AZ AZ - Adrienne Salinas, 19, Tempe , 15 June 2013 - #4

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" The cab driver’s father, Thomas Simon, said some people posted mean comments on social media, speculating Simon’s son had something to do with the teenager’s disappearance.

When asked about those comments specifically, Simon said, “I don’t want to repeat those things. They are things that I wouldn’t say at the dinner table.”

On Wednesday, 3TV learned Simon’s son was ruled out as a suspect in Salinas’ case.

Investigators took the cab’s GPS and verified the driver’s route which helped rule him out as a suspect."

goodness, I hope that isn't us. We weren't being mean, at least I wasn't. I was looking at leads. Anyhow, glad this is cleared up now completely. Sorry LE wasn't clearer about this earlier so we could've all focused our efforts elsewhere earlier, but of course that was out of our hands.

Oh, I'm pretty sure it includes us.
Here's what I wonder - Did LE clear the cabbie or did someone tell the media that LE cleared the cabbie? I just can't decide whether this is the result of a media blitz/PR campaign or if it is actual information sourced from LE that they would back up when asked. I can't see the detective in charge going from one day saying that everyone's a suspect to the next day suddenly clearing someone so close to the events that transpired.

Especially now with the awkward time discrepancies being reported by cab_guy in this thread, as well as his post a page or two back that police were all over his son from the get go until he retained counsel.

Just pondering out loud. Not being accusatory in any way. Just want to know what is going on more than anything.

Tricia, co owner of Websleuths, posted just a handful of posts ago in this very thread that Pooley called her and said the cab driver has been cleared and for people here to stop calling him.
Here's what I wonder - Did LE clear the cabbie or did someone tell the media that LE cleared the cabbie? I just can't decide whether this is the result of a media blitz/PR campaign or if it is actual information sourced from LE that they would back up when asked. I can't see the detective in charge going from one day saying that everyone's a suspect to the next day suddenly clearing someone so close to the events that transpired.

Especially now with the awkward time discrepancies being reported by cab_guy in this thread, as well as his post a page or two back that police were all over his son from the get go until he retained counsel.

Just pondering out loud. Not being accusatory in any way. Just want to know what is going on more than anything.

Excellent questions/observations!!!
From what Tricia posted, I think he (driver) is as ruled out as anyone can be, without an arrest made pointing elsewhere.
bumping in case anyone missed it.


Thank you. I just got off the phone with Sargent Pooley of the Tempe Police Department.

While Sargent Pooley appreciates your concern and willingness to help it is not necessary to call him. He cannot give you any more information that what has already been given out to the press.

Please, PLEASE DO NOT CALL SGT POOLEY or anyone involved in the case. Remember it is against our Terms of Service so even if you do call either Sargent Pooley or someone else in the case you can't post about it.

We have to enforce this rule very strictly. We can't control who you call or speak with but we can stop you from posting about it on Websleuths.

If we allowed posters to randomly call the police/witnesses/friends/family and then post about it can you imagine the chaos?

If we let one poster do it we have to let everyone do it and that's why it is against the rules.

Also Sargent Pooley wanted me to reiterate the following:

The Cab Driver's story matches up with his GPS, his cellphone pings, and everything else he has given the police. He did not go anywhere that night other than what he told the police. His GPS backs up his story as do the cellphone pings.

While no one is ever cleared the Cab Driver is not high on their list since his story checks out.

Please remember the last thing anyone involved in any case needs is a stranger calling them up to find out information. It's just not a good thing to do.

Thank you.

Tricia Griffith
I think having these discussions and working to get an accurate factual timeline regardless of whose feelings it hurts, matter.

Adrienne is missing. Character matters.

Good for the cabbie to attempt to clear his name and company. If we are to get past him as a suspect we must eliminate him either by LE coming directly out and saying he is cleared and or making a window in the timeline exposing who had the means, motive and opportunity.

There is a huge void of the persons attending the party. All the calls at 5;00 to and from AS and cabbie muddy that imo. With a better understanding we might be able to focus elsewhere.

if this was in AZ instead of FL i'd be even more scared. heck, it was even the day after adrienne went missing. very weird (possible) similarities tho.

She went missing June 15, almost exactly one month before this.
Nm I'm stuck on this guy in FL over the dude in the north east.

The attempt to abduct a woman in a similar car to the one in the video almost 1 month after to the day of Adrienne's abduction?

Too similar to disregard completely IMO.
I have read Tricia's post several times and I am missing where it says the cab driver has "been cleared". It says that his story matches with the GPS etc but also states that "while no one is ever cleared".

I don't see how someone who refuses to take a lie detector test can be in the clear....totally....until the case is solved and they know this person was completely innocent because they caught the guilty perpetrator.
I have read Tricia's post several times and I am missing where it says the cab driver has "been cleared". It says that his story matches with the GPS etc but also states that "while no one is ever cleared".

