Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #61

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Why not? We defend all sorts, from the obviously guilty to wrongfully charged. I’ve defended bikies and people charged with not paying parking fines and everything in between. If lawyers decided to pick and choose who they represented based on moral judgments, most defendants would be unrepresented. That’s not justice.

If I was charged with a serious offence with a risk of jail, I’d want the toughest, most experienced, ruthless lawyer I could get. Lots of innocent people are convicted because they had a bad lawyer.

Again the affluent can afford those toughest, most experienced ruthless lawyers. While, the no so affluent get court appointed lawyers?
Wild speculation:

1. Is it possible that FM had the BM and BD followed by a PI in order to get William too? Did a PI perhaps notify a FACS worker that the parents were in a north shore video store? Or was FM following them? Surely FM would have had their details considering she was very good friends with a FACS worker “Ben” (mentioned in the Missing William book).

2. In the Missing William book, FM mentions that she wanted to pass along to the birth mom her offer of taking care of her third child “To give the Birth mother a break”. Was this completely tone deaf and callous given that the birth mom was devastated that this woman had her other children? Did she try to get that child too?

3. The Dept of community services took the foster carer advocate to court for telling people and printing on flyers that William was a foster child. Could they have wanted to cover up the fact that this wealthy Foster mother was given preferential treatment for Lindsay and William because of her close relationship with FACS members?

The more you look into the FM, the more you see many opportunities for masterful manipulation. I’m afraid we have all been taken for one hell of a ride here.

This is all speculative. MOO.
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Police are working on the theory the three-year-old’s body was “placed” rather than buried in bush close to the Kendall home he vanished from, and that his remains should be near the surface of their dig.

. . .

The police source said very specific intelligence led them to a one-square-kilometre area of bush less than 900m from the Benaroon Dr home where the Tyrrell family was staying with the foster grandmother. --
November 21, 2021 - 6:00 AM The Sunday Telegraph

"very specific intelligence" ... That, if true, rules out police hunches.
That seems strange to me, is a FF allowed to sleep with a child? I hope he was not inappropriate in any way with WT Why not have the children in one room and the adults in another?
I hav looked up co sleeping with foster and in the UK you can't do it, i can't find any info on NSW, that's what made me suspicious of the foster family from the start, I don't think its natural for a man to sleep with children that are not biological, I can see the foster mother isn't close to him possible why the foster father slept with him, but it makes me think why not stay home Thursday night WT sleep in his own bed then foster father hav his conference call then they all drive up to Kendall during the day and set the children up at a decent time and arrange the sleeping situation a bit better than the foster father being in a closed room sleeping with the boy
Police are working on the theory the three-year-old’s body was “placed” rather than buried in bush close to the Kendall home he vanished from, and that his remains should be near the surface of their dig.

. . .

The police source said very specific intelligence led them to a one-square-kilometre area of bush less than 900m from the Benaroon Dr home where the Tyrrell family was staying with the foster grandmother. --
November 21, 2021 - 6:00 AM The Sunday Telegraph

"very specific intelligence" ... That, if true, rules out police hunches.
I wonder if the FGM car had a navigate system
I don’t know where the best place for this little girl will be going forward, but I need to point out that these main caregivers are the ones who literally lost William while unsupervised in their care (and possibly worse, according to the police) and he still hasn’t been found. These same carers are also now facing court next week on charges of assault.

But they’re rich and well-to-do so they get given all the benefit of the doubt and all the “it’s alleged” and “nothing has been proven yet” and and and … that’s all valid, BUT ..

.. the low socioeconomic biological family who were probably dealt a really crap set of cards in life and never caused any actual physical harm to those children - well they get none. None at all.

It’s irritating. Regardless of what one thinks of the biological family, and no I’m sure they’re not perfect, but they did love William. He is their child. They lost a child. And not only did they lose a child, they weren’t even allowed to talk about it for years because of suppression orders. Can you even imagine the heartache? It’s heartbreaking.

Th Bm carried him for 9 months, then went through labour and gave birth. Possibly breast fed him and cared for him until he was taken away, same with his sister, 2 pregnancies and during this time she never lost her kids or her subsequent children while they were playing.
Wild speculation:

1. Is it possible that FM had the BM and BD followed by a PI in order to get William too? Did a PI perhaps notify a FACS worker that the parents were in a north shore video store? Or was FM following them? Surely FM would have had their details considering she was very good friends with a FACS worker “Ben” (mentioned in the Missing William book).

2. In the Missing William book, FM mentions that she wanted to pass along to the birth mom her offer of taking care of her third child “To give the Birth mother a break”. Was this completely tone deaf and callous given that the birth mom was devastated that this woman had her other children? Did she try to get that child too?

3. The Dept of community services took the foster carer advocate to court for telling people and printing on flyers that William was a foster child. Could they have wanted to cover up the fact that this wealthy Foster mother was given preferential treatment for Lindsay and William because of her close relationship with FACS members?

