Found Alive AZ - Alicia Navarro, 14, autistic, Glendale, 16 Sep 2019 *found in 2023* #2

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Quoting this from the previous thread. Personally, I am on the spectrum or maybe just off of it. I am pretty sure you could tell I was happy if I was bursting in the seems with happiness. But, generally I often feel projected on, including by my mother.

It's not that uncommon for my mom to surmise that I'm depressed or something, and she likes to remind me that it's ok to see a therapist or that it's normal to take anti-depressants, as if maybe I would benefit from that or maybe I need that. But ironically, that happens when I'm not depressed and generally feeling ok. Whereas if I say I feel a certain way about something, and it goes against hopes, desires, or expectations, I swear she won't necessarily even acknowledge that I actually feel that way. It's like she projects that I am simply too stubborn to do what she knows I really want to do, or what she thinks any "normal" person would do, or something. I can say no over and over again over the course of weeks or even years and she will still passive aggressively nag me as if she actually expects me to eventually come around and say yes. I can certainly be stubborn but in various cases I am simply saying no to something I would not ever come close to considering.

I have loving parents and was given independence and financial support, and I feel petty complaining about them in a community like WS. I guess the point is even as an adult I struggle to and in some cases cannot assert myself against my parents, and set boundaries in a manner that is both mature and respectful yet also effective. Internally it's a point of contention for me. Asserting myself in general is maybe a point of contention for me. I can and will do it if I need to but it requires energy if it doesn't cause anxiety. So I often won't bother, and I might let myself get pushed around, but if I make an effort and it's fruitless that's just frustrating.

More generally, if we're talking random people, they can probably treat me how they want and there's a good chance I won't care, it's easy to brush things off and get on with my life without much bother. But with my parents I feel like I either need to assert boundaries or otherwise cut them out of my life to a large effect, and on top of that I feel some responsibility to them and it ends up a source of stress that weighs on me quite a bit. For that and other reasons, there are lots of things in life that I would choose to put up with before I agreed to move back in with them as an adult. I wouldn't even be thrilled to live near them. A quick Google search tells me that my experience is probably not atypical.

I don't know that much about Alicia, and I can't put myself in her shoes and am as curious as anyone as to how she has gotten by over the past few years. But I find it perfectly believable that she might legitimately not want to return to living with her mother, and hasn't simply fallen victim to Stockholm syndrome. It also wouldn't surprise me if she independently chose to run away because she came to a calculated conclusion that it was necessary for her mental heath, and not simply because she was lured by a man. I am pretty sure change is stressful for most on the spectrum, and a big decision like running away probably would not have been made on a whim.

That is not to say that there is nothing inherently suspicious about a 30+ year old man discretely living with a 17/18 year old girl reported missing several years prior. But I think the potential motivations at play here on Alicia's end, create atypical possibilities as far as WS goes.

Beyond that, I think many people here have their own life experiences to project on this situation, and I think it is probably healthy to simply acknowledge that we don't know what we don't know.
That’s an intelligent, well thought out post. Certainly provides food for thought.

And it makes sense to me. I think sometimes Parents of kids who are different can be particularly overbearing and overprotective. Most anyone would chafe under that but some may find it unbearable. So yeah, your post makes me able to see her wanting to be out from that and feeling suffocated at the thought of being under that again.

That being said, this is a person who, at 14, thought she could skateboard across the country or whatever? She didn’t seem to have a grasp on reality. Not in a psychotic way but just a lack of maturity and possibly delays in understanding due to the way she perceives and interprets the world. A person like that is vulnerable, IMO, to manipulation by others, which was one of the things her mom seemed to be overprotective about.

Moreover, I am very concerned when there is an imbalance of power- large age difference and probable differences in neurology, that make one person able to take advantage of another much more easily.

So, it’s possible this person felt desperate to be away from the burden of navigating her mom’s projections, energy, control, etc., and who is also desperate not to be a part of it again, but at the same time is in a situation with a different type of control - one she is less able to recognize, and one that is more isolating and complete.
That being said, this is a person who, at 14, thought she could skateboard across the country or whatever?

I mean, yeah.

I'm not sure where that bit about skateboarding comes from, I've seen it mentioned but not sure whether to take it at face value. I assume it could have been miscommunicated or be mis-paraphrased, or what not.

