AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #11

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Do you have a link for that please, Amster? Or do you remember if it was an article or video or something to point me in the right direction?

LE doesn't have it confirmed yet on Gabriel's page. Still saying:

Tempe investigators received information indicating that Elizabeth and Gabriel stayed at either or both the Home Gate Studio and Suites and Quality Inn Fiesta Park, both in San Antonio, on December 26. Elizabeth was scheduled to check out on December 27, however she did not go through the formal checkout process. Therefore, it is unknown if Elizabeth left San Antonio on December 26 or December 27. Johnson Update.htm


If you read carefully what they are saying on the website, they are indicating that she was technically checked into both hotels on December 26th because she didn't check out of the one that was prepaid for the week and she was paid up for the evening of December 26th.

Since the pictures indicate that is was the Fiesta Park Homegate Studios she was staying in for most of the week and not the one on San Pedro by the airport, these two hotels are in the same hotel complex on Laureate Blvd. Next door to each other really.

So it appears as though on the 26th she checked into the hotel next door. JMO
I'm leaning on her finding someone prior to leaving for San Antonio. There had to be a reason for her to pick San Antonio. I can't see her randomly leaving for a city without some kind of purpose. I think she may have found someone online, I'm not thinking Craigslist for some reason. She may have spoken with someone who gave her a lead. For now, with no evidence of a death I am hoping that Gabriel is alive.

Since she told her grandfather that she was going on the run, changing her and Gabriel's SSNs, and that she had a job interview, I'm leaning towards her plan being to 'change jurisdictions' and live in TX for a while.

I think she set up the job interview prior to leaving Tempe, and that that's where she went on Dec 23 when she got the babysitter. Maybe in a bar, maybe as a dancer, since those jobs are easy to come by, and probably can get one without an I.D. at a sleazy place.

She also mentioned a job and getting a new I.D. after Dec 27, which tells me a job and new I.D. were very much on her mind throughout Dec 9 - arrest. I always think that when people talk about things, even when they're lying, there's a reason those specific things are on their mind. So even though this was after Dec 27, it's just another little hint to me that this had been her plan. And maybe she was trying to hold on to that plan.

I think Tammi and Janet and Tammi's lawyer friend all telling her the 'changed jurisdiction' wouldn't work, and possibly that she was facing kidnapping charges, and to come back is the wrinkle that ruined that original plan. I think that's when she became really angry, Dec 23 - Dec 26, and decided to take Gabriel out of the picture.

I think up until then, she was still thinking that maybe with the 'changed jurisdiction' she could give Gabriel to Tammi to adopt.

What points me to that time period also, is the spending 3 days with a couple story. Again, I'm thinking '3 days' was on her mind for some reason. That fits within the 'flow' of my theory to the Dec 23 - Dec 26 timeframe.

I've spent a lot of time googling as I were her, looking for someone to 'adopt' my baby illegally. I've now narrowed it down to googling as if I were in a 3 or 4 day time period, trying to quickly give my baby away.

I was thinking about that too, but is there any way the camera could be checked out to see if the time stamp had been incorrectly reset, and then later set again to the correct date? I know it's possible with a computer; just not sure about digital cameras. :waitasec: MOO

Yes, this information is available on digital cameras also although there is no standard to how the data is "arranged" nor any singular tool to extract it (there are several devices that law enforcement has that can download all info from any brand of cell phone). This type of volatile memory is similar to the BIOS on your computer - it is battery powered and tells your computer where to boot from, time settings, power settings, etc. If the battery dies, all the settings are lost and would return to the default settings when powered up again but you would be able to tell when this happened since there would be an internal clock saying how long the battery had been running. It would also be difficult for someone to disable that internal battery and then re-power it without destroying their camera - it's not really a DIY-thing.

I'm not an expert in cameras but I do have a masters degree in IT and took a couple of computer forensics courses for electives FWIW.
Hi been reading all month, just got verified.

One thought I've seen nowhere.

