Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #60

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Thanks, Cleaver. So when Jubelin bugged the ff car that would have required a warrant? Would you say that that would have been as a process illumination or reasonable suspicion? Jubelin mentioned he was pushed by others in the force to do it from memory in his interview (might be wrong here) Just general hypothetical no finger pointing here.

I’d think a warrant would be needed to put a surveillance device in anyone’s car, regardless of whether they were a POI or a suspect.

But GJ was convicted of illegally recording conversations, so maybe he didn’t have a warrant.
On behalf of all of the wonderful foster parents and carers out there I have to register my objection. And no, I am not one, but during my career I met many who salvaged children’s lives.

I have only ever known one pair who took in foster kids for a period of years -- often young teens from homes where both bio parents were deadbeats with habits.

The stories they told me about that experience made me wonder why anyone in their right mind would take on such a role.

The wife (a trained social worker) was abused and assaulted; house contents were stolen and pawned; girls brought home random boyfriends to move in with them; wag school; some kids would go missing for days on end; and worse, some girls would make false reports about the husband's behavior, just to mention a few instances they recounted to me.

They are both very decent people with their own grown up kids and that was the payback they got for trying to help some of these quite troubled kids.

It wasn't always a drama, but even one such experience would be enough for me to quit the program permanently.

I salute foster parents everywhere.
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if william was taken in fgms car to be disposed of, he may have just been placed on the grass and covered with leaves or branches etc, not buried, which would be horrific for anyone to do, and would need a shovel, if his body was later discovered it would fit the abduction or wandering and lost theory, searchers may have missed him and as the days and years went by it would be easier to be in denial especially if nobody believed you could be guilty
I can’t pin down an article as I’ve read so much the past few days, but I’m sure the alleged assault is said to have occurred a month ago. Will try and find the source.

In my professional opinion, the risk of child abuse increases significantly when a family experiences a tragedy. When we consider the stress of the past 7 years alongside the fact WT’s sister is now a pre-teen, developing her own identity and thoughts/opinions, the house must be an absolute pressure cooker. I’m very glad she is not in their care during the current developments.

I do believe WT’s sister has provided more information, particularly in the days since she has been removed from the FC’s. I imagine they were always present at previous interviews so she may not have been as forthcoming. She was also younger and may have connected the dots on some memories.

I actually wonder if there were allegations made about FGM following her death that opened a can of worms. Where was FGM when FFC went inside to make tea? Did she stay outside with the children? Was FFC protecting her elderly Mother?

All those reasons above you mentioned about the house must be a pressure cooker situation is possibly WHY the Police wanted her removed from the House and went after an AVO. I believe this search was all in the works for a while from the Coroner. I don't think it was a snap decision made after an alleged abuse of a minor, possibly also the wanted the minor away to rattle the FM and FD? I believe the possibility of covering for the elderly FGM is a huge possibility. Someone said upthread they arrived at the FGM earlier than planned. How on earth does someone know the child is there in such a short amount of time? Has the FGM told everyone she knows they are coming? Again, maybe the Police wanted the minor on her own to ask questions without the FM & FD running interference and possibly interfering in the questioning. I know the Agency would have to be working with the Police and the child. So many questions, possibilities and NO answers.
Can you imagine, if after all this they find his remains in the bush and it turns out he wandered off and they didn't look far enough? It honestly wouldn't surprise me at this point.

Child Survival - Lost in the Woods - United States Search and Rescue Task Force

From this article ..

'There is no punishment for being lost and yet children have been known to hide or run away from searchers in fear of punishment. Children should not have any fear of returning home. Mom and Dad, or whoever is looking after you are going to be very happy to see you again. There will be NO punishment.'

I have heard of children becoming 'feral' after being lost in the bush and needing to be actually 'caught' .. I will see if I can find examples.

Just remember, the little boy was bored and couldn't settle to one thing, being in a new place too and new things to do and he wanted to do everything in 5 mins, big possibility he may have wandered off. If he was allowed to go down the driveway to see if FF was coming home, why not go across the street, do some exploring, are there snakes in the area? Of course there would be. Stupid question. I also think he was left alone longer than was stated. If he had behaviour issues and a mind of his own, anything is possible.
There is something more going on here than just ticking off the Coroner’s list. The media has been invited to the search and being given a blow by blow explanation of what is going on. It’s far more information than I’ve ever seen released during an active search. I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m uncomfortable about it all. It’s like the search has been turned into a reality show.

