AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #12

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yep, I agree.

Does anybody know if they checked out the hotel rooms with Luminol?

My goodness, I have been so hopeful little Gabriel is alive I haven't even let my mind go there, but my gosh...I hope they have checked with Luminol. I bet they have - and also the car (LE said they are keeping it awhile and won't return it to grandpa because of the ongoing investigation.)
Well, "stubborn and vindictive" will get her convicted of kidnapping, custodial interference, and worse if she harmed Gabriel or if she handed him off to someone who hurts him.

I keep thinking of Sam and Lindsey Porter, children whose father abducted them in 2004 and then refused to tell his wife where they were. He was arrested for kidnapping and sat in jail refusing to talk until their remains were discovered in 2007. So could a person be this vindictive and cruel? Clearly, yes. On the other hand, if EJ was trying to adopt Gabriel out, perhaps she was looking for an alternative that wouldn't harm the child. We can only hope, and wait.
I'm trying to be constructive so I decided to make a Google Map plotting of all the San Antonio locations that might be important to this case (plus the Alamo 'cuz no map of SA is complete without the Alamo!)

Map Here

Let me know if there's someplace I should add.
Okay. Done - I was trying to speak with integrity and honesty, and to stop that part of the questioning. I did not start the rumor; just tried to be honest and curtail any more of the continuing questions.

Well, not to be dramatic or anything else, I am done here. I don't have all the sleuthing abilities that you all do, but really, I cared. I will continue to pray for Baby Gabriel. In my heart, he is alive. Thanks, you guys.

For what its worth, I think you are a great asset to this thread and enjoy your posts. We are all here for Gabriel and some of us may break the rules, but its because we are new and still learning the ways of WS. We'll figure it out, but we need the oldies to help guide us. Its not a matter of not reading the TOS, but a matter of not remembering every guideline set. I hope you decide to stick around and I hope the oldies continue to guide us with a positive attitude.
I'm getting overwhelmed and am really starting to worry about Gabriel. I've been worried about him all along, but today I have flip flopped and fear something really bad has happened to him. Why on earth would a mother stay silent. Seriously...can anyone think of ANY reason she would rather sit in jail than tell what's happened? Is she that angry at Logan to let him keep suffering? I can understand her being scared to tell LE that she gave Gabriel away, but scared enough where she would sit in jail over it? And if she did give the baby to someone, wouldn't it depend on the circumstances what type of prison time she would get? She's already facing prison time as it is...just thinking out loud...why won't she open up!?

Exactly my fear.

Elizabeth is not providing any real viable leads to help LE locate Gabriel -- why?

Is she so spiteful that she wants to hurt the Father so bad she is willing to gamble on her fate in jail? Does she have some deal with Tammi and has been told to sit tight and let this play out?

As someone stated, Elizabeth states that she believes Gabriel is safe BUT if she did not vet these people she 'supposedly' gave Gabriel to how does she know they are not abusing him or worse?

I fear, based on her original excited utterance that she had killed Gabriel, together with the statements from the babysitter and Gabriel's poor condition -- that she has either allowed Gabriel to die or killed him ---then in a moment of vengeance thinking she was on her way to freedom texted the Father the truth.

Elizabeth never expected to get caught so quickly/easily so she is now backing up and saying that she gave Gabriel away but, like Casey Anthony -- she is making stuff up as she goes and dragging her feet, not willing to cooperate at all --- speaks volumes. Wait and see if LE find the baby.
Can someone right this second, that knows the ins and outs of this case Please PM me? I have a couple of questions but I only have a few moments before Levi's show.
Okay. Done - I was trying to speak with integrity and honesty, and to stop that part of the questioning. I did not start the rumor; just tried to be honest and curtail any more of the continuing questions.

Well, not to be dramatic or anything else, I am done here. I don't have all the sleuthing abilities that you all do, but really, I cared. I will continue to pray for Baby Gabriel. In my heart, he is alive. Thanks, you guys.

Don't go...none of us here are Perry Mason or Matlock...just individuals giving our insight.....your thoughts and ideas are good ones....One of your/our thoughts or ideas may just bring Gabriel safley back home to his Dad....
WELCOME SALLYMANDA Glad to have you join us and hope you enjoy sleuthing or just lurking as much as I do
ok. I saw this on tv on some news station but this is exactly what was said. Notice Yami is also in this
: "leaving baby in the car. Returning to her room. And then going back out like she had forgotten soemthing and finally took the baby out of the car and went back into her room. Yami: How long was he left alone. Probably about 10 minutes."

WOW! Great find! I hadn't seen any of this before!
Exactly my fear.

Elizabeth is not providing any real viable leads to help LE locate Gabriel -- why?

Is she so spiteful that she wants to hurt the Father so bad she is willing to gamble on her fate in jail? Does she have some deal with Tammi and has been told to sit tight and let this play out?

As someone stated, Elizabeth states that she believes Gabriel is safe BUT if she did not vet these people she 'supposedly' gave Gabriel to how does she know they are not abusing him or worse?

I fear, based on her original excited utterance that she had killed Gabriel, together with the statements from the babysitter and Gabriel's poor condition -- that she has either allowed Gabriel to die or killed him ---then in a moment of vengeance thinking she was on her way to freedom texted the Father the truth.

