AZ AZ - Adrienne Salinas, 19, Tempe , 15 June 2013 - #3

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I'm wondering what is really up with the family not responding to offers to help on that 'missing' FB page. I saw someone commented with wanting to help the family and asking how they can help and the page admin just basically dismissed it.

See, this is another thing that makes it difficult for me to take them seriously. They say they want help but when someone offers to help they ignore it.



And please take this post in the way it was intended! I am not bashing the family. But when they ask for help and someone asks how they can help and they are ignored, it just goes over like fingernails on a chalk board. We all want to help so bad!!! I am wondering if LE feels like we do maybe. Maybe LE gets the same kind of responses and real lack of communication, as I feel I am seeing there on that site.

It's so hard to help someone if they won't let you!
Sigggggghhhhh. I think she is out there. I think she is trying to come back home. I think she is confused. I think she is afraid. I think she is alive.

Just my thoughts...
Except that beach ball. ;)

But seriously... WHAT IS GOING ON? Could we get an update from LE? ANYTHING? Tell us all has gone cold so we know that we need to think way out of the box... or anything.

I hit a wall with my little friends of friends project.

I think LE isn't saying anything bc the investigation is beyond the scope of public help. What I believe is that whoever did whatever they did to Adrienne, LE are watching them and are waiting to see what they have done with her. (The silence may indicate that public help at this point might hinder the investigation in some way.)

LE must have it under control, but it is strenuous process surveilling suspect/s without the suspects or public knowing that LE are one step ahead, waiting to bust.
Furthermore the constant checks of only the same areas on part of the FBI/LE might be LE's way of faking the suspects out into thinking they have no leads and don't believe the suspect left the area (with adrienne most likely.)

Also I only thought FBI got involved when an investigation crossed state lines? I could be wrong on this one. I'm sure if LE asks for FBI assistance they give it, but I think there was a deeper need for the FBI to be there beyond SAR.
I think LE isn't saying anything bc the investigation is beyond the scope of public help. What I believe is that whoever did whatever they did to Adrienne, LE are watching them and are waiting to see what they have done with her. (The silence may indicate that public help at this point might hinder the investigation in some way.)

LE must have it under control, but it is strenuous process surveilling suspect/s without the suspects or public knowing that LE are one step ahead, waiting to bust.

Thank you! That's a big possibility! I hope you are right! But I hope if you are that she is alive as well.
This could honestly be a ransom case that LE doesn't want Going public for Adrienne's safety.

The dad bringing up on the news that he hopes whoever has her is taking care of her and feeding her. Could be optimism. Could be a slip of the truth that we aren't to be privy to.
Bc many times those who hold victims ransom order LE to not try and go beyond the scope of their own will, and if their will/orders are not followed by LE it will be to the detriment of the victim.

They usually tell the family/LE to speak to no one about the ransom. To keep it quiet. So it's better we don't get too involved with speaking of the ransom topic and keep up the farce that LE and FBI "have no clue where she is or who has her".

Sounds like it may be a classic case of Coyote ransom.
Bc many times those who hold victims ransom order LE to not try and go beyond the scope of their own will, and if their will/orders are not followed by LE it will be to the detriment of the victim.

They usually tell the family/LE to speak to no one about the ransom. To keep it quiet. So it's better we don't get too involved with speaking of the ransom topic and keep up the farce that LE and FBI "have no clue where she is or who has her".

Sounds like it may be a classic case of Coyote ransom.

Interesting theory, 2Hip. But to me it doesn't appear to be "classic" from all I have read about the coyote kidnappings. Normally they are drug or illegal immigration related. I just don't think she fits the description. But always possible.

Coyote Kidnappings in Arizona
Interesting theory, 2Hip. But to me it doesn't appear to be "classic" from all I have read about the coyote kidnappings. Normally they are drug or illegal immigration related. I just don't think she fits the description. But always possible.

Coyote Kidnappings in Arizona

Yes they typically involve drug/immigration related situations - but the immigration ransom could even be a factor here considering it involves the human trafficking of US citizens.

Her cousin could have been the link to these fringe individuals.

Either way I think it's a hostage/ransom situation now. Many other cases I've followed with this Amt of info this far into investigation (one month) with little updates from LE usually are hostage situations.
Her cousin could have been the link to these fringe individuals.

Either way I think it's a hostage/random situation now. Many other cases I've followed with this Amt of info this far into investigation (one mknth) with little updates from LE usually are hostage situations.

That's encouraging that you feel this way because there was a time you had given her up for dead.

This gives me hope! Thanks! I hope you are right and that she comes home safely!!!
Yes they typically involve drug/immigration related situations - but the immigration ransom could even be a factor here considering it involves the human trafficking of US citizens.

Her cousin could have been the link to these fringe individuals.

Either way I think it's a hostage/ransom situation now. Many other cases I've followed with this Amt of info this far into investigation (one month) with little updates from LE usually are hostage situations.

Bringing this forward as I edited it.
Bringing this forward as I edited it.

Thanks! And so basically, you are beginning to feel this way based on how long she has been missing and no body found, LE silence, etc. ? Because I feel very much the same...with each day passing they don't find a body or anything it just renews my hope she is out there alive, somewhere.
Yeah I thought she could be dead initially, but now given the lapse of time in the investigation and present circumstances I believe it's more likely to be a hostage situation at this point.

My theories have all varied, as have everyone's. For me it's about gathering all the probabilities to what could of happened from every single angle. we know nothing for sure at this point beyond limited information provided early in the investigation.

The information being limited by LE alone indicates there is more going on here than we could/are allowed to surmise. It would explain everyone's deleted FB posts on the missing persons page.
Call me sunshine ;)

Hi Sunshine!!!


Hi Sunshine!!!



Cute! Haha! Thanks :)

You know, here's a new theory to brighten your day:

Perhaps the suspects who killed Adrienne's cousin abducted her in hopes of using Adrienne to make a deal of sorts.

They could have told LE that they will not give AS back unless they are allowed to go to Mexico to avoid arrest/sentencing in the murder of AS cousin.

This could explain the aunt being particularly interested in all of it as it might relate to the murderers of her son being apprehended or getting away and not just AS getting home safe. Wow what pressure that would be if the situation were validated and not just my theory as of this point.
And I'm sure it's taken a month bc LE are dragging their feet in trying to meet the captors needs (without letting them get away with their plan to avoid arrest in the crime of murder 1 of the salinas Cousin or kill AS)
Cute! Haha! Thanks :)

You know, here's a new theory to brighten your day:

Perhaps the suspects who killed Adrienne's cousin abducted her in hopes of using Adrienne to make a deal of sorts.

They could have told LE that they will not give AS back unless they are allowed to go to Mexico to avoid arrest/sentencing in the murder of AS cousin.

This could explain the aunt being particularly interested in all of it as it might relate to the murderers of her son being apprehended or getting away and not just AS getting home safe. Wow what pressure that would be if the situation were validated and not just my theory as of this point.

Did you see that post about forgiveness on the aunt's fb page? I wonder what that was all about.
I thought she was in heaven bc she seemed like she'd be surrounded by angels by now, but now I think those angels are here protecting her :). I hope!
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