Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #63

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As someone who has been a longtime contributor to these threads and given you attended the inquest for this case in person, I’d like to hear what your thoughts and opinions are on the developments over the past couple of weeks @drsleuth - if you would care to share?
I know it is, I have seen the bgm and this is make sure we are looking at the same photo , you are referring to the one where she is with the advocate.....wearing a gold bracelet? This is 100% not FM, it is BGM. The gold tennis bracelet worn by FM is different to BGM thin one too. I can't give you more proof, but reverse google photo and somewhere you will find un pixelated pic. She has not been shy in interviews and I don't think it's against the rules to suggest the fact that her picture is extremely easy to find on line .

IMO the way I think about Chapman's sighting is that if this woman's hair was really blonde, I agree it would not have been FFC unless she was wearing a wig. However, when a car is speeding past and his eyes seemed to be more on a child in a Spider Man suit standing up in the back seat, how sure is he about his description of the woman, I observed in today's Daily Mail, that he did not give a description of the driver of the first car in the video and nor was it reported in the print in the article. I wondered about that omission.

So I am left with two ideas - it could have been any (blonde?) woman with a child wearing a SM suit and how well was BGM's alibi checked?
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Or encountered someone else down on the main road who happened to be passing in their car and took that split second opportunity to snatch him. I remember reading the FC’s had a new car so WT may not have been completely familiar with it at that point (can’t find a link so IMO for now, sorry)
Yes, the FF had a new car, IMO, there was a list in the thread of all the cars owned in the street. There was quite a discussion about it.
That’s true, but there would need to be some sort of evidence that firstly if there was this sort of contact, it amounts to “abuse” and secondly, there is a risk that the parents may actually approach her.

That's if a defendant contested the AVO (which is what is happening here). The prosecution will have to show risk.

But in cases where they are not contested, some judges/magistrates just slap happily places a full order just solely based on the interim order/application of a order.

Well that's what I've seen and been apart of in the Victorian court's. IMO
BBM When I was a mother of two young children, I predicted, in a new environment, what would be safe and what's not, and told my children the rules and that they were not allowed to go there for any reason. I would also have told all adults to make sure that doors were locked to dangerous areas and even put things in their way so they could not access unsafe areas. Just like one does with stranger danger. With WT's bike, I would have left it in the car and told him that when he wants to ride it, Daddy or I would have to be with him and have trainer wheels for him. As a result, my children did not have accidents. I was not an over-protective mother but I used common sense. I let go when the child could manage alone. However, I'm not sure if that would work if a child had ADHD.

ADHD or a curious active 3 year old, both capable of learning rules and boundaries but also with the potential for impulsivity IMO. Taken with the fact they were in an environment they hadn’t been in for months, it’s entirely possible the safety rules weren’t at the forefront of WT’s mind of course. Add to that they were on a quiet cul de sac where children played safely, it isn’t impossible that a Mother (or Foster Carer) would let her guard down and relaxed a little. MOO of course.
Not alot was mentioned about the Bali holiday a month earlier, how did the holiday go with WT behaviour, and its quite common to hav hotel child care, was that approved by the department or did the foster parents care for him the howl holiday, I find it odd that its easy taking him on major holiday but she is emailing the department/agency/case worker about behaviour and sleep issues around BM visits, its funny that they can holiday the world in one scenario but another scenario is so major that there is a huge issue around sleep and behaviour
Yes they do. They did exactly that with BS.

I’m not saying they are lying about bruising on BT, but it is entirely possible that they set their sights on FM and then waited for anything that could remotely be considered an offence to remove LT and lay a charge.