Elizabeth never expected to get caught so quickly/easily so she is now backing up and saying that she gave Gabriel away but, like Casey Anthony -- she is making stuff up as she goes and dragging her feet, not willing to cooperate at all --- speaks volumes. Wait and see if LE find the baby.

She was also very detailed in her text to LM, about the baby being blue and putting him in a diaper bag and putting it into the dumpster. I know someone said that a dead body doesn't really turn blue, but it shows me that if she didn't do it, she must have thought it out and considered it.
Has anyone seen the friend on EJ's my space that posted on 12/14/09 (you have to click on the friends page to view it) about being excited that she was going to have their 3rd baby and hoped it was a boy? Friends name begins with an "A"

Then in A's comments someone congratulates her on a baby boy on 1/9/10.

I've been looking for any other comments confirming this person was pregnant prior to these posts but can not find anything.
For what its worth, I think you are a great asset to this thread and enjoy your posts. We are all here for Gabriel and some of us may break the rules, but its because we are new and still learning the ways of WS. We'll figure it out, but we need the oldies to help guide us. Its not a matter of not reading the TOS, but a matter of not remembering every guideline set. I hope you decide to stick around and I hope the oldies continue to guide us with a positive attitude.

Now "That's what I'm tqlking about".....very well said!
IMO in the last 24 hours, it seems that the news has been more somber, with not much new information other than the pictures, with LE making statements such as...

"If the child is in good hands, and that's a big if, then the child will still be around," said Tempe police Cmdr. Kim Hale. "But the longer we go, it doesn't help us as far as trying to recover him, wherever the child is, whether that is in a home, or the child has been taken across the border to Mexico, or if he's in the bottom of a landfill."

On the other hand, they just served a search warrant on the Smith's 48 hrs ago. Are they trying to say that they did not find much new information coming from the warrant? Or is that what they want them to think so they will keep running their mouths?

IMO they will keep running their mouths with or w/o legal representation. At this point, it probably too late to turn back now.

Reference :
I'm trying to be constructive so I decided to make a Google Map plotting of all the San Antonio locations that might be important to this case (plus the Alamo 'cuz no map of SA is complete without the Alamo!)

Map Here

Let me know if there's someplace I should add.

Great map, what is I-ACT????
According to NG Transcripts entitled "Smiths Take Polygraph in Missing Baby Gabriel Gase" the following is quoted:

CASAREZ: You know, the whole issue here is, where is baby Gabriel? That`s why we are here. That is what we are talking about. That`s really what we care about.

To Jack and Tammi Smith. Have you had any communication at all today with Elizabeth Johnson?


CASAREZ: Have you heard anything of where this baby could be tonight?

TAMMI SMITH: Well, I -- since I did get to talk to the detectives and give them the information that Yami from Fox News -- I`ve become really good friends with Yami with Fox News in San Antonio, and she is our digger. She searches and searches for information. And so I was able to give them the information that she gave me. Finally, I was able to give that to them because it`s very hard to get in touch with anybody over there.

CASAREZ: And what is that information?

TAMMI SMITH: I can give you some of the information, but some I cannot. One piece of information is when Elizabeth left, she had a Garmin, which is a navigation system, hooked up in her car and turned on. And when we met up, this was a place where she told us to meet her so there was no reason to have it turned on. And from what Yami says, her cell phone was -- had a signal in Victoria, Texas, and that was the day that she went missing. And that was the day that she actually got on the bus. So if she had to drive two hours south from San Antonio, why did she drive two hours south down to Victoria, and then drive back up to San Antonio, and then get on a bus to go to Miami? That leads us to believe that that baby is in Victoria.

CASAREZ: And what day was the cell phone significance from Victoria, Texas? What day was that?

TAMMI SMITH: Sunday the 27th. And that was the day that she would not communicate with me by verbal. She only communicated by texting and telling me that she was out of range because she was driving.

As this is quoted from an actual transcript, I hope that I am not violating our rules. If so, please inform me immediately and I will delete.

Thanks Trudy for digging that up again. It's strangely stated statement and I don't know if anyone ever figured what it means - where did they meet up and what does that have to do with the Garmin not being turned on? What does it have to do with Yami. This seem to have nothing to do with what Yami told her after that long preamble before saying this, then she switched back to the cell phone thing and Yami. It's obvious to me, Tammi is not being clear about the whole GPS thing.
What is it going to take to get Eliz to open up about what happened?! And what is going to happen if she stays silent and there are no leads to finding Gabriel? Never in my life have I felt so desperate. I know Casey A. didn't speak (excuse me...she did speak but it was all lies), but I knew in my heart that Caylee was gone to Heaven. With little Gabriel part of me feels like he has been placed with someone and is ALIVE, but the other part of me is losing hope fast. Please speak Eliz and please tell LE the truth!
Guys regardless whether it is a rumor or not It CANNOT be posted. Its as simple as that! Please stop.

We need this thread! We need this to be able to continue talking with each other and brainstorm about Gabriel.

So please STOP putting this thread in jeopardy!!!! Its not fair to us, and its not fair to GABRIEL!!
She was also very detailed in her text to LM, about the baby being blue and putting him in a diaper bag and putting it into the dumpster. I know someone said that a dead body doesn't really turn blue, but it shows me that if she didn't do it, she must have thought it out and considered it.

Would a baby drugged and dying with lack of oxygen turn blue??
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