AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #11

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Everyone is trying to glean info, trying so hard, and your work is always amazing to a new person and a years-long lurker!
I Pray for Gabriel and for you all.
My opinion is on hold from now until I hear any info from a credible source, I Pray that is Monday, but it is a holiday, maybe Tuesday?
IMO, If TS met EJ at an airport in July, then any info after that is not entirely credible, IMO, I think TS IS a master manipulator, and EJ IS a sick person, and NO one stepped in to stop either of them from choosing to disregard the life of a "that baby, this baby, thing," or as I call him, the angel baby Gabriel.
No one is exempt who had a chance to help this angel of a baby stay safe. Not anyone.
I am the one feeling alone now and after this I will butt out :). BUT, we need to also remember that it is LE/FBI who made the Smith's POI's and they are still POI's and their house was searched. To me, they are very important to this case and I see no reason they cannot be a focus. I have no idea why that implies Elizabeth was not wrong or that she does not have more info to locate Gabriel. We just don't have much to go on on that end as someone said. LE still says the Smith's are withholding information and is still having to correct the media on what is stated by them. I think that's a travesty given there is a missing child.

Night All

Perhaps if TPS and JS are put in jail, things will be forthcoming and will shed some light toward a conclusion. I do not believe they have the resilience to remain quiet (understatement) as EJ has done to-date. I just want Gabriel found quickly.
I am the one feeling alone now and after this I will butt out :). BUT, we need to also remember that it is LE/FBI who made the Smith's POI's and they are still POI's and their house was searched. To me, they are very important to this case and I see no reason they cannot be a focus. I have no idea why that implies Elizabeth was not wrong or that she does not have more info to locate Gabriel. We just don't have much to go on on that end as someone said. LE still says the Smith's are withholding information and is still having to correct the media on what is stated by them. I think that's a travesty given there is a missing child.

Night All

I believe that what LE said is that they believe that the Smiths are withholding infomation that could lead to the recovery of baby Gabriel. The Smiths have been very visable and "out there" and put the focus on themselves. I think that the main thing is to bring Gabriel home, no matter what.
But look at the email addy, stgabrielXXX???? And the years together 14 are close. So are some of the other details of having a daughter wanting to be a big sister. Sounds like our TammiFaye to me.

thats why I was so sure at first. but if you google her email a totally differnt picture shows up on cafemom with a different daughter.
Does that make Tammi worse than Elizabeth? That's the impression I get, that people think Tammi is worse than Elizabeth. I can't follow that.

I think the same as you, that Tammi helped Eliz go on the run to change jurisdiction, facilitated the CC papers, etc., all because of her own self-absorbed obsession to get a baby for years, and finally having the chance to get Gabriel.

She tossed Gabriel's rights and best interests, and those of Logan aside, in order to try to Gabriel for herself.

She is a despicable person. LE is on to her, and she will be punished.

That, however, is where her part in wronging Gabriel ends. What finally happened to Gabriel is solely at the hands of Elizabeth, his mother, and whether she gave him away or killed him, either is far worse than what Tammi did.

Yet we have thread after thread after page after page of posts on the evils of Tammi, and Elizabeth is given a pass at every turn.

I don't get it. I just don't.

No matter what happened to Gabriel, it was at the hands of his mother, and I don't see how we're going to find out what happened to him, unless and until we start talking about Elizabeth. Nobody seems to want to though. Everybody just seems to want to talk about Tammi. Everything becomes about Tammi.

It must be me, because clearly, the majority here sees it differently. I recognize that, and I accept it. It's still very frustrating.
I just would sometimes like to discuss Elizabeth. I want to know what she with Gabriel. She is the key. To me, she is the key. She is the one, the only one, in that hotel room with Gabriel. Tammi wasn't there.

I can accept it, but I'm just frustrated not being able to discuss her.

I agree, however, regarding the bolded part, let us not forget that TPS has 3 other children from a previous marriage, PLUS the child that they adopted that the biological father is ranting about. Four children! So, it's really not like she has wanted a baby FOR YEARS and has gone without children....remember, she GAVE UP her first 3 kids willingly.

So, yeah, she has wanted babies PLURAL...this isn't someone who has craved a child and never had one....IMO, she simply wants a "do-over" because she screwed so much up with her first round of kids! From comments we have seen from the first "batch" of kids, we know that they have very ill feelings towards her and harbor resentment for many things that we don't even know, but I bet first and foremost is because Mom's should not give up their kids! It would be different if they were young and she couldn't care for them, but this is a woman with a half a million dollar home and a business of her own with many locations. Baby predator!! She wants a do-over and will obviously stop at nothing to get it.
According to the "Lost baby born into troubled home life" article (, Jack and Tammi Smith met Johnson and Gabriel in the summer in a Boston airport.

yes, actually they claim only tammi found her at the airport. I do not believe that.
thats why I was so sure at first. but if you google her email a totally differnt picture shows up on cafemom with a different daughter.

Okay, thanks. I didn't google and look at the cafemom site. Darn. Thought you had something there.
Why do you all think Eliz said the FBI had video of a couple taking Gabriel?



I think I posted earlier (or maybe i just imagined it now ;-)) that perhaps the FBI told her that they had video when they were questioning her hoping that she'd say something useful??


I think I posted earlier (or maybe i just imagined it now ;-)) that perhaps the FBI told her that they had video when they were questioning her hoping that she'd say something useful??