But regardless, she would have been vulnerable, be vulnerable. So I'm not disagreeing with you.
I mean, yeah.

I'm not sure where that bit about skateboarding comes from, I've seen it mentioned but not sure whether to take it at face value. I assume it could have been miscommunicated or be mis-paraphrased, or what not.

But regardless, she would have been vulnerable, be vulnerable. So I'm not disagreeing with you.
It’s from the podcast about her case. Her mom states Alicia told a friend that was going to skateboard to CA or swim to Australia. So shortly before she disappeared, she told this same friend that she was leaving that Friday. He didn’t take her seriously because of her comments from before.
My hope is that the community she is now in, as an adult, by choice, loves the absolute pulp out of her and shows her that. And that is about all I have to say about this case, which is rare for me, but I bet I’m not alone …
My hope is that the community she is now in, as an adult, by choice, loves the absolute pulp out of her and shows her that. And that is about all I have to say about this case, which is rare for me, but I bet I’m not alone …
I'm concerned about the area shes living in rn. I wish the media wouldve just left them alone at their apartment in Harve
My hope is that the community she is now in, as an adult, by choice, loves the absolute pulp out of her and shows her that. And that is about all I have to say about this case, which is rare for me, but I bet I’m not alone …
I don’t know that we can say that she’s there truly by choice. If your adult child was in a cult, would you think she was there by choice? What if she had been lured out of her home by an adult predator when she was a minor and manipulated, brainwashed, coerced into thinking she needed to stay. Would you think she was there by choice?

Legally, she has the right to stay where she is. But without more info, I don’t know that we can say that her decision is a purely free one.

I think of the case of Elizabeth Thomas. She left “willingly” with her adult teacher, who took her on a road trip across many state lines. She thought she loved him. She didn’t have it great at home.

She now knows he stole her innocence. The ability to have a first, romantic, intimate relationship with someone her own age. With someone other than a predator.

Now she was found months after she “left willingly”. Not years later when she was of age. But if she had been found years later as an adult, would she have said she wanted to leave him or would she have said she wanted to stay? And would it matter if he and his family loved the pulp out of her?
She was calling the man she was with her “uncle”. No way would she be doing that if she and he knew this was an appropriate, non-predatory relationship, IMHO.

That gives me a huge hint that she isn’t loved there, in the way she should be.

I’m open to being wrong, but so far it stinks to high heaven, to me.
“I'll be back I swear” in her note says it all. She hasn’t been back and has no intentions now. SOMETHING (criminal most likely imo and moo) happened that changed her original plans… could be she was lied to. Could be that she was groomed and brainwashed. Could be that she was threatened. Who knows? We need to ask her.

It’s time for experienced FBI investigators to sit down with AN and ask the harder, personal questions:

-why did she swear to mom that she’d come back, but now she doesn’t want to?

-who was the first adult she went to when she ran away? Was it Eddie? (Whoever it was should result in immediate arrest without bond).

-has Eddie “done anything” with her and when did that begin?

-Why does she refer to Eddie as uncle? It’s an ODD and suspicious nickname.

No more ambiguous questions like “did anyone hurt you.” That accomplished nothing. If you’re going to ask that, at least follow it up with soemthing more specific. The girl is right there talking to you.

Another opinionated note- my theory is that he chose to move to the reservation to avoid police surveillance and to make things a bit more “legally murky and difficult.” Sure his mom lives there but that can’t be the only reason to me, especially with so much danger on that reservation. And it being so far from businesses making it harder to find work. Moo
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It seems she has chosen the life she wants to live and has no intentions of reuniting with her mother. But,... do we know if she has left the door open to communicating with her mom?

I hope she has a social security number, finds employment, gets a drivers' license, attends high school and beyond, and has a responsible support group. I know, that's a lot of hoping.
Montana law on consent:

“lack of consent may be inferred on all of the surrounding circumstances and must be considered in determining whether a person gave consent.”

Victim is incapable of consent because victim is:
-mentally disordered
-mentally incapacitated
-overcome by deception, coercion, or surprise

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News update:

Alicia Navarro's boyfriend Eddie Davis lied to coworkers and said Alicia was his niece, and he was fired from Walmart for being very aggressive

The former coworker added that Davis hid his relationship with Navarro, who is now 18, from his coworkers — and claimed she was just his niece.

