AZ AZ - Allison Feldman, 31, Scottsdale, 18 Feb 2015 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I've heard the term "promised" when two people were not formally engaged but I've never heard the phrase "engaged to be engaged" before.

Especially not by 'grownups'.

Regardless, it is strange that the last thing we saw or heard from Allison was that post she made on Facebook at 12:02 p.m. Valentine's Day.

Allison's dad said "she did everything 100 percent".

That last photo she posted didn't look like "100 percent". Something was missing.

And the champagne was never opened.

Well, at the age of 43, having had a lengthy career, having been married previously for 18 years and having raised a child to adulthood, I can assure I was a 'grownup.' No less of a grownup than Allison was at age 31.
There can be reasons for planning an engagement date. In our case, it was because of the day of the year that I loved. In Allison's case it may have been because they were going to be at a big family event and wanted everyone to be gathered around to share in their excitement. It could also be because of the very fact that they were going on a special trip together and wanted to make that a part of their engagement memory. A cousin of mine got engaged when her boyfriend and she traveled to Paris. They had photos of him proposing in front of a famous landmark. Maybe there was a special relative that would be at that event that they wanted to share in their engagement day. I don't see this as odd at all, I guess especially since it happened to me in my own life.
Just because you have never heard of it personally, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
Well, at the age of 43, having had a lengthy career, having been married previously for 18 years and having raised a child to adulthood, I can assure I was a 'grownup.' No less of a grownup than Allison was at age 31.
There can be reasons for planning an engagement date. In our case, it was because of the day of the year that I loved. In Allison's case it may have been because they were going to be at a big family event and wanted everyone to be gathered around to share in their excitement. It could also be because of the very fact that they were going on a special trip together and wanted to make that a part of their engagement memory. A cousin of mine got engaged when her boyfriend and she traveled to Paris. They had photos of him proposing in front of a famous landmark. Maybe there was a special relative that would be at that event that they wanted to share in their engagement day. I don't see this as odd at all, I guess especially since it happened to me in my own life.
Just because you have never heard of it personally, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

Oh I totally agree.
Just read that earlier article again about the BF and the DNA sample.

From the article...

Her boyfriend who discovered her body has been questioned multiple times, and he's given a DNA sample, but he has not been named a suspect, neither has he been completely ruled out, some invasions and murders are very rare.
And here's what I heard the reporter say, word for word, on the video...

"Her boyfriend who discovered her body and called police has been questioned multiple times.

He's also given a DNA sample.

He has not been named a suspect but neither has he been completely ruled out as one.

Stranger home invasions and murders are very rare."

Mar 21, 2015:

My original post Thread #2
Ahhh, that makes sense. They are saying it would be rare if it were a stranger. That's how I'm reading it anyway? It sounds like they are saying it's more likely that it was someone she knew.

BBM - Yes, it happens quite often I've noticed, where the written article does not always line up with what is said verbatim in the video. Like an earlier post I made today where the written article said there were no suspects but what the reporter actually said was "Right now Scottsdale Police, at least as far as we know, don't have any suspects." One reason I always make a point of watching the videos.

Refer to my post #39 for above quote.
BBM - Yes, it happens quite often I've noticed, where the written article does not always line up with what is said verbatim in the video. Like an earlier post I made today where the written article said there were no suspects but what the reporter actually said was "Right now Scottsdale Police, at least as far as we know, don't have any suspects." One reason I always make a point of watching the videos.

Refer to my post #39 for above quote.

You are so smart! I appreciate the way you keep us updated on these links so much. They are invaluable...just like you!

I'm catching up on the rest of thread 2 and this one but at the start when I first read this case, I thought it was the person who installed the alarm system. They would know how to disarm the alarm BUT that doesn't help against a locked door or window (assuming either of these were the case) and they would possibly know the status of the other security cameras in the area? Just throwing a thought out. Going back to catch up now.
Were the locks changed at move in I wonder?
Well, I sure do hope someone can come up with some ideas and theories that help us find her killer.

I don't want to see Allison's thread go into remission.

She deserves so much better!

Just like she did when she was alive. She was so precious. A real jewel!

What an incredible loss.

I'm sorry if this is a stupid question. We know they have DNA, but have the results not come back? Is that why Allison's BF hasn't been cleared?
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question. We know they have DNA, but have the results not come back? Is that why Allison's BF hasn't been cleared?