I was thinking the same thing, that they told her something like that ti get her to talk. EJ said that her lawyer told her they had a video. Maybe he was just talking about the hotel survellience and that possibility of there being video. That is one thing I don't understand. Most nicer hotels seem to have video. Why is there no pictures out there from them?
so ts met ej at a boston airport right ?

we still have no clue why ej was there right ?

If there was somebody in Boston wanting to adopt with the first name starting with C ?

its a public ad but i dont know if can post it or not ?

maybe i should just stop googleing
Good luck guys. I'm going for a run (Yes, I realize it's 5 am and cold as the north pole), and then pass out. I fully expect Gabriel to be found in the few hours before I return.

I don't care, at this point, who dun it. As long as he comes safe, I have faith all that will be pieced together and handled appropriately. My concern is Gabriel, and the need to bring him home. So, you guys get right on that, k?:)
Does anyone know what she did that got her suspended from high school?

I have no idea as I never met her, but I looked in my yearbook and there's a photo of her in (2002) but not in other years.
On the who is more to blame for this mess EJ or TS, I have to say EJ she is the mother she is the one who is suppose to love and protect Gabriel unconditionally. However that does not let TS off the hook, she helped in setting this whole thing in motion. I doubt that EJ came up with this whole adoption thing, from TS past we see that she has adopted another child under similar circumstances granted it was her grandchild. So to think that TS did not put this idea of adoption into EJ's head is almost ridiculous, not to mention the fact that she help EJ fraudulently fill out the court papers with a false name. She "knew" EJ was going to run and never reported this to the authorities. EJ has an obligation to Gabriel and she is responsible for Gabriels fate however TS IMO has to share some of that blame.
If the information is true about TS and EJ meeting at a boston airport, do we know why TS was in Boston does she have family there? We know that EJ was visiting someone, but why was TS there..... Even thou I do not buy this story one bit, because its strange for someone to befriend you at an airport, and you offer your child up for adoption to this person and you both happen to live in about the same area, even though you met clear across the country, but going with the idea that it may be true why was TS in Boston?
Good luck guys. I'm going for a run (Yes, I realize it's 5 am and cold as the north pole), and then pass out. I fully expect Gabriel to be found in the few hours before I return.

I don't care, at this point, who dun it. As long as he comes safe, I have faith all that will be pieced together and handled appropriately. My concern is Gabriel, and the need to bring him home. So, you guys get right on that, k?:)

not my kids

I believe gabe is alive and well
I dont know if we will ever find him

the little bits and pieces that have came out make me realize more everyday

searches on how to get new ss numbers
baby sitter
(dont think she would of worried with a babysitter if she was to harm him)

I believe he is with a couple that cant not have kids and felt this was there only way. I have been in that couple shoes, but I turned to helping kids in foster care ,which brought me my son to me.
just my opinion
Why do you all think Eliz said the FBI had video of a couple taking Gabriel?
All I can think is that she's an evil, evil sociopath, and did it to hurt Logan more, to string him along a little bit more thinking Gabriel might be alive, knowing all along that it would come out that there was no video.

I am so angry, and I just hurt so much right now. I was holding out hope that the video existed, so there would be something, anything, that would show there might be some truth in her claim to having given Gabriel away, and now that hope is gone.

What an evil, evil person. No wonder she's so perky and chipper. She's having a blast in true sociopathic form.


Bold mine.

But wasn't it Tammi who said that was what EJ said? It seems like all the tidbits of information that are false, are coming from TFS...but she states they are from EJ. Maybe TSF is trying to set EJ up. JMO

*waving to ya'll*...sorry can't post in real time...I'm always behind on the threads for Gabriel.

ETA later: I should just read ahead and wait to post...I see others are posting the same thing...sorry. :)
not my kids

I believe gabe is alive and well
I dont know if we will ever find him

the little bits and pieces that have came out make me realize more everyday

searches on how to get new ss numbers
baby sitter
(dont think she would of worried with a babysitter if she was to harm him)

I believe he is with a couple that cant not have kids and felt this was there only way. I have been in that couple shoes, but I turned to helping kids in foster care ,which brought me my son to me.
just my opinion

Thanks, for all you have put into this discussion. Some can see both sides, some cannot.
I just pray if he is alive with a new fam, they will put out the word that he is OK, somehow.
So many want to know. I feel similar re: babysitter, pictures, that she was not intent on harm but adoption.
I question some of the reports as being influenced by others, so cannot say definitively if this girl would harm him. We need more info.
I feel he will be heard from, and pray so too !
Best to you and yours, BTW!
Gabriel, tell us if you are OK!
Funny who writes the reviews for Healing Waters :|
Look at Jack's reviews on the number one and number two (literally) of this link
--and hover your mouse over the name Jack to see who the picture is of -- sheisty in everything

That is un-freakin'-believable! I hope LE busts them open wide! :furious:
I lean more towards the feeling the Gabriel has been murdered just from the few facts that we've learned about his mother:

Got a 4 year scholarship, but quit after 2 weeks because she didn't like her roommate.

Was diagnosed with PPD

Went into rages and destroyed property including baby clothes.

Threatened to harm the baby on several occasions

Was said to have left the baby unattended for over 5 hours in his crib, dehumanizing him, calling him "that thing".

Is said to be very vindictive

Left town with the baby but took very few of his things

Told the babysitter she didn't know what she was going to do with her life yet

Wanted rid of the baby

Plans to adopt out the baby fell through

She lost custody of the baby

Finally, she said that she killed him when at the end of her rope. She's worse than any man we've read about who was angry about losing his wife and kids then killed them all.
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