Within a year or two, his attitude changed at work,” the colleague said. “He would call younger guys names.” He was fired from his nighttime stocker job at Walmart as a result.

He later took a job at a local marijuana dispensary, but had lost his job there too.

The coworker recounted how another colleague said Davis was invited out to a bar 'a while back' and was asked whether he wanted to bring his girlfriend, but Davis denied he and Navarro were dating.

'Eddie replied, saying it was his niece not his girlfriend, and that she was too young,'

So apparently he was fired for being aggressive against younger coworkers and calling them names.

If she was of legal age, why hide her? She seems isolated from everyone, which is a common grooming tactic.

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“I'll be back I swear” in her note says it all. She hasn’t been back and has no intentions now. SOMETHING (criminal most likely imo and moo) happened that changed her original plans… could be she was lied to. Could be that she was groomed and brainwashed. Could be that she was threatened. Who knows? We need to ask her.

It’s time for experienced FBI investigators to sit down with AN and ask the harder, personal questions:

-why did she swear to mom that she’d come back, but now she doesn’t want to?

-who was the first adult she went to when she ran away? Was it Eddie? (Whoever it was should result in immediate arrest without bond).

-has Eddie “done anything” with her and when did that begin?

-Why does she refer to Eddie as uncle? It’s an ODD and suspicious nickname.

No more ambiguous questions like “did anyone hurt you.” That accomplished nothing. If you’re going to ask that, at least follow it up with soemthing more specific. The girl is right there talking to you.

Another opinionated note- my theory is that he chose to move to the reservation to avoid police surveillance and to make things a bit more “legally murky and difficult.” Sure his mom lives there but that can’t be the only reason to me, especially with so much danger on that reservation. And it being so far from businesses making it harder to find work. Moo
It’s frustrating. But I’m trying to be patient and have faith in LE.

No doubt they’ve had many more conversations with her than we are aware of. What they released was probably very little and strategic.

She’s over age so she doesn’t have to talk to them. And I think that there’s a real concern that too much pressure or confrontation can cause the pair or either one of them to do something drastic.

I’m hopeful that they’re working their case and something will come of it. I truly hope.

Their relationship gives me the ick. This guy pretended she’s his niece for a reason. I’d love to see her away from him. If for some reason, it’s not safe for her at her mom’s (which there’s no evidence of), I hope she can find some place safe.
This is probably a stupid question but is it possible that they really are uncle and niece?
Maybe I missed something.
I know the headlines keep saying he's her "boyfriend" but has LE actually confirmed they're in a romantic relationship?
Or did she confirm that to them?

I don’t think they’re related because that would be very easy to find out and neither LE nor the mom has divulged that.

LE hasn’t confirmed anything about the guy. They haven’t even said his name. But she lived with this man, alone, for a year and a neighbor saw them holding hands.

News update:

Alicia Navarro's boyfriend Eddie Davis lied to coworkers and said Alicia was his niece, and he was fired from Walmart for being very aggressive

The former coworker added that Davis hid his relationship with Navarro, who is now 18, from his coworkers — and claimed she was just his niece.

Within a year or two, his attitude changed at work,” the colleague said. “He would call younger guys names.” He was fired from his nighttime stocker job at Walmart as a result.

He later took a job at a local marijuana dispensary, but had lost his job there too.

The coworker recounted how another colleague said Davis was invited out to a bar 'a while back' and was asked whether he wanted to bring his girlfriend, but Davis denied he and Navarro were dating.

'Eddie replied, saying it was his niece not his girlfriend, and that she was too young,'

So apparently he was fired for being aggressive against younger coworkers and calling them names.

If she was of legal age, why hide her? She seems isolated from everyone, which is a common grooming tactic.

Sorry to hear this but not surprised.
She’s an adult and it’s her life to live. I’d hate it, but yes.

<modsnip - off topic>

I think the law needs to recognize people with mental disabilities Better. It’s a hard problem to solve because there’s so much variability in the spectrum, and maturity levels differ in everyone . perhaps give a longer runway to autistic children before they’re considered “adult” under the law.

Regardless of mental disability, I think kids that are kidnapped and harbored for long periods of time need to be considered children until they’re 21 or so due to “mental conditioning” and grooming that can destroy their mind and ability to make decisions for themselves. How can AN make decision for herself when she probably didn’t go to school moo, leaving her educationally delayed?
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