Also with Kyle Rittenhouse in the USA, off topic I know but they do it. They lay alot of charges down and start from the op of the charges to the lowest hoping something will stick !I was on a jury and yes they do it.
BBM When I was a mother of two young children, I predicted, in a new environment, what would be safe and what's not, and told my children the rules and that they were not allowed to go there for any reason. I would also have told all adults to make sure that doors were locked to dangerous areas and even put things in their way so they could not access unsafe areas. Just like one does with stranger danger. With WT's bike, I would have left it in the car and told him that when he wants to ride it, Daddy or I would have to be with him and have trainer wheels for him. As a result, my children did not have accidents. I was not an over-protective mother but I used common sense. I let go when the child could manage alone. However, I'm not sure if that would work if a child had ADHD.
With my experience with adhd and behaviour telling a child not to go there is going make them want too, I mean i just don't get how they can say WT will wait for direction and not run off but they also say he has behaviour issues, I find it amazing that they hav so many good photos of WT, what my experiences is with hyperactive behaviour problems its almost impossible to get a good photo yet they hav so many, I guess every child is different, guess only the daycare staff would be able to confirm behaviour issues, yes FGM say he is jumping out of his skin/clothes, yes foster mother saying behaviour issues but only around BM, by all the photos of him looking at the camera its hard to believe he has adhd because he can sit still long enough for a photo, except for the deck photos he wasn't looking and they could only get a raw that is how I would expect photos to turn out from adhd child but all the other ones are so perfect he is looking and smiling they hav so many its makes me think he isn't the most hyperactive kid in the world maby just as hyperactive as a boy would be
I find this quote in this article significant “In his police statement, Mr Chapman said he didn't go to police initially because he wasn't sure if he had "dreamt it", but told the court on Wednesday he was now sure.” There is plenty of conjecture it is a false memory, noting he did not speak to Police for a very significant amount of time from when he allegedly saw WT. William Tyrrell inquest: Kendall neighbour saw boy being driven away, Coroner's Court told

See also Tyrrell memories possibly false: expert

Also, he said he has never seen the boy as the FP and children were rarely in Kendall to visit. Then he says he is absolutely sure it was William in the car. Ummmmmmmmm
This is what I have so far as discovered evidence. going through alllll the media articles and different reports or descriptions of material was mind numbing :confused:

I have to do some work today lol. So, for anyone big on details can you please take a look and tell me what is not correct/missing/or needs to be added or deleted :) and I will adjust as needed.

Hi @ThomasLeonard, RC is certain his testimony is credible and it may well be significant.

I wonder what has led you to your theory the biological family of WT are behind his disappearance.

Are you able to share your thoughts on this?

For example, do you think they abducted WT, and the two speeding cars belonged to them?
Or do you include the possibility they arranged for others to abduct him, on their behalf?

Are you considering they have managed to hide him from public view throughout these seven years, and if so, do you have theories on how they could have done that?

I'm confident LE have sort and obtained verified alibis from WT's biological family, but others may disagree.

Have a look at USA where children have been abducted, kept as sex slaves for years and years even having children of their and then escaping. So it is possible to keep a child hidden. Not that I believe the BF did it
Not alot was mentioned about the Bali holiday a month earlier, how did the holiday go with WT behaviour, and its quite common to hav hotel child care, was that approved by the department or did the foster parents care for him the howl holiday, I find it odd that its easy taking him on major holiday but she is emailing the department/agency/case worker about behaviour and sleep issues around BM visits, its funny that they can holiday the world in one scenario but another scenario is so major that there is a huge issue around sleep and behaviour

It’s not ‘funny’ at all, in the context of a 3 year old who only sees his birth parents 6 times a year, to possibly struggle with the transition and have the stress of that manifest in sleep issues or behavioural issues IMO. When on holiday in Bali, he would have had his sister and main care givers with him and was likely a completely different experience. JMO.

I’m not shaming or blaming his birth family at all here, but there’s no evidence there were no behavioural issues in Bali IMO.
IMO the way I think about Chapman's sighting is that if this woman's was really blonde, I agree it would not have been FFC unless she was wearing a wig. However, when a car is speeding past and his eyes seemed to be more on a child in a Spider Man suit standing up in the back seat, how sure is he about his description of the woman, I observed in today's Daily Mail, that he did not give a description of the driver of the first car in the video and nor was it reported in the print in the article. I wondered about that omission.

