AZ AZ - Allison Feldman, 31, Scottsdale, 18 Feb 2015 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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You're probably right about having a cleaning lady. I was just wondering if she gave a spare key to someone. Do we know if she generally parked her car in the garage? I remember seeing a show where the woman entered her garage and the perp snuck in before the door closed. Then had access to the house.

LOL! I thought most self-respecting burglars wore gloves! How'd he get scratches on his hands? And what were they doing having drinks together?


The gloves were part of my theory, one could have been ripped off during the struggle.
The glasses? That's someone else's theory towards the "known attacker", but not mine.
But, SPD hasn't said anything about either of those 2 things so it's just speculation.

Back to that burglary suspect that SPD gave absolutely no info about over a month ago, just the screen captures of surveillance footage? Compare it with this news item from today:

Why didn't the article I posted weeks back go into the area the "perp" was hitting (Scottsdale area is WAY too broad), what was being stolen, when he was hitting the houses, etc., etc.
Scottsdale's boundaries go out to Phoenix, Carefree, Fountain Hills, Tempe, Pima-Maricopa Rez and the Tonto National Forest. I had to look up this nugget: it's 184+ square miles. And this burglar is hitting Scottsdale. It didn't say the Arcadia District, Old Town, Gainey, Shea Corridor, Scottsdale Airpark, Mountain Shadows,etc......again, the whole article was incredibly non-informative. Just a "Do you recognize this burglar, he's burglarizing Scottsdale."

I just have a weird feeling about that article and those pics.

Ok, weirder than I normally am, LOL! <-----that's for Miss D, cause you know how I roll!

I think they (SPD) are very busy setting out traps at the moment.

The "traps" on the water discharge lines, lol! The sink, shower, toilet, etc., for more DNA. If the perp cleaned up, there would be evidence, hair, tissue, diluted blood, fabric fibers, unless he poured a ton of bleach down them.
The "traps" on the water discharge lines, lol! The sink, shower, toilet, etc., for more DNA. If the perp cleaned up, there would be evidence, hair, tissue, diluted blood, fabric fibers, unless he poured a ton of bleach down them.

Thanks....but I knew what traps you were referring to. But I do think that LE really IS laying some traps for the perp with the updates they are releasing.

Interesting about cleaning the traps in the house, however. I wouldn't have thought about that. Hope they did!
The gloves were part of my theory, one could have been ripped off during the struggle.
The glasses? That's someone else's theory towards the "known attacker", but not mine.
But, SPD hasn't said anything about either of those 2 things so it's just speculation.

Back to that burglary suspect that SPD gave absolutely no info about over a month ago, just the screen captures of surveillance footage? Compare it with this news item from today:

Why didn't the article I posted weeks back go into the area the "perp" was hitting (Scottsdale area is WAY too broad), what was being stolen, when he was hitting the houses, etc., etc.
Scottsdale's boundaries go out to Phoenix, Carefree, Fountain Hills, Tempe, Pima-Maricopa Rez and the Tonto National Forest. I had to look up this nugget: it's 184+ square miles. And this burglar is hitting Scottsdale. It didn't say the Arcadia District, Old Town, Gainey, Shea Corridor, Scottsdale Airpark, Mountain Shadows,etc......again, the whole article was incredibly non-informative. Just a "Do you recognize this burglar, he's burglarizing Scottsdale."

I just have a weird feeling about that article and those pics.

Ok, weirder than I normally am, LOL! <-----that's for Miss D, cause you know how I roll!

*giggles* You are a character indeed! But I do enjoy your presentations! :floorlaugh:
The gloves were part of my theory, one could have been ripped off during the struggle.
The glasses? That's someone else's theory towards the "known attacker", but not mine.
But, SPD hasn't said anything about either of those 2 things so it's just speculation.

Back to that burglary suspect that SPD gave absolutely no info about over a month ago, just the screen captures of surveillance footage? Compare it with this news item from today:

Why didn't the article I posted weeks back go into the area the "perp" was hitting (Scottsdale area is WAY too broad), what was being stolen, when he was hitting the houses, etc., etc.
Scottsdale's boundaries go out to Phoenix, Carefree, Fountain Hills, Tempe, Pima-Maricopa Rez and the Tonto National Forest. I had to look up this nugget: it's 184+ square miles. And this burglar is hitting Scottsdale. It didn't say the Arcadia District, Old Town, Gainey, Shea Corridor, Scottsdale Airpark, Mountain Shadows,etc......again, the whole article was incredibly non-informative. Just a "Do you recognize this burglar, he's burglarizing Scottsdale."

