Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #58

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First time poster-
Does anyone know whether the same phone gps tracking technology used in CS case in WA recently could have been used on old data from this case and perhaps identified that the FFC stayed at one location, eg where they are now digging approx 1km away, when she did the drive around?
Maybe the balcony fall and related search is a strategy to get FFC talking about a different ‘accidental’ confession, when in fact LE suspect it is related to something else relating to the current AVOs instead. IMO it has to have something more serious involved than an accidental fall.
you'd think they would have to some sort of strong lead to do this though, someone else mentioned they are opening themselves up to a massive lawsuit if they are wrong

wouldn't be the first time either, because they probably would have needed someone higher up to sign off on this to get the go a head and whatever that presentation showed must have been compelling right?


I don't know about that. This search has been ordered by the Coroner.

They did the previous massive searches around the home "looking for forensic evidence" and found a ball and a toy. IIRC
(Those searches were also in conjunction with the Coroner.)

I think there has been a lot of counting things out in this investigation (which has to be done) as opposed to following strong leads.
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I would feel better about these searches if they didn't seem to be grandstanding.
In watching the Ch7 TV reporting this morning, they actually let the camera person right up onto FGM's (previous) property, to take video of them, from different angles.

The Ch7 journo said (again) I must stress this is only a theory.

This is allowing plenty of latitude for them to later say "Oops, well I guess that theory didn't pan out". imo

Yes a lot of chest beating.
Not odd at all really, it's what most people do to 'dress up' their house for sale. IMO

I thought the FGM's house had already been sold prior to WT's disappearance but FGM hadn't moved out yet?

I didn't think it was up for sale at the time of his disappearance so no need to be concerned about a nice presentation for potential buyers.

But perhaps she felt a responsibility to make it nice for the new owner?

If that was the case you think the deck would have been re-stained as well.
The photo was taken with a digital camera, not a smart phone, discussed at length here previously.

Ah, sorry, must’ve missed that!! I’ll edit my post to avoid confusion :oops:

EDIT: I just found this post from @imstilla.grandma 1st Sept 2919:


The NSW Coroner has ordered an urgent forensic examination of the last known photograph of William Tyrrell, dressed in his Spider-Man suit.

The Australian understands an expert in photographic metadata has been called in after NSW police admitted to confusion as to when the widely circulated image was taken. The photograph is a crucial piece of evidence, because it provides what is known as “proof of life” for William on the day of his disappearance on the NSW mid-north coast.

The inquest into his likely death has been told the image was taken on the verandah of the house at Benaroon Drive, Kendall, where he was staying when he went missing, on the morning of September 12, 2014. Counsel assisting the Coroner, Gerard Craddock SC, said in his opening statement the photograph was taken at 9.37am, adding: “That is a time of which we can be certain.”

But a new document from the 2000-page brief of evidence reveals a “created time” for the image of 7.39am, and a “corrected time” of 9.37am, and police have been unable to explain the confusion.

The report, obtained by The Australian, was generated by X-Ways forensic software. It reveals the image is a .jpg created on a digital camera, and it says: “Created: 12/09/2014 07:39:54. Corrected time: 12/09/2014 09:37:44.”
NoCookies | The Australian
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If this woman was guilty she’d be wanting ‘the cold case box’

FEBRUARY 13, 2020
William Tyrrell’s foster mum feared oblivion of ‘cold case box’

Through tears, she said she begged Mr Cook not to give up on William, now missing for more than five years. She said he assured her he would be sending the files to the cold case room as soon as the coronial inquest was over.

NoCookies | The Australian

Confusion = Place three shovels in a corner and be told to take a pick.
Maybe they reaped the benefits of a dysfunctional investigation, where there were large egos at play and bad blood going back years between senior police, resignations, dismissals, prosecutions of police etc, on top of that the complications of the foster care system and biological family etc, so with all that going on managed to avoid being more of a focus.

Did the fact they were foster parents of means also influence the perception of them as individuals? Police may have been less inclined to view them as uninvolved if they were poor, birth parents, and from a rougher end of town.

I think I am over my initial shock, I hope this is actually drawing to a conclusion.
Just my opinion but I think the initial investigation was tunnel visioned to thinking the bio's had abducted him.
Didnt help that they had done it before.(the bio's)

If this woman was guilty she’d be wanting ‘the cold case box’

FEBRUARY 13, 2020
William Tyrrell’s foster mum feared oblivion of ‘cold case box’

Through tears, she said she begged Mr Cook not to give up on William, now missing for more than five years. She said he assured her he would be sending the files to the cold case room as soon as the coronial inquest was over.

NoCookies | The Australian

Confusion = Place three shovels in a corner and be told to take a pick.

well of course she'd say stuff like this if she still wanted the investigation to be looking anywhere but at her

in the case of someone trying to cover up, going quiet wouldn't be what you'd want. You'd want to keep pointing fingers in every other direction

also is there any other proof Cook said that 'he'd be sending the files to the cold case room' or is it just her accusation? Because of course she'd say anything to keep Jubelin around if he was the only one protecting her from being investigated!

this woman has allegedly assaulted WT's sister. I'm just not inclined to support her in any way even if she didn't do anything to WT.
easily bring a photo up on your phone, screenshot it & crop it to suit. You now have a new time stamp!
Great discussion, thank you!
I think photo was taken on digital camera not iPhone … it is a vital bit of info ..big difference between 2 he time discrepancy- first up a lot can happen in 2 hrs & secondly shows lying/manipulation of time …
If this woman was guilty she’d be wanting ‘the cold case box’

FEBRUARY 13, 2020
William Tyrrell’s foster mum feared oblivion of ‘cold case box’

Through tears, she said she begged Mr Cook not to give up on William, now missing for more than five years. She said he assured her he would be sending the files to the cold case room as soon as the coronial inquest was over.