I don't see how someone who refuses to take a lie detector test can be in the clear....totally....until the case is solved and they know this person was completely innocent because they caught the guilty perpetrator.

I guess the important things to take away from her post is reminders of the rules, which includes not calling LE and posting about it on the forum (which I didn't know about so I'm glad she pointed that out) and not discussing in an accusatory manner nor sleuthing someone unless LE says they are a POI or a suspect, which they have most definitely not done in regards to cab guy or his son.

So, we cannot discuss them as if they are POIs or suspects any more.

IMO of course.
i'd also like to take a second to post this link to an MSM article that has LE's timeline posted:

4:53 a.m. -- Cab drivers calls Salinas when he can’t find her at convenience store at Hardy and University drives. He tells her she is on her way.

OK, i totally understand that LE has stated (per Tricia) that the cabbies story of events have matched his phone and gps records. HOWEVER, cab guy stated earlier that the cabbie called her at 5:05am to say that he was almost there, and surveillance shows the cabbie arriving at 5:01am. Yet LE's timeline says that the cabbie called adrienne at 4:53 to tell her that he had arrived?

confused doesn't even begin to explain my state of mind at the moment.

p.s. i think the "He tells her she is on her way" is a typo. he couldn't tell her she was on her way. lol
i'd also like to take a second to post this link to an MSM article that has LE's timeline posted:

OK, i totally understand that LE has stated (per Tricia) that the cabbies story of events have matched his phone and gps records. HOWEVER, cab guy stated earlier that he called her at 5:05am to say that he was almost there, and surveillance shows the cabbie arriving at 5:01am. Yet LE's timeline says that the cabbie called adrienne at 4:53 to tell her that he had arrived?

confused doesn't even begin to explain my state of mind at the moment.

p.s. i think the "He tells her she is on her way" is a typo. he couldn't tell her she was on her way. lol

That media source is the one who claimed the phone was found without a source. So I no longer read it.
Just now saw Tricia's post. I think if the investigating officer will go out of his way to say those things about the cab driver, then he is pretty much in the clear barring unusual and/or unforeseen circumstances.

The time discrepancies are still utterly bizarre, and I have no clue how to marry them. Perhaps if Detective Poole would spend a bit of time doing an occasional press conference and addressing the discrepancies, rather than letting the media - and us - run wild with all of the inconsistencies and (perhaps) misreports, then we - the public - could get a damn handle on things and help out. And, you know, releasing further information about the OReillys videos, and whether or not they are relevant, would be nice.

I've never in my life seen a police department not give regular press conferences in this kind of missing person's case. Hell, even the utterly inept Norton Shores PD gave regular press conferences and released video/pictures in Jessica Heeringa's case.
that makes 2 of us! :) (well, i'm sure more than 2.. but yea.. lol)

one of the reports i read earlier even said that LE thinks the case is already going cold too *sigh* (i think it was the NG article? i've read too many articles today working on the timeline lol)

Thank you for all your hard work, Mama!

That media source is the one who claimed the phone was found without a source. So I no longer read it.

You can only read or refer to it 19 times per month before they make you purchase a paid subscription (or clear cookies, if that still works... or use a different browser... ) anyhow.
Just now saw Tricia's post. I think if the investigating officer will go out of his way to say those things about the cab driver, then he is pretty much in the clear barring unusual and/or unforeseen circumstances.

The time discrepancies are still utterly bizarre, and I have no clue how to marry them. Perhaps if Detective Poole would spend a bit of time doing an occasional press conference and addressing the discrepancies, rather than letting the media - and us - run wild with all of the inconsistencies and (perhaps) misreports, then we - the public - could get a damn handle on things and help out. And, you know, releasing further information about the OReillys videos, and whether or not they are relevant, would be nice.

I've never in my life seen a police department not give regular press conferences in this kind of missing person's case. Hell, even the utterly inept Norton Shores PD gave regular press conferences and released video/pictures in Jessica Heeringa's case.

i know of a case here in san diego where a guy went missing. i spoke to his wife about the case and she was completely lost as to what to do. i told her that a lot of people start missing persons fb pages and most often search parties are organized to try and locate the missing person. well, after LE told her that basically he'd be back in a few days and didn't really believe that there was an accident, etc.. they told her to delete all posts she had made on fb regarding him and to not post a single thing about him, including missing persons posters, on social media. he ended up being found alive a few days later.. but i'm still in the dark as to what happened (all i've seen is that people posted that they hope he has/had a speedy recovery)and nothing was ever released in the news because news stations couldn't get any information out of LE either. totally weird to me.

the public can be the best tool in finding a missing person. the public at large out numbers LE and we work for free! i just don't understand how it's fair to missing people to not get public involved. i'd usually say "well, maybe they don't want to release certain information because it might risk the investigation" but if even LE thinks the case is going cold?? what can it hurt??
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