Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - # 8

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Oh dear - the information coming out of court today is heart breaking. The psychological impact on the victims must be huge :( I never, ever believed he was innocent. Police would not risk the legal implications if he were an innocent man. Has anyone had a chance to look up the site? I'm on a slow internet connection and will try now (it's a listing of registered sex offenders in Australia).

he wasnt on the list last time i looked a few weeks ago, but he will be soon!
It could be a cross-border thing. The ring in question could operate across the border with ties in both states, possibly.
I'm wondering more and more if BS was the delivery guy for the NSW faction. He would be on the lookout - maybe the caravan park couple were involved as a kind of halfway house. People are always moving in and out of parks - maybe it was less likely to be noticed that certain children would be there one day and not the next. I'm just guessing at this stage. As a repairman it would be easy for him to drive around local streets with an excuse to be there.
Maybe BS was alerted to the possibility of a new child in the street - William's grandmother may have dropped the fact that he was coming to stay in her phone call to BS about the washing machine. Perhaps he thought it wouldn't be prudent to keep the appointment in case he needed an alibi - so he said he couldn't make it, but then drove round there anyway just in case little Will was 'available'. He had a coffee in the cafe, but this was before he drove to the house, not afterwards. BS could always have said he just decided to drop round in case, if he was actually seen. He could even have parked outside, or on the drive and felt reasonably safe in doing so.
He can't believe his luck when he sees the poor little mite alone in the yard and does the thing on the spot. He probably had a few tricks up his sleeve to tempt little Will into his van, and then off they went to the drop off location, then he could easily have got back in time to attend the award ceremony at midday. I can't think about that part.

Or it was just effing bad luck, his pedo mates from Victoria just happened to be in town the same week that he pulled into William's grandma's house unannounced to fit a part to her washing machine as the poor kid came running around from the back .. into the van, off to the caravan park, and away.

I actually regret not driving down there today now so I could pelt rocks at the van as it pulled away from the courthouse.
if he didnt have access to children i guess hes kept himself pretty busy on the internet, ill bet his computer was full of it!
thats probably why he kept the lease on the old pawn shop, ms would think he was at the office "doing the books" etc
I have to stop reading this thread now, I'm SO upset at what that piece of filth has 'allegedly' done. I'm lost for words and all my sympathy for Margaret Spedding has gone out the window. I have never cried about a case on here before until today. I'm shocked and lost for words.
Heartbreaking :(
Even after she heard the charges she was wanting to be lovey dovey with him. I'm absolutely disgusted !
Thanks everyone for all the good information up to this point.

If William is found I may join in again.
I haven't been on here for ages, but after todays news I just had to........... It really peeved me of when a lot of people were going of about "this poor man" that the media and police had harassed.......

My dad is an ex policeman, was pretty high up and one thing I have learnt both through him and sites like this is that the police do not harass someone like this or let his name and face be shown in the media without reason.

I was wondering why all the focus, as I always thought there would be something in it, and now we know...............and I am betting there is much, much more, the police will be just making sure all their t's are crossed.....

He makes me sick and it looks like he is part of a paedophile ring and I would put my house on it that he has taken William, if not for himself (seems to be into girls) but for someone else.

Just yuck yuck yuck..............I really hope he gets what is coming to him in jail....
I have to stop reading this thread now, I'm SO upset at what that piece of filth has 'allegedly' done. I'm lost for words and all my sympathy for Margaret Spedding has gone out the window. I have never cried about a case on here before until today. I'm shocked and lost for words.
Heartbreaking :(
Even after she heard the charges she was wanting to be lovey dovey with him. I'm absolutely disgusted !
Thanks everyone for all the good information up to this point.

If William is found I may join in again.

I have to stop reading this thread now, I'm SO upset at what that piece of filth has 'allegedly' done. I'm lost for words and all my sympathy for Margaret Spedding has gone out the window. I have never cried about a case on here before until today. I'm shocked and lost for words.
Heartbreaking :(
Even after she heard the charges she was wanting to be lovey dovey with him. I'm absolutely disgusted !
Thanks everyone for all the good information up to this point.

If William is found I may join in again.

I was just sitting here also with tears running down my face how dare he and im also sorry to say i think the evidence is being shown to her and she is still believing him even after she went to the clairvoyant
I have to stop reading this thread now, I'm SO upset at what that piece of filth has 'allegedly' done. I'm lost for words and all my sympathy for Margaret Spedding has gone out the window. I have never cried about a case on here before until today. I'm shocked and lost for words.
Heartbreaking :(
Even after she heard the charges she was wanting to be lovey dovey with him. I'm absolutely disgusted !
Thanks everyone for all the good information up to this point.

If William is found I may join in again.

She may just be in denial.

He is her husband, and hearing all of the vile things he is accused of, would be beyond shocking.

