Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #63

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Why this wasn't done in the beginning is bewildering.... Daily Mail is reporting, Twist in William Tyrrell search as police DIVERS swoop on a rainwater tank at his foster grandmother's house, they then inspected the Benaroon Drive home's water tank with a camera. The tank is located directly underneath the property's five metre tall verandah. It’s not clear if the tank was drained in the initial search for William when he disappeared seven years ago on September 12, 2014.
This is what I have so far as discovered evidence. going through alllll the media articles and different reports or descriptions of material was mind numbing :confused:

I have to do some work today lol. So, for anyone big on details can you please take a look and tell me what is not correct/missing/or needs to be added or deleted :) and I will adjust as needed.

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Thank you was was starting to do something similar & it was very time consuming & as you say mind numbing!!

So thanks heaps
ADHD or a curious active 3 year old, both capable of learning rules and boundaries but also with the potential for impulsivity IMO. Taken with the fact they were in an environment they hadn’t been in for months, it’s entirely possible the safety rules weren’t at the forefront of WT’s mind of course. Add to that they were on a quiet cul de sac where children played safely, it isn’t impossible that a Mother (or Foster Carer) would let her guard down and relaxed a little. MOO of course.

a couple of my children suffered ADHD symptoms and when we got food allergy tests done through specialist undertaking food allergy studies in Victoria, and sorted out diets everything was calm. The allergies were complex. milk (normal), cheese (cheddar), oranges, peas, beans and apples. If say cheese was consumed on one day and none of the other foods all was ok. If any of the foods were consumed in any combination with a 24 hours period all hell would break loose.

Specialists also noted that that when the highest allergy foods were withdrawn, and I went food shopping and had one of the children with me close to say a cheese cabinet, there would be a tantrum. The specialists said it was because this child's system was craving for the food he had the highest allergic reaction to.

It was fascinating to go through the process and at the end have gorgeous calm loving caring children that went onto achieve the goals they set for themselves, and my sanity was restored (well I think it was)!
This is what I have so far as discovered evidence. going through alllll the media articles and different reports or descriptions of material was mind numbing :confused:

I have to do some work today lol. So, for anyone big on details can you please take a look and tell me what is not correct/missing/or needs to be added or deleted :) and I will adjust as needed.

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great work. are you considering including photo snips? I think one of the hessian remnants was green plastic-hessian.
Daily Mail is reporting, Twist in William Tyrrell search as police DIVERS swoop on a rainwater tank at his foster grandmother's house, they then inspected the Benaroon Drive home's water tank with a camera. The tank is located directly underneath the property's five metre tall verandah. It’s not clear if the tank was drained in the initial search for William when he disappeared seven years ago on September 12, 2014.

Just wow, imagine if it's never been checked and he is actually in there.
Daily Mail is reporting, Twist in William Tyrrell search as police DIVERS swoop on a rainwater tank at his foster grandmother's house, they then inspected the Benaroon Drive home's water tank with a camera. The tank is located directly underneath the property's five metre tall verandah. It’s not clear if the tank was drained in the initial search for William when he disappeared seven years ago on September 12, 2014.
Didn't they already do that 7 yes ago??
This is what I have so far as discovered evidence. going through alllll the media articles and different reports or descriptions of material was mind numbing :confused:

I have to do some work today lol. So, for anyone big on details can you please take a look and tell me what is not correct/missing/or needs to be added or deleted :) and I will adjust as needed.

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I did see Police bag something in a “biohazard” bag. Looked to me like a dead animal like a possum TBH.
Given FACS requirements re. FP having to notify them if they are going somewhere and then on top of that, the rules associated with visits to the FGM'S Ie. Washing machine working, cat put in boarding kennel plus any addtional requirements we are not privy to then I can see that if an accident occurred, their reaction would be to cover it up in fear of losing LT.

I am also curious as to whether something had happened at FGM'S on a previous visit, maybe an asthma attack due to the cat, which has prompted these requirements or is this normal?

Does FACS inspect the premises of potential homes a child would be visiting?

Maybe part of the conditions to visit FGM'S was that the balconies had to be secured.

