awaiting sentencing phase

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Are you allowed to say black?

I always used to say that coloured guy.
But then they said no you cant say that he's black.
And i said but he's coloured to and he doesn't mind and he calls me a white cXXZ lol

We both laugh about it so what's the problem?
Who brought all this crap into the world fgs?

If someone calls me a white big deal................I am ffs!
Over where i live its pretty common, i mean you could say something like south african, but everyone knows
what your gonna say is totally politically correct, and hence not worth listening too.

coloured sounds wierder to me, like somethings wrong with him and you have to say he has been 'coloured' from white.
i wish Nel still had his scorpion crime fighting unit.

He really does sound like batman sometimes.
I think this is one of the other tragedies of this trial, aside from the obvious one - it is making people question affirmative action, which is a terrible shame. Apartheid was despicable, yet SA emerged from its dreadful past to become a functioning multicultural democracy, albeit with plenty of social and political problems that are yet to be resolved. It would be so disappointing if people use this rubbish verdict to dis the promotion of black men and women post apartheid. I'm sure there are plenty of white, well educated, middle class, male judges around the world who've made crap decisions too.

Here’s one of those spectacularly crap judges.

“It wasn't this forcible, beat-up rape.” - Judge Baugh

This case includes:

outrageous verdict
30 days jail for rape
47 year old teacher
14 year old victim later killed herself
suspended 15 year sentence (minus 30 days served)
successful appeal by prosecution
stiffer re-sentencing (10 years) by a different judge
crap judge’s retirement

We in the US may have more crap judges per capita than anywhere else on earth. We’re #1 blah blah blah. :mad:
These kinds of sick judgements (and sicker prison paroles) happen here all the time.
Over where i live its pretty common, i mean you could say something like south african, but everyone knows
what your gonna say is totally politically correct, and hence not worth listening too.

coloured sounds wierder to me, like somethings wrong with him and you have to say he has been 'coloured' from white.

I'm not sure i can agree to be honest......................I'm white so if someone says that white guy meaning me..............why tf would I need to get upset..........I'm white full stop.
He wasn't insulting me.The same way if I say that black/coloured guy in midfield for Man Utd .......where is the problem?
I don't see it and never have to be honest.
This whole world has lost the ability to laugh ..............not only at but with each other.................very sad IMO.
Sorry for off topic political rubbish folks lol .................end of from me :)
love your posts soozie but I disagree.
Nels face at the verdict was not a man about to give in and I think he has the backing of the department after their post verdict interview.
JM has left the door wide open for an appeal on all fronts.
lets just hope she does a custodial 15 + 5 sentence first though which I think she will now after all the fuss:)
I really really hope I'm wrong about this, but I honestly can't see her handing down a custodial sentence after she concluded that OP was just a bit 'hasty' when he charged down the hall with a loaded gun (based on a 'noise') and killed Reeva stone dead.

She already made it clear she didn't want him punished twice, so it's inconceivable (to me) that she'd send him to prison when she's quite convinced he's genuine and remorseful :sick:

Even if there's an appeal, OP will enjoy years more of freedom to do as he pleases, while Reeva's family will only be able to look on helplessly and wonder what the hell happened to justice. What a farce.
Here’s one of those spectacularly crap judges.

“It wasn't this forcible, beat-up rape.” - Judge Baugh

This case includes:

outrageous verdict
30 days jail for rape
47 year old teacher
14 year old victim later killed herself
suspended 15 year sentence (minus 30 days served)
successful appeal by prosecution
stiffer re-sentencing (10 years) by a different judge
crap judge’s retirement

We in the US may have more crap judges per capita than anywhere else on earth. We’re #1 blah blah blah. :mad:
These kinds of sick judgements (and sicker prison paroles) happen here all the time.

I agree that there are pretty bad decisions from Judges all over the world, regardless of ethnicity or gender. Masipa's poor reasoning was due, IMO, to her, for whatever reason, being sympathetic to OP and therefore working backwards from that to an OP friendly verdict. This is independent to to her being black or a woman. However had OP been "randomly assigned" (ha ha) another more hard-a$$ed judge I'd bet the whining, puking, snotty OP would have been replaced by another version.

