be hiding, it does complicate things slightly for me, he may have hidden somewhere dangerous, or someone may have been watching and offered to help him hide.
I can see the first scenario being pounced upon by any defence lawyer, should anyone ever be charged, hence why I dont see an arrest unless his body is found.
Thanks SA yes it was me who thought they were playing hide and seek.
If William was meant to be hiding, it does complicate things slightly for me, he may have hidden somewhere dangerous, or someone may have been watching and offered to help him hide.
I can see the first scenario being pounced upon by any defence lawyer, should anyone ever be charged, hence why I dont see an arrest unless his body is found.

Which makes the condition of the reward totally make sense, doesn't it?
As if police/prosecutor believe they know exactly what has happened, they just need William to rule any other possibility completely out. Negate any reasonable doubt.

The NSW Government has announced a $1 million reward for information that leads to the recovery of William Tyrrell.
“This is a unique reward, it does not require the charge and conviction of any person(s), it relates to the recovery of William Tyrrell.

Unless ...... the Coroner can compel that person(s) to speak truthfully and tell what they know.

“We are seeking specific information from the community – it’s most important for those who know something about what happened to William Tyrrell to tell someone.
“Someone knows what happened: you might not be the one who took him, but you know, and you might not be the only person who knows,” Det Ch Insp Jubelin said.
$1 million NSW Government reward announced for the return on William Tyrrell - NSW Police Public Site
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Which makes the condition of the reward totally make sense, doesn't it?
As if they believe they know exactly what has happened, they just need William to rule any other possibility completely out. Negate any reasonable doubt.

The NSW Government has announced a $1 million reward for information that leads to the recovery of William Tyrrell.
“This is a unique reward, it does not require the charge and conviction of any person(s), it relates to the recovery of William Tyrrell.

Unless ...... the Coroner can compel that person(s) to speak truthfully and tell what they know.

“We are seeking specific information from the community – it’s most important for those who know something about what happened to William Tyrrell to tell someone.
“Someone knows what happened: you might not be the one who took him, but you know, and you might not be the only person who knows,” Det Ch Insp Jubelin said.
$1 million NSW Government reward announced for the return on William Tyrrell - NSW Police Public Site
The way I read Kiwi's post, the person who may have been watching and offered to help William hide would have had evil intentions, and evidently carried them out, so he or she won't be motivated by a reward. As to the other scenario, if William hid himself so thoroughly as to have escaped all the searches, a hobbyist bounty hunter isn't going to find him. It would take actual excavations of the drains and underneath grandmother's house, for example.
The way I read Kiwi's post, the person who may have been watching and offered to help William hide would have had evil intentions, and evidently carried them out, so he or she won't be motivated by a reward. As to the other scenario, if William hid himself so thoroughly as to have escaped all the searches, a hobbyist bounty hunter isn't going to find him. It would take actual excavations of the drains and underneath grandmother's house, for example.

Both quoted excerpts in my post come from the official police announcement - the NSW govt website. I think that the police are offering the reward to the person(s) who knows something ... not the actual perpetrator.

I feel that they are sure that someone (else) knows something. Likely that person(s) will be called to the inquest, I think.

(Yes, I read kiwi's post that way, too. I tend to think that the police have good circumstantial evidence. I think the reward was designed with specific intent.)
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Both quoted excerpts in my post come from the official police announcement - the NSW govt website. I think that the police are offering the reward to the person(s) who knows something ... not the actual perpetrator.

I feel that they are sure that someone (else) knows something. Likely that person(s) will be called to the inquest, I think.

(Yes, I read kiwi's post that way, too. I tend to think that the police have good circumstantial evidence. I think the reward was designed with specific intent.)
Yes I think the reward is for one specific person, hoping it might coax her to tell the truth, but sadly it appears to have failed. So frustrating for Jubelin, Im positive he “knows” who did it but cant prove it. These exiperienced cops know when they are being lied to.
Yes I think the reward is for one specific person, hoping it might coax her to tell the truth, but sadly it appears to have failed. So frustrating for Jubelin, Im positive he “knows” who did it but cant prove it. These exiperienced cops know when they are being lied to.

Am hoping a perjury charge and conviction follows the inquest ... if the lying continues.
Even if the police cannot definitively prove where the perp was, they likely can prove where he wasn't. So any lying alibi supporter may go down. imo
Jubes has always said "don't make us come afer you".

In NSW, Perjury carries a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment. Perjury involves making a false statement on oath about something material in connection with any judicial proceedings.
Perjury - Penalties, Charges and Sentencing in NSW
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Hi GooseW, I'm not disputing your suggestion of the impact upon all those as you detailed as perhaps being implicated in any way in any crime, especially one as horrible & disturbing such as this.
However, I don't personally label that as 'damage' (as you determined, family members excluded momentarily )

Personally, I wish I was one of those 'neighbours, friends, post persons, delivery drivers etc.etc.' who may perhaps be able to remember any minute detail that may help in the solving of this little boy's disappearance,

My heart breaks for all those who have lost loved ones, but most particularly at this moment & in the sentiments of this forum, my thoughts are with William's parents, sister & extended family members. They have been dealt the cruelest & most inexplicable of blows, the damage of which I'm sure will be forever imprinted on their lives. That's the damage I find most relevant.
Anyone else will either get over the wobble quite quickly or deservedly repent at leisure - IMO.

Having said that, I'm intrigued by your bolded comments, your need to bold, and the punctuation applied.

I accept that I may be incorrectly interpreting same, and I truely hope so, as IMO, this forum is not about attacking or defending BS, or anyone else. It's about examining the facts as presented in MSM, and currently BS is presented as a POI so naturally his behaviour etc will be examined.

If anyone has presentable information to counter his POI status, or to advance the culpability of anyone else, I'd certainly welcome that information.

All Said Is My Own Personal Opinion Only ...
The bold type was an attempt to answer another poster who queried my reply to someone else. Not bold for any other reason.
Am hoping a perjury charge and conviction follows the inquest ... if the lying continues.
Even if the police cannot definitively prove where the perp was, they likely can prove where he wasn't. So any lying alibi supporter may go down. imo
Jubes has always said "don't make us come afer you".

In NSW, Perjury carries a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment. Perjury involves making a false statement on oath about something material in connection with any judicial proceedings.
Perjury - Penalties, Charges and Sentencing in NSW

I 100% agree with you there! Anyone who could intentionally hindering the investigation into a missing child should be treated like the guilty in my opinion.
Even if that person believes that the person they are covering for is in fact innocent, lying to the police while they are trying to put all the pieces of that days puzzle together is incredibly reckless.

IMO the person that Jubes is aiming all his “someone knows something”s at, knows that the person they’re covering for is guilty, why else wouldn’t they tell the truth & let the investigation take its course & rule them out legitimately.

I hope that William’s face haunts them for the rest of their lives!
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