AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #11

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No, that is not where she got a scholarship.

Wow, opposite ends of the country and that's the first I've seen that. Wonder what else is the complete opposite of what's been reported.
It's odd how new people come on and rile people up and change direction -- suspicious - IMO. But just MO.

Sorry I wasnt trying to do anything wrong. I asked and was told it was okay as long as it was in my own words. I have deleted all my post. I was doing nothing wrong. Or trying to do anything suspicious. My main goal is to see this baby back in his daddys arms.
When did EJ supposedly call TS from her new phone? And, when did TS supposedly call Logan and give him the new phone #?
Wow, opposite ends of the country and that's the first I've seen that. Wonder what else is the complete opposite of what's been reported.

I've never seen it reported that her scholarship was from somewhere other than Northeastern. Did someone provide a link to a report that named a different school?
Looking at the photos of the damaged frying pan, and hearing how she wrecked their house because she was mad that Logan didn't come home "on time" and all...
I think she snapped, Killed Gabriel and has since used the excuse of adoption to cover her own violence. She never wanted Gabriel from the start, and if she really give this baby to a couple, she would be able to identify the couple, and identify exactly what the authorities need to find him.
She isn't talking...
I hope I am wrong, but truly feel this baby is gone.
I wish we were hearing more of ground searches at this point.
I hate to say it but I agree with you. With her history of violent episodes and the flimsiness of her story I just can't come to any other conclusion. I think of the three possibilities given by the Tempe police commander (in a home in the US, in Mexico or in a landfill) that the landfill is sadly the most logical place.

We saw in the Somer Thompson case that to find a child in a landfill the trucks transporting the garbage had to be identified before they got to the landfill and the garbage had to be dumped under the watchful eyes of law enforcement. Obviously it's way too late for that in this case so it's probably going to take a miracle or a confession to find Gabriel's body.
I've never seen it reported that her scholarship was from somewhere other than Northeastern. Did someone provide a link to a report that named a different school?

Well, I've been doing some digging and lo and behold it seems to have come from yours truly....TPS on the NG show. Either way, she didn't take advantage of the scholarship so I would have to say..........that wasn't very smart!
Sorry I wasnt trying to do anything wrong. I asked and was told it was okay as long as it was in my own words. I have deleted all my post. I was doing nothing wrong. Or trying to do anything suspicious. My main goal is to see this baby back in his daddys arms.

Goodmorning .... You did not do anything wrong, I was one that told you it was alright to respond the way you did, apparently that was not correct and I am sorry ... It is my understanding that was ok to do, as we have been doing that with TS page, paraphrasing what she posts.
I can see perhaps needing to talk to Tricia first about it just to clarify .. again I am sorry, and welcome to WS .
Sorry I wasnt trying to do anything wrong. I asked and was told it was okay as long as it was in my own words. I have deleted all my post. I was doing nothing wrong. Or trying to do anything suspicious. My main goal is to see this baby back in his daddys arms.

No, you didn't need to do that, and I apologize! I have spent WAY too much time over at Tammi's FB, and all her lies and manipulations of the truth, and the vengeful, fanatical "friends" she has have made me very wary and a little nuts - I can't allow her or her group into my head any longer.

But no, stay, please! I'm sorry for making you feel that way. Everyone's goal here is to see that baby come back alive and back with his dad!
Sorry I wasnt trying to do anything wrong. I asked and was told it was okay as long as it was in my own words. I have deleted all my post. I was doing nothing wrong. Or trying to do anything suspicious. My main goal is to see this baby back in his daddys arms.

lookeverywhere, I didn't see the post so I don't know what was there but know that there are many of us, especially as newbies that have made posts we were called out on. This forum is unique in that they hold to a strict set of rules that keeps the conversation going for sleuthing purposes and keeps our noses clean at the same time. Welcome to Websleuths. It truly is the best forum site out there.
Not sure if this was posted already


Lost baby born into troubled home life
by Megan Boehnke - Jan. 17, 2010 12:00 AM
The Arizona Republic

The longer 8-month-old Gabriel Johnson is missing, police say, the less likely it is that authorities will find him - dead or alive.

The chubby-cheeked, towheaded baby has captured the attention of the nation, and his disappearance nearly a month ago has puzzled police.

For three weeks, Tempe police have been following up leads locally and in Texas. The FBI has fanned out across Nashville, Boston and Louisiana. The San Antonio Police Department has opened its own missing-person case. Together, they are getting 20 to 30 tips a day.
"If the child is in good hands, and that's a big if, then the child will still be around," said Tempe police Cmdr. Kim Hale. "But the longer we go, it doesn't help us as far as trying to recover him, wherever the child is, whether that is in a home, or the child has been taken across the border to Mexico, or if he's in the bottom of a landfill."

A broken family

Gabriel's mother, Elizabeth Johnson, 23, is a product of the Boston foster-care system. She lived with five different families before coming back to the Valley at the age of 12 to stay with her father, a recovering drug addict, according to her grandfather, Bob Johnson.
Gabriel's father, Logan McQueary, 25, has a felony record that includes burglaries dating to 2004 and was in jail on parole violations before and after his son's birth.

Johnson and McQueary first met at Mohave Middle School in Scottsdale. She was later expelled from Saguaro High School in Scottsdale, although Bob Johnson said she was a high-achieving student with a nearly perfect grade-point average. She enrolled in a charter school in Tempe and transferred to a school in Boston for her senior year.

Her path would cross McQueary's again after he became friends with Johnson's twin brother, Richard.

