Australia Australia - William Tyrrell Disappeared While Playing in Yard - Kendall (NSW) - #74

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I don't understand, why one owns a cell phone and doesn't use it for 9 months. What might be the trick behind this? There has to be a certain ruse, I believe.

That has happened to me. I had a phone but my employer gave me a brand new one when I started the job and, as most of my calls were business-related, I used that number for everybody rather than have to juggle two phones and two numbers. My old phone lay at home in a drawer and eventually became e-waste.
Hi FromGermany. It’s always seemed quite a strange to me, but perhaps for a different reason.

However ‘strange’ can also be quite innocent.

IMO the ‘terminology‘ being used of ‘phone’ is a tad misleading.

I don’t believe Police were referencing an actual ‘handset / phone’, but instead were talking about another ‘mobile number’ appearing in JS’s Telstra account - which showed no activity in the 9 mths it was connected.
(according to the comments in the article provided above by Detective Willy)

JS said he’d had the same number for 9 years.

He also said that he upgrades his iPhone version regularly.

It’s many years since my career in mobile technology however I think there’s still only 2 options to get a new version handset -
Buy 1 ‘outright’
do what many people often do and that’s get a ‘new contract’ which will provide a new phone / handset at a heavily subsidised price / certain plans will give a ‘free’ handset

I‘m wondering if JS previously always purchased his new version iPhones outright, however if finances got a bit tighter, perhaps that outlay wasn’t viable in a lump sum, and the decision was made to get another contract, throw the new SiM in the drawer & put old SIM in new Phone ( & pay the additional monthly fee for the new contract). If he didn’t manage the home finances he may not have even been aware.

Now I’ll go back to what about this seemed ‘strange’ to me:
it’s that it was disconnected after 9 months.
Imo, these contracts are minimum 12 months duration

So for me, I’m interested in why it was disconnected at that time, 3 days prior to their hurried & early Sydney departure - a disconnection that imo will have added sizeable fees on to the next phone bill.

anyway, all just my thoughts & opinions, as we chat around the collective table :) and I hope everyone is keeping safe & well.
MOO - So if the Foster Father knew nothing about it and therefore must not have been the person who made that disconnection, then it stands to reason that it would have been the Foster Mother who did it, and should have been questioned by Detectives on why. But if she knew nothing about it, then who!
I don't understand, why one owns a cell phone and doesn't use it for 9 months.

It wasn't a phone, it was a SIM card.

SIM cards are also used in other items - where people don't even know the SIM number, and make no calls.
For example, I disconnected a SIM card on a company phone account that had no activity for months (or ever). Turns out it was a SIM card that a staff member had in their iPad.
It wasn't a phone, it was a SIM card.

SIM cards are also used in other items - where people don't even know the SIM number, and make no calls.
For example, I disconnected a SIM card on a company phone account that had no activity for months (or ever). Turns out it was a SIM card that a staff member had in their iPad.
And that would’ve been what FF meant when he said was it her data thingy. But Police should’ve known that If they actually investigated the sims with network. I think perhaps they just asked questions & accepted the answers.
We have no idea if they have moved on from FA at all. He didn’t provide an alibi, so he would still be on their list. They can say whatever they like to the public (ie - this is our POI) and be investigating someone else altogether.

No way the police can say whatever they like to the public.

They would get their rear end sued off on the daily.

If LE name a POI it's for good reason.
So to suggest that FM is a diversion or decoy is unrealistic.

She is the POI as current stands.

Its very serious.
All the side note activities just make it all uglier. I wouldn't want to be in her shoes that's for sure.

There's definately a tick tick tick tick time piece she's lugging around IMO.
It wasn't a phone, it was a SIM card.

SIM cards are also used in other items - where people don't even know the SIM number, and make no calls.
For example, I disconnected a SIM card on a company phone account that had no activity for months (or ever). Turns out it was a SIM card that a staff member had in their iPad.
Well, that's true and all computer activity using the sim card does not show as activity on a phone. Unless the sim is located it can't be shown what it was used for.... it's not evidence but an interesting line of inquiry. If it was used in a computer in relation to WT's disappearance then it could indicate some long term planning? I'm not posing this as a fact, just a scenario. IMO
Well, that's true and all computer activity using the sim card does not show as activity on a phone. Unless the sim is located it can't be shown what it was used for.... it's not evidence but an interesting line of inquiry. If it was used in a computer in relation to WT's disappearance then it could indicate some long term planning? I'm not posing this as a fact, just a scenario. IMO

If the SIM was used for any type of data/internet use, it would show detailed data activity on the phone bill - date, time (and I think also duration, I will have to look again at the detail when I am in the office).

