AZ AZ - Adrienne Salinas, 19, Tempe , 15 June 2013 - #4

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I wonder if when Adrienne and the driver were chatting, if she told him about wrecking her vehicle earlier in the evening. I might have shared that with a cab driver who seemed friendly.
No doubt. 8+ minutes out of approximately 44 (total timestamp) minutes on the phone with him and he doesn't know exactly where she is? Nope. That's roughly 20% of her time talking directly to him. Indeed, 1 out of every 5 minutes.

There could not have been an acquaintence hanging around with her if this was the case. He appeared to be her lifeline or 'comfort' at this hour.
No doubt. 8+ minutes out of approximately 44 (total timestamp) minutes on the phone with him and he doesn't know exactly where she is? Nope. That's roughly 20% of her time talking directly to him. Indeed, 1 out of every 5 minutes.

There could not have been an acquaintence hanging around with her if this was the case. He appeared to be her lifeline or 'comfort' at this hour.

Brillo! ^^^
Would you think that during these chats she had with the driver that maybe perchance she might have confided in him she didn't want to be seen getting into a cab and thusly it was suggested he pick her up at O'Reilly's instead? Only speculating as to why she might (if it was her) have been spotted on the video there.
I don't think I have seen anyone speculate on the timeline if we imagine that somebody she knew picked her up in the meantime and either agreed to drive her to the cab meeting place or all the way to bf's. She is able to use her phone for a while from this person's car before he decides to make a fatal move.

Would that scenario make sense?

It's still here. :)
I've been out of action for a few days while my partner had surgery, so it's taken a while for me to catch up on everything (I had to catch up on pretty much this entire thread). A couple of my quotes may be from many many MANY pages back from this reason, so bear with me.

If anything you just don't want to tip off the suspects. In case they, ya know, decide to create a WS username for a minute and then delete it just to pop by and read this ;)

Then again, couldn't they view this thread without creating a user name anyhow?

I believe it's happened here in cases before - the perp had been posting here along with everyone else, and so knew everything that we were theorizing. Most google searches of a missing person's name will list Websleuths in (at least) the top 5 matches, so I usually assume that possible POI's or suspects are reading along with whatever we're posting.

If I really wanted to get to my BF's house, no one would be able to talk me out of going, especially if I was going in a cab and not driving. At 19 I did what I wanted to do. I would never have walked down the street, anywhere, at 4:30 am, unless there was absolutely no other alternative for me. If she was going to the AM/PM, as we all surmise she was, I don't think it was her idea to go there. I think it was someone else's idea.

BBM - For this very reason, I think it's highly likely that Adrienne DID decide to walk to the AMPM, to avoid the judgment of her friends at her persistence to meet up with her BF. Slightly O/T, but when I was around this age, I was at a party with my room mates, one of whom wanted to go home pretty badly. We told her we'd only be about another half hour (so we could get all our things together and say goodbye to everyone) so she should wait until we were ready to go so we could all catch a cab together, but instead she snuck out the front door and started the walk on her own. This walk was a fairly long one, along a deserted and dark road, which I would certainly not be walking down on my own... but she was determined and had no problem with putting herself in that kind of danger. Some young people just don't consider how dangerous certain situations can be, especially at that age where you think you're indestructible. Add alcohol and adrenaline from a car accident on top of this, as well as it almost being daybreak (thus giving a false feeling of 'safety' - ie. almost daylight when it seems less likely for something bad to happen), and it isn't really a stretch to believe that Adrienne was happy to make this walk on her own. I guess what I'm trying to say is it's not something that I personally would ever do, but I have known many people who would.

Just imo. As a young adult and probably more aware of my surroundings. I always bring my ID with me.. just in case i need it, to get in bars/clubs, something happens to be so i can be identified, police asking for it cause i don't look my age. Not that i would need it now because of an distinctive tattoo.

on the other hand, my bf used to always leave his ID/wallet.. or he's always losing it! So usually everywhere we go or leave I ask "You have your ID?" to get him in habit of doing it.

I agree that she would have usually carried her ID around with her, considering she was only 19 and would need it quite often, but I think that she left it at home on purpose just in case LE were looking for her after her accident. I assume that her car was registered in her name, so LE would have known who the car belonged to and thus would have had a fair idea who was driving (and who to look for). We know that LE didn't really investigate the 911 call very thoroughly, but I can imagine Adrienne would have been quite shaken up, and worried about being caught driving under the influence. She probably didn't really want any contact with LE at all, she didn't want it to stop her from getting to her boyfriends place.

I don't recall ever having to talk to a cab driver or cab company two times equaling 7 minutes when I've called for a cab ride. I also do not ever in my life recall having to wait over 5 minutes longer than their estimated time of arrival. Not ever! Maybe not even!