I just have a weird feeling about that article and those pics.

Ok, weirder than I normally am, LOL! <-----that's for Miss D, cause you know how I roll!

I saw the "Ice Den Bandit" on my phone news app. And I immediately thought of you! :)

I didn't see a beanie on him this time. What was that he was wearing? Some kind of black jumpsuit over his clothes? If this is the same burglar as last time he sure has a different chin. Unless he has one of those halloween type fake chins just for the camera.

I don't think this is a very smart burglar getting caught on cameras all the time. Now they even know what kind of vehicle he drives.

The other one was cuter too. imo
That's good to know. I think it's only a matter of time before we here of an arrest.:waiting:

Luv, I can't help but believe you are correct and LE will be arresting someone very soon.

I believe them when they said they believed it was personal, targeted, isolated, someone she knew. There is no telling how many persons of interest they interviewed and we know they interviewed some of them multiple times. They have mountains of evidence and it probably takes a while to get it all together to present to the prosecutor.

I am sure the prosecutor who will be handling this case wants to make sure all the dots are crossed and the tees ....i's dotted and t's crossed...whatever.

They will not want anything screwing up their case or possibly resulting in some kind of glitch that could backfire and cause a mistrial.

They will be out for blood in Allison's case.

I know, because I have been told, they want NOTHING more than to see JUSTICE for Allison's family.
So many things come to my mind when people ask questions here that make me think.

Like Luvrosco asking if she parked in the garage and then remembering the neighbors telling me that no one parked in the driveway or out front. And then remembering what the sister said on the news about how Alex was there most of the time but he wasn't that night and he said he wished he had been there. According to news sources.

And then I think about the news report that he went over to check on her at the request of her parents and he called the police before he went in and then he found her body and came running out and called the police again and then he was saying there was blood everywhere.

And then I think about his car being parked in the driveway because it was seen in the news reports. And the neighbors surveillance camera verified his story of when he came because he was spotted on it going into the house and coming out after he found her.

Then I wonder........why did he park in the driveway. Why didn't he park in the garage like he normally did?

Why would he call the cops before he went into the house? You wouldn't expect your GF to be laying on the floor in a pool of blood would you? You had just seen her the day before. Why would you expect her to be dead? Why would you call the police if you had a key? If her parents had asked you to go over why would you call them to say you were going in.

I'm not getting this. Does anyone else wonder about these things? They seem very odd to me.


I think I would only park in the driveway if I knew I would be coming right back out. Otherwise, I would do just like I always did. Park in the garage.
This is interesting, seems by now some of the individuals in question would have been cleared. Can't wait to see this case break wide open and hopefully soon.

When it does I'm sure it's gonna be a 'shocker'.
I'm looking forward to seeing that post from you saying "ARREST MADE"...can't think of anyone else I want to hear it from. :toast:

Thank you so much ModMaiden! I am so looking forward to the day when I can make that post for all of you!!!

<snipped> And then remembering what the sister said on the news about how Alex was there most of the time but he wasn't that night and he said he wished he had been there. According to news sources.

This has always troubled me. Including the use of the word "kicked out" that has been said. Kicked out because they were fighting, yes but kicked out because of studying, not so much. This person was there nightly so why send him home to study? Why is it on that night she is cruelly murdered? When I try to envision that conversation where a sister has just learned about the murder of her sibling and the boyfriend tosses out "I wasn't there because she kicked me out." I think my listening would have stopped right there and my comfort zone with him changing. Really seems like a bad choice of words to use under the circumstances.

Trying to think as a criminal in how one might work in covering their tracks or setting up lies brings me to this thought. Another angle could be is this certain individual was setting up the story that he was not there so he could not be the suspect because a family member said so. The immediate effect would be "OK, let's look elsewhere." thus buying time for the suspect to get further away. Once the dust settles down and everyone has had time to rethink what happened will these little details spring up.
Can someone refresh me on what the boyfriend said on the 911 call? TIA.
Originally Posted by east2west

Can someone refresh me on what the boyfriend said on the 911 call? TIA.