I do believe that the assessors "assisted" her ever so well in helping her interpret the law to favour OP.
I really really hope I'm wrong about this, but I honestly can't see her handing down a custodial sentence after she concluded that OP was just a bit 'hasty' when he charged down the hall with a loaded gun (based on a 'noise') and killed Reeva stone dead.

She already made it clear she didn't want him punished twice, so it's inconceivable (to me) that she'd send him to prison when she's quite convinced he's genuine and remorseful :sick:

Even if there's an appeal, OP will enjoy years more of freedom to do as he pleases, while Reeva's family will only be able to look on helplessly and wonder what the hell happened to justice. What a farce.

I'm in your camp too i really am but.............................

There has been so much fall-out from this fiasco I find myself believing there will be one helluva sting in the tail for OP.
15+5 to be served immediately and appeal from your jail cell you lying murdering 'person' lol AIMVHO :)
I'm in your camp too i really am but.............................

There has been so much fall-out from this fiasco I find myself believing there will be one helluva sting in the tail for OP.
15+5 to be served immediately and appeal from your jail cell you lying murdering 'person' lol AIMVHO :)
BIB - even 5 years would be something!! If he doesn't get punished at all for killing Reeva, then he will believe he's truly invincible, and what will he do next? Having got away with murder, there's no telling what else he could do. I hope Nel asks Sam Taylor's mum to be a witness at the sentencing, although I imagine that Masipa will dismiss the claims of abuse as another 'normal' relationship, just like the relationship where one partner told the other she was scared of him, and then ended up dead a few weeks later.
Originally Posted by steveml

Oh the melodrama. Since when have a judge and assessors become 'toast' for making a decision, which by all accounts may not even be appealed?

Judges up and down the country often have verdicts challenged and sometimes overturned - they still carry on their job as normal. This isn't a topic of national security we're dealing with here - it's a shooting. A regular daily occurrence in SA.

Tell me, Steveml, would you be so cavalier about a shooting, would you so enthusiastically defend OP and Masipa if Oscar had murdered your daughter, sister, granddaughter, cousin, best friend?

Btw, judges can and do become toast.

The sample case below is US but the principle is exactly the same. The judge is “retiring” (e.g. being forced off the bench) after being disgraced and sanctioned for his outrageous, offensive sh#t.
Are you allowed to say black?

I always used to say that coloured guy.
But then they said no you cant say that he's black.
And i said but he's coloured to and he doesn't mind and he calls me a white cXXZ lol
We both laugh about it so what's the problem?
Who brought all this crap into the world fgs?

If someone calls me a white big deal................I am ffs!