So I am left with two ideas - it could have been any (blonde?) woman with a child wearing a SM suit and how well was BGM's alibi checked?
All I can remember from the start was that we kept hearing bio fam was ruled out and cleared, but that also went for ff too. So yeah, if Chapman saw what he thought he did, have a point. I have to admit that seven years of this case has got me so thoroughly bamboozled . What I thought was certain and factual seems not now.
I admit I had to step away for a while, hence my long absence in to be honest ,I was way burnt out. I've popped in and lurked , but for my own sanity I had to take a hiatus.
I don't think I am alone in being completely engulfed by poor Williams case.
I just want justice for the poor darling, a resolution. I just hope we get that.
This is what I have so far as discovered evidence. going through alllll the media articles and different reports or descriptions of material was mind numbing :confused:

I have to do some work today lol. So, for anyone big on details can you please take a look and tell me what is not correct/missing/or needs to be added or deleted :) and I will adjust as needed.

View attachment 323788

Great effort, thank you
Well, I cannot believe a paedophile lay in wait at the FGMs house, waiting for the opportunity to snatch WT. So, if it was an abduction, then the BPs fall squarely into view. They were, after all, leading ignoble enough lives to have been dispossessed of their children, so, naturally, suspicion would fall on them.
Naturally, the police would have checked their alibis, so you'd assume they were ruled out, but the FM was also ruled out, by the nowadays very public GJ, no less, who still vouches for her, and now she's back in the frame. So what gives?
The irony is that if the FPs are disreputable enough to have their children taken off them, then how could they masterfully plan a kidnapping and a 7-year-long hiding of WT. If they're wayward, then they couldn't hide WT away for so long. But that then leads me to assume WT died in the process of kidnapping, and that is why the biological father is now guilt-riddled over the kidnapping of his son, which was of his own doing.
For some reason i think the BF and the BGM were involved but the BM (biological mother) was not. Was the BGM the mother of WTs biological father?
But i think it is also highly likely that associates of theirs were involved in the kidnapping, and it was not the biological parents at all. I suppose the police think this is an implausible theory as dopey people as the biological parents know other dopey people and there is no way those types of crews would keep a kidnapping gone awry resulting in the death of WT secret for so many years.
But, then, where does that leave us? Either a paedophile kidnapping, or the FM having in a panic in the wake of the balcony fall disposed of WT in a shallow grave.
Given GJ's suspicion of the substance of the most recent theories implicating the FM and searches, and given the FP's labeling of 'fake news' the apparent new witness, I find it absolutely shocking that the police are thinking, well, Ronald Chapman was past it and imagining things, the biological parents are too incompetent to pull off a successful heist, leaving only the balcony fall theory. So the balcony fall theory doesn't really have that much going for it, except for the fact it is the least implausible scenario. That's half-way ridiculous considering Ronald Chapman sounds PERFECTLY BELIEVABLE to me!!!!!
Therefore, if someone did snatch WT in a 4WD, where are those cars? Did the police give them a serious search or were they too busy chasing imaginary paedophiles leaping out of the bushes? The "shambles" might have been the paedophile chases and the disbelieving of Ronald Chapman. How could Ronald Chapman imagine seeing WT dressed in a Spiderman suit? Are the police implying the lonely Ronald Chapman, not having much of a social life, insinuated himself into the WT case for some spice in his life?
I'd like to know how much searching for the 4wd and sedan was done, in which it seems WT was kidnapped.

How would the BF know WT was in Kendall at all at that time ? Did the FP tell the BF they were going? Also, the FFamily lobbed a day earlier than anticipated. I would think the FP would know the vehicles the BF drove from visitations maybe? I think perhaps the BGM would have been recognised by the FP????
Daily Mail is reporting, Twist in William Tyrrell search as police DIVERS swoop on a rainwater tank at his foster grandmother's house, they then inspected the Benaroon Drive home's water tank with a camera. The tank is located directly underneath the property's five metre tall verandah. It’s not clear if the tank was drained in the initial search for William when he disappeared seven years ago on September 12, 2014.
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