MissD is your best bet on getting the correct information, she's the champion here with a wealth of information.

What I recall from reading an article is he was telling the 911 dispatcher "he didn't do anything", "he didn't touch her" while the dispatcher was trying to get the information on what happened. The "he didn't touch her" somewhat makes sense since it was a murder scene but "he didn't do anything"? Quite an odd thing to say when calling in to 911. I remember being surprised reading the 911 call and wish I had saved it.

I won't be surprised if he's involved based upon different elements of his actions and what has been reported. I also get the feeling he made an effort to put on quite a show outside for the neighbors. Because if he knew about the cameras from the other house that adds more reasons to the pile why I would want to take a much closer look at him.
Yes, yes!..............this is what I was referencing in my response above (Post #1049)...but I was wrong, it wasn't what he'd told LE when they arrived at the home, it was what he'd offered up to 911....... yes, very odd to blurt this out, like why say this? Even if he had touched her it wouldn't be that out of the norm.........I know if I found a loved one inside their home in a pool of blood I would immediately check to see if they had a pulse, check to see if they were still alive and if there was anything I could do to help them (CPR, etc).

MissD is your best bet on getting the correct information, she's the champion here with a wealth of information.

What I recall from reading an article is he was telling the 911 dispatcher "he didn't do anything", "he didn't touch her" while the dispatcher was trying to get the information on what happened. The "he didn't touch her" somewhat makes sense since it was a murder scene but "he didn't do anything"? Quite an odd thing to say when calling in to 911. I remember being surprised reading the 911 call and wish I had saved it.

I won't be surprised if he's involved based upon different elements of his actions and what has been reported. I also get the feeling he made an effort to put on quite a show outside for the neighbors. Because if he knew about the cameras from the other house that adds more reasons to the pile why I would want to take a much closer look at him.
just wanted to re-visit this article from

"Boyfriend 'beside himself'

“He's beside himself because he's over at her place quite a bit, because he worries about her living alone,” Kelly said. “Of course he wasn't there on Tuesday night. She had kicked him out, basically saying because he's in grad school -- like go home and study and have quiet time. He's beside himself. He, of course, is the one who discovered her. He can barely form words right now.”

It seems odd to me that he is over at her place "quite a bit, because he worries about her living alone". So he goes there often to protect her? Couldn't she lock the doors and rely on the security system she just installed?Scottsdale is not exactly Beirut. Wouldn't it make more sense if he would visit her house often because he loved her, and wanted to be with her? This seems to be the kind of behavior you would expect if she had been receiving threatening phone calls, or someone was stalking her, which the public has been given no indication of.
Thank you for posing this article,Cumulus. This one I've never seen before. He certainly gives the indication that she was afraid of someone. Could this explain why after being in contact with her mother earlier in the evening,her father felt the need to text her later that night?
Thank you for posing this article,Cumulus. This one I've never seen before. He certainly gives the indication that she was afraid of someone. Could this explain why after being in contact with her mother earlier in the evening,her father felt the need to text her later that night?

Yeah, let's be realistic, boyfriends don't stay over all the time in safe areas to protect their girlfriends, unless they have a reason to.

In my opinion, either they had a specific reason to be cautious, or the BF was trying to make a safe neighborhood appear to be dangerous, for whatever reason.
Oh they can? Thanks! I didn't know that. I actually don't know much about DNA. I'm learning more about it from this case.

Thanks for letting me know!
I had one of those DNA analysis things done, I forget the company but I can look it up. They were able to tell that I was most likely fair skinned with freckles and a red tint to my hair but not a full on redhead. I also have slightly more neanderthal in me than the average *advertiser censored* sapien lol.
I had one of those DNA analysis things done, I forget the company but I can look it up. They were able to tell that I was most likely fair skinned with freckles and a red tint to my hair but not a full on redhead. I also have slightly more neanderthal in me than the average *advertiser censored* sapien lol.

so you must be fair skinned and freckled with a hairy back.
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