During the apartheid era the population of SA was divided into groups - whites, blacks, coloureds and Indians/Asians. Coloured people were those of mixed race, i.e. neither black nor white, sometimes having a European ancestor or from a couple of specific South African tribes. Coloured people had more rights than blacks.
Mostly burglar alarms on and off history are available. We haven't heard of any such data back up ..have we? Not surprising though.. It would be interesting to know whether the alarm was ever set that night or when it was on and off..
It's really frustrating that this isn't a jury trial as, if it had been, we would've had a whole lot more evidence and information available .. instead of just being handed directly to the judge. Say, for instance, in the UK there is no way that the recording of the call he made to NetCare would not have been played for all of those in the jury to hear for themselves and to deliberate on as part of them forming their final verdict. Instead of which, things like that have just been passed directly to JM (for her to dismiss totally out of hand) .. yes, I know the prosecution could've brought it up if they thought it helped their case, but my point is that in the UK, I am pretty sure it would've been played to the jury as a matter of course. Also, in the UK, juries will go out and visit the crime scene, etc, etc .. JM and her assessors did not do that, and I find that quite astonishing. I have been quite amazed by how the trial proceeded, really most peculiar, and the fact that people like Dixon and Derman were allowed to twitter on as long as they did was truly incredible .. I really do not think that would be allowed in UK courts, and the presiding judge would've kept them in order and told them to wrap up a whole lot quicker than JM did .. she had no control over them whatsoever, and they were just allowed to ramble on and on with all their nonsense. I'm damned glad I live in the UK with our jury system .. it's not perfect, but it's one helluva lot better than SA's system .. and we usually make sure that these types of murderers like OP are sent of swiftly to jail. They all try it on, just like OP did, but there's no pulling the wool over the eyes of the juries in this country .. they will work on the case as if they were detectives, and can spend many hours, days, even weeks, consulting together and deliberating, before they deliver their verdicts. I don't get the impression that JM (and her assessors) did any deliberating at all, they knew right from the 'off' what they were going to do, and what verdict was going to be delivered.
It's really frustrating that this isn't a jury trial as, if it had been, we would've had a whole lot more evidence and information available .. instead of just being handed directly to the judge. Say, for instance, in the UK there is no way that the recording of the call he made to NetCare would not have been played for all of those in the jury to hear for themselves and to deliberate on as part of them forming their final verdict. Instead of which, things like that have just been passed directly to JM (for her to dismiss totally out of hand) .. yes, I know the prosecution could've brought it up if they thought it helped their case, but my point is that in the UK, I am pretty sure it would've been played to the jury as a matter of course. Also, in the UK, juries will go out and visit the crime scene, etc, etc .. JM and her assessors did not do that, and I find that quite astonishing. I have been quite amazed by how the trial proceeded, really most peculiar, and the fact that people like Dixon and Derman were allowed to twitter on as long as they did was truly incredible .. I really do not think that would be allowed in UK courts, and the presiding judge would've kept them in order and told them to wrap up a whole lot quicker than JM did .. she had no control over them whatsoever, and they were just allowed to ramble on and on with all their nonsense. I'm damned glad I live in the UK with our jury system .. it's not perfect, but it's one helluva lot better than SA's system .. and we usually make sure that these types of murderers like OP are sent of swiftly to jail. They all try it on, just like OP did, but there's no pulling the wool over the eyes of the juries in this country .. they will work on the case as if they were detectives, and can spend many hours, days, even weeks, consulting together and deliberating, before they deliver their verdicts. I don't get the impression that JM (and her assessors) did any deliberating at all, they knew right from the 'off' what they were going to do, and what verdict was going to be delivered.
Our juries have recently found quite a few celebs guilty of sexual abuse, and lo and behold, off they went to jail. They can deliberate for days trying to come up with the right decision, and visiting the crime scene is quite normal, but Masipa and her elves didn't bother moving from their chairs unless it was for a lunch break.

If they'd at least have gone to the house, they could have got a feel for where everything was, like how small the space was between the bed and the balcony, and whether it was likely Reeva could really have slipped out of bed without OP either seeing her, or brushing past her.

Trying to find out more about what happened that night was clearly never a priority for them. It's like jurors are considered a bit 'slow' and have to be given every single piece of information (BIB - including information about any emergency calls) but judges and assessors are above all that, so can form opinions without needing all the details. Incredible.
Another question that keeps going through my mind, is why did OP never say that he heard his dogs barking and that made him even more sure there was an intruder? That would have been the obvious thing to say in his fabricated story. Carise's dogs went ape ***** and other neighbours also heard dogs barking. Of course, he didn't know that this would be their testimony, but surely he must have thought that his dogs' barking would strengthen his "intruder" story, yet he never claimed that.
Also, very strangely, this was never asked by Nel which was very disappointing, another missed opportunity.
Another DV and it's different outcome:

Bell Gardens, California, Mayor Daniel Crespo Shot, Killed In Domestic Dispute

Crespo was allegedly shot during an argument with his wife and 19-year-old son at their home. According to Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department spokeswoman Nicole Nishida, Crespo was arguing with his wife when his son intervened. Crespo allegedly punched his son in the face. His wife then retrieved a gun and allegedly shot her husband "multiple times in the upper torso."
Our juries have recently found quite a few celebs guilty of sexual abuse, and lo and behold, off they went to jail. They can deliberate for days trying to come up with the right decision, and visiting the crime scene is quite normal, but Masipa and her elves didn't bother moving from their chairs unless it was for a lunch break.

If they'd at least have gone to the house, they could have got a feel for where everything was, like how small the space was between the bed and the balcony, and whether it was likely Reeva could really have slipped out of bed without OP either seeing her, or brushing past her.

Trying to find out more about what happened that night was clearly never a priority for them. It's like jurors are considered a bit 'slow' and have to be given every single piece of information (BIB - including information about any emergency calls) but judges and assessors are above all that, so can form opinions without needing all the details. Incredible.
"Masipa and her elves" cracked me up.....Thanks for the chuckle SoozieQ
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