AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #11

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He's been awfully silent lately, imo. It makes me wonder if he really wants the responsibility of being the sole parent for Gabriel, or if his parents will be the ones taking care of the baby when he's found? It's a lot for a young guy like him. MOO

In the local Phoenix news, it seems that every time they mention Logan, they also mention that LE has asked him not to talk to the press. I bet he is chomping at the bit to say something. I can't begin to guess as to why LE doesn't want him to speak out, am I the only one that's puzzled by this?
Just watched babysitter video and wanted to comment.
I do not find anything odd with the circumstances she has described.
I know when I went to Vegas the hotels offered Nannies for about 20 an hour, so imo Nannies at Hotels are not odd.
The knife at bedside, I have kept a gun next to me in Hotel while I have traveled, I think the knife made her feel safe, I myself can be a real "scaredy cat!"
Skinny baby? My boys were fat cats, my grandson is skinny and very well taken care of.
Room a mess? She is 23 and most likely changes outfits every chance she gets and does not immediately put the clothes up.
Tylenol? I would find it odd for someone NOT to have it while traveling with a young baby.

I do not think we have a Casey here, I think she is an overwhelmed, spoiled young lady who is seeking revenge on a father she perceives has "ruined her life".

I do not think she is "Mommy Material" and is smart enough to know it yet revenge and jealously kept her from doing the right thing.

I think he is alive and well, hoping he gets to come home to his Daddy soon.

I agree with you... I am flip flopping AGAIN. I think he's alive. Just the fact she hired a sitter, and the child didn't have diaper rash....she could have dosed him and left him alone & saved 40 bucks.
... a prayer vigil. I dont think it is even Tammie's place to do such a thing! It is not her child, and her of all people would have the nerve to organize one after helping Elizabeth run off with him. Maybe she is smart enough to know that.
I don't know if LM was originally on the birth certificate but I know that the judge named him the father and ordered his name to be put on it.
In the photo of Gabe in the puppy pajamas, where he is drinking from the sippy cup, there is a stain near his right ear that appears to be the same color as the Infant Tylenol. Too much of it to be a couple of drops from a medicine dropper, IMO.
I think the baby could easily be on a farm or living with people in a very rural area. A healthy baby really has no need to go to the doctors. Many people that live rurally or "homested" types NEVER see a doctor. Many people birth their babies at home alone or with a mid wife. The baby could easily be "hidden" this way
I don't know if LM was originally on the birth certificate but I know that the judge named him the father and ordered his name to be put on it.

Yeh, still want to know when that was. Thanks
In the local Phoenix news, it seems that every time they mention Logan, they also mention that LE has asked him not to talk to the press. I bet he is chomping at the bit to say something. I can't begin to guess as to why LE doesn't want him to speak out, am I the only one that's puzzled by this?
Oh ~ no wonder we haven't heard from him. I didn't realize LE had told him not to talk with the media. Why him and not TS ~ or are they hoping she'll hang herself?
I just want to add this for a recap, so that we remember dad has spoken and is concerned. This is video of him with LE:

Father on Missing Infant
January 7, 2010 5:11 AM

Logan McQueary, father of missing 8-month-old Gabriel, spoke to Maggie Rodriguez about the custody battle with the infant's mother Elizabeth Johnson and the desperate search by police

[ame=""]Father on Missing Infant - CBS News Video[/ame]
According to her, her ex would not let her near the kids wouldn't let her see the kids was taking her to court every chance he got and she just signed the kids over to him so his new wife could adopt them.

It seems that if you ask the kids or the ex husband (I posted a link to where he had posted a comment on a news article several threads back) that when she and Jack got together Jack didn't want to deal with the kids so she just signed them over to him.

WHAT? So she didn't "lose" custody, she signed them over because it was too much trouble for one or the both of them? Never in a trillion years could I imagine such a thing.
I just want to add this for a recap, so that we remember dad has spoken and is concerned. This is video of him with LE:

(snipped for space)
Thanks so much ~ I sometime miss things during the week when I don't have much time to catch up.
I think the baby could easily be on a farm or living with people in a very rural area. A healthy baby really has no need to go to the doctors. Many people that live rurally or "homested" types NEVER see a doctor. Many people birth their babies at home alone or with a mid wife. The baby could easily be "hidden" this way
I understand what you're saying, but what about his vaccinations and well-baby care? I was just thinking in a more urban area a woman suddenly appearing with an 8 m/o old baby might not be as noticeable. MOO
Another random thought...

These people claim to be very religious. In many missing kids cases they hold prayer circles and candlelight vigils. Nothing like this has been done I feel like if the smiths were unaware of Gabriel's safety they might be
1)offering a larger reward
2) holding prayer gatherings to pray for Gabriel.

idk just my opinion


You make a very good point. Until recently, she was supposedly a member of a very large church, one of the largest in the valley, iirc. Even if she moved across the valley and is no longer attending, why isn't her former pastor speaking out, either for her or for Gabriel? I don't fault the pastors at her old church for not realizing that one of their members is in the news like this, the church seems to have about 5,000 members and Smith is a very common last name. If she likes the church enough to advertise on their site, then I wonder why she hasn't called up her old pastor and ask him to hold a prayer vigil/service for Gabriel?
This video was uploaded to Youtube on 1-11-2010. It from Fox News and was uploaded to their channel originally.
Did Mom Murder Her Child?
Transcription from 1:00 in video.

