GUILTY Austria - Woman Held Captive, Had 7 Children by Father

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1) Any word on the illness which caused the daughter/granddaughter to go into a coma?

2) Didn't the grandmother/wife of SOB think that the children that were dropped off on their doorstep, the children that she raised, resembled her daughter and/or husband? I mean, genetically those kids have the DNA of two family members. Surely, there was a resemblance that made grandmother/wife of SOB wonder.

3) This is the most shocking thing I've read in a long, long time, maybe ever. It's like a trashy novel. I can't believe this is real. And, like a previous poster, I'm wondering how many girls/women are being kept in locked cellars, living their lives in terror and pain.
1. From what I read she's in a coma and in very serious condition. No other word as of yet. I hope she recovers, but if she doesn't he should be charged with murder for her as well as the twin the perished.

2. The children were represented as being dropped off by the daughter, with notes not to look for her. So the grandmother truly thought they were her own grandchildren that she was raising ... not some strange children. So it's reasonable to believe that the kids would look like her daughter or husband.

3. I completely agree ... it just so ... so .... SHOCKING to imagine and to wonder how many others are hidden away.
Oh, I see...for some reason I thought the children were just dropped off as anonymous. That she knew they were her own grandchildren makes more sense, although I'd have to wonder about an absent daughter who keeps dropping babies off on my doorstep. I certainly wouldn't immediately think she was locked in my cellar, but it would still be strange.
I think possibly he kept the oldest girl down there because he was abusing her too. She may also have had some defects because of the close genetic tie.
about the mom or wife or whatever she is ... i can see her not knowing.

think about it this way ... the guy was obviously abusive. often people this abusive towards their children are also abusive and/or manipulative towards their spouses. he honestly could have so much control over her mind that she really didn't know what was going on and really believed all of his stories.

also: there's a presser going on live right now. but it's not in english so i cant understand it. anyone have any clue what they're saying?
Shocked Austrians ask 'what's wrong with our country?', as they learn the full horror of their third 'girl-in-a-cellar' scandal in two years

Austria's trouble started in 2006 when teenager Natascha Kampusch escaped from a dungeon where she had been kept by Wolfgang Priklopil for eight years.
Then in 2007, there were three girls held captive in almost complete darkness for seven years by their own mother in a house in Austria's third city, Linz.
"After this latest case it will be impossible to carry on with business as usual," writes Petra Stuiber in Austria's Der Standard daily.

"An entire nation must ask itself what is going fundamentally wrong."
ThoughtFox, I also wonder what made him pick some of the kids to move upstairs and leave the others. I'm sure there's still a lot more to this story that we haven't heard yet.
I wonder what the reactions of Elizabeth's siblings are?
It's hard for me to imagine that in 24 yrs the wife never thought of going to the cellar...
I think I read that the three who were allowed to live normal lives were girls....who knows, this perv may have been molesting them too like he did their mother before he locked her away.
Shocked Austrians ask 'what's wrong with our country?', as they learn the full horror of their third 'girl-in-a-cellar' scandal in two years

Austria's trouble started in 2006 when teenager Natascha Kampusch escaped from a dungeon where she had been kept by Wolfgang Priklopil for eight years.
Then in 2007, there were three girls held captive in almost complete darkness for seven years by their own mother in a house in Austria's third city, Linz.
"After this latest case it will be impossible to carry on with business as usual," writes Petra Stuiber in Austria's Der Standard daily.

"An entire nation must ask itself what is going fundamentally wrong."
Whoa. That's horrible. I'd read about Natascha Kampusch but didn't hear about that other case.

Three of the children "never saw sunlight" until they were freed over the weekend, said officers.

The man, now 73, also told investigators that he tossed the body of one of the children in an incinerator when the infant died shortly after birth, said Franz Polzer, head of the Lower Austrian Bureau of Criminal Affairs.

