
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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close_enough said:
hmmm, the picture i pulled up had the ridging/marks on the outer edge of the round part also, where the light bulb is...ugh, i don't know how to explain it....

a flashlight would certainly explain any "crescent" shaped injuries...
I think you and Dr. Baden are right. :)
raisincharlie said:
Cop size ! Heavy and work just as well as a night stick.
That's exactly what I suggested earlier and it'd be something that might be in the bedroom 'for an emergency'.

That's all for me tonight, see everyone tomorrow! :cool:
panthera said:
That's exactly what I suggested earlier and it'd be something that might be in the bedroom 'for an emergency'.

That's all for me tonight, see everyone tomorrow! :cool:

goodnight!...i'm out of here also (waves)
close_enough said:
the thing about that hair someone (forgot who) mentioned that if it's one of JY's, the defense can simply say she could have gotten that from the carpet...JY's hair would be in the bedroom anyway......not REAL sure this hair will matter, so to speak, in court.....what do yall think?

Yeah, but it could go with the other 100 pieces of the circumstantial puzzle. I mean what are the odds of a strand of his hair being mixed with her blood in her hand.

But it is puzzling as to how it could get there. As pointed out by someone at CTV & reading the AR again - it says "Examination of the hands shows a single hair stuck in blood on the left hand..." It doesn't say in the hand. Any ideas how this would come about because it would appear she didn't grab it.
Taximom said:
From the autopsy:
Personal Effects Disposition: none

Where's her wedding ring? Think she took it off prior to being beaten to death?

Here we go again with the discussion of "do you take your jewelry off at night?" Shades of Laci again.

The only way I'd take my wedding ring off is if my marriage was over.

I wonder what MY's habit was.

I did take off my rings when I was pregnant because my hands swelled up but I don't think it was until the last trimester.
jilly said:
Yeah, but it could go with the other 100 pieces of the circumstantial puzzle. I mean what are the odds of a strand of his hair being mixed with her blood in her hand.
Strand of hair ala Laci. It's spooky how many similarities there are. I hope it's his, but I can see the defense team saying that hair (if it's his) could have been picked up from anywhere in their bedroom during a struggle. :silenced:

I shudder to think what poor, sweet Cassidy came upon when she first saw her mother. I picture her trying to wake her and talk to her...and wanting to fix her boo-boos. I hope she will forget what she saw as she grows older.
The marks from the autopsy drawing look to me like they dug into her head and causes those cracks and unique marks. I too think that it was a fireplace poker.

Interesting that she had a hair in her hand. Jason has hair that can be pulled ...

I really wonder if he had any marks or injuries.
JY liked climbing, right? Look at this tool and tell me what you think. I have no idea of what the measurements are of this particular tool, but I don't think it's that big, and I think this is the expanded position. Just a thought.

I wish I could get a better idea of what the striation marks on MY looked like.
I'm still leaning towards the husband being the murderer but one thing I do know for sure, whoever killed this beautiful woman wanted her dead in the worst way. Where was her beautiful little girl while the attack was taking place? Michelle was fighting back. She had defense wounds which leads me to believe she was screaming at the top of her lungs when fighting off her attacker. There's just no way little Cassidy didn't hear what happened that night.... :(

When will LE know the other DNA results? When will we know if Michelle's DNA was under Jason's fingernails? That's a possibility since Michelle's neck had scratch marks on it.
Taximom said:
Strand of hair ala Laci. It's spooky how many similarities there are. I hope it's his, but I can see the defense team saying that hair (if it's his) could have been picked up from anywhere in their bedroom during a struggle. :silenced:

I shudder to think what poor, sweet Cassidy came upon when she first saw her mother. I picture her trying to wake her and talk to her...and wanting to fix her boo-boos. I hope she will forget what she saw as she grows older.

I just added about this hair in post #224. Yes I think the defense could say this because the hair was on her hand and not in it. I don't really see how they could actually explain it though.

Yes another Laci similarity. I really feel for that poor little child too.
philamena said:
I'm still leaning towards the husband being the murderer but one thing I do know for sure, whoever killed this beautiful woman wanted her dead in the worst way. Where was her beautiful little girl while the attack was taking place? Michelle was fighting back. She had defense wounds which leads me to believe she was screaming at the top of her lungs when fighting off her attacker. There's just no way little Cassidy didn't hear what happened that night.... :(

When will LE know the other DNA results? When will we know if Michelle's DNA was under Jason's fingernails? That's a possibility since Michelle's neck had scratch marks on it.
If I remember from the 911 tape, Meredith asks Cassidy to go to her room for a few seconds and it didn't sound like it took Cassidy that long to do so. Perhaps right next door. :mad:
philamena said:
When will LE know the other DNA results? When will we know if Michelle's DNA was under Jason's fingernails? That's a possibility since Michelle's neck had scratch marks on it.

I think it's been said somewhere that the lab is 3 months behind so we're probably looking at the beginning of February?
Taximom and Jilly,
Thanks so much for the replies. I'd forgotten that Cassidy's room was so close to where the body was found.

Gosh, 3 months. How can Michelle's parents stand this wait?
jilly said:
I did take off my rings when I was pregnant because my hands swelled up but I don't think it was until the last trimester.
I remember with one of my pregnancies thinking (at 9 mos) that I should have removed my ring a few months before. You brought up a good point.
close_enough said:
Baden says that the instrument used was lighter than a hammer, tire iron, etc.....

What about a hocey stick?
Or a garden tool like a hoe?
Well, my head is spinning (which is nothing new :D ) so I'll see you both tomorrow!
jilly said:
Well, my head is spinning (which is nothing new :D ) so I'll see you both tomorrow!
Mine is too. I can't believe the murderer can sleep at night!

Sweet dreams, jilly.
This has been an interesting day, sneaking in to read while working! LOL But having read everything here I have a few thoughts.

I agree the most likely scenario was a mag flashlight. I've used every basic size, and the one about 12" long, or the next size down could inflict injuries like this.

Dr Baden messed up in saying there was a fist full of hair in her hand, but he made some good points.

* First, what actually killed her was the combination of 20 blows to the head, so it wasn't one big smashing blow.

*Next, there were ansillary markings in many different places on her body that appear to have come from the weapon itself. He had a hard time describing this, but in a round about way he said they were stridation markings at each site where there was a blow. In so many words. Like on the head of the Mag FL.

Re-reading the AR I tried to figure out the succession of blows to her body. I don't even know that it matters, but found it interesting and it all depended on bruising. Her hands had the most as did the area around her lips. The left shoulder and back of the head were also heavy with bruising, esp the back of the head. The left side of the face not as much, but when that bone above the mandible was hit is what they say caused her teeth to fracture and be expelled.

I hope someone here can expound on all this info. Like when she was found she was laying pretty much face down but the blood pooled in the posterier part of her body. That is confusing to me.

Great job posting guys. Think I'll check in early in the morning before work. I'm poo poo P'dood I ;)

xoxoxo Scandi
OK...i couldn't go to sleep, so i decided to look up some words in the dictionary :p

laceration - jagged tear; mangle (flesh, etc)

contusion - a bruise (to beat)

abrasion - an abraded spot - scrape - to rub off - scrape away

.....i'm having trouble looking at these lacerations on the diagram, & believing they were made by a flashlight :confused:

another thing...are all blow pokes extremely heavy??...guess i need to look that up also...
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