awaiting sentencing phase

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Here is the video-link:
or you can search it on youtube: Lina's Heart HD
go to around 1:30, the 911 call is in the beginning of the video.


Hi Sphinxie, and welcome to WS .. thanks for posting the link to that video .. there's nothing on TV this afternoon, so I sat and watched the whole of that video instead .. absolutely fascinating case!

I didn't hear the guy in the video screaming like a woman at any point, though .. it wasn't even 'high pitched' to be honest. He was just calling out .. the sounds that were heard by ear witnesses on the morning that Reeva was killed were *screams*, blood-curdling, in fear of your life type screams, screams that increased in intensity and which reached a climax, screams made by a woman. Screams which would've sounded like this:[1].wav I'm not really sure why there is so much difficulty in understanding what a woman screaming for her life sounds like .. what was described by ear witnesses is nothing like what OP would've been doing if he was 'crying' out (he would've been crying out on realising it was Reeva, not screaming for his life like as was heard by ear witnesses).
This is also my first post but have following the trial avidly here and on tv. One thing that does make me mad is the suggestion that it was op screaming. Yes he can wail in a high pitched tone which may be mistaken for a female but why on earth would he emit bloodcurdling screams as if in fear for his life? He wasn't under any threat. He saw no intruder. He heard a noise of wood moving. Why would that make him scream for his life like a woman? Shout loudly & aggressively in a deep masculine threatening way perhaps. Op never screamed imo. He shouted and wailed. It was Reeva screaming for her life.
Sorry I know it's been said before but it just makes me so frustrated. Even the guy in that you tube video wasn't screaming but wailing/crying.
I always wondered what would drive me to post here for the first time! Thank you to all of you for your fantastic posts, I have been engrossed by the amazing work done on here.

BBM .. exactly!
Hi Sphinxie, and welcome to WS.

With regards to OP being able to scream like a woman, do you have any thoughts at all as to why Roux said he would provide evidence of this... and never did? Could it possibly be because OP doesn't scream like a woman, and this is why Roux was unable to provide the evidence he promised? What other reason could he have had for not following through on his promise?

It's called implanting the idea into people's heads. What they hear first is what they often believe. It is referred to as the primacy effect.
Hi Sphinxie, and welcome to WS.

With regards to OP being able to scream like a woman, do you have any thoughts at all as to why Roux said he would provide evidence of this... and never did? Could it possibly be because OP doesn't scream like a woman, and this is why Roux was unable to provide the evidence he promised? What other reason could he have had for not following through on his promise?

Well, Oscar did scream like a woman, sort of, during his testimony.. remember.. "gEt OuT oF mY hOuSe!!" Pathetic.
Well, Oscar did scream like a woman, sort of, during his testimony.. remember.. "gEt OuT oF mY hOuSe!!" Pathetic.

That wasn't screaming. It was shouting. Putting on a shrill voice doesn't turn it into screaming.
I'm on my way to a dinner invitation.
So "see" you tomorrow morning. So good to know I won't have to stand that alone!
Oups, I don't remember the schedule. Is it 9.30, tea adjournement at 9.58, back at 10.27, early lunch at 11.21?
It does concern me if June Steenkamp were to testify next week. I might be wrong but I am sure I heard her say in an interview that she didn't necessarily want op to go to prison. Would she say this in the witness box? If she did the I think J Masipa would disregard all other evidence & base her decision on this. I hope I am wrong.
I'm on my way to a dinner invitation.
So "see" you tomorrow morning. So good to know I won't have to stand that alone!
Oups, I don't remember the schedule. Is it 9.30, tea adjournement at 9.58, back at 10.27, early lunch at 11.21?

:p :D
It does concern me if June Steenkamp were to testify next week. I might be wrong but I am sure I heard her say in an interview that she didn't necessarily want op to go to prison. Would she say this in the witness box? If she did the I think J Masipa would disregard all other evidence & base her decision on this. I hope I am wrong.

