awaiting sentencing phase

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thanks for that.
so it is possible that op's phone woke to a strong[er] sphere signal [or better capacity] at 06:54, before switching to the silverlakes tower. it was only on the sphere tower for 30 seconds... maybe it wasn't removed from the house at this time after all?

Certainly a possibility, I agree.

Normally I'd think it unlikely that it would connect to the further tower but perhaps the Silverlakes tower was congested with everyone calling their friends and family to tell them about the incident?

If I was checking who took the phone I'd get the data for the phones of everyone present and compare their connection times and cell towers with the 0020 phone. Not perfect but using the longer duration after 8am would certainly give results.

That said, I expect the police already know who took the phone.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
so i know there's some people with connections to SA

Hows the mood over there in regards to pistorius?


Pistorius had a 9-minute long conversation with his ex-girlfriend just hours before he killed Steenkamp.

FILE: Oscar Pistorius is seen at the High Court in Pretoria on 12 September 2014 where he was found guilty of culpable homicide. Picture: Pool.

Mandy Wiener & Barry Bateman | 6 minutes ago
JOHANNESBURG - An Eyewitness News investigation has revealed that Oscar Pistorius was talking to his ex-girlfriend minutes before he arrived home to Reeva Steenkamp, on the eve of the Valentine’s Day shooting.

Pistorius had a nine-minute long conversation with Jenna Edkins just hours before he killed Steenkamp at his luxury Pretoria East home last year.

However, the police did not uncover this piece of evidence.

This development is contained in Behind the Door – a new book about the trial, authored by EWN senior reporters Barry Bateman and Mandy Wiener.

Pistorius was convicted of culpable homicide for the Valentine’s Day shooting last month and will be sentenced on 13 October.

Cellphone service provider data obtained by police investigators shows that Pistorius was on the phone when he arrived at his complex on 13 February at about 6pm.

EWN cross-checked the dialled number on the athlete’s handset against the phone’s contact list.

The number had been saved under the name ‘babyshoes’.

Further investigations revealed that the number was used by Edkins but had been registered in her father’s name.

It appears police investigators did not make this connection and Edkins was never questioned by the authorities and she never gave them a statement.

Edkins declined to answer specific questions from EWN, saying only that it is common knowledge that she and Pistorius have remained friends.

The prosecution has declined to comment on how this potential piece of evidence was missed.

The defence has also not responded to questions.
Could this be BabyShoes?

Jenna Edkins @JennaEdkins · 15 Feb 2013

I would just like to say , I have dated Oscar on off for 5 YEARS, NOT ONCE has he EVER lifted a finger to me , made me fear for my life..
This entire exchange from Carl Pistorius' Twitter account (9/1/2014), one of which references "babyshoes," is interesting on a number of levels:

ViolenceAgainstWomen ‏@Truth2Come Sep 3

@funcards_shop @manifan4362 Seems the world has to say "Ozzie boo-boo, we all love u soooo much & forgive you, babyshoes" Huh!? NO! #Never
Oscar Pistorius was on the phone to his ex the night of Reeva Steenkamp s death

Police did not uncover this piece of evidence.

In her ruling, Judge Thokozile Masipa did not take into account any evidence obtained from cellphone data and ultimately believe Pistorius' account that he shot and killed Ms Steenkamp because he mistook her for an intruder.

The last call OP makes before arriving home is at 18:07:22 and lasts 8:42. This sounds like the 9 minute call being referred to by EWN as being to 'Babyshoes'.

I have it as Alex Pilakoutas because it is in OP's Contacts as 'Alex P' (Moller's evidence shows this, and I'll recheck it shortly) [see footnote, this in incorrect] and Alex P confirms that OP called 'as usual around 6:30pm' that evening in his Witness Statement. Oh, and I thought the police would have verified these things!

If this call was Jenna Edkins then Alex P would complicit in covering up and OP's Contacts would have had to have been changed. Possible, but I don't think so myself (unless someone can show me the full call data and Contacts list that confirms otherwise).

I'd be more inclined to believe the call was either the unidentified (5860) call at 18:03:00 lasting 1:41 or the unidentified (7211) call lasting 6:47. And it sounds like some serious lack of police follow-up ...

I'd like to see police confirmation that the "entire call history and WhatsApp record was deleted, as well as several messages received after the shooting" as BB tweets. This isn't in the EWN report (yet). This would surely be the subject of a separate police prosecution? I think OP's GPRS activity post-22:30 and the WhapsApp messages are key and I also think the phone was hacked but not as BB states. We'll have to see how this unfolds.

Off to look at the Moller charts again ...

Footnote: I stand corrected: Nel skips the calls to the (5860) and (7211) numbers. The Moller chart doesn't name Alex P, it seems I have just used the Witness Statement to tie this to Alex P. Still checking ...

If this is the case, the Alex P call must be one of the 2 unidentified numbers and Jenna the final call. I have updated the phone usage chart to reflect this.

I wonder if Jenna Edkins is linked to his late night GPRS activity?
This entire exchange from Carl Pistorius' Twitter account (9/1/2014), one of which references "babyshoes," is interesting on a number of levels:

Thanks Col.Mustard and baby shoes sleuthers!

Re Jenna Edkins being BabyShoes, I posted comments from Sam Taylor's mum's book , mid Sept which claimed that Jenna Edkins ( BabyShoes?) was still seeing Oscar when he was dating Sam and whilst he was dating Reeva.

This is what I posted but maybe its worth me buying the book now?