I agree. Also, it's definitely not standard practice here for a cab company to call you before they arrive. With some of the bigger companies you can now ask for them to send you a text message when the cab is 5 minutes away, but usually they just show up and if you're not there within 5 or so minutes they leave. I understand that the little cab companies would do things differently, but I'm also surprised at the amount of contact these cabbies seem to have with their passengers.

JMO, MOO, etc :twocents:
I think cabbies in college areas get a lot of no-shows, which might make them more likely to keep in touch with customers, especially at 4am.
A reason she may not want to meet taxi at the apartments...if she expected police would head there once they ran her plates. She probably figured someone called LE and had her plate number. So she changed clothes (blood?) left her Id and split ASAP. Then she decided to call a cab once BF would not answer the phone.
Ok that was a lot to catch up with before work!

I'll spend the morning going over it all in my head, but just wanted to post a quick thanks to GGE for transcribing the show and mamacita for the updated timeline, as well as the rest of your for your comments. Thanks!
No, that's good that you pointed out the two calls to her from the cab driver. That was a total of 7 minutes they were talking. What WERE they talking about for SO long?

Is it possible the longer calls were through dispatch and not direct to driver, therefore longer so they could get location, check with available drivers etc?
Is it possible the longer calls were through dispatch and not direct to driver, therefore longer so they could get location, check with available drivers etc?

Interesting point, I did wonder this too. I'm trying NOT to automatically jump to the conclusion of the dodgy cabbie, but it's difficult.

I'm trying to think of when I would've had a longer talk with cab companies or drivers and the only reason is trying to direct the driver to where I needed him to be, because it was an awkward/unusual address. This doesn't seem to apply here, so.. I'm stumped. I'd love to know what the cab company have told LE was discussed in those lengthier calls.
....and the call didn't have to necessarily been 3 minutes. It could've been 2 minutes and 1 second.... You will still get billed or calculated at 3 minutes. If they're just looking at usage on her account that's what it would show. IMOO
Also from NG's transcript, this is the other part people were asking me about after I was done transcribing the show her in-thread last night, which I know is what most people were going by -

so, here's the original:

I want to go back out to Tom Simon, who is the owner of the Scottsdale Cab Guy. He is the owner. The first call that she made to your cab company, was that from her cell phone?

TOM SIMON: Well, you know what? Today, in looking over the records, it looks like that 4:23 call was made by our dispatch to her, which means that there was a call before that that would have come in, and we might have been busy and she left a message for us to call her back. So at 4:23, when we talked to her the first time, that call was initiated by dispatch.

CASAREZ: All right, Sergeant Michael Pooley, Tempe Police, I want to ask you very quickly, do your records show that her cell phone was always used to call the cab company?

POOLEY: Yes. According to our cell phone records that we have that we`ve gotten from her, it looks like she`s the one that initiated all the phone calls.

BBM, IBM - because Jean, when asking, emphasized "HER cellphone".
From the transcripts;

911 OPERATOR: And the plate is (DELETED)
So the witness did catch the license plate and should have been able to contact the registered owner but apparently they did not. I wonder if they were all busy with the dead body found at 4:30 near Mcclintock and Baseline.

Also from NG's transcript, this is the other part people were asking me about after I was done transcribing the show her in-thread last night, which I know is what most people were going by -

so, here's the original:

BBM, IBM - because Jean, when asking, emphasized "HER cellphone".

Does this mean we are to assume that the cab driver never called her?
Does this negate the 5:04, 5:05 calls?
Brains a lil foggy this am.
Reading through the transcripts, I get the distinct impression that the son, Tom was in direct contact with Adrienne at 4:23 calls. That is interesting to me.

TOM SIMON, CAB COMPANY OWNER (via telephone): Yes. Our records show that 4:23 is when she first called the cab company, and that conversation lasted about three to four minutes and included (ph) that (ph) just past 4:26.

CASAREZ: That`s a long time.

TOM SIMON: So very much (ph) time to talking about...

CASAREZ: You know, let me stop you...

TOM SIMON: ... where she is...

CASAREZ: ... for a second. Three to four...


TOM SIMON: ... where he`s going to pick her up and things like that.

CASAREZ: OK, Tom, three to four minutes, that`s a long phone call to a cab company. Did your son say at all what her demeanor was, her state of mind as she made that three to four-minute call?

TOM SIMON: Well, he said it was certainly -- on reflection, it was uneventful. The only thing that made it eventful was the following days, when she came up missing. So initially -- we get a lot of calls from Tempe. It`s a college town. It`s a party town, where sometimes you have to ask a few questions to get the person to know where they`re at or where they want to be picked up, and to really nail down things because you`re talking about 4:00 clock in the morning.

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