In a lot of these health and beauty professions a lot of illegal immigrants are
Employed. I've seen it too many times. Where do a lot of immigrants come from?

Maybe they gave the baby to one of their workers and threatened them with INS.

Maybe that's why they lawyered up after the business computer was

I think the same could go for hiring a nanny or a couple to watch him at an undisclosed location that they found through connections. Here in California, it would be easy to get an illegal nanny or couple to do just that or as you say, someone in your employ. For all we know, they could have hired someone to take care of him by offering room and board also, doesn't speak English, is illegal, and is living somewhere nice but without access to the internet or TV? Even if they had access, I don't think an illegal is likely to come forward. I think Tammi and Jack or connections could have access to homes where Gabriel could have been placed with such a nanny or couple and no one is going to be searching in those homes - like I said, I know far fetched, but like a big house with acreage that is up for sale. I also think if someone agree to hide Gabriel, that someone is in some living situation where he would not be noticed - up in the mountains, on a farm, in a big house on the outskirts, etc. I also believe Gabriel could be dressed as a girl.

One scenario, I know and I think others are possible. I'm just suspecting Gabriel is alive but has not been placed with a couple for adoption yet. I think he is just being hidden. No matter what, I hope to god Elizabeth actually knows something she can tell that is beneficial in finding him if he was alive the last time she saw him.
I completely agree with you, OneLove, about EJ probably suffering from borderline and would add that my understanding is that Logan actually broke up with EJ on the 8th, which is what launched her into lashing out at him in the only way that she could: by keeping Gabriel away from him.

According to TPS EJ was 'protecting' Gabriel from Logan, but that is really just what TPS wanted to believe. The types of things that EJ has said are "I just wanted to hurt him" and "He ruined my life" and only as an afterthought suggestions that Logan wasn't fit to be a father. She felt abandoned by Logan (which for someone with Borderline is the worst feeling possible) and wanted him to feel the type of hurt that she felt. She knew that if she just left him with Gabriel he would probably just think: "Good riddance". In order to make him feel the way she felt she had to take Gabriel away from him even though she didn't want the baby herself.

Now, whether she killed him, gave him away with TPS' help, or gave him away on her own, I'm at a loss. I'm leaning towards and hoping that TPS set her up with someone because that gives us more of a chance of unearthing the truth. Hopefully, LE has been gleaning useful info from TPS' computers over the weekend and can track down Gabriel's whereabouts, but I'm not holding my breath.

The father of my twins has borderline (diagnosed by two separate psychiatrists) and I, like Logan, tried to just deal with it for a long time because he would explode (he was never physically violent) and then calm down and promise to get help and do better, etc. in an endless cycle. I eventually had to go to the courts and separate from him definitively. Fortunately, he has been much better since then and has been good with the kids, but it's partly because he loves them so much, which is something that it doesn't seem like EJ really did.

I agree with what you said and I also noted that EJ said something to the effect of LM was only interested in Gabriel and not talking to EJ. For someone with borderline this is the worse, when the person who is abandoning you is shutting you out and not engaging anymore. LM did the right thing by not negotiating with EJ about the baby and leaving it to the courts, leaving her to feel even more abandoned and out of control. She wanted some control over LM and all she had left was Gabriel and that was being taken from her. She did the only thing she could think of to keep control and that was leave with Gabriel.
If you read carefully what they are saying on the website, they are indicating that she was technically checked into both hotels on December 26th because she didn't check out of the one that was prepaid for the week and she was paid up for the evening of December 26th.

Since the pictures indicate that is was the Fiesta Park Homegate Studios she was staying in for most of the week and not the one on San Pedro by the airport, these two hotels are in the same hotel complex on Laureate Blvd. Next door to each other really.

So it appears as though on the 26th she checked into the hotel next door. JMO
And my question still remains, *if* she did check into the other hotel on the 26th was Gabriel with her? It's a shame there isn't anything on video! MOO
I feel bad about posting this, but after thinking carefully about Elizabeth's most recent actions I do not think Gabriel is with us. She seems to be resigned to her fate in jail. She is not talking because she has nothing to tell and admitting Gabriel is dead will seal her fate. So I think she is going to just allow the charges to pile on and let the jury decide her fate. I pray I am wrong. I just don't like the idea she turned over an expensive ring and money to her Grandfather. Elizabeth's demeanor speaks volumes.