"We are being confronted with an unfathomable crime," Interior Minister Guenther Platter said.
From the link I posted above:

Natascha Kampusch was 10 years old when she was kidnapped in Vienna on her way to school in March 1998. Her abductor, Wolfgang Priklopil, threw himself in front of a train just hours after her dramatic escape.

Kampusch, now 20, issued a statement today saying she wanted to contact Elisabeth to offer emotional and financial help.

This just made me want to bust out and cry.
From the link I posted above:

Natascha Kampusch was 10 years old when she was kidnapped in Vienna on her way to school in March 1998. Her abductor, Wolfgang Priklopil, threw himself in front of a train just hours after her dramatic escape.

Kampusch, now 20, issued a statement today saying she wanted to contact Elisabeth to offer emotional and financial help.

This just made me want to bust out and cry.

Natascha is extraordinary. she's going to make it. :)
From the link I posted above:
Natascha Kampusch was 10 years old when she was kidnapped in Vienna on her way to school in March 1998. Her abductor, Wolfgang Priklopil, threw himself in front of a train just hours after her dramatic escape.

Kampusch, now 20, issued a statement today saying she wanted to contact Elisabeth to offer emotional and financial help.
This just made me want to bust out and cry.

That is heartening to hear.

From her statements after her escape, N. Kampusch struck me as an incredibly strong woman.
All these years locked down there, it's just unimaginable! If something had happened to that evil old man his daughter and the children would have just been left abandoned down there to eventually starve to death!
It is very odd how he chose some babies to raise upstairs and not others. I'm wondering if he chose ones who appeared to be normal and if there may be noticible defects at birth with the other ones because of the incest.
I have to wonder also about how many other evil people are out there doing this, holding someone captive.

All these years locked down there, it's just unimaginable! If something had happened to that evil old man his daughter and the children would have just been left abandoned down there to eventually starve to death!
It is very odd how he chose some babies to raise upstairs and not others. I'm wondering if he chose ones who appeared to be normal and if there may be noticible defects at birth with the other ones because of the incest.
I have to wonder also about how many other evil people are out there doing this, holding someone captive.


I don't know how that didn't occur to me ... if he got hit by a bus or dropped dead of a heart attack ........... :sick: :sick: :sick:


...his wife Rosemarie, the 73-year-old is said to have fathered and then acted as midwife at the birth of Kerstin, 19, Stefan, 18, Lisa, 16, Monica, 14, Alexander, 11, and Felix, 5, Austrian police have revealed.

More at link . . .

If the wife was the midwife at the birth, she more than just "knew" what was going on.
All these years locked down there, it's just unimaginable! If something had happened to that evil old man his daughter and the children would have just been left abandoned down there to eventually starve to death!
It is very odd how he chose some babies to raise upstairs and not others. I'm wondering if he chose ones who appeared to be normal and if there may be noticible defects at birth with the other ones because of the incest.
I have to wonder also about how many other evil people are out there doing this, holding someone captive.


This is the worst thing to think about, those poor people trapped to die with no one but the evil man even knowing they were locked in the cellar. I have read a lot of cases but this one is just so horrible in every way it is giving me nightmares. The nightmare is real for all involved and it will be ongoing. How would a mental health facilitator be able to get them to overcome or even be half way normal? I am also very concerned about birth defects involving the children.
If the wife was the midwife at the birth, she more than just "knew" what was going on.

I don't think the wife acted as midwife; it was the father who acted as midwife, meaning he helped deliver his own children.
OMG . . . how could this happen? This is beyond crazy. I don't think that I could sneak a bagel and cream cheese into work without someone smelling something and this man did this, over 24 years, without being caught? I am surprised that all of the children are "normal" due to the incest. I realize that one baby died.

I can't believe that Elisabeth's mother didn't know anything, unless she is blind and deaf, which she is not. Sick, sick, sick . . . thank God that Elisabeth and her kids have been found and are getting immediate care from the authorities.

Godspeed to them!

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