McQueary and Johnson grew closer, Bob Johnson said, when McQueary's mother died about a year after Elizabeth's father died. Logan and Elizabeth were together off and on when they could afford it. She sometimes worked at a CVS in Scottsdale. He took work as an electrician.

After McQueary had a falling out with his boss, he and Elizabeth moved to Fort Smith, Ark., Bob Johnson said.

It was there that Gabriel was conceived.

When the couple returned to Arizona, Johnson told her grandfather she had considered terminating the pregnancy. After Gabriel was born, the couple discussed adoption before deciding to raise the boy, the grandfather said. The next time he heard the word "adoption" from his granddaughter, it was December.
Just a thought here. I wonder if EJ sold Gabriel to the highest bidder how hard would it be to hide the $$$$ through TS's buisness? I hope the investigators are going through TS and JS's financials with a fine tooth comb.

Also the fake SSN #. I hope they found the # and get it out to the banks to run a search on lock boxes and/or accounts.

I hope that's what's taking them so long, finding out what that turd business is really all about and flushing out everyone involved. We may see multiple warrants being filed in multiple states.
Gabriel, today is a great day for you to be brought home safe and sound to your daddy. I'll never stop praying for you. :praying:

I did learn a few new things today that I find interesting.

We can't substantiate and must call rumor the information that Logan gave (through a friend) EJ obtained a new phone in SA. Surprisingly he says he got the # from Tammi???
Logan says this is how he called/texted her and tracked her to SA and from there LE tracked her to Miami.

I was surprised by the timeline I saw how quickly he went to LE.

I was very interested in the telephone conversation overheard and related by the babysitter. "grandmother" (according to EJ) was very upset because Logan was threatening the family and she must come back!! This kind of corroborates some of Tammi's crazy statements. Bet Logan could shed a lot more light on some of this.

What else did we learn today?

It was on 12/23...........the SAME day EJ had the appointment, that TS posted on her FB about 'Gabriel and his mom on the run in TX and had the assistance of the 'underground.''

I'd like to know WHAT TIME she posted that. I'm thinking it MAY have been TS that EJ was talking to.

Seeeee..........I find this timing suspicious.


EJ has a babysitter for two hours, returns to her room and HAPPY.

BUT, EJ was having argument with her grandmother on phone (LOL, TS = gramma? ;))

TS posts on FB.


12/26 is the LAST DAY KNOWN for Gabriel

12/26 is the day TS called Janet in TN

12/26 is the day Janet talked to EJ


SEEEEEEEE..........................something is up here!

Can anyone else see it???????????

i have 5 different address for the healing waters all with the same phone number all in az. is this a franchise or does she own them all ?

If she owns them all i hope fbi,le has serched them all

Her business website shows several locations....

I hope FBI examines the financial side of the Smiths to eliminate any possible third business....she is way too involved with helping PG teens, EJ, and hope what she does is human kindnest and not personal gain.....
The old saying Follow the money...
It was on 12/23...........the SAME day EJ had the appointment, that TS posted on her FB about 'Gabriel and his mom on the run in TX and had the assistance of the 'underground.''

I'd like to know WHAT TIME she posted that. I'm thinking it MAY have been TS that EJ was talking to.

Seeeee..........I find this timing suspicious.


EJ has a babysitter for two hours, returns to her room and HAPPY.

BUT, EJ was having argument with her grandmother on phone (LOL, TS = gramma? ;))

TS posts on FB.


12/26 is the LAST DAY KNOWN for Gabriel

12/26 is the day TS called Janet in TN

12/26 is the day Janet talked to EJ


SEEEEEEEE..........................something is up here!

Can anyone else see it???????????


Yes, I do see it especially since we KNOW TS spoke to the babysitter the night before she gave the interview on NG. TS probably got that info from the sitter and put the thought into her head - "it must have been her grandmother". Yeah.......right.
I saw on NG last night that EJ has now been sentenced to 34 years in jail. (I barely had time to read what it said because they quickly took it off). It had her picture besides all the information.

Does anybody know what it said?
I am envious of those that cling to the hope that this child is still alive. I wish I could feel the same. I fear that Gabriel was killed by his mother. I hope I am wrong and would be happy to eat my words.

I can't help but fast forward my mind to a trial and that age old phrase, "no body, no case." If the poor child is no longer with us, EJ has traversed hundreds and hundreds of miles. She could have disposed of a body anywhere. The odds of finding him? Slim I would say.

Then you would have EJ just saying over and over again, "I gave him to a couple." The Smith's would make murky testimony that would confuse a jury. And in the end a defense attorney would claim that no one can know for sure that the mother killed her child. And EJ would be convicted of much lesser crimes.

I blame Casey Anthony and her family for this dynamic. Make up an odd story, stick to it and have others help you cloud the facts. She'll pay in the end, but the lesson her case brings to society is downright frightening. This is why I think it is hugely important to prosecute both the Anthony's and the Smith's to send a message. "Impede an investigation at your peril." If not, others are encouraged to mimic this odd and scary behavior.

Anyway, I know it is premature to think like this but I think I have become a cynic. Again, I admire those who stand fast to his being alive and hope you are right and I am wrong.

Thanks again for letting me participate on this forum. My own opinion of course. Thanks for listening. Be well.
I saw on NG last night that EJ has now been sentenced to 34 years in jail. (I barely had time to read what it said because they quickly took it off). It had her picture besides all the information.

Does anybody know what it said?

I don't know how she could be sentenced, there hasn't even been a trial yet. Maybe she's looking at a potential sentence of 34 years?
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