Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #61

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Do we know why the foster family had to get to Kendall by Thursday night instead of Friday morning?

FF finished his work early on the Thursday and telephoned FM at approx 2pm to suggest they go early ..... (The cats were booked into a cattery for the next day but not Thursday, so when the cattery could accept them Thursday, they went early ... )

The foster couple looking after William had planned to drive up on September 12, a Friday, in their new green-grey coloured 2014 Land Rover Discovery.

But they went a day early when she managed to get their two cats into boarding kennels.

In a heavily redacted statement released to the media, the foster mother tells police she paid a cattery about $260.

The couple picked up William about 4pm at a branch of Acre Woods child care centre and began the four to five hour journey north to Kendall.

Police would later retrieve CCTV images of them at Raymond Terrace McDonalds for a 15 minute pit stop, about 6.30pm.

They arrived about 9pm at the foster grandmother’s house.

William Tyrrell: Suspicion lifts from missing boy’s birth family | — Australia’s leading news site
It definitely seems to be factual, as it is noted in the book that it happened more than once.

Page 64 William Missing Book:

“…and she [FM] repeated [to the FACS worker Ben Atwood] an offer she had made earlier: she would be happy to occasionally take care of William's little brother, Francis, when his mum had the new baby, and maybe need a break?”

Page 65 - William Missing book

Also, someone asked how many days William was at childcare, the answer is also in the book.

“Mr Atwood said he would pass that on, as well as a request to enrol William in preschool for an extra day, so he would have two days in childcare and two days in preschool.”
I find that BGM paints a very rosy image of her son constantly and often to me it sounds like she's ignoring things she doesn't want to see. Like anyone, I don't believe everything they say.

With addiction, behaviours can become quite harmful. The parents needed to follow the departments orders. Whether the bgm was telling the story exactly right or not, it would have been harrowing for all of them. The children too, they don't want to be separated. Being an addict doesn't stop you from loving your kids. Times of crisis in an otherwise stabley unstable kind of home does require temporary intervention. But it's often the goal to reunite the family as soon as possible. Because it is often best for the kids.
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Yeah, I went down that rabbit hole last night in earlier threads. I was thinking about the possibility that this stop was staged by FM (possibly JMO MOO IMO). But, ok, just thinking out loud (again) - has there been any mention of the possibility of the family being followed from that McDonalds stop? I know someone said it is rare to snatch kids off the street - but, that doesn't mean it doesn't happen? (possibly, JMO MOO IMO) ok - I have 3 theories going now - I need coffee :D

FM used to be offended at BM giving lollies to the children on visitations but feeds them Maccas???
FF finished his work early on the Thursday and telephoned FM at approx 2pm to suggest they go early ..... (The cats were booked into a cattery for the next day but not Thursday, so when the cattery could accept them Thursday, they went early ... )

The foster couple looking after William had planned to drive up on September 12, a Friday, in their new green-grey coloured 2014 Land Rover Discovery.

But they went a day early when she managed to get their two cats into boarding kennels.

In a heavily redacted statement released to the media, the foster mother tells police she paid a cattery about $260.

The couple picked up William about 4pm at a branch of Acre Woods child care centre and began the four to five hour journey north to Kendall.

Police would later retrieve CCTV images of them at Raymond Terrace McDonalds for a 15 minute pit stop, about 6.30pm.

They arrived about 9pm at the foster grandmother’s house.

That is really interesting that it was FF idea to go early. why? -

1. For someone who has to have a meeting and knowing there might be internet/phone
reception. Drop-out is more irritating that than most irritating thing you can think of, when having online meetings.

2. Why the keenness to get there early and stay longer? Maybe he was more hands-on than I thought and actually wanted to enjoy his kids in the free-range space?

3. Was he keeping FM on her toes?


William Tyrrell: Suspicion lifts from missing boy’s birth family | — Australia’s leading news site

sorry my post got caught up in the quote

That is really interesting that it was FF idea to go early. why? -

1. For someone who has to have a meeting and knowing there might be sh***y internet/phone
reception. Drop-out is more irritating that than most irritating thing you can think of, when having online meetings.

2. Why the keenness to get there early and stay longer? Maybe he was more hands-on than I thought and actually wanted to enjoy his kids in the free-range space?