Reporter: …and here’s the latest twist. Police have named Jack and Tammi Smith, you see them there, persons of interest in the case. They are joining us live from Phoenix. Jack and Tammi, thanks for being with us.
Jack: You’re welcome. [inaudible]
Reporter: Jack, are they saying that you’re a person of interest in the disappearance, that you may have had something to do with harm to baby Gabriel or they saying that you may have information about what she may have done to the baby and you’re not forthcoming with that information?
Jack: Well, we did talk with the detective after they, after they, um, made that announcement, and it’s very hard to, to, certainly that the public understand that after the story you read, went through previous about the, about the person of interest. But, he, they said to us, it really don’t mean anything, it just means we have a few questions to ask, and, uh, ask you, uh, that we feel that needs an answer. And we said, uh, and that was New Year’s Eve. We were asking, uh, for over a week, 8 days, for them to give us a polygraph test and get this behind us, cause we need to get on to finding this baby.
Reporter: Tammi, its, it’s an unusual story to hear that you would approach someone at an airport and you would notice that they were having a difficult time with their child and offer to adopt that baby. Was this all handled just between the two of you, do you have other children, and do ya’ll have any criminal background or record that might make the police suspicious?
Tammi: Neither of us have any kind of a criminal background at all. Um, and yes, I have other children and when I met her at the airport, it wasn’t like I’m approaching her to come adopt the baby. Um, she, she was distraught and upset. You could tell, by holding a newborn down in your lap, you know, rather than holding him up, like this, and somebody crying, you know. I asked her what was wrong. I can’t remember still to this day, what the words she told me was, but basically, in other words, I don’t want this kid, ya know? And so I asked her, well, what are your plans? Are you planning on adopting him out or do you have family members that could raise him? What are your plans? So, we went on from there. Um, but I didn’t see or speak to her again until seven months later, until the 8th of December, when she called me late at night, saying, are you still wanting to adopt a child.
Reporter: Well, Jack you had Gabriel for a short time, you had custody of him and then he vanished. What have you told authorities about the last time you saw baby Gabriel and what you think might have happened to him?
Jack: We had baby for, uh, baby Gabriel for 8 days. Uh, we were taking him back to his mother because of the father was wanting visitation. So, we took and dropped him off and then we spent the weekend, uh, basically calling, checking to see if he was okay. We didn’t know anything until the following Monday when we actually was, uh, first was able to talk with the, the father, Logan. And at that point, we all determined that something had gone awry because he hadn’t seen the baby over the weekend. So, uh, we started uh, back and forth, uh, we, uh, he mentioned about a Myspace page that she had, um, gone onto and made a blog. Uh, I went in and, uh, uh, and did a response to that blog. And, um, she called, uh, she texted us a few minutes later, saying, sorry, I should have called, I didn’t mean to worry you but what’s the problem? And, uh, then, uh, shortly after that, er, my wife texted her back and said, too long for a text, uh, call us. So she called us, and then at that time we realized because it came from a 210 code that she was in San Antonio, Texas. [inaudible]
Reporter: Okay, before I let you go, Jack, tell me first, and then Tammi, have you done anything to baby Gabriel? Are you withholding any information from authorities?
Tammi: No, absolutely not. And the authorities do not believe that either.
Jack: No. And, we, we’ve spent ten years building a successful business here. For someone we knew for nine days, I don’t think that makes a whole lot of sense. No, have not done anything… [inaudible]
Reporter: Alright, asked and answered. We’re gonna put up the tip line.
Jack: Absolutely.
Reporter: If anyone has any information, authorities really do want to know what happened to Gabriel Johnson, this eight month old baby. If you have information, call the Tempe Police Department, there’s the number. Thank you both for joining us, we appreciate it very much.

End of video.
Someone just posted on FB about feeling encouraged looking at the pictures of Gabriel in the hotel room..that he looks healthy and well-cared for.
I understand what you're saying, but what about his vaccinations and well-baby care? I was just thinking in a more urban area a woman suddenly appearing with an 8 m/o old baby might not be as noticeable. MOO

I showed up at our docs office with a new child who was 18 months old, and told him the truth, that we were adopting her. Did not have to prove anything. As far as her vaccination records we had to wait for the atty to get the former clinic to send them over. It had to be within a certain amount of time or the doc was going to revaccinate her with the vaccines she would have needed. How safe that would have been, I don't know, but that is what I was told.
I find this video that I just got up to be interesting for two reasons.
She is attempting to make it sound like she never even mentioned adopting Gabe, it was all EJ's idea.
Also, more that contradicts what she said lately. If they simply checked the area code, and it was from a call made to the Smiths, how did that involve Logan?

And the best part, where was her cell and why did she call from somewhere that could so readily ID her location?

You make a very good point. Until recently, she was supposedly a member of a very large church, one of the largest in the valley, iirc. Even if she moved across the valley and is no longer attending, why isn't her former pastor speaking out, either for her or for Gabriel? I don't fault the pastors at her old church for not realizing that one of their members is in the news like this, the church seems to have about 5,000 members and Smith is a very common last name. If she likes the church enough to advertise on their site, then I wonder why she hasn't called up her old pastor and ask him to hold a prayer vigil/service for Gabriel?

I don't think it's her place to hold a prayer vigil for Gabriel. She's a person of interest to LE in whatever has happened to him. Completely not appropriate to organize a vigil, IMO. And if Tammi and Jack did organize something like that I'll bet a lot of people would be hollering "how dare they!" On the other hand, I would hope that if Tammi is as religious as she claims that she has contacted her church and put in a prayer request. I know many churches have prayer circles, prayer chains and prayer warriors that lead them. It's called different things at different places. Maybe she has done this, we just don't know, and I don't think it's fair to judge her just because she hasn't organized a vigil.
On Gabes' Facebook Page Logan posts sometimes. He actually announced on it about the search of TPS home.
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