Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - # 9

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The lead investigator has warned the NET is continuing to tighten on those potentially involved in William Tyrrell’s disappearance.

“If I was responsible, or had some involvement, in William’s disappearance I would be feeling concerned,” Detective Inspector Gary Jubelin said.

While this was said by Jubelin early March following the search near BS home.

IMO every quote by Jubelin seems to have been thought out, has a definite purpose. He seems to waste few words.

The net is tightening.
All human movement will be tracked on computer.

With the recent charges and others expected to follow against BS, I just want to believe they are onto something.

I completely understand what you are saying. I felt for a long time the BS was just an innocent victim being picked out as he was the only possible suspect. I was annoyed at all the nasty posts and over the top acusations. But now that there seems to be a solid case in court for crimes against children I've changed my mind. They would not release him
On bail, there is medical records, the family have not said nothing happened in 1987 just that 'it's been dealt with'. Now I believe there is enough fact to believe he could if been involved.
Absolutely agree....they are hero's in my book. It's one thing I will not
sit by and listen too, random's criticizing them. sorry :maddening:

Totally agree and i will be right there with you, standing up for them if/when randoms have something to say, they have done what is right for the chance it may lead to finding William... they are amazing.
Argh, moved back to mid-August?!

On the one hand I would like to know more sooner. On the other hand, now it's at LEAST that long he's off the streets no matter what else happens. I guess I'm glad then!

And at least plenty of time for LE to get as much evidence on him as possible = maximum sentence possible
Holy Moly this is the most out there incredible info that has surfaced thus far....I am gob smacked if this is indeed mention but OTT

I have followed and sleuthed this case since day one, i have a couple of dear friends who have done the same.... i can say that im 99.99% sure that he is not the childs grandfather, in the paper they where referring to him as "a grandfather"
Is it possible that BS is actually William's biological grandfather and he has taken William to return him to his biological parents.This is out there I know but it is easier to think that the other awful possibilities.
Is it possible that BS is actually William's biological grandfather and he has taken William to return him to his biological parents.This is out there I know but it is easier to think that the other awful possibilities.

i dont believe that its possible :)
Yes, that's one of those I was thinking of. So if the other one was part of the same series, which is my impression, there's nothing in it. Anyway I think I'm not allowed to talk about it because I can't link it because I'm not on FB.
The photo with the baby in pink is from a different series, it was taken in the past few years.
So an adjoining neighbors property, with a vehicle laying in wait to receive WT, when the opportunity strikes and straight out their driveway and up the back road, taking him to a drop off point? Wonder how hard the police have investigated the neighbors with a theory in mind?
Exactly! Bill accidentally receives info from G/M re: needing the washing machine repair. He now knows 2 kids from out of town are expected Friday. He alerts his slimy pals, and if they do live on the same street as G/M, they will know who is away, who leaves at what time for work each day, and what everyone had for breakfast. It was just a matter of lying in wait for the perfect opportunity to nab either one of the kids. :-(
Thank you for sharing your story. Awareness is amazing. Your story has prompted me to contact my local high school to have a chat to teens about talking about incidents that have occurred in the past and in secret.

I came out after 20 years. It was too late for me, I'd already been Dux of primary school to then get expelled from 2 high schools and hate education (due to drug use). what I am seeing and hearing is that 20 years is about the usual time for victims to talk about the crimes against them. These kids are in uni degrees or apprenticeships by then and turn to drugs or other means to cope. Work at a uni now and see this first hand.
Oh I am so pleased to hear that telling my story has inspired you to talk to others. I also agree that awareness and speaking out as early as possible is key to recovery. All the professionals have said that because my godson spoke up when he was still young, 12, and because no one ever doubted his story, he has a great chance of a good recovery and successful future. Last year was his first year in high school and he was awarded 'most outstanding student in year 7'. I'm so bloody proud of him!
Best of luck in your endeavours to share your story and I'd love to hear how you go. Take care.
Pedophiles target single mums on dating sites to molest their children

Did a paedophile ring take William?

SEXUAL predators are targeting the online dating profiles of single Queensland mums to molest their children.

Pedophiles are faking relationships with the women to lull them into a false sense of security to gain access to their children, according to the head of the state’s police taskforce hunting down online child sex offenders.

Insp Rouse also urged women not to post photos showing their children which might attract pedophiles trawling the sites for boys or girls of a specific age.
“If women have included details like these in their profiles, then they should remove it immediately,’’ he said.
Is it a grandchild linked bio family? This has been I noted before and as the bio family and poi family are from the same area I don't think it means a lot.
I do not FB, but I was wondering if any connection has been found by other sleuthers between BS and any residents at Benaroon Dr? Could it be that GM just mentioned the impending visit to others in her local vicinity? If I am not allowed to be posting these questions I apologise and will cease.
Disgraceful. The USA is light years ahead of us when it comes to jail time for these crimes. And like someone linked earlier on in this thread, you know it's bad when these monsters intentionally come here because they know if they're caught the sentencing isn't too harsh. Disgusting

Here in the US you will get put on the sex offender list for peeing in public. I have been reading everyone's posts on and am absolutely disgusted that your laws are so lax. I cannot even comprehend this in my mind and literally brings tears to my eyes! On a good note, Australia does not have the statute of limitations like we do here. Women come forward here in the US years later and cannot go after the because too many years have gone by. And the statute of limitations is different for each state. My son is Cub Scouts, background checks are done on all leaders and parents who participate in events. They just passed a rule in my child's school that all parents have to have a criminal background check to even be a volunteer. And of course there can be people who slip by from having a clean record but it is a piece of mind.
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