AZ AZ - Adrienne Salinas, 19, Tempe , 15 June 2013 - #6

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Me, me!

Please and thank you G!

okeedoke, you got it!

If I write something like this(?) it means that I'm not sure I transcribed the word correctly due to blurring or fading.



Author: ???? - Soumen(?), Michelle
Related Date/Time: June 16(?), 2013 (Sun), ??
On 06-15-2013, at approximately 0344 hours, Adrienne Salinas left her home at 812 W. Brown St #?(?) in Tempe, after she had a verbal argument with her boyfriend, packed a small bag and left the apartment in her vehicle [blacked out] and the vehicle was seen by an independent witness, drive recklessly and collide with a median at Ash Ave. and Rio Salado Pkwy, Tempe. The vehicle left the scene and was found the following day, disabled at the corner of Brown St and Roosevelt St. Salinas had not been seen or returned numerous phone calls and text messages since that time by her family or roommates. Salinas' father, Ricardo Salinas reported her missing to Tempe PD at approximately 1412 hours on 06-16-2013. Salinas does not have any ongoing medical, physical, or psychological impairment reported. Salinas took her phone, a small bag with clothes and her wallet with her when she left the apartment. Salinas' phone was turned off during the time of the investigation and Salinas' friends and family reported no known locations where she may go at that time. Salinas was entered into [blacked out] as a missing person on 06-16-2013.


(can't see anymore)
Maybe because it just kept going to voicemail?

Maybe but the way it is worded it almos sounds like LE was able to call it and see it ping/hear it ring at least once before repeating this and having it then either not ping, or go straight to vm/a message that the phone is off.

I feel like they had a before and an after regarding her phone during the investigation, leading them to specifically say it was shut off - when? - DURING the course of the investigation... not before... not at 5:07am... but DURING the investigation, AFTER she was already reported missing...

imo (hard to know for sure without having the rest of the report)

Not fun-I hope you get it fixed today! This happened to me this summer, while it is not as hot where I am, as it is in AZ, South Carolina is humid and hot-The house was at 85-I cant imagine 95. I was without air-conditioning for a week, was a quiet week for me though because the kids moved in with friends during that time. lol


My poor daughter and dogs slept on the sofa with fans... 32% humidity so the evap does nothing. I'm thinking about packing the important stuff and walking away from this dump. BUT, I will leave a note. LOL :D

(My dearest friend is in Greenville - she said it's way humid there!)

maybe but the way it is worded it almos sounds like le was able to call it and see it ping/hear it ring at least once before repeating this and having it then either not ping, or go straight to vm/a message that the phone is off.

I feel like they had a before and an after regarding her phone during the investigation, leading them to specifically say it was shut off - when? - during the course of the investigation... Not before... Not at 5:07am... But during the investigation, after she was already reported missing...

Imo (hard to know for sure without having the rest of the report)

I have a hunch that if it was a complete stranger, then her phone has been dismantled, broken, and tossed, phone in one area and sim card and battery in another,


my hunch is that *IF* a female acquaintance of Adrienne's had A's phone in her possession at any point that night, my gut says that it is still in this female's possession AND I suspect she will at some point turn it on briefly, and it will ping, and I hope that LE is still watching for that.

A girl is not going to dismantle, break, and throw out a perfectly good smartphone and surely not one that belonged to a friend of hers, and sometimes a person believes that the only way to keep something from being found is to hang onto it.

All just a hunch, don't know why, surely could be wrong.

I think you pegged this. Do you think a girl would throw it off a bridge? I keep feeling like the phone is in the water. I wish they could find that phone!

I am extremely anxious to view the entire police report. I am keeping my fingers crossed we have a "miracle" and get it sooner than 30 days! Thanks Sandsage for all of your efforts.

When you can't find anything, go to the bottom of the list and take a second look, IMO.....

So, on an unrelated note, just came across another report page in crankycrankerson's /AmandaReckonwith's photobucket. I search daily multiple times for this report online so don't know how I missed this. I guess it's been in there for like five days!


This screenshot came from (I forgot the name) a Spanish site broadcast, which is recorded in the archive as well.
Maybe but the way it is worded it almos sounds like LE was able to call it and see it ping/hear it ring at least once before repeating this and having it then either not ping, or go straight to vm/a message that the phone is off.

I feel like they had a before and an after regarding her phone during the investigation, leading them to specifically say it was shut off - when? - DURING the course of the investigation... not before... not at 5:07am... but DURING the investigation, AFTER she was already reported missing...

imo (hard to know for sure without having the rest of the report)

You are reading it then the same as I am, that her phone had been on but while they were investigating her as missing the phone was turned off. hmmm.....
This screenshot came from (I forgot the name) a Spanish site broadcast, which is recorded in the archive as well.