It seems like the results would have come back by now, yet no one has been cleared. It is really strange, since to the outsider the DNA either matches or it doesn't. I just wonder that is going on, and I wish if they really didn't have any suspects they would just come out and say it, so people can paste the story all over to help find the killer.
It seems like the results would have come back by now, yet no one has been cleared. It is really strange, since to the outsider the DNA either matches or it doesn't. I just wonder that is going on, and I wish if they really didn't have any suspects they would just come out and say it, so people can paste the story all over to help find the killer.

In answer to DNA question ^

Scottsdale investigators have the killer's DNA, but it is not a match to anyone in the criminal database.

Read more:

So what does that tells us?
In answer to DNA question ^

Read more:

So what does that tells us?

It tells us one thing. this person is still out there and has obviously never committed a crime before.
I cannot understand her parents having stayed with her in that house, thinking it was safe for a young woman living alone. Knowing the upper Midwest where crime is sparse and people leave their doors unlocked, they might have been naïve to this part of the country which is a whole new ballgame.
It tells us one thing. this person is still out there and has obviously never committed a crime before.
I cannot understand her parents having stayed with her in that house, thinking it was safe for a young woman living alone. Knowing the upper Midwest where crime is sparse and people leave their doors unlocked, they might have been naïve to this part of the country which is a whole new ballgame.

Regarding respectfully BBM -
That kind of killer is most difficult to find - reminds of a woman who worked as secretary in local FBI office, she recently had gotten enough $$ to move into new home, and was killed much like Allison. Because of where she worked, big effort to solve, no DNA matches, etc. ...
Only years later they go a hit on the DNA when the killer's DNA entered the system (I forgot why) and he got caught. Turns out he lived down the street from her, had seen she lived alone and took advantage... It was his first and only time...

The only difference I see here is that Allison was not always alone, and that she there was an alarm sign outside her home...

ETA: I can't remember if he said he had spoken to her, when she first moved in, as if to welcome her to the neighborhood and offer to be of help with anything....

I see Old Steve picked up that article too!

Scottsdale investigators have the killer's DNA, but it is not a match to anyone in the criminal database.

They believe the person responsible stole a Tiffany bracelet belonging to Allison and some other items from her. There were no signs of forced entry.


“We feel encouraged. There's a lot (Scottsdale Police) are doing to move forward. We'd like the pace to pick up and so would they,” said Feldman.

Feldman spoke to Scottsdale investigators on Friday and he believes they are on the right track.

“They're confident they're going to find the perpetrator. It just takes a while,” Feldman said.

Regarding respectfully BBM -
That kind of killer is most difficult to find - reminds of a woman who worked as secretary in local FBI office, she recently had gotten enough $$ to move into new home, and was killed much like Allison. Because of where she worked, big effort to solve, no DNA matches, etc. ...
Only years later they go a hit on the DNA when the killer's DNA entered the system (I forgot why) and he got caught. Turns out he lived down the street from her, had seen she lived alone and took advantage... It was his first and only time...

The only difference I see here is that Allison was not always alone, and that she there was an alarm sign outside her home...

ETA: I can't remember if he said he had spoken to her, when she first moved in, as if to welcome her to the neighborhood and offer to be of help with anything....

Since this case turned out this way, I guess my neighbor theory is a good one after all. JMO Thanks Steve.
I think the perception is one perp, one unknown DNA profile. When SPD has been quoted, it's been "the person responsible", not "persons". It's always been in the singular.
It tells us one thing. this person is still out there and has obviously never committed a crime before.
I cannot understand her parents having stayed with her in that house, thinking it was safe for a young woman living alone. Knowing the upper Midwest where crime is sparse and people leave their doors unlocked, they might have been naïve to this part of the country which is a whole new ballgame.

I believe the perp is a "ghost", just like you stated, he *may* have committed crimes but has been really careful, or may not.
Every place I've planned on moving to when my kids were in tow, I've checked the crime stats. Maybe Allison had looked at those and for all means and purposes, thought she was safe. But I've always had big dogs and firearms. She didn't.
A lot of people get security systems to protect what they own, not necessarily because they fear bodily harm. Many times, a security sign is an advertisement for "valuable stuff inside" and there are people who now how to circumvent those security systems.
Just throwing that out there.
Since this case turned out this way, I guess my neighbor theory is a good one after all. JMO Thanks Steve.

Neighbor theories are always good because they have the advantage to see when you are home alone and you might even open your door to them.
I wonder if there were mixtures of DNA. Such as the unknown DNA mixed with the boyfriend's DNA. Maybe that is why they are not clearing him. A mixture can get there innocently or otherwise.
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