The more you look into the FM, the more you see many opportunities for masterful manipulation. I’m afraid we have all been taken for one hell of a ride here.

This is all speculative. MOO.

Australia - Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #61
Wow I totally thought she had connections in the department to get her hands on WT but I had no idea she tried to get the 3rd child!!!!!!
2. In the Missing William book, FM mentions that she wanted to pass along to the birth mom her offer of taking care of her third child “To give the Birth mother a break”. Was this completely tone deaf and callous given that the birth mom was devastated that this woman had her other children? Did she try to get that child too?

If that is true, then from what I've read of the BM's
attitude to the foster parents and FACS, that offer would have been like pouring petrol on a fire.
Police have found another piece of fabric in their current search - Sunday Nov 21st, in Australia

William Tyrrell search: Heavy rain hampers police investigation

And this is WHY they have gone public with so much information. Hoping that someone will come forward to implicate someone. That someone knows something. Failing that I believe that the Police won't be able to prosecute anyone and achieve justice for WT. Provided that fabric is found to be linked to WT. It will all be circumstantial. No wonder FM is getting high powered attorney in, maybe she is worried that they will find WT. I don't think high powered attorney is just about the AVO. Might appear someone is becoming a tad worried and also saving face? Either way I think the FP's are in a hard place at the moment. Who leaked the story to the Media about high powered attorney? Is it the Court listing who will be there with the FP's? Or have FP's leaked the info to Media to scare Police?
Yeah I would think no problem fostering at any age but im wonder if at many over 60 would you be able to adopt a younger child that was in foster care, I see no problems adopting at that age if you know the child and maby a child was left to you in a will, but a child not know to you a foster child would the department hav a cut off age from when you can no longer adopt

Maybe for adoption but not for fostering, providing there's no serious health issues etc to prevent you from carrying g out the duties of being a suitable carer.

Even in 50s, FPs still have a shot (barring any complications) of adopting long term foster kids, that's the long and short of it.
I’ve just gone back and rewatched the 60 Minutes interview the FP’s did with Michael Usher, they even had him in tears.

Even watching it again, through more cynical eyes, she is still very convincing, and I really think when this interview took place FD believed William was addicted.
I’d love others to rewatch and see if they have picked up different vibes.
It's interesting, kiwi50. One of the things I noticed was how closely the red of FFC's blouse matched the red of William's Spiderman toy (e.g. at about 3:46 minutes in the 60 Minutes video posted by DDDddd, thread 61, post 932). I don't know why anyone would go to the trouble of matching them so exactly - was that a TV person's idea? or FFC? or maybe the Where's William PR people?

I got the feeling that Michael Usher's tears weren't genuine (from about 18:58 minutes) so now I wonder if he was up to something.
Again the affluent can afford those toughest, most experienced ruthless lawyers. While, the no so affluent get court appointed lawyers?

Generally speaking, yes. But there are some excellent Legal Aid lawyers and a lot of excellent lawyers, including QCs do Legal Aid and pro bono. Most murders are Legal Aid.
Wow this is very hard to watch, expecially the interview with police. They are very aggressive. Given how little grounds they had, these tactics are quite disgusting. I hope BS is successful in his lawsuit, he deserves to be.

I have no beef with the aggressive interrogation technique. Jubelin said he put the foster parents through a similar process.

What is unforgivable is the incompetence and unprofessionalism of the police involved in not actively trying to corroborate Spedding's alibis, and other evidence that was there for the grabbing if they could be bothered to follow thorough.

BTW regarding Moynihan, the cop who was interrogating Spedding and treated him with utter contempt:

A seasoned homicide detective could be sacked after an internal investigation found he had sex in his unmarked police car while he was on duty, took photos of his genitalia in the office and pretended to be at work when he wasn’t.

Over the course of Detective Sergeant Justin Moynihan’s career, he has played a leading role in some high profile investigations, including the case of missing toddler William Tyrrell.

But it appears his 22-year career could be over following allegations of inappropriate behaviour.
November 10, 2019 - 6:24AM
The Sunday Telegraph
If there was evidence of harm to the current children in BM care then hopefully the appropriate steps would be taken. My hope is that ongoing monitoring is taking place.
My reply (midnightreader) above. Below post I was replying to. Sorry I’m still getting used of things around here).

I can't understand for the life of me why, if BM was still considered unsuitable for her elder children to return, that they allowed her 2 younger children (sure, subsequently born after WT was moved to FF) to stay?

Hopefully I worded this correctly.

I hope proper reform happens in NSW (and other states) in light of all this because it's not bloomin' fair.[/QUOTE]
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THe Police are believing it as they are searching for remnants of the Spiderman suit.

But they may be saying that as that is all they have to go on - that they will find WT's body in or near a Spider Man suit. However, because they have found one or two pieces of blue material, I am speculating that perhaps FFC changed him from the SM suit and put him in a blue shirt before he was buried. MOO
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