NoCookies | The Australian

Confusion = Place three shovels in a corner and be told to take a pick.
This is something I can't get my head around, it just doesn't make sense. Years down the track she is very vocal (and passionately so!) about the possibility of William's case being shelved. Surely a guilty person would want the case to fade away, especially after 5 years or so. I hope NSW Police know what they're doing!
IMO if they find William's remains there will be a conviction. If on the other hand they don't find anything I see a multi million $ lawsuit. Surely they have some strong information to be going so hard with the publicity and isolating this person they believe committed this crime? IMO the FF must has given info otherwise he would be under suspicion as well as FM?
the department is already being sued by bill spedding.
Surely they are accutely aware of the the consequences of what they are saying.
Its damning.

Just my opinion but I think the initial investigation was tunnel visioned to thinking the bio's had abducted him.
Didnt help that they had done it before.(the bio's)


By 5 days after William disappeared, the sex crimes squad was involved and they had formed Strike Force Rosann.

A STRIKE Force including sex crimes investigators has been established following William Tyrell’s disappearance, five days after the three-year-old went missing near Kendall.
Strike Force established in search for William Tyrell
Tue 16 Sep 2014:

Neither police sniffer dogs nor cadaver dogs had been able to pick up any sign of the boy, Fehon said.

He said investigators were “keeping an open mind” about whether William had been taken.

“We are concentrating back on last Friday when he was in that yard, playing with his sister, with his grandmother there and his mother at home,” Fehon said.

“We do have grave concerns,” Fehon said. “To disappear that quickly absolutely bewilders us.”

William Tyrell search: police say sniffer dogs have found no trace of boy
From the new Daily Telegraph article:

  • William's biological grandmother is furious, and says she is glad detectives are looking into a suspect she has had eyes on “from the beginning”.

  • Bio GM says she has spoken to NSW Police and is hopeful that after seven years of pain, a fresh search will finally uncover answers about what happened to William.

  • Police are said to be investigating if William fell from the balcony and died, and then his body was moved to another location.

  • William's BioGM told of her heartache at finding out about a new possibility of what happened to her grandson and the toll his disappearance continued to have on her family.

  • “He (the detective) just rang me, (for the) first time in years,” she said. “He said they’re digging up the garden bed, he’s probably going to be under there somewhere.

  • The BioGM states “I went up to BS, I went up to PS, I knew … that they didn’t do it. “I knew that they weren’t involved in the taking of William. I knew.

  • She goes on to say she hasn't had a life for 7 years.

  • She also states she doesn't know how (the suspects) are sleeping now, and look at how they slept for seven years, their life was fine.

  • BioGM has had little contact with her now homeless son, since he got out of jail.

  • She goes on to say that she hopes to be able to have family around once again, including William’s sister.

  • BioGM says she may try and get custody of William's sister, but she doesn't know yet, but says she feels that is probably her next step.

  • BioGM states she feels William's sister should be with family, and that she’s been through enough.

  • She says she doesn't know where her son is, and that she has heard from him once since he got out of jail.

  • She goes on to say that she felt so bad because he had nothing.

  • She then goes on talk about a second call “The second time he rang because he was trying to get his script. He said: “I told her (the chemist) that I need them (pills) because I lost my son seven years ago” and he started crying. He’s never opened up about that."

  • She states her son said “Look what they’ve done to me, look what they’ve done to my son.”

The rest of the article is just a repeat of other articles, with what we already know....

William Tyrrell: His biological grandmother says she hasn’t had a life | Daily Telegraph

Pretty sure bio Gran would fail any assessment by child services to care for WT’s sister. She has previously admitted to helping WT’s bio parents when they were on the run with WT as a baby and most of her media interviews are focussed on herself and her son rather than WT as an individual IMHO.

I hope WT’s sibling is receiving optimal care and support, I can’t imagine how traumatised she must be. MOO but it crossed my mind a long time ago whether FC’s had potentially covered up an accidental death, either to protect themselves or possibly even another child (horseplay turning to tragedy) but when LE didn’t appear to be pursuing that angle, I assumed they were cleared. As has already been mentioned by someone with greater credentials than mine, LE surely must have something more concrete/damning than a child’s statement.

Watching this unfold across the world and praying for WT to be found and laid to rest with the dignity he was denied 7 years ago.
By 5 days after William disappeared, the sex crimes squad was involved and they had formed Strike Force Rosann.

A STRIKE Force including sex crimes investigators has been established following William Tyrell’s disappearance, five days after the three-year-old went missing near Kendall.
Strike Force established in search for William Tyrell
My post is talking day 1 theory.
Initial reaction was the bios abducted him.

Then they went to, must have been a pedo.o_O

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