Is there a public record of what was in EJ possession when arrested...or is that something the media is not allowed to see?
Do you have a link for that please, Amster? Or do you remember if it was an article or video or something to point me in the right direction?

LE doesn't have it confirmed yet on Gabriel's page. Still saying:

Tempe investigators received information indicating that Elizabeth and Gabriel stayed at either or both the Home Gate Studio and Suites and Quality Inn Fiesta Park, both in San Antonio, on December 26. Elizabeth was scheduled to check out on December 27, however she did not go through the formal checkout process. Therefore, it is unknown if Elizabeth left San Antonio on December 26 or December 27. Johnson Update.htm


How do they know she got on the bus then?
All I have in my notes is one news video and a NG reference to that video, both of which say only that a housekeeper thought (specifically says thought) Eliz checked out of Homegate on the 26th.

If anyone has a link for checking into a 2nd hotel, especially with the hotel name, I'd greatly appreciate it.


ETA: video:

NG transcript:

According to a story reported on KSAT12, "Baby Gabriel's Mother Speaks Out"...

"According to police, Gabriel arrived in San Antonio on Dec. 20 with his mother, Elizabeth Johnson, who was involved in a custody dispute with the baby's father in Tempe, Ariz. Elizabeth Johnson checked into the Home Gate Suites at 10950 Laureate for the week of Dec. 20, police said.

The baby was last seen in the early-morning hours of Dec. 26 in San Antonio, police said. The next day, Elizabeth Johnson boarded a bus for Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., without her son, police said.

Gabriel's last known whereabouts are believed to be in the San Antonio area. Investigators were looking into the claims that Elizabeth Johnson gave the baby away."

HomeGate Studios & Suites - Fiesta Park

Quality Inn & Suites - Fiesta Park
My opinion is that LE says they are confident Gabriel was alive on dec 26 then Gabriel was alive on the 26. End of story. I'm pretty sure this has not only been confirmed through pictures taken from Elizabeths camera but also perhaps surveillance video that has not been released or talked about and until WE hear of Elizabeth spilling the beans in jail, we will not hear or see about a surveillance video from either the hotel or busstation or whereever. IMO pics from a camera alone are not proof enough to say he's alive since the date and time can be altered and I'm confident LE has looked into that.

So that leaves us with a pretty good timeframe as to when Gabriel 'disappeared'. I'm confident he's not stashed under some hotel bed and I am also confident that LE is keeping gramps car in case this turns out to be a homicide investigation because they have found some evidence in that car that makes them believe just that.

For now, my train of thought brings me back to Gabriel being alive, perhaps not well, but alive nonetheless. Clearly Elizabeth took good care of him in the hotelroom and we saw evidence of that. I don't think she took those pics to taunt LM or to 'remember him by' and I don't think those pics were staged to make her look like a caring mother.

IMO if Gabriel turns up dead, I don't think Elizabeth killed him. Nor did the Smiths. However I do believe both parties had something to do with his disappearance and how he got there, hence the backpaddling and 'explaining' on the FB page.

You'll never have to 'remember' things if you told the truth. FROM DAY ONE.

Yes, this information is available on digital cameras also although there is no standard to how the data is "arranged" nor any singular tool to extract it (there are several devices that law enforcement has that can download all info from any brand of cell phone). This type of volatile memory is similar to the BIOS on your computer - it is battery powered and tells your computer where to boot from, time settings, power settings, etc. If the battery dies, all the settings are lost and would return to the default settings when powered up again but you would be able to tell when this happened since there would be an internal clock saying how long the battery had been running. It would also be difficult for someone to disable that internal battery and then re-power it without destroying their camera - it's not really a DIY-thing.

