Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - # 9

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Perhaps I should have said possible, instead of potential. My meaning is that we can never be sure about anyone and should take precautions with them, instead of wanting to know the names of convicted ones and think the children are then safe.

I don't think so. The world is filled with people who are good, kind and protective of children and who would rather slit their own wrists than hurt a child in such a violent and evil manner.
I'm with you on this Butterstick. You can start treading on some very dangerous ground if you pre-empt the court system, lousy and frustrating as it is sometimes.

I see a lot of potential to destroy innocent lives. Yes I know children are innocent too, but if we go round with pitchforks against folks doing our own form of justice things get out of hand very quickly. And yes, there would be a bunch of molestors and peddos leading the charge just to make themselves look good.

I've just been reminded of something that happened in my street a few years ago. One of our residents, a brickie, had two nice little kids. He fell out with a client over a job. The client then letter dropped to the entire neighbourhood that our brickie was a peddo who abused his own kids. People who didn't even know Steve's name (not his real name) were suddenly gossiping about him in the streets. His wife went through a bit of hell as well. Luckily it was found out to be false very quickly and it all went away. But it could have stuck. It's easy for someone to be accused maliciously and then find it very hard to live it down. So there is that side of the coin.
Well said
Really? Denis Ferguson comes to mind.

It would be good to see a public referendum on the matter of a national sex offender register. Possible vigilantism vs increased child protection. Let the people decide.

3 of our 8 states/territories - NT, WA and SA - have all decided to go with a public register, and I have yet to hear of any vigilante acts.
Sad thing is even though the mother of the children raised the concerns with Doc's 2 and a half yrs ago, there is virtually nothing doc's could do but be more cautious and watch the kid's closely. If there is no recorded conviction they are still free to foster.

I know of a personal experience where a family member molested a child and once they found out the man was fostering children contacted the fostering agency and Human Services to inform of what had occurred yrs ago. They were told that the man's checks came up clean and there waa nothing they could do, they also informed the person to go make a report to Police and then once charges were laid they would be able to cease fostering to the family. But of course with historical abuse if the Police don't have enough evidence they don't go ahead and persue charges, therefore it still allows this man to foster children.

It's the whole system that needs a huge overhaul. If there is no guilty plea, there still should be some sort of flagging system so foster kid's don't fall in the hands of these scum that have gotten away with it all because the case isn't strong enough to hold up in court.
Everyone can be accused of being a molestor.

Joining a lynch-mob might be a great place to hide undetected.

The bully in the schoolyard is often acting out his own insecurities.

This stuff ain't healthy. Leave it to the police and proper process.

In fact I think I would risk my life to save a child.
I don't have to be in any lynch mob to protect a child, I'll do that on my own.
It takes a village to rear a child, Oh, I wish that old fashioned saying still applied-safely.
It's our duty to protect the vulnerable.

UNFORTUNATELY 'it's the vulnerable who are perceived as prey' by those who slither.
what if a report is made about me or a child in my care?

When we receive information about a child or young person who may have been significantly harmed or injured, or is at risk of significant harm, we make decisions about how to assess or investigate the report.
Where a serious crime against a child or young person has been alleged, the Joint Investigative Response Team (JIRT, comprised of Community Services, NSW Police and NSW Health) investigates.

is your child in care?

We won't remove a child from home unless it can be proven to the Court that this is necessary for the child’s well being, or unless we have your consent as the parent.
In all cases, our primary concern is to act in your child’s best interests.

As this thread is about William and any poi, I'll just post this if anyone is interested, the whole situation is messy, dysfunctional, there are more questions than answers, iow. JMO
Wasn't referencing anyone in particular.

Point is vigilantes are probably counter productive.
Wasn't referencing anyone in particular.

Point is vigilantes are probably counter productive.

I imagining a group with white thingies covering their faces parading down the residential streets armed with bats and lumps of 4x2's.

No vigilantes please as a mob/pack mentality can be dangerous.
i thought the boys in bs care were ms grandsons, but this quote makes it sound like the boys mother didnt know bs?

The mother of the three young boys, who cannot be named, was shocked to discover that the children had been living with a man accused of child abuse.

The boys' grandfather told the newspaper: 'I am very concerned about what may have happened to my grandchildren.'
why was it repeatedly reported over and over by police and msm that this was a surprise visit when it clearly wasnt?

Just hours earlier, it was revealed that William's grandmother asked Spedding, a few days before her grandson disappeared from her garden, to fix her washing machine because she was expecting her family to stay over, The Daily Telegraph reported.
This contradicts reports that her family's visit was unexpected
why was it repeatedly reported over and over by police and msm that this was a surprise visit when it clearly wasnt?

Someone cleared this up the other day, they were meant to arrive Friday which Grandma knew about but instead they *surprised* her by arriving the afternoon before.. I think it was just sloppy reporting in the beginning.
i thought the boys in bs care were ms grandsons, but this quote makes it sound like the boys mother didnt know bs?

The mother of the three young boys, who cannot be named, was shocked to discover that the children had been living with a man accused of child abuse.

The boys' grandfather told the newspaper: 'I am very concerned about what may have happened to my grandchildren.'

The boys are the children of MS son so they are her grandchildren. From what i have seen there is no love lost between MS and the woman in the article.
At 2.35pm detectives are dispatched from Port Macquarie and begin taking statements. One of them speaks to a colleague, Detective Senior Constable Vanessa Partridge, back at Port Macquarie late that afternoon; they are worried something more sinister may have taken place.............

This is day one.

Arriving at the house on Benaroon Drive, *Partridge is thinking, “Something just doesn’t feel right about this whole thing.”

The surprise visit was put out there to the media.
IMO the question would have had to have been asked who new you were here? Who did you tell?
The very person grandma told was back to fix the washer days later.
Did he just turn up or was that visit requested?
He was interviewed soon after William's disappearance and there were inconsistencies.
i thought the boys in bs care were ms grandsons, but this quote makes it sound like the boys mother didnt know bs?

The mother of the three young boys, who cannot be named, was shocked to discover that the children had been living with a man accused of child abuse.

The boys' grandfather told the newspaper: 'I am very concerned about what may have happened to my grandchildren.'

This is becoming really confusing. They obviously know each other's mobile numbers.

They allege his wife Margaret contacted one of the alleged victims by text shortly after he was arrested and said: “It really saddens me you’re involved in this.”
i thought the boys in bs care were ms grandsons, but this quote makes it sound like the boys mother didnt know bs?

The mother of the three young boys, who cannot be named, was shocked to discover that the children had been living with a man accused of child abuse.

The boys' grandfather told the newspaper: 'I am very concerned about what may have happened to my grandchildren.'

The boys are MS grandsons. The grandfather who said that he was concerned is most likely their maternal grandfather, or possibly the bio paternal grandfather (BS is their step grandfather)
This is becoming really confusing. They obviously know each other's mobile numbers.

They allege his wife Margaret contacted one of the alleged victims by text shortly after he was arrested and said: “It really saddens me you’re involved in this.”

i thought that phone call was to one of the girls bs abused in 1987? and this recent quote was from the mother of the three boys who were recently fostered by bs and ms?
This is probably what drives some cops to the wall - detectives like Jubelin bust a gut and ruin their marriages and some do-gooder judge gives this lowlife a slap on the wrist and practically an invite to do it all over again.

I have a friend who is a detective and for this reason he is pro death penalty. We disagree but we've had some good conversations. I can only imagine what he has seen to make him feel this way because he is usually very compassionate and anti violence I every other instance.
something i read much earlier in the search on one of the social media sites is that it was all organised beforehand in sydney, dont know by whom?
it bothers me
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