AZ AZ - Allison Feldman, 31, Scottsdale, 18 Feb 2015 #2

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Yeah, let's be realistic, boyfriends don't stay over all the time in safe areas to protect their girlfriends, unless they have a reason to.

In my opinion, either they had a specific reason to be cautious, or the BF was trying to make a safe neighborhood appear to be dangerous, for whatever reason.

Doesn't that make you think she had a neighbor, she was uneasy with? It does me!
Tomorrow is May. This thing still has not been solved. Now that they let the POI know they have the DNA, maybe it never will be! Why are they secretive on one hand and then let this out on the other hand. "Hello, we have your DNA, stay in hiding!"
Tomorrow is May. This thing still has not been solved. Now that they let the POI know they have the DNA, maybe it never will be! Why are they secretive on one hand and then let this out on the other hand. "Hello, we have your DNA, stay in hiding!"

I am really hoping that the strange silence and lack of information is because they are building a case against someone, a case that they think is going to be big news eventually, like the arias trial.

It is my opinion there is no reason to suspect a neighbor. Of the little knowledge we have about the case, nothing would lead me to believe they have found anything that would suggest a neighbor. The police never seemed worried that the neighbors were in danger from the outset, and I am not sure that has changed.
I am really hoping that the strange silence and lack of information is because they are building a case against someone, a case that they think is going to be big news eventually, like the arias trial.

It is my opinion there is no reason to suspect a neighbor. Of the little knowledge we have about the case, nothing would lead me to believe they have found anything that would suggest a neighbor. The police never seemed worried that the neighbors were in danger from the outset, and I am not sure that has changed.

Then how do you explain this person coming over AFTER the BF leaves and also knowing she lives there all alone? Obviously, there was no phone call asking if he left, that would have led to him ASAP.
I saw the "Ice Den Bandit" on my phone news app. And I immediately thought of you! :)

I didn't see a beanie on him this time. What was that he was wearing? Some kind of black jumpsuit over his clothes? If this is the same burglar as last time he sure has a different chin. Unless he has one of those halloween type fake chins just for the camera.

I don't think this is a very smart burglar getting caught on cameras all the time. Now they even know what kind of vehicle he drives.

The other one was cuter too. imo

These are 2 different criminals. I was noting the info from one "wanted" perp to the other. Lots of info on the Ice Den thief, but next to nada on the Scottsdale area burglar.
That's just odd.
This is interesting, seems by now some of the individuals in question would have been cleared. Can't wait to see this case break wide open and hopefully soon.

Some LE dept.'s don't like to clear anyone till a case is closed.... would have to look at previous cases handled by this dept. to know how they do things.....
I see we are getting close to sleuthing the BF.... please remember that's :tos:
Hi friends! I'm all caught up. It's amazing how you can take a small break, come back and read stuff you didn't think of before! I didn't even think about parking in the garage vs in the driveway. If AF had a 2 car garage, did she park in the middle of it like my own neighbors and everyone else park in the driveway b/c they come and go? Or did she park on one side leaving the other one open for any regular or overnight visitors. Also, do we know if she regularly had anyone sleep over? I know couples who have seperate living arrangements but if the circumstances are right may stay over for several nights in a row. I also have a friend who has her sister come stay when her husband is out of town. Just things I'm curious about. Also, do we know if this work trip included a guest? My work awards these type trips to the top Sales Professionals and it always includes a +1. I read that she was getting ready for a trip but was she taking a guest with her?
This has always troubled me. Including the use of the word "kicked out" that has been said. Kicked out because they were fighting, yes but kicked out because of studying, not so much. This person was there nightly so why send him home to study? Why is it on that night she is cruelly murdered? When I try to envision that conversation where a sister has just learned about the murder of her sibling and the boyfriend tosses out "I wasn't there because she kicked me out." I think my listening would have stopped right there and my comfort zone with him changing. Really seems like a bad choice of words to use under the circumstances.

Trying to think as a criminal in how one might work in covering their tracks or setting up lies brings me to this thought. Another angle could be is this certain individual was setting up the story that he was not there so he could not be the suspect because a family member said so. The immediate effect would be "OK, let's look elsewhere." thus buying time for the suspect to get further away. Once the dust settles down and everyone has had time to rethink what happened will these little details spring up.

You are one smart cookie! We never have been told if what the sister said was ever confirmed.
Can someone refresh me on what the boyfriend said on the 911 call? TIA.

Most of the news stories with what was said on the 911 call were scrubbed from the 'net as ordered by LE. So it's very difficult to find one anymore. But there are some out there. I think enzeder might be able to lay her hands on one pretty quick so I'll ask her. She's awesome with those links. :)
MissD is your best bet on getting the correct information, she's the champion here with a wealth of information.

What I recall from reading an article is he was telling the 911 dispatcher "he didn't do anything", "he didn't touch her" while the dispatcher was trying to get the information on what happened. The "he didn't touch her" somewhat makes sense since it was a murder scene but "he didn't do anything"? Quite an odd thing to say when calling in to 911. I remember being surprised reading the 911 call and wish I had saved it.

I won't be surprised if he's involved based upon different elements of his actions and what has been reported. I also get the feeling he made an effort to put on quite a show outside for the neighbors. Because if he knew about the cameras from the other house that adds more reasons to the pile why I would want to take a much closer look at him.