I'm not an expert in cameras but I do have a masters degree in IT and took a couple of computer forensics courses for electives FWIW.
Thank you so very much! So, in other words, if she had altered the date stamp on the camera, then changed it back to the correct date, LE should be able to detect it, correct? :)
According to a story reported on KSAT12, "Baby Gabriel's Mother Speaks Out"...

"According to police, Gabriel arrived in San Antonio on Dec. 20 with his mother, Elizabeth Johnson, who was involved in a custody dispute with the baby's father in Tempe, Ariz. Elizabeth Johnson checked into the Home Gate Suites at 10950 Laureate for the week of Dec. 20, police said.

The baby was last seen in the early-morning hours of Dec. 26 in San Antonio, police said. The next day, Elizabeth Johnson boarded a bus for Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., without her son, police said.

Gabriel's last known whereabouts are believed to be in the San Antonio area. Investigators were looking into the claims that Elizabeth Johnson gave the baby away."

HomeGate Studios & Suites - Fiesta Park

Quality Inn & Suites - Fiesta Park
(bolding mine)

So they are getting the time of day on the 26th from the photos or another source? Sorry I'm still confused on this ~ maybe because not everything has been released, like possible hotel video. MOO
If you read carefully what they are saying on the website, they are indicating that she was technically checked into both hotels on December 26th because she didn't check out of the one that was prepaid for the week and she was paid up for the evening of December 26th.

Since the pictures indicate that is was the Fiesta Park Homegate Studios she was staying in for most of the week and not the one on San Pedro by the airport, these two hotels are in the same hotel complex on Laureate Blvd. Next door to each other really.

So it appears as though on the 26th she checked into the hotel next door. JMO

I see what you're saying. Checked into/registered at both, but they're not completely sure which one she actually slept at night of Dec 26. That makes sense. Probably slipped next door out of fear of being arrested and/or she didn't want to look at/be with Gabriel's belongings again.

Thanks, Kamille.
According to a story reported on KSAT12, "Baby Gabriel's Mother Speaks Out"...

"According to police, Gabriel arrived in San Antonio on Dec. 20 with his mother, Elizabeth Johnson, who was involved in a custody dispute with the baby's father in Tempe, Ariz. Elizabeth Johnson checked into the Home Gate Suites at 10950 Laureate for the week of Dec. 20, police said.

The baby was last seen in the early-morning hours of Dec. 26 in San Antonio, police said. The next day, Elizabeth Johnson boarded a bus for Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., without her son, police said.

Gabriel's last known whereabouts are believed to be in the San Antonio area. Investigators were looking into the claims that Elizabeth Johnson gave the baby away."

HomeGate Studios & Suites - Fiesta Park

Quality Inn & Suites - Fiesta Park

So that says, Elizabeth left San Antonio on the 27th.
Such as maybe somebody else cleaned him up and gave him the toys seen in the photos? I'd think if TS were actually in San Antonio there'd be some records or tracking her over there. What I'd also like to know is how the video surveillance was placed in the hotel, since it seems there isn't anything captured of a couple taking Gabriel out of there. I'm thinking of the video of Shaniya Davis by the elevator and would think there'd be some similar system where EJ stayed. MOO

"HOMEGATE STUDIOS & SUITES in San Antonio TX at 11221 San Pedro Ave. ... Corridors: All Rooms Have Exterior Hallways."
I feel bad about posting this, but after thinking carefully about Elizabeth's most recent actions I do not think Gabriel is with us. She seems to be resigned to her fate in jail. She is not talking because she has nothing to tell and admitting Gabriel is dead will seal her fate. So I think she is going to just allow the charges to pile on and let the jury decide her fate. I pray I am wrong. I just don't like the idea she turned over an expensive ring and money to her Grandfather. Elizabeth's demeanor speaks volumes.

Is it possible that she really has told them everything she knows? And they just aren't saying that publicly because they're tracking down Gabriel and don't want to jeopardize him? Or is that just grasping at straws....not wanting to think that he is no longer on this earth :-(
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