Now this is interesting. FM were able to put their cats in boarding earlier than expected and they managed to get them into boarding cattery which meant they were then able to leave early to go to Kendall.. If WT had asthma, wouldn't the cats reside with him and FP and LT?? Would he have been allergic to the cats where he resides??
It is my understanding that it was the foster family's cats that needed to be put into boarding facilities.
FM made the call to make sure the cats could be boarded earlier than planned, as they wanted to leave for FGM's house earlier than expected (on Thursday arvo instead of Friday).


Also, it WT had asthma why were there cats in the house?
As someone who has been a longtime contributor to these threads and given you attended the inquest for this case in person, I’d like to hear what your thoughts and opinions are on the developments over the past couple of weeks @drsleuth - if you would care to share?

I am having a very hard time believing that the FFC is involved.

From what I observed / heard at the inquest, it just doesn't make sense to me at all.

I firmly believe that the biological family or associates have nothing to do with William's disappearance either ( they have firm alibi's )

From all the evidence from many different witnesses I still believe that FA is my prime suspect, I just don't know why he would have been at Benaroon Drive that fateful morning...........he also has no alibi

I am open to what ever the evidence shows really & I want justice for William & those who love him
Just a comment re the AVO-

I’m not in NSW but in all my years of working in foster care and kinship care, I have never heard of an AVO being taken out against a carer when there has been an allegation (of any kind) made against them. I doubt they would have done so if it wasn’t for the backdrop of WT’s disappearance.

What normally would happen in my state at least is that a police special child abuse team would be involved to interview the child, potentially lay charges (though again I have never seen a case where what was alleged to have happened led to charges- the majority of physical abuse allegations I dealt with were smacking which carers are not allowed to do).

The child can be removed regardless of the police’s involvement or subsequent action- the level of evidence required is lower than what is required for court. It’s a matter of determining the ‘likelihood’ that it happened, so Eg. Was there a witness, injuries, do the stories match up etc. the police can also take quite a long time to investigate and lay charges so sometimes it’s a matter of urgency to remove the child before the police get around to doing anything formal. Hypothetically the presence of a bruise and information from the child to indicate that it was caused by a carer would be plenty of evidence to remove a child, so an AVO isn’t generally necessary.
Great insight and excellent point why would they hmm..
For what it's worth IMO I don't thing the following is of concern
. FP stopped 3 times other way to FGM. I make the same journey w kids to my mothers and it's annoying, but not suspicious
. FP slept w the kids in separate rooms, Whether bio or not, families are so familiar with eachother that this is not sinister IMO
. FD was cranky in the morning. I think everyy working parent know how difficult it is to focus on work with noisy kids in the background
. The time on the camera. If they can show it was purchased in Bali, the anomaly makes sense.
. The inversion of the time on pics.. even though the digits are reversed the difference between the time and correct time is the same in each image. IMO it was corrected by LE
. The supposed awkward pose FM must have been in to take pictures 5. The amount of strange pics I have taken of my kids, I don't think this is an issue.
. the bruised face black eye of WT. kid's get hurt all the time. And WT was a very hyper child.
. The confusion between Laurieton and Lakewood. These 2 locations are very close and Lakewood is kind of the nickname for the Woolies for locals. Driving from Kendall to Lakewood you follow the signs to Laurieton.

What I do find suspicious IMHO.
. The omission of driving during the 000 call.
. The memory of 2 cars (IMO FM filled in her memory gap with 'evidence that fit her mindset)
. The lack of concern re the high balcony. I would be on tender hooks visiting a place posing such as risk
. The inclusion of the description of WT 'deliberately crashing his bike into the garden'. This IMO feels like an embellishment (maybe anticipating potential evidence)
. The angry response on the WT official SM pages to new evidence.
. The mention of the description of her head out the window further passing truck. Again IMO this seems to be an anticipatory explanation that seems unnecessary IMO.
interesting theory on the bike - truth in lie. Maybe he did crash his bike badly or rode it off the balcony?
Daily Mail is reporting, Twist in William Tyrrell search as police DIVERS swoop on a rainwater tank at his foster grandmother's house, they then inspected the Benaroon Drive home's water tank with a camera. The tank is located directly underneath the property's five metre tall verandah. It’s not clear if the tank was drained in the initial search for William when he disappeared seven years ago on September 12, 2014.
I don't see how a 3yr old could get into the water tank unless they were placed in, what was the water used for drinking or gardening?