"BIB this is jenna Edkins. In the new Sam Taylor book, her mum Trish mentions that she knew that Op had been seeing JE DURING the relationship OP had with her daughter PLUS says she knew that OP saw (not platonically) JE whilst he was with Reeva.
I haven't bought book and found that in an online extract a few days ago - so no PROOF of this.
Maybe this is why JE is very quiet but supportive. something to hide. ?
So the Erin Stear suspicions may have been a Bum Steer?!! It was a lot closer to home...Jenna!?
Not saying this was the source of the row that night.

Will try and look for link later"

Carl Pistorius may have synchronised it with his personal computer and allegedly tampered with the device.

PRETORIA – Eyewitness News has learnt that police suspected Oscar Pistorius’s brother Carl of deleting data off the athlete’s phone in the days after Reeva Steenkamp’s shooting.

It’s emerged that in the 12 days the phone was unaccounted for, Carl Pistorius may have synchronised it with his personal computer and allegedly tampered with the device.

A full extract of the phone also reveals that the entire call history, WhatsApp record and certain messages had been deleted from the device, allegedly by Carl, while the device was in his possession in the days after the shooting.

:worms: :bricks: :rage: :curses: :censored::censored::censored::censored:
Killer and a love rat: Oscar Pistorius exposed as 'serial cheat who had affairs behind Reeva Steenkamp's back during their stormy relationship'

He cheated on Reeva Steenkamp with a string of girlfriends before killing her
Paralympian dated Sam Taylor until three months before model's death
He was also linked to Jenna Edkins, Erin Stear and Anastasia Khozissova
Double amputee also broke up with long-term girlfriend Vicky Miles that year
He will be sentenced at a hearing on October 13 and could escape with a fine

Like Reeva's parents said, there is a lot more to this case that has not been revealed - yet.
Jenna Edkins' phone was registered in her father's name but listed in OP's contacts as "BabyShoes".
Mystery Oscar statement issued

Johannesburg - A press statement was issued by Paralympian Oscar Pistorius's family and legal team on Wednesday in attempt to forestall a pending news report, apparently relating to electronic communications devices.

In the trial, a police cellphone expert testified about an iPad2 and an iPad3 found at Pistorius's house.

The website browser history on the iPad3 included "free mobile *advertiser censored*" and used car websites. According to the time next to the history, the *advertiser censored* website was accessed at 18:30 on 13 February 2013.

After that, the iPad was used to browse auto trader, used car websites and to search for cars, including the Ford Ranger and Aston Martin Rapide R.

Cellphone expert Colonel Mike Sale testified that according to data on the iPad3 and an iPad2 found on the scene the histories had the same type of content.

He said the web history before 13 February 2013 was deleted.

Isn't that suspicious that the phone histories of both had the same kind of content? The web history deleted? Couldn't they extract the information? Phfft!

Pistorius and Co. are running the show!
see barry's twitter for flurry of tweets re comments from prosecution & Defence on inadmissability, prior knowledge of this phone call

From your link cotton, thank you. How damning is this?! OP received messages AFTER the shooting?! Those were deleted as well as the ones before?! Why would an innocent person go to so much trouble??! He most definitely TAMPERED with the crime scene, he was 'sobbing and traumatized' yet he's organizing his brother to erase calls and messages just seconds after shooting Reeva to death?!!

Yes, J Masipa, OP did do it all for the onlookers!


Barry Bateman @barrybateman · 2h 2 hours ago

#OscarPistorius handset’s entire call history and WhatsApp record was deleted, as well as several messages received after the shooting. BB

Barry Bateman @barrybateman · 2h 2 hours ago
#OscarPistorius police suspected Carl was responsible for this, but ultimately did not proceed with a prosecution. BB
Anyone just tried phoning the numbers to see who answers? : )
Anyone just tried phoning the numbers to see who answers? : )

Good one! I thought we only had the last 4 digits of each number though ...

The EWN report is certainly evolving. It now says who he met at Melrose Arch and that data was deleted from his phone, possibly by Carl.

A further study of the phone records shows that Pistorius also spoke to a Cape Town based blonde model, whose name is known to EWN, met with lawyers at a firm in Illovo and with a property agent about his impending house purchase in Atholl.

On his way home from Johannesburg, after visiting his friend Justin Divaris at the Daytona Group car dealership in Sandton, the athlete chatted to his siblings.

The call to the unidentified blonde may have been before 17:30 (when Moller's evidence starts for this phone) or the remaining unidentified number (if Alex P is the other one). I have the calls with Carl; if he spoke to Aimee as well, that could be the unidentified number and the blonde call could be earlier, or vice versa

EWN understands that investigators believe it was as a result of this synch that they were unable to obtain full access to the handset and had to seek help from technicians at Apple's headquarters in the United States

I don't think it's the sync with the PC that is the cause of the police needing Apple's assistance. As I posted a while back, it's the fact that OP's passcode was changed to a complex (rather than 4 digit simple) passcode that causes Cellebrite to have problems. It is unable to get at any data beyond basic stuff such as the Contacts list. From my earlier post:

Looking back at theproblems the police had gaining access to the 0020 phone, it is clear to me that a complex (rather than simple) Passcode was set on this iPhone. A complexPasscode (for non-iPhone users) can be a longer password, consisting of numbers,letters and special characters rather than simply 4 digits.
The software the police used, Cellebrite,is capable of extracting a simple (4 digit) Passcode from a phone and this can then be used to decrypt all of the data. This would explain how the police accessed Reeva's phone (which, according to OP, had a Passcode set on it).However, the software is not capable of discovering a complex Passcode and therefore this must be provided by the user in order to decrypt the data. Hencethe reason the police had to fly out to Apple US.

To my mind, one of two possibilities exists. Either OP was extremely protective of access to thisphone or the complex Passcode was set by whoever took the phone. If the latter, it would explain him 'forgetting' the code. There is a setting whereby 10 invalid Passcode entry attempts will permanently erase all data on the phone. Makes you wonder.
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