Oh no.. did she say that?? This is getting too ridiculous.
Pistorius sentencing to be covered on Sky News at about 18:30 (UK time). Barry Batemen to be interviewed.
It does concern me if June Steenkamp were to testify next week. I might be wrong but I am sure I heard her say in an interview that she didn't necessarily want op to go to prison. Would she say this in the witness box? If she did the I think J Masipa would disregard all other evidence & base her decision on this. I hope I am wrong.

I hope June Steenkamp doesn't repeat anything she has said in interviews aside from sharing the grief of the loss of her daughter.

Imo, she will tell Judge Masipa what a wonderful daughter Reeva was, the light of her parents life and that they mourn her loss every single day. For a parent to lose a child is hell on earth, to lose her the way they did, is to suffer more than a thousand deaths. Their daughter died scared and alone, suffering unimaginable pain and suffering.
Judge Masipa has got to hear of the suffering of Reeva, and the ongoing suffering of her mother and father. All we've heard at this trial is Oscar Pistorius' suffering. As we learned during the trial about those bullet that ripped her flesh and tore her bones apart, we heard OP crying, sobbing, retching. OP wanted us to feel for HIM! As I said before, June Steenkamp can and will bring this back to being about Reeva.
I agree with JS on one issue, a jail sentence won't bring back Reeva. But punishment must be met out for taking a life. Why is it that tax invasion and unpaid parking fines warrant jail terms but a murderer can receive no sentence at all?
OP needs to serve at least a one or two year term in prison otherwise the blood he sheds from here on in, lies sorely with the SA judiciary system. I believe he is a danger to those around him.
A lot of us noticed the assessor Henzen-du Toit whispering to Masipa from time to time. We also noticed … and it seemed obvious … that it appeared Masipa was reading the judgment for the first time and that she was making amendments from time to time. IMO Masipa did not write the judgment at all.

This is an extract from a comment by Tess in Lisa’s blog.

“… though I have began to wonder more about the assessor Janette Henzen-du Toit and her role in all this.

This assessor is doing a doctorate on Holistic sentencing! To give a criminal the least sentence possible! Her background as an advocate is for Criminal Defense, in addition to that she is heavily interested in the paraplegic community and may be married into a family that has a paraplegic athlete.

There was a reporter that noted the wording, phrases, etc. of the verdict was very unlike Judge Masipa. May it not have been the lady assessor?

Also has anyone read that this is Judge Masipa’s last case? That was written back in Feb or March”.

I don't know where Tess got her information from, but if Masipa does retire after this case we won't be able to blame it on this trial. More sleuthing needed.

Scroll down past all the photos. It’s about the 7th comment and is posted by Tess.

I deflated reading Tess' comments. This is just too much. I think now, I'm at least better prepared for the sentence than I was for the verdict. I am going to have to go back to my solid belief in karma for that murdering son of a gun.
Listening to all the legal pundits and considering how the verdict was arrived at I am convinced that OP will get a fine for the firearms offence and a suspended sentence, with perhaps some community service, for Culpable Homicide. I would like to be proved wrong. I hope the State wins the right to appeal.
I hope June Steenkamp doesn't repeat anything she has said in interviews aside from sharing the grief of the loss of her daughter.

Imo, she will tell Judge Masipa what a wonderful daughter Reeva was, the light of her parents life and that they mourn her loss every single day. For a parent to lose a child is hell on earth, to lose her the way they did, is to suffer more than a thousand deaths. Their daughter died scared and alone, suffering unimaginable pain and suffering.
Judge Masipa has got to hear of the suffering of Reeva, and the ongoing suffering of her mother and father. All we've heard at this trial is Oscar Pistorius' suffering. As we learned during the trial about those bullet that ripped her flesh and tore her bones apart, we heard OP crying, sobbing, retching. OP wanted us to feel for HIM! As I said before, June Steenkamp can and will bring this back to being about Reeva.
I agree with JS on one issue, a jail sentence won't bring back Reeva. But punishment must be met out for taking a life. Why is it that tax invasion and unpaid parking fines warrant jail terms but a murderer can receive no sentence at all?
OP needs to serve at least a one or two year term in prison otherwise the blood he sheds from here on in, lies sorely with the SA judiciary system. I believe he is a danger to those around him.
BIB - During the riots here in the UK a few years ago when police shot dead Mark Duggan, lots of people went looting and received jail sentences. One guy received a 6-month sentence for stealing a bottle of water! I think it was later reduced, but it makes a mockery of justice when killers can walk free, and a water thief gets jailed.
Oscar Pistorius set to return to South African court for sentencing over manslaughter of model Reeva Steenkamp