She 'may' have suspected something, with going to a psychic and all.. and now she's learning the truth.

Like everyone else here, I PRAY William hasn't been subjected to these atrocities!
I haven't been on here for ages, but after todays news I just had to........... It really peeved me of when a lot of people were going of about "this poor man" that the media and police had harassed.......

My dad is an ex policeman, was pretty high up and one thing I have learnt both through him and sites like this is that the police do not harass someone like this or let his name and face be shown in the media without reason.

I was wondering why all the focus, as I always thought there would be something in it, and now we know...............and I am betting there is much, much more, the police will be just making sure all their t's are crossed.....

He makes me sick and it looks like he is part of a paedophile ring and I would put my house on it that he has taken William, if not for himself (seems to be into girls) but for someone else.

Just yuck yuck yuck..............I really hope he gets what is coming to him in jail....

BBM: I'm now wondering if William's sister was the intended target.
The fact that Margaret is still standing by him after hearing the charges says all we need to know about her, also why in the flipping heck did they have their grandchildren living with them? This wasn't a hidden incident, it's just that for whatever reason he hadn't been thrown in jail for these offences.

Also .. does everyone remember a mattress was taken away from the pawn shop / office in New Haven?

Terrible thought, what if all these perverts were swapping their grandchildren between each other?
The fact that Margaret is still standing by him after hearing the charges says all we need to know about her, also why in the flipping heck did they have their grandchildren living with them? This wasn't a hidden incident, it's just that for whatever reason he hadn't been thrown in jail for these offences.

Also .. does everyone remember a mattress was taken away from the pawn shop / office in New Haven?

Terrible thought, what if all these perverts were swapping their grandchildren between each other?

I honestly think im going to be sick ..... there is a world we know nothing about ....
I was just coming in to ask the same question - where the mattress was removed from (his home or the pawn shop). If it were the pawn shop, the mind boggles as to why you would require bedding in a business location.
What a nasty little web this is turning into. I was choking back tears over lunch at work. It's ridiculous they had custody of the grandkids until recently. It was always odd to me that he has 5 adult kids but only his son publicly supported him (correct me if I'm wrong).
When William disappeared I kept pushing the thought of pedophiles out of my mind. I came up with a heap of different reasons as to why it couldn't be and thought the sex crimes squad were brought in as a matter of procedure.

Some of the reasons that went through my mind were: The community is so aware and paranoid about pedophiles now, compared to the past when things tended to be swept under the carpet. I would've thought someone would notice something? Unless they were really good at hiding it. The media attention has been huge.

Don't police know where the pedophiles live? How can they still get away with it?

A pedophile abducting a kid today is so brazen. It's hardly ever heard of, right? Although does anyone remember attempted abductions shortly after William? I think one was as close as Kempsey?

I don't know. I just really didn't think it would come to this. My mind is all over the place at the moment.
I was just coming in to ask the same question - where the mattress was removed from (his home or the pawn shop). If it were the pawn shop, the mind boggles as to why you would require bedding in a business location.

There really is only one reason ..
Truly terrifying, I wonder why BS first marriage/relationship failed?

When parents divorce/separate and/or re partner - you just don't know or have control over who has access to your kids whilst they are not in your care. If they are taken away on holidays you don't know or have a say in the sleeping arrangements.

These kids told someone the horrific things that happened to them and that person cared enough to go to the police to start an investigation. There were medical records for Gods Sake! I understand that the kids were young and traumatized and DNA was in its infancy, but WHY did the prosecution drop the case? Somebody should be asking questions of what happened/who decided to drop the case.
the grandchildren living with him were boys, so maybe family thought they would be safer with him as his preference is allegedly little girls!
These kids told someone the horrific things that happened to them and that person cared enough to go to the police to start an investigation. There were medical records for Gods Sake! I understand that the kids were young and traumatized and DNA was in its infancy, but WHY did the prosecution drop the case? Somebody should be asking questions of what happened/who decided to drop the case.

I'd like to know the answer to that, too! :-/
You wouldn't be human if you didn't have to debrief your thoughts after reading the news coming out today.

I'm also visualising the moment when Margaret and Bill discussed taking in grandchildren. Imagine that pathetic, slime ball rubbing his hands together.

I also looked closely at a picture of the detectives arresting BS yesterday. Gary Jubelin's body language and facial expression demonstrated such disgust. I now know why :(
I just saw an article posted by daily telegraph, cant link as I am not subscribed, that WT's grandmother did tell BS she was expecting a visit from her family. I wonder how much detail she went into about her family.
I'd like to know when BS actually received the part for the grandmothers washing machine or whether he actually had it already but decided to delay the trip till that Saturday as he knew children would be around.
I think this could be the inconsistency the police found that made them look further?
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