Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #47

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So, here's my latest thought. Is it possible that Jubes' trial will help William's case?

It is said that Savage may need to testify there. So that puts him in front of yet another court, under oath.

What I am wondering is if the judge will be called upon to gauge if the recorded conversations were for valid operational purposes and therefore allowable (under an 'in the interest of justice' rule that I am sure I have linked before).
And if so, would the content of the recordings come into consideration, and maybe be somewhat answerable by Savage?

Not sure if I am explaining this very well.

Jubelin has vowed to fight the charges and is set to face court later this month. If his case goes to trial, Savage could be called to testify.
Revealed: Man Questioned Over William Tyrrell Breached Restraining Order
IMO you're explaining it very well SA, and that's been my prayers too
Seems it was a least a couple of days before he headed off. If at all.

Lia Harris‏Verified account @LiaJHarris Aug 22
The court heard Mr Savage decided to “go off on his own” to search on the Saturday morning, rather than participating in the organised search coordinated by police and SES. @10NewsFirst @10Daily

Lia Harris‏Verified account @LiaJHarris Aug 22
The court heard Mr Savage spent Saturday morning searching bodies of water before returning home for lunch and then walking his usual daily route to continue searching. @10NewsFirst @10Daily

Lia Harris‏Verified account @LiaJHarris Aug 22
The court heard Mr Savage continued to search alone on Sunday and “didn’t sign any registers” as part of the organised search effort. @10NewsFirst @10Daily

WOW - I missed that discrepancy SoSo. ... or could that just be more inaccurate reporting ?

Need to look back if any day stated re BIL arriving to Brother's hospital discharge !

Surely Investigation team have this sorted . . IMO
Whether 5 pics or 3, whether taken at 9:45am or earlier or later - I would like to know, why it was so important this special day, to have x photos of little WT, although he has a sister, who is (on 1 pic) sitting nearby, but holding her head down. They are bio siblings close in their age, why only take a photograph of one of them? If the pic was taken for his "foster book", it wouldn't also make sense at all, because they are real siblings. The F parent tried to adopt both of the children, that would even make less sense then in taking only pics of him (in terms of the future of the bio siblings).
That "last" photo seems to be so very meaningful to me, as if nobody else should have been shown with the pic. Neither the FGM nor the little sister in the background, head down, unrecognizable. As if a photo got prepared, which would be needed to search for him later on. Sweet little boy, red spider man suit.
All IMO and MOO
Maybe it doesn't mean anything indeed, but it won't disappear from my mind.

Interesting point that you make FG ..,,,

However, we don’t know if there were other individual photos of Williams Sister taken at the same time?? (not released)

One would hope that the Police have checked this valid point though... and in “transparency” of the morning he went missing.... that the Police have seen all of the photos taken ...
Whether 5 pics or 3, whether taken at 9:45am or earlier or later - I would like to know, why it was so important this special day, to have x photos of little WT, although he has a sister, who is (on 1 pic) sitting nearby, but holding her head down. They are bio siblings close in their age, why only take a photograph of one of them? If the pic was taken for his "foster book", it wouldn't also make sense at all, because they are real siblings. The F parent tried to adopt both of the children, that would even make less sense then in taking only pics of him (in terms of the future of the bio siblings).
That "last" photo seems to be so very meaningful to me, as if nobody else should have been shown with the pic. Neither the FGM nor the little sister in the background, head down, unrecognizable. As if a photo got prepared, which would be needed to search for him later on. Sweet little boy, red spider man suit.
All IMO and MOO
Maybe it doesn't mean anything indeed, but it won't disappear from my mind.
Do you know who changed the time on the photos? I haven't been able to find any info. on that? I guess the forensics that is being done currently on the photos might tell us eventually?
WOW - I missed that discrepancy SoSo. ... or could that just be more inaccurate reporting ?

Need to look back if any day stated re BIL arriving to Brother's hospital discharge !

