There are so many security system out there, who knows but LE, the security company, AF's family, bf, and the perp.
My dad's system was directly linked to the security company via land line (phone) back in the late 70's. If the alarm went off (and it was audible so the entire neighborhood heard it), SPD be there in about 5 minutes if the security company didn't get an answer to a "security call" or the right "password" if someone answered the phone. It had 3 panic buttons, one at the top of the stairwell on the 2nd floor, one in the kitchen which was central on the first floor, and one at the garage door. 2 motion sensors, 1 in the stair well, another in the breakfast room that covered entry ways to the kitchen, dinning room, pantry, utility room, hallway to garage, and outdoor patio to the pool. It was a "hard key" system. No keypads.
There aren't any monitoring companies out in the boonies where I live now, so my cameras' feeds are stored on a removable hardrive that re-writes every 30 days, and "realtime" uploaded to a dedicated IP address that stores everything for as long as I want it.
The current standard is security monitoring running through your modem/Wi-Fi directly to the monitoring company.