The company phone bill that I was speaking of shows all the SIMs data use (at no charge, because data is included in the plans). There are pages and pages of it on the bill. Along with the phone use, of course.

The particular SIM that I was speaking of was not used for phone calls or data use. The staff member had been using WiFi for his internet access on his iPad. The SIM was basically sitting in the iPad doing nothing at all.

I don't think it is an uncommon thing. People buy various devices, think they might need a SIM, then never use the SIM. Because WiFi is so easily obtainable. imo
Well, that's true and all computer activity using the sim card does not show as activity on a phone. Unless the sim is located it can't be shown what it was used for.... it's not evidence but an interesting line of inquiry. If it was used in a computer in relation to WT's disappearance then it could indicate some long term planning? I'm not posing this as a fact, just a scenario. IMO
JMO, but I think Police could subpoena the mobile network / ISP for activity on a SIM card that may be in a mobile device such as iPAD or tablet.
I don’t know what info they‘d get but I think they’d certainly see instances of ‘activity’.
as I said, just my thoughts.
A $1.5 million award to Bill Spedding over trumped-up historical sexual assault allegations brought during the investigation into William Tyrrell's disappearance should be overturned, an appeals court has been told.

Without naming individuals in the ODPP, it was impossible to assess their state of mind and determine whether they maliciously pursued the case against Spedding, the court was told.

There was also no evidence to suggest the director or those under him were colluding with police officers

Harrison also erred by finding the DPP was not reasonable in bringing the sexual assault charges against Spedding in April 2015 or for continuing with the case.

The hearing continues.

A $1.5 million award to Bill Spedding over trumped-up historical sexual assault allegations brought during the investigation into William Tyrrell's disappearance should be overturned, an appeals court has been told.

Without naming individuals in the ODPP, it was impossible to assess their state of mind and determine whether they maliciously pursued the case against Spedding, the court was told.

There was also no evidence to suggest the director or those under him were colluding with police officers

Harrison also erred by finding the DPP was not reasonable in bringing the sexual assault charges against Spedding in April 2015 or for continuing with the case.

The hearing continues.

Are they going to expect Spedding to pay back a million and a half bucks?
Are they going to expect Spedding to pay back a million and a half bucks?
They are implying simply that the amount is too much.
So chasing a partial refund.
Not trying to overturn the outcome.
Think that's all they got to work with.

Personally I hope the Speddings are awarded their damages and set an example of exactly why the police have to be 100% committed to a theory before verbalising an agenda to the public.
What the Speddings presented publically for alibis was MORE than enough.
It could be you.
Think about that.
you got receipts, You got eye witnesses and that is enough.

That man was branded guilty because his grandson gave him a spiderman toy to take to work with him for company SMH. :oops:
Cops accused of destroying Bill Spedding's life

"What is needed is the award of a sum that will sting, a sum that will cause notice to be taken of what has occurred, of the wrongs that have been done to the plaintiff and of the disapprobation of the court," said Mr Spedding's barrister Paul Blacket SC.

The NSW public had an interest in police behaving properly and, if there was to be any reform of the NSW Police Force, they should be sufficiently punished for this type of misconduct, he told the NSW Court of Appeal.
"It's as bad a case in Australian legal history in respect of malicious prosecution as you can get," the barrister said.
Judgment is now reserved and will be handed down at a later date.


William Tyrrell would have been 12 years old today, on the cusp of entering his teens and high school.

Instead, he remains frozen in time — a cheeky three-year-old boy who loved Spider-man and drawing pictures.

In the years since he vanished from the small NSW Mid-North Coast town of Kendall in September 2014, a lot has happened surrounding his case and, at the same time, nothing at all.
Insofar as we know ….. thus far, someone has gotten away with disappearing William:

On what would have been William Tyrrell's 12th birthday, police remain tight-lipped on one theory
“Many theories have been thrown up, many suspects investigated and many searches conducted, but no arrests have ever been made and no charges laid over his disappearance.
In fact, the only person ever convicted as a result of the homicide investigation, dubbed Strike Force Rosann, was its former lead detective, Gary Jubelin.”
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