Going back to this post. Yes, ModMaiden, those are my feelings and observations as well. What I bolded above....I have always found that to be 'problematic'. There are other things about that 911 call as well. I can't remember it verbatim, but I feel confident we will have a link here shortly.

Going back to this post. Yes, ModMaiden, those are my feelings and observations as well. What I bolded above....I have always found that to be 'problematic'. There are other things about that 911 call as well. I can't remember it verbatim, but I feel confident we will have a link here shortly.

This link doesn't have all the details but it does touch briefly on the 911 call.

New Details Emerge in Murder of Medtech Sales Rep
Sorry I might have missed it. It's been reported that he normally parked in her garage when he was over there? If so, IMO, I find that rather odd? I have a double attached garage and even when in longterm relationships (but not living together though BF spending plenty of time at my home), no BF of mine has ever parked in my garage and frankly if I had a non-live-in BF who thought he could park in my garage, I'd find it strange and a bit presumptuous? .......and I say this as someone who lives in Canada where we can wake up many mornings in late fall to never-ending winter months to lots of snow and frost (would require warmed up the vehicle, scraping frost off car windows, brushing piles of snow off car, etc). Maybe that's just me but I don't think it necessary for a non-live-in BF to be parking my garage, the driveway is just fine :)

That being said, it is for sure curious why he'd have called police prior to even entering her home........would be interesting to know what he told police, why he said he was calling them from outside her home if at that point he had no idea that she was lying inside dead. Hmm. Also, wasn't it reported in initial MSM news articles that when police did arrive at her home that BF had quickly offered to them that he'd not touched her body? (trying to find the articles now).

I sent you a message back, Miss D.......hope you got it, it touches on this all :)

Hey Dayzee! :)

What I bolded:

This is important for me to 'get straight' so everyone here knows what was said and why. I theorized that he normally parked in the garage because the neighbors I spoke with told me that they walk their dogs there nightly and they never see cars parked outside or in the driveway.

You say that you wouldn't let a bf park in your garage, and I get that. Couple of things that might be different here. I think, from all I have heard, that Allison kept a very low profile in the neighborhood, was very discreet and also traveled a lot. I do know, from photos on the news and videos of the crime scene that she parked on the far left of her garage. You can clearly see her Silver Ford Explorer parked there.

In Arizona, the sun is so bright that it causes terrible damage to paint on vehicles. If you drive a nice car with a beautiful paint job you don't want to leave it parked out in the sun. We crave places to park our cars here to get away from it!

Here's one article about it:


"Protecting your Car from the Blazing Arizona Sun
If you live in the Valley of the Sun, then you know how unforgiving the sun can actually be. With the summers reaching from an average of 95 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit, the sun can be very damaging to your car even when you buy high-end paints and waxes. These high temperatures, accompanied with the large amounts of direct sunlight that’s hardly ever blocked by cloud cover, can cause havoc on your interior as well. This will cause your interior to crack, fade and burn your fingertips to the unsuspecting driver grabbing the wheel. Although you won’t be able to prevent the fading, you can make your custom-paint job last as long as possible by following these tips:"

I'm pretty sure she not only let him, but encouraged him, to park in her garage. imo You wouldn't want your future husband and the person you love's vehicle to get ruined from parking outside here in Arizona.

just wanted to re-visit this article from

"Boyfriend 'beside himself'

“He's beside himself because he's over at her place quite a bit, because he worries about her living alone,” Kelly said. “Of course he wasn't there on Tuesday night. She had kicked him out, basically saying because he's in grad school -- like go home and study and have quiet time. He's beside himself. He, of course, is the one who discovered her. He can barely form words right now.”

It seems odd to me that he is over at her place "quite a bit, because he worries about her living alone". So he goes there often to protect her? Couldn't she lock the doors and rely on the security system she just installed?Scottsdale is not exactly Beirut. Wouldn't it make more sense if he would visit her house often because he loved her, and wanted to be with her? This seems to be the kind of behavior you would expect if she had been receiving threatening phone calls, or someone was stalking her, which the public has been given no indication of.

Hi Cumulus! Yes I have always found that strange wording indeed.

But I do think it's important to note here that when the sister was quoted by whatever media she spoke with, it was just after learning of her sister's horrible murder. She wasn't under any kind of 'oath' or anything to make sure everything she said was just exactly correct. lol

My point is that we don't really know if this is exactly what the BF told her, the part about being "kicked out", or if those were her choice of words to describe what he said. In fact we don't even know how she learned that, if he told her, her parents, told her, who told who what. We don't even know, for a fact, that this was the case. Not to in any way disrespect the sister, but seriously when you have just found out your beloved sister has been brutally murdered you don't think about how you choose your words ...... at least that's my opinion. I think she was just stating what she felt happened and what was said, in expressing her grief.

Also, to say "he was over at her house quite a bit because he worries about her living alone" sounds so much better than to say "they were shacking up".

People! Please! Couples who are very much in love, especially young couples, do not like to sleep away from one another! This is relationship 101. Everyone knows this! It's no secret.

LOL Cumulus! I just love the way you tried to explain it.
I do know, from photos on the news and videos of the crime scene that she parked on the far left of her garage. You can clearly see her Silver Ford Explorer parked there.


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