GUILTY Austria - Woman Held Captive, Had 7 Children by Father

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An Austrian engineer has confessed to fathering seven children by raping his own daughter and keeping them captive in the cellar, Austrian police said today.

During the 24 years that Josef F kept his daughter Elisabeth locked up in a windowless cellar underneath the house where he lived an outwardly blameless life with his wife Rosemarie, the 73-year-old is said to have fathered and then acted as midwife at the birth of Kerstin, 19, Stefan, 18, Lisa, 16, Monica, 14, Alexander, 11, and Felix, 5, Austrian police have revealed.

More at link . . .
He had other children? I wonder why he pick this child to imprison? They would have all starved to death had he died suddenly or if the place caught fire no one would have known they were down there....
What a nightmare...and now the children who where on the outside learn they are products of incest.....Years of counseling is going to be needed, I hope they can all over come it.
Hi Amraann (longtime :) ...)

Yes, there's sure to be more horror unraveled on this story. Living with an evil tyrant, anything can happen. Jeffs / Barlow managed to dupe tens of thousands from 1930.

Could one vicious, vile man have a big problem putting the fear of Satan in his wife & kids - threatening, starving, ridiculing, punishing, beating them? If the mom is truly suffering psychological problems ... the cause may just have been discovered.

The general public (understandably) often wonder 'what the wife really knew' and want to believe others in the family could have 'done something'. That's probably because we relatively normal folk just cannot fathom condoning such inhumane experiences.

Monsters are so cunning. Radar is a great example of that. Let's hope the mother is free of any blame. Ugh! What we DO know is this man is clearly a living monster ... and [shiver] if we know of 2 long-term captives like this in last 12 months, then how many don't we know about?

Yes, yes, yes! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
I just heard on cbs that three of the kids had never seen day light and one baby died in the basement. This is unhuman. This was her own father he needs to locked up had left to dei in a real dark cell no food no light no nothing just leave him there!!!!

Thanks for this link. Lots of information is found in it. I see she was eighteen when he lured her to the basement and locked her up. This was after molesting her since she was eleven. The two girls who were raised by the grandparents are very nice looking girls. The grandfather looks evil to me. I think this poor woman and the children are probably so messed up mentally it can never be undone, but hopefully they can live a somewhat normal life, free from that monster. I find it hard to believe that the mom didn't know, unless maybe she was forbidden to ever go near the cellar and was too afraid of him to disobey. I think it is hard for the rest of us to really comprehend how someone could do things so horrible to their own child. I really think think her mother may have known or suspected, but maybe she needs her mother now, since that is all she has to help her care for her children.

When the following is so, i can believe the mother/grandmother never knew:

The property in which the family lived had some rooms rented out to tenants, yet nobody realised what was happening in the sealed rooms.

big house, big cellar area. soundproofed.

ETA: there is a property my s/o owns which is 10 minutes away from the property we live in. very big house and the cellar area is enormous, divided into around 6 or 7 rooms. if it were sealed off and soundproofed, it would be perfectly possible to keep someone a prisoner down there forever without anyone being the wiser.

as things stand, it's in constant use and there is nothing secret going on down there.
I just heard on cbs that three of the kids had never seen day light and one baby died in the basement. This is unhuman. This was her own father he needs to locked up had left to dei in a real dark cell no food no light no nothing just leave him there!!!!

Hawg, the effects on everyone in this family is going to be astronomical. There are other siblings, probably with children themselves, who now will forever be associated with this nightmare. The children that were permitted to live "upstairs" will carry scars knowing that their "downstairs" siblings were horrifically abused. Everyone will wonder, how they didn't know what was going on right under their very noses.

It sounds from the reports that Elizabeth is pretty deranged after spending more than 1/2 her life below ground. I can only wonder the effects of those children who spent their whole lives living such a nightmare.
My thoughts exactly. How many more are out there?
This has crossed my mind too. :eek:
Absolutely inhuman what this excuse of a "father" did. :mad:
I'm telling you - this story is freaking me out, and I nearly vomited when I heard that two of the children had been locked in there for 18-19 years while their mother was having babies and handing them over to grandpa. It makes me so angry I'm shaking.

And Grandma never had a clue? I can almost believe that, thanks to the power of evil, but I do wonder why the local authorities accepted this guy's word that the babies on the doorstep were really his daughter's. omg

And why did he leave some children down there, while others were taken away? :furious: How could a human do that - omg. This is just horrible.
I want to buy a ticket to Austria and punish this sick *advertiser censored* myself. What I'd like to see done to him can't be written on here. Does Austria have the death penalty? I hope not, it would be too good for him. Let's put him over here in one of our max security cells and let the big boys have fun with him for a couple dozen years........ Stories like this bring out such anger in me that it's beyond words.
I want to buy a ticket to Austria and punish this sick *advertiser censored* myself. What I'd like to see done to him can't be written on here. Does Austria have the death penalty? I hope not, it would be too good for him. Let's put him over here in one of our max security cells and let the big boys have fun with him for a couple dozen years........ Stories like this bring out such anger in me that it's beyond words.

Oh, I like this post ... it just cheered me right up thinking about that possibility.
ThoughtFox, I also wonder what made him pick some of the kids to move upstairs and leave the others. I'm sure there's still a lot more to this story that we haven't heard yet.
I wonder what the reactions of Elizabeth's siblings are?
It's hard for me to imagine that in 24 yrs the wife never thought of going to the cellar...
ThoughtFox, I also wonder what made him pick some of the kids to move upstairs and leave the others. I'm sure there's still a lot more to this story that we haven't heard yet.
I wonder what the reactions of Elizabeth's siblings are?
It's hard for me to imagine that in 24 yrs the wife never thought of going to the cellar...

MsRusty, the entry way was completely hidden, behind a steel door and electronically locked with only Mr. F having the entry code. I guess I can kind of see now how the mother, other children and tenants never knew.
I want to buy a ticket to Austria and punish this sick *advertiser censored* myself. What I'd like to see done to him can't be written on here. Does Austria have the death penalty? I hope not, it would be too good for him. Let's put him over here in one of our max security cells and let the big boys have fun with him for a couple dozen years........ Stories like this bring out such anger in me that it's beyond words.

No European Union country has the death penalty.
Here's another thought: if there were a flood, they would all have certainly died.
Oh, lovely ... now the SOB is claiming she was willing!

“He has now said that he locked up his daughter for 24 years and that he alone fathered her seven children and that he locked them up in the cellar,” said Colonel Franz Polzer, head of the criminal investigations unit in the province of Lower Austria.

Prosecutors said a little later however that Mr F had denied that he raped his daughter by force.

"(He has) admitted the charges of incest, but insisted there was no force involved,” said Gerhard Sedlacek, a spokesman for Austrian prosecutors. “He admitted to fathering seven children by his daughter, one of whom died at an early age.”

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