Thank you for that information and thank you even more for your wonderful work! There is quite literally NOTHING ELSE on the internet, or off for that matter, that rivals your case archives. I can't imagine working cases without it, so I will just take a second to thank you personally - THANK YOU!! :)
Thank you for that information and thank you even more for your wonderful work! There is quite literally NOTHING ELSE on the internet, or off for that matter, that rivals your case archives. I can't imagine working cases without it, so I will just take a second to thank you personally - THANK YOU!! :)

Amen to that! ^^^
Hello All,

I was reading through this thread and brainstormed a few ideas on paper, I find that much easier than a keyboard.

In relation to driving recklessly, perhaps she was upset/intoxicated and also searching for an item in her car, such as her wallet? I know when I drive and start searching for something in car, I take my eyes off the road and have swerved. Perhaps she was searching for her Wallet or something when she had the accident? Or perhaps there was an individual sleeping/lying in the back of the car (although I am not sure of any evidence found in relation to forensics in the car), which startled her and caused an accident and her leaving the scene quickly (although there was no other person sighted in the car that we know of).

Given her phone was low and she may have left something of importance behind she may have gone home. Also, I know i can drive in my car in daggy clothes, however when I know I am being picked up/having to face people, I tend to dress a bit more nicely. Perhaps she did not want to be dressed in last nights clothes when she was picked up by the taxi and decided to change?

As for leaving the wallet behind I find that odd, if she was catching a taxi you would need your wallet. In calling the taxi at the house perhaps she lost track of time and left in a hurry, hence "i will be there in a minute". Left for the taxi however realising on the way to the taxi she had forgotten her wallet thus taken a short cut/returned, and something occurred in the home or on the way back home?

If upon returning to the house someone knew she was short of cash and had called a taxi perhaps a lift was offered and who knows what may have taken place. anyway... just a few ideas I thought I would put out there.

I hope she is found soon.
You are reading it then the same as I am, that her phone had been on but while they were investigating her as missing the phone was turned off. hmmm.....

Sooooo... maybe someone who knew they were investigating informed the person (whoever that may be, Adrienne included?) with the phone and said person booted down?
In calling the taxi at the house perhaps she lost track of time and left in a hurry, hence "i will be there in a minute". Left for the taxi however realising on the way to the taxi she had forgotten her wallet thus taken a short cut/returned, and something occurred in the home or on the way back home?

First, :welcome: !

Second, (SBM - snipped by me) I like this thought very much, haven't seen that one yet, and certainly does make sense!
Sooooo... maybe someone who knew they were investigating informed the person (whoever that may be, Adrienne included?) with the phone and said person booted down?

So maybe that person never thought of phone pings until they heard the investigators talking about them.
Not exactly. What he said was this:

"POOLEY: We do not have her cell phone. That is the one piece of evidence that we lack. As far as using the cell phone towers, yes, it does indicate she was in that general area the last time before it went off, before her phone went dead. It was in that same area where her apartment is and where all this transpired at."

And I then looked up area towers and there's one on ASU A mountain and one on 5th street both of which are very close to her movements that night, but the 5th street one is closer than A mountain so I would think she was closer to her apartment than the mountain, for example, the whole time. IMO
At the risk of showing what a luddite I am......someone on here said that when their phone is off they still receive texts when they turn it back on. If BF texted her around noon where was the ping? It should at least show that wherever the ping was was where the event took place...confused!
FOLKS: Please do not personalize your posts. If and when the police report is obtained you can discuss it at that time. Until then we just have to wait.
At the risk of showing what a luddite I am......someone on here said that when their phone is off they still receive texts when they turn it back on. If BF texted her around noon where was the ping? It should at least show that wherever the ping was was where the event took place...confused!

You don't sound as confused as you think you are. :) You are correct.
I know with Iphones they have Imsg, which will send a blue txt message if the phone is on, however if off, will be green and it still shows as sending but just a different way. Even if a txt is sent as a normal txt msg and the phone is off, would it still have contact will a cell tower? Or only when the phone is on? as his phone would show that either was it was sent, but not necessarily received.

Being closer to the apartment, as phone records may suggest, she would be more likely to have known the POI.

Also, I can imagine crashing your car would result in numerous phone calls to BF, not knowing what to do, wanting to be picked up, did she have insurance?

Either way she said she was going to her BF's place. Had an accident. Returned home and for some reason wanted to go to AMPM...avoid the house? pick up a snack? maybe her BF had a fav choc bar and she wanted to pick him up something as a peace offering?.... Whatever the case, she went quickly with the idea of meeting him at his place and may have left on foot. Having been a female her age, and still closeishhhh to her age (I am getting older eeppp!) there would be no way I would go somewhere on foot at that time of the morning or not have a cab pick me up from my apartment, unless I was (a) veryyyyy hungry (I wonder if there was any food in the house), (b) in urgent need of an item (such a ladies toiletries) or (c) felt threatened/unsafe in my home. Even in those circumstances I would prefer a lift. If there were still people around maybe she did get a lift with the intention of meeting the cab at the AMPM, but never arrived. I imagine her leaving (on foot or a lift), realising she has forgotten her wallet, being in a car or getting a lift back to the house, the cab calling and her response and then disappearing.
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