AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #12

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I'm trying to be constructive so I decided to make a Google Map plotting of all the San Antonio locations that might be important to this case (plus the Alamo 'cuz no map of SA is complete without the Alamo!)

Map Here

Let me know if there's someplace I should add.

Thank you so much for this. Good job.
Bumping this! Maybe he is in Mexico!

check out the 12th post on EJs myspace. click on to get to that persons page. she says she is excited about her 3rd child and hopes it is a boy.
Levi on now! Talking about Baby Gabriel after Susan Powell.
IMO in the last 24 hours, it seems that the news has been more somber, with not much new information other than the pictures, with LE making statements such as...

"If the child is in good hands, and that's a big if, then the child will still be around," said Tempe police Cmdr. Kim Hale. "But the longer we go, it doesn't help us as far as trying to recover him, wherever the child is, whether that is in a home, or the child has been taken across the border to Mexico, or if he's in the bottom of a landfill."

On the other hand, they just served a search warrant on the Smith's 48 hrs ago. Are they trying to say that they did not find much new information coming from the warrant? Or is that what they want them to think so they will keep running their mouths?

IMO they will keep running their mouths with or w/o legal representation. At this point, it probably too late to turn back now.

Reference :

I don't know... I didn't expect them to find any direct evidence to help with finding Gabriel at the Smith's. What I expected them to find is something that will help them file criminal charges against the Smith's.

I think the officer commenting is just saying exactly how it is, not that anything has changed, better or worse.... problem is that even if Gabriel is alive, the more time that passes the less likely he will be found. If Elizabeth doesn't have more to tell them about where he actually could be now or who he is actually with/was with, then she will just stay in jail and be tried for whatever charges - that doesn't mean she killed him. I still think it was all set-up this way and has gone exactly as planned. I still think Elizabeth WAS told it was a good thing to not know who was taking Gabriel, who she was handing him off to. My hope is that she can say the Smith's told her that, or specify who told her that and tell LE if any arrangements were made for her. It's possible, it was a completely strange and anonymous couple, but I have a difficult time believing that. It's also possible she harmed him, but I have a difficult time believing that also.
Thanks Trudy for digging that up again. It's strangely stated statement and I don't know if anyone ever figured what it means - where did they meet up and what does that have to do with the Garmin not being turned on? What does it have to do with Yami. This seem to have nothing to do with what Yami told her after that long preamble before saying this, then she switched back to the cell phone thing and Yami. It's obvious to me, Tammi is not being clear about the whole GPS thing.

The point is that TPS directly stated (blurted out) that she met with EJ after she left Arizona.

"TAMMI SMITH: I can give you some of the information, but some I cannot. One piece of information is when Elizabeth left, she had a Garmin, which is a navigation system, hooked up in her car and turned on. And when we met up, this was a place where she told us to meet her so there was no reason to have it turned on. And from what Yami says, her cell phone was -- had a signal in Victoria, Texas, and that was the day that she went missing. And that was the day that she actually got on the bus. So if she had to drive two hours south from San Antonio, why did she drive two hours south down to Victoria, and then drive back up to San Antonio, and then get on a bus to go to Miami? That leads us to believe that that baby is in Victoria."

Question: Does anyone think that to EJ, in her mind at least, Gabriel is dead? Maybe that's really what she believes. If she thought about it and pictured it, maybe it was easy to give him away and then just tell herself those pictures were the truth. That he's gone, and there's nothing she can do. Maybe that and leaving everything were just her ways of ending all of it. If she really feels that Logan did destroy her life, she might have told herself whatever she had to to sever all the ties to get away from him. He's been in her life since junior high, most of her teen and adult memories have to include him.
So she tells him and herself that Gabriel is dead, buries the past, and just goes out to start over in FL. I do know some mentally ill people that can literally forget or bury a memory at will.
I don't know for any kind of fact that EJ possesses this skill or that she is mentally ill at all, I just needed to clear that out of my head.
Okay regarding the park info.

The Tempe Police issued this media release on December 31, 2009

On January 1st, the story started appearing online. All online stories pretty much just give the info from the release. This particular site ran the story with this line...

"Johnson and her infant son had been in San Antonio from Dec. 22 to 27. Gabriel was last seen on Dec. 26 at a park near Six Flags off I-10. Police think he's still here."

While it doesn't indicate that the story has been updated since Jan 1st, I wonder if that line could be put in there later without showing an update. If not, why did this reporter put that info in there when it was not on the press release and where did they get it from?
Hi everyone!

New Here...I've been lurking this thread as this case really bothers me. I have a son who is just about 8 months right now and has the same big blue eyes.

I hope someone has looked into the possibility of TS having friends doing mission work in Mexico due to her religious affiliations/ties. She even talks about doing mission work in Africa in the surrogate mother forum.

I am still leaning that Gabriel is alive. I'm not sure what his mother was thinking..but if she WAS trying to look out for his interests she may have thought the baby would be better off with someone else other than herself or the father. (Not saying that's true..just maybe what was in her head). As someone who felt "failed" by the system, she wouldn't have wanted him to go through that route (ie the legal one). That also would have taken way too much time, and required consent by the father. I think if he was given to a couple she really didn't know much about them as it would have been difficult to cope with. I think LE knows a lot more they aren't telling the public for protection of the investigation.

If she didn't care..then I hope he didn't get sold to traffickers or become a victim of a rage. :(
Was she ever violent to people at all in the past? Obviously things were destroyed.

I also don't think the baby looking unhappy is that odd in those hotel photos. My son is very serious and its very hard to get him to smile in photos. When hes teething or tired hes very cranky. The flash also makes his eyes squint like that. Actually I look like that in photos too. I don't find the medicine issue that frightening either considering it sounds like he had a cold (boogers), and was teething. That makes for a VERY cranky baby.

But I hope hes safe..and will be found soon and taken back to daddy! Plus my school work is being ignored.

Hi Sally - good post!
The point is that TPS directly stated (blurted out) that she met with EJ after she left Arizona.

"TAMMI SMITH: I can give you some of the information, but some I cannot. One piece of information is when Elizabeth left, she had a Garmin, which is a navigation system, hooked up in her car and turned on. And when we met up, this was a place where she told us to meet her so there was no reason to have it turned on. And from what Yami says, her cell phone was -- had a signal in Victoria, Texas, and that was the day that she went missing. And that was the day that she actually got on the bus. So if she had to drive two hours south from San Antonio, why did she drive two hours south down to Victoria, and then drive back up to San Antonio, and then get on a bus to go to Miami? That leads us to believe that that baby is in Victoria."


I think so also .... but we know, she will say she meant something else.
I know perps stay silent all the time, but to say NOTHING should be a crime in itself when a child is involved! JMO!
I so agree ~ and especially when a parent is involved and the last known person to be with the child! :banghead: MOO
Would a baby drugged and dying with lack of oxygen turn blue??

The answer to your question is a big yes,