3. Was he keeping FM on her toes?

It was biodad who took WT? As in the weeks he was missing prior to going into foster care? Because that is not the case

Hi Violet,
I don’t have links so will just say all is just IMO, but you are correct in that both Bio parents absconded & hid William (with $ help from BioGM) however BD has stated that it was his idea to do so.
I can imagine, having had their daughter taken away, they would’ve been heartbroken to be now facing losing their baby son. ... irrespective of the arguments between the adults IMO there was no harm to the children.
Also the 2 younger boys in BM care appear very well cared for. .

This is not about sleuthing Bio. Am just jumping off some previous posts about the difference of ‘treatment’ for the ‘ haves / have nots’. . which is still very much an issue today.
I know people who readily admit that they need ‘mental health professional help’ - however the cost is way beyond them. $70 - $90 a subsidised visit ! IMO.... while a lot of their issues are already exacerbated by their lower socio-economic status.

There’s no doubt in my mind that BM had some issues / challenges in her life, and we have no idea of her background.
However she’s owned behaviour & hopefully is now in a better place. :Missing toddler William Tyrrell’s mother Karlie’s first interview

No Cookies | The Courier Mail

However I question the value of sensationalised Headlines such as on ‘DRUGS Charges’ - I don’t condone any, but it wasn’t Cocaine, Ice etc

She has also been charged with possessing the prohibited drug cannabis, which police found at her Westmead home in western Sydney.

again only MO, however today we see lots of changes in the scientific studies & legalised use of cannabis. The relationship between cannabis use and depression & anxiety disorders is complex . What are the individual’s reasons for cannabis use and what are their external situations? I.e. cannabis may be used to help cope with social problems (not caused by cannabis use) .... but then that use in itself makes one a ‘criminal’ !

I'm relistening to the podcast, and the bias is making me ill at times.

Xanthé Mallett basically accepts that Chapman's recollection of seeing a woman driving a car with a Spider-man costumed kid in back can't be accepted conclusive. Yet, somehow FFC's memory of the two cars was solid evidence. How does that work?

AND WHERE IS THE FOSTER GRANDMOTHER IN ALL THIS? We've heard more from biological grandmother than her.

Do we know why the foster family had to get to Kendall by Thursday night instead of Friday morning? I forget.


I don't think foster carers are allowed to sleep with foster kids at all, whether male or female.
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Im worried that the foster family were directing the narrative, the theory of "abduction", the theory of "paedophile" could this be to explain anything that they might discover if the body was actually found back then,

The BS theory, could the foster family hav found out by Facebook that the real grandmother was friends with a woman who is friends with BS's family, were they hoping the narrative would follow that direction

I wonder what ever happened to the washing machine did the foster family blame him from the start and got another washing machine repair man
I don't think foster carers are allowed to sleep with foster kids at all, whether male or female.
Im worried that the foster family were directing the narrative, the theory of "abduction", the theory of "paedophile" could this be to explain anything that they might discover if the body was actually found back then,

The BS theory, could the foster family hav found out by Facebook that the real grandmother was friends with a woman who is friends with BS's family, were they hoping the narrative would follow that direction

I wonder what ever happened to the washing machine did the foster family blame him from the start and got another washing machine repair man
I am still wanting to know when / day / time BS was called. Very fair question
Unfortunately, no money will fix the harm caused to not only him and his family. I can't imagine the stress sustained over an extended period. IMO.

Agreed. I have felt very sorry for him. All because the FGM had a broken washing machine....

I remember when one of the news stations showed a picture of his work van (which had "Speddo's" on it) which they doctored to make it look like it said "Peddo's"! What he was put through was disgraceful.
There were reports of FM picking up her sister from the airport.

I wonder if the sister came down only because WT went missing, or if she was coming down to go through items of FGMs?

Speculation only: FM wanted to beat the sister to the items or FM had concerns that the sister would unduly influence the FGM about financial and property matters. JMO, MOO.

i think I raised earlier - I wonder where did FGM 2 sons fit in all this ?
I am still wanting to know when / day / time BS was called. Very fair question
The FGM had him out a few days prior but he had to wait for a part to come in. The FM called that morning to chase up the part & get a timeframe of fixing the machine.

he was the local repair guy used in the area & the FM didn't have anything to do with his initial callout
The $1 million reward is still outstanding. Does that mean anything? Does anyone know if it is hard to actually receive a reward for giving information? Just curious as to what needs to happen for someone to claim a reward?
Imo, the reward was for ‘the discovery of his body’ - maybe it will shortly be paid out
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