awaiting sentencing phase

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1. For someone to contact OP/RS via Wi-Fi you are talking about an internet originated connection (e.g. Facetime, which we know OP uses, Skype, WhatsApp etc). This could be received over their phone or iPad (exclude WhatsApp) as a data connection in which case there would be no record of the communication as it's not a 'phone call'. Some applications allow you to communicate from the internet to a person's phone number - this would show up as an incoming 'phone call'. We have all the phone calls only.

2. Moller tells us that the times shown on the WhatsApp messages are out by 2 hours (they're a Universal time, not South African time) so we've adjusted accordingly. The phone records are local South African time, so no adjustment needed.
Be careful looking back at tweets - the time shown is your local time, not the time in the country of origin. So Reeva's tweets in Feb 13 are out by 2 hours to the UK at the moment (this will change shortly when we move our clocks by an hour).

BBM - Ohhh... that explains so much !! And unlike the other explanation I had seen, yours makes all the sense in the world. Thank you, that's a big help.

P.S. In the beginning the Tweet time thingy was confusing to me also, but on that one, I was able to figure it out on my own. :)
This crime was horrific and inexcusable beyond words; the two men are right to be in prison.

That being said, I totally agree with the judge’s ruling overturning the murder verdict to CH. While both men deliberately chose to consume alcohol and drugs and should pay for that choice, they did not intend to kill four schoolboys and maim two others. IMHO, this is textbook gross criminal negligence.

Firing four Black Talons into a tiny toilet, killing a trapped, defenseless woman / “intruder” is a different story altogether.

Given Masipa’s off the rails, thoroughly irrational verdict, I’d say Oscar’s azz is in serious trouble.

ok so Jub Jub is obviously out on bail awaiting to serve his 10year minus two that correct or is he banged up in jail?
If he's out OP will be night clubbing by next weekend !

This whole justice system seems to .......................stink bigtime IMO

But we'll have to wait for the final 'ludicrous' finale no doubt but we'll know that by lunchtime tomorrow after a tea break/an interruption/a meeting/maybe lunch or an adjournment lol.
Same happening with the #Dewani case I see..................10 minutes talk.................half a day/full day adjournment..................amateur and ridiculous and making a mockery of the legal system and the likes of these murdering scum are using it to their advantage IMO.
Bring their trials to the UK and make Masipa and her Ilk sit in on at least 100 trials before they are allowed anywhere near judging on someones murdered daughter or #relative'.................they should be disbarred for what they have ruled on in this case without a doubt ...........................
Snipped respectfully for space

On a separate point, as I understand it, where the Defendant claims PPD, the killer's perception of an imminent threat is judged subjectively, but the question of whether or not the force used was proportionate to that threat is judged objectively. However, the Courts seem to be in the habit of accepting PPD and downgrading the verdict to culpable homicide even where the force used is disproportionate, on the basis that there was no intention to kill unlawfully because the perception of threat was genuine. However, an intention to use disproportionate force is an intention to act unlawfully, so it is difficult to follow the logic.

Does anyone understand this?

No. I don't understand it. Maybe because they interpreted the killer was using a knife and chasing the sister to cause harm out of anger and not death.

Oscar, otoh used 4 illegal black talon bullets which he was very familiar with.

"......It is an "expanding" bullet, designed to flatten out or mushroom on striking human tissue, he added.

The professor said: "It folds out like a petals of a flower. These petals are further more designed to have very sharp jagged edges.

"This projectile was designed to cause maximum damage. It has a black metal jacket.

".....If a surgeon were to operate on a patient shot in this nature you have to be careful as you can easily cut yourself on these edges......"

Oscar aimed those four shots within close range so as to not miss.
Actually, this could be quite interesting because if Reeva's parents don't attend court, their impact statement will be read either by the prosecutor or in most cases, by the Judge. I am sure June and Barry Steenkamp will write a very heartfelt statement about their daughter, the love they have for her, who she was and what she stood for, and the huge hole in their heart now she is gone. If J Masipa does not take this into account, she is quite a heartless person, imo. I've heard cases where Judges have wept reading the impact statement of a victim or parent of a victim of violence. We'll see, we'll see. :(

She ignored photo 55 so why the hell would she be bothered about Reeva or her families feelings ?
That was his guilt full stop.
Mr Fossil: :bowdown: Thank you for all your great postings!
And this was the gentle person who wasn't known to have anger issues!!!

The psyche report was mostly full of crock. OP has a long history of aggression and foul moods.

And should have been entered into evidence by the state when the door was opened about character evidence..............why wasn't it ?
I could have saved you 4 hours. Carice confirms Carl is there in her testimony. I'll add a link shortly or you can check out Juror 13's site for a quick confirmation. Sam Greyvenstein also confirms he was already there when she arrived with Justin Divaris at about about 04:20 (from interview in Behind The Door).