Surely Investigation team have this sorted . . IMO

Lia was tweeting the info right from the inquest. I don't think there is any discrepancy. We found that she deleted tweets if there was a discrepancy or if the info was then suppressed ... we actually saw tweets that this happened with before she deleted them.

It seems that Savage spent a fair bit of time searching on his own in those first few days. Not really any way the investigation team can sort that out, if nobody saw him and he did not register for a search team at those times.
Did RD give evidence in open court, I’ve forgotten already.
Weird that he wouldnt even confirm his name in prison interview, he is still a viable POI to me.
We know he had a vehicle so had the means to snatch William.
I cant see what PS would have done with William that left no DNA beyond FGM’s property.
It doesnt make sense to me that he could pull up in his car, throw William in, then what?
The dense bush offered up more items of interest, including marijuana plants, men’s underwear, red fluff and a child’s toy.

One volunteer found blood near a road on the afternoon of the fifth day of searching, and Sen Const Rowley was approached by a woman offering information. “She told us a male in a white ute had been sitting off the side (of the road) watching the actions of police around the ‘blood find’ for about 15 minutes,” the officer said.
Disturbing early clues in William Tyrrell search

White cars; white ute ?? Pretty sure we've heard suggestion on few previous occasions - haven't we ?
Surely Police have at the very least a White Board where they've mapped all this out
There was something about him going alone to search for William, after AMS had knocked at his door. He went up the fire trail, and cut through the bush, and he became disoriented and it took him a while to find his way home.

Just been looking for the link. Not finding it at the moment. I think it was probably in a podcast.

Lia Harris‏Verified account @LiaJHarris Aug 22
The court heard Mr Savage continued to search alone on Sunday and “didn’t sign any registers” as part of the organised search effort. @10NewsFirst @10Daily

Lia Harris‏Verified account @LiaJHarris Aug 19
The court heard Mr Savage “appeared disorientated at times” during the walkthrough. @10NewsFirst @10Daily
Lia was tweeting the info right from the inquest. I don't think there is any discrepancy. We found that she deleted tweets if there was a discrepancy or if the info was then suppressed ... we actually saw tweets that this happened with before she deleted them.

It seems that Savage spent a fair bit of time searching on his own in those first few days. Not really any way the investigation team can sort that out, if nobody saw him and he did not register for a search team at those times.
Exactly he went of in his own & searched & didn't register with the police from memory ........I'll check my notes when
I can..........
Lia Harris‏Verified account @LiaJHarris Aug 22
The court heard Mr Savage continued to search alone on Sunday and “didn’t sign any registers” as part of the organised search effort. @10NewsFirst @10Daily

Lia Harris‏Verified account @LiaJHarris Aug 19
The court heard Mr Savage “appeared disorientated at times” during the walkthrough. @10NewsFirst @10Daily

Thanks. It is not what I am thinking of, though. I think it was in one of Lia's podcasts. I just dread going back to listen to them.

We had a bit of a discussion about it. Something along the lines of 'he wasn't lost for two hours then' because there wasn't time in the timeline. But it did say he became disoriented before he found his way home. iirc

I will go back through the threads and find it when I have more inclination. :)
The dense bush offered up more items of interest, including marijuana plants, men’s underwear, red fluff and a child’s toy.

One volunteer found blood near a road on the afternoon of the fifth day of searching, and Sen Const Rowley was approached by a woman offering information. “She told us a male in a white ute had been sitting off the side (of the road) watching the actions of police around the ‘blood find’ for about 15 minutes,” the officer said.
Disturbing early clues in William Tyrrell search

White vehicle ?? White car, White ute ... hope the driver of this one has been located & accounted for
Did RD give evidence in open court, I’ve forgotten already.
Weird that he wouldnt even confirm his name in prison interview, he is still a viable POI to me.
We know he had a vehicle so had the means to snatch William.
I cant see what PS would have done with William that left no DNA beyond FGM’s property.
It doesnt make sense to me that he could pull up in his car, throw William in, then what?