Dose anyone know up thread, i read a post the other day that said the water tank was discussed in great detail a while ago on here

I don't see why the tank couldn't be drained in earlier days then filled up again by a water cartage truck if a full tank of water was required for the sale of the house

Can sniffer dogs or cadaver dogs sniff out items submerged in water, like if it were clothing or shoes?
I can see your point, however, she adds.......

"These allegations are not the most serious the criminal courts see by any stretch. In every court in New South Wales there are matters not dissimilar to the complaint raised here. in fact, only last week I dealt with a far more serious allegation in relation to a five-year-old child.'

William Tyrrell's foster parents Sydney faces court Hornsby assault of a child | Daily Mail Online

IMO making comparisons with this alleged case and another case by a Judge in public is downplaying it as the evidence has not even been tested yet. IMO it is totally unprofessional and shows a possible bias. I thought Judges were supposed to be neutral.

I asked that yesterday, as soon as it was mentioned on here about the Judge and her comments. Did the Judge already have a bias?? Also, what I am having a little difficulty with, is that Judge can mention a worse case last week and then giving all these privacy requirements in the mention of the FP. I thought they were not allowed to mention other cases in the case before them. ??
Now this is interesting. FM were able to put their cats in boarding earlier than expected and they managed to get them into boarding cattery which meant they were then able to leave early to go to Kendall.. If WT had asthma, wouldn't the cats reside with him and FP and LT?? Would he have been allergic to the cats where he resides??
Just because someone has asthma doesn't mean they are allergic to cats IMO
We by nature are always looking for something nefarious.

My very first post on Williams thread was my gut has always been....William had a weird accident and is there somewhere.
Missed by everybody.

Its still my pet theory.

Has anyone made a list of all the "finds" so far in the new searches???

No, but I’m interested to know if you took notes of the FFC’s timeline she gave at the inquest. From the moment she discovered William missing to the 000 call is of particular interest.

There are discrepancies in her various timelines that have not been resolved and it’s where I’m really stuck.

In MFC’s walk through with police, he says he arrived home and parked in the garage. FFC approached and asked if William was with him. She told him he’d been missing about five minutes. He says five minutes twice. “She said, he was here five minutes ago, he was here five minutes ago”. I believe he arrived home about 10:35. He starts frantically searching, neighbours are helping.

The 000 call was at 10:56. In that call FFC says he’s been missing about 15-20 minutes. She agrees he went missing at about 10:30 when asked. She mentions a lady is helping. FFC is on Benaroon Dr at the time of the call and makes the call from a cordless landline phone.

A police officer arrives within six minutes of that call. FFC is standing on the street when he arrives, she flags him down.

In the “One Last Roar” episode of Where’s William Tyrrell podcast, she describes approaching her Mum to say she can’t find William. She then mentions opening all the cupboards while “waiting”. Waiting for what? MFC arrived five minutes later. After 000 call, she is helped by neighbours to search. So when is she inside with FGM opening cupboards and “waiting”?

When did she go for the drive?

William Tyrrell’s foster mother gives her version of events

No drive is mentioned in One Last Roar, an entire episode dedicated to the moments in which William went missing.

No drive is mentioned in this interview (from 1m30s)

No drive is mentioned in this interview either (from 8m28s)

If she went for a drive at any point beyond 10:35, there are multiple people who could verify that, from MFC to neighbours to police. Do they? According to the podcast, after hanging up the phone from 000, FFC and neighbours start “knocking on doors and checking yards”. Again, police then arrive within six minutes of the call and FFC is on the street.

“And I bring the car back up, and I just run out and I look for him again”. So on this mysterious drive, which doesn’t seem to fit in anywhere, she’s exited the vehicle at least twice.


I’m stuck and I’m suspicious.
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