CONVICTED killer Oscar Pistorius returns to court in Pretoria for sentencing tonight but it could be weeks, months, even years before he knows his fate.
And far from the long jail sentence that state prosecutors called for during his murder trial, it is highly likely that the double-amputee Olympian known as ‘Blade Runner’ will never spend another night behind bars.

Barry Roux could call witnesses, including Oscar Pistorius. The state will have the chance to cross-examine.
“When the defence closes its case it will be the state’s turn. Prosecutor Gerrie Nel will present aggravating circumstances and may call witnesses, including family members of the deceased. Roux will be able to cross examine. WTF???!!!!!!

“The appeal process is long and expensive, plus there are political issues which make it unlikely that the state would appeal. Both Judge Masipa and the National Director of Public Prosecutions are government appointees and it would not be the done thing for one to be seen to criticise the other.

If the prosecution does decide to cross appeal, Dr Curlewis believes they won’t just be trying to have the judge’s sentence upheld; they will be going for a whole new verdict.
“My gut feeling is that they will go in with all guns blazing and try to have the original verdict thrown out and secure a verdict of murder,” he said.
“If that is what happens, it could take a year or two to be decided. We would be back to square one.”

I can't believe the witnesses from both sides can be cross-examined. I thought each one read out a statement and the Judge uses it in consideration when deciding the sentence. This is just sickening. I have a feeling not many are going to volunteer to speak up. :mad: JMO
Oscar Pistorius set to return to South African court for sentencing over manslaughter of model Reeva Steenkamp

CONVICTED killer Oscar Pistorius returns to court in Pretoria for sentencing tonight but it could be weeks, months, even years before he knows his fate.
And far from the long jail sentence that state prosecutors called for during his murder trial, it is highly likely that the double-amputee Olympian known as ‘Blade Runner’ will never spend another night behind bars.

Barry Roux could call witnesses, including Oscar Pistorius. The state will have the chance to cross-examine.
“When the defence closes its case it will be the state’s turn. Prosecutor Gerrie Nel will present aggravating circumstances and may call witnesses, including family members of the deceased. Roux will be able to cross examine. WTF???!!!!!!

“The appeal process is long and expensive, plus there are political issues which make it unlikely that the state would appeal. Both Judge Masipa and the National Director of Public Prosecutions are government appointees and it would not be the done thing for one to be seen to criticise the other.

If the prosecution does decide to cross appeal, Dr Curlewis believes they won’t just be trying to have the judge’s sentence upheld; they will be going for a whole new verdict.
“My gut feeling is that they will go in with all guns blazing and try to have the original verdict thrown out and secure a verdict of murder,” he said.
“If that is what happens, it could take a year or two to be decided. We would be back to square one.”

I can't believe the witnesses from both sides can be cross-examined. I thought each one read out a statement and the Judge uses it in consideration when deciding the sentence. This is just sickening. I have a feeling not many are going to volunteer to speak up. :mad: JMO
I don't see how Roux can cross-examine Reeva's parents. What could he say, exactly? If he were to badger Reeva's sick father, would Masipa even step in? This farce is never ending. Masipa will sit there pretending to give a crap, and then waste another month or whatever coming to her 'decision', when we all pretty much know what it is already. I feel sorry for Nel. He must know this is a losing battle. But mostly I feel sorry for Reeva's family. They came to see justice served, and they're still waiting. Meanwhile, celebrating on the sidelines are the killer and his corrupt family, one of whom saw fit to tamper with evidence. Joke.
Listening to all the legal pundits and considering how the verdict was arrived at I am convinced that OP will get a fine for the firearms offence and a suspended sentence, with perhaps some community service, for Culpable Homicide. I would like to be proved wrong. I hope the State wins the right to appeal.

I think that's our ONLY hope right now.:mad:
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