Yeah I don’t much like it either, I feel if they had a real lead they’d just go quiet and get on with whatever work they needed to get done to follow it to its conclusion and get the case to trial.

Political grandstanding?
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I understand that. I had an infant die of SIDS and I knew she had died (I found her dead) but I hated leaving that house 12 years later. It was like I thought that she would not be remembered if we left. Totally illogical, but emotions sometimes are.
so sorry JayWill :( lifes not fair sometimes

She did leave with you though, didn't she :)xx
Just thinking out loud here - so, if the sale of the FGM house was pushed through and FGM had dementia (early dementia)? then possibly FM was executor of FGM will? Dementia is cruel and once it takes hold, then the downward spiral is very quick ( i have seen this from personal family experience). So, all affairs need to be in order and taken care of. Does anyone know where FGM went to live after the sale of the house? I am wondering if she was placed in a nursing home? JMO MOO IMO just thinking out loud here about living circumstances
All those reasons above you mentioned about the house must be a pressure cooker situation is possibly WHY the Police wanted her removed from the House and went after an AVO. I believe this search was all in the works for a while from the Coroner. I don't think it was a snap decision made after an alleged abuse of a minor, possibly also the wanted the minor away to rattle the FM and FD? I believe the possibility of covering for the elderly FGM is a huge possibility. Someone said upthread they arrived at the FGM earlier than planned. How on earth does someone know the child is there in such a short amount of ? Has the FGM told everyone she knows they are coming? Again, maybe the Police wanted the minor on her own to ask questions without the FM & FD running interference and possibly interfering in the questioning. I know the Agency would have to be working with the Police and the child. So many questions, possibilities and NO answers.
BBM. I was a bit disturbed by the bio mums report that when they were on visits to the kids, the FF would interfere and bring the kids sweets and other treats.
BBM. I was a bit disturbed by the bio mums report that when they were on visits to the kids, the FF would interfere and bring the kids sweets and other treats.

Oh yeah what was that about? I want more info on those kind of shenanigans .. that all sounded well out of order. Didn’t she say they emerged from the bushes?
BBM. I was a bit disturbed by the bio mums report that when they were on visits to the kids, the FF would interfere and bring the kids sweets and other treats.
Apparently the opposite according to BGM
BGMsaid that after William was finally removed from BF and BM care, the pair had infrequent visiting rights and could only see him at a public shopping centre near Ryde.

She said that William’s foster parents were strict and that the boy “wasn’t allowed lollies or chocolates”.
No Cookies | The Chronicle
Just remember, the little boy was bored and couldn't settle to one thing, being in a new place too and new things to do and he wanted to do everything in 5 mins, big possibility he may have wandered off. If he was allowed to go down the driveway to see if FF was coming home, why not go across the street, do some exploring, are there snakes in the area? Of course there would be. Stupid question. I also think he was left alone longer than was stated. If he had behaviour issues and a mind of his own, anything is possible.
Also children that age are imaginative. He was dressed as Spider-Man, pretended to be a tiger. When my boy was that age he had a Batman costume- in his mind when he was wearing it, he was Batman! Similarly he’d pretend to be an animal, and to him that’s exactly what he was and he’d do what he felt that animal would do
BBM. I was a bit disturbed by the bio mums report that when they were on visits to the kids, the FF would interfere and bring the kids sweets and other treats.
Actually it’s William’s BGM who said the exact opposite. William’s and his sister’s FFC would object to them being given lollies (a lot of parents do — even my own daughter did):

‘The grandmother has also revealed insights into the supervised visits that her son and his partner had with William, while he was in the care of his foster parents.

"So, we were like just having a little picnic - out jumps the foster care mother … about like giving the kids lollipops and Kinder Surprises," she said.’

William Tyrrell's biological grandmother speaks out
Also children that age are imaginative. He was dressed as Spider-Man, pretended to be a tiger. When my boy was that age he had a Batman costume- in his mind when he was wearing it, he was Batman! Similarly he’d pretend to be an animal, and to him that’s exactly what he was and he’d do what he felt that animal would do
Agree, I have a 5 yo boy and this is him to a tee. Boys also get distracted when they find something interesting… it’s like they zone out of the environment they’re in. It could be very easy for a child to wander off exploring and not hear someone calling his name because he’s engrossed in whatever has his attention.
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