Please don't do any more searches... I'll take your word for it !! Thanks. :)
And should have been entered into evidence by the state when the door was opened about character evidence..............why wasn't it ?

The prosecution missed so many open goals that I'm not sure I trust them any more.
At long last I know what OP had the Security cell phone number stored as in his iPhone Contacts. It was 'Adriaan Pretorius'. I missed that Roux reads it out to Baba (from Exhibit S) when cross examining him (it was early days and I hadn't got so involved). I spent ages with Mrs Fossil squinting at a blurred screen image and we came up with 'Johan(n) Pretorius'. Close, but wrong.

So, why 'Adriaan Pretorius'? Who is he? Why not something like 'Security Silverwoods' or "Security Mobile' etc.?
Tick tock, tick tock ... only :bed: :bed: to go.

I feel like I'm on an emotional :rollercoaster: at the moment and I'm ready to :scream:

Sleep is going to be a bit hard tonight. Possums are running over the roof and a mopoke is sitting in the tree right outside our bedroom window calling to its mate.

O/T Sounds great! I envy you. I've been travelling a lot during the last 12 months, mainly in Tasmania, NZ and Patagonia. Now I'm back in the city and VERY unhappy. Missing the perfume of wet earth after a warm rain, etc.
So sorry for this O/T but couldn't help...
Reeva, trapped in a 1.4 x 1.14 metre box. (4.6 ft x 3.7ft)

It genuinely was like shooting fish in a barrel.

IMHO, the only reason bullet “B” missed was because Reeva shifted position(s) as she was falling down and hysterically screaming.

Masipa would have changed her tune had she physically gone to the crime scene and stood in that dark toilet, the door closed and locked.

Would she have cared to put her sage judicial reasoning to the test - Oscar could never have foreseen that four Black Talons through that door wouldn’t necessarily hit/kill who’s behind it?

Somehow I think she’d be screaming to escape before the test began.

Sometimes you just gotta step into another person’s shoes to see harsh reality.

Masipa is like Alice in Wonderland - she’s ensnared in Magical OscarWorld.
The more we learn (or don’t learn :mad:) the more I think the outcome of this trial was fixed before anyone stepped foot inside that courtroom.

There’s just too much missing, too many unanswered questions, too many questions not asked, too many lies excused, too many truths ignored.
At long last I know what OP had the Security cell phone number stored as in his iPhone Contacts. It was 'Adriaan Pretorius'. I missed that Roux reads it out to Baba (from Exhibit S) when cross examining him (it was early days and I hadn't got so involved). I spent ages with Mrs Fossil squinting at a blurred screen image and we came up with 'Johan(n) Pretorius'. Close, but wrong.

So, why 'Adriaan Pretorius'? Who is he? Why not something like 'Security Silverwoods' or "Security Mobile' etc.?

Congrats !!

Now, about that BBM... I'm guessing you're hinting for me to do a Google for you?!?! :scared:
“Bored by safety, the lover grows jealous and exacting.”
- Mason Cooley

Wow, this sounds like Oscar.

I don’t think tranquil domesticity is OP’s thing.

In short, delightful spurts, yeah, but long-term, nope.

His personality isn’t wired like that.

Type A.
Adrenaline junkie.
Thrill seeker.
Bored very easily.
Thrives on ultra-stimulation.
Drama and challenge make him feel 1000% alive.
Clearly an intense, driven personality.
Lacking what he craves, he creates it.

Challenge-Domination-Winning is his drug of choice.

Explains the constant conflict in his life.

From one conquest (or upgrade) to the next (career, women, cars, guns).

Proving himself over and over (to whom and why?).

Never satisfied.

Always restless.

Sounds hellish.

Whatever his sentence, I truly pity him.

His charmed, god-like life is over - everything that made it worthwhile ... gone.

What possible happiness can he ever scrape from the blackened dregs of his life?

Reeva’s serene face will be his constant companion, day and night.

Men have gone mad for less.

Perhaps no worse prison exists for a man like Oscar Pistorius.
She ignored photo 55 so why the hell would she be bothered about Reeva or her families feelings ?
That was his guilt full stop.

Hi Allan,
Could you please share photo 55? You've mentioned it several times, and I don't know which picture it is but I am very interested.
Thank you!
Is there really any point, other than symbolic, for the Steenkamps proceed with a civil trial?

His money has already be spent and/or been secreted away, and they can't touch any money except Oscar's, I don't think.

Yes. There is a huge point. Any future money OP makes through book deals, interviews etc could be attached if they were to prevail. They may be able to attach to his home owner's policy (if they have that in SA) also in a civil wrongful death suit.
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