He did give a little bit of evidence .. link here ...

I don’t know why the coroner didn’t ask the questions he refused to answer to the Police?? As the Coroner has the power to ask and get a reply

Unless of course he has been re questioned in a closed court..., ????

Wasnt one of the cars pushing something down or getting cell coverage a white ute ?

YES - my failing memory but I was sure I heard about more than one white care being involved. Thank You !
This report of 'something being pushed down ' always stuck a chord with me.

Wish I could timeline stuff but my iPad craps it - 2 attempts for this !
Great that you looked at this, stormbird. Not the easiest task.

Yes, I agree. We really can't say which route Savage took when he went out searching. He has stated a couple of versions of that already. One version said he searched the then-forested lot across the street, then went up the hill. Another version said he stopped at the then-empty-due-to-owners-being-away house and searched there and then went up the hill. And then, he became disoriented so it took him a while to get back.

Umm - wonder what time of the morning that stop was, given the established vantage viewing point from there ? (just me & my musings )
Yes, so the red fluff was found ... then detectives also found the strand of hair nearby. When they were called over to view the red fluff? I think it could have been anyone who found the red fluff.

And I would love to know if it was someone who perhaps tried to insert themselves into the investigation - and found it important to stay home on 12th September when he had committed to his brother to care for him because there was no-one else to do so.

Just want to look at this completely - because Jubes recorded him for a reason, and all those inquest questions were asked for a reason.
(Apologies for all my previous endorsements disappearing - nothing to do with the mood of my iPAD )

In tune with the law of synocronicity, I'm convinced that things happen for a reason (I'm also not minimising the impact, pain / destructive implications that might accompany said 'things' )

I'm also aware of Newton's Law that confirms that for Every Action, there is an equally responsive Re-action.

Dear Lord, please. Guide us all in this solution & provide that 'reaction' in terms of justice .
Did RD give evidence in open court, I’ve forgotten already.
Weird that he wouldnt even confirm his name in prison interview, he is still a viable POI to me.
We know he had a vehicle so had the means to snatch William.
I cant see what PS would have done with William that left no DNA beyond FGM’s property.
It doesnt make sense to me that he could pull up in his car, throw William in, then what?

I don't know, with regard to Savage. If we ever get to hear about the contents of Jubes recordings, maybe that will help us understand all the questions asked and the three days on the stand.

One question I haven't really considered yet, is why the question about what Savage was wearing that day (asked of another witness). Is that a DNA related question? As in, physically carrying William away?

I certainly don't think Savage is the only viable suspect. The POIs who have been called to the inquest must all have been called for good reason, because I don't see other previous POI names on the list (Bickford, Nichols).
The only person to come forward as a possible witness to the likely abduction of William Tyrrell has previously been credited with helping police solve a vexing crime, according to new documents....................

“Have you heard of Ruth Styles? She was the first lady detective in NSW, plain clothes,” he said (she was in fact one of a handful of female recruits to the NSW police force in the 1950s, and the first female detective inspector in a country station, Warilla, known now as Oak Flats. She died in 1998.)

“Anyway, they were looking for a person, and I knew the person that they were looking for,” Mr Chapman said.

“I used to work on the counter in the post office at Wollongong, and I saw this codger walk past so I just got on the phone and rang the police station, and I just said, is Ruth Styles on duty?

“(They said) yes, I’ll put her on. So anyway. I said, Ruth, that fella you’re looking for has just walked down going east past the post office. (She said) thanks, Ron, we’ll be up there in no time. And so anyway, she rang back and said, we’ve nabbed him.
William Tyrrell disappearance: Ronald Chapman waited for a knock on the door
I don't have subscription so can't read the article, but certainly don't question your reporting SoSo. .... but thinking .. ok , good work ... Hope not now reliving the 'sensationalism experience ' at the expense of the pain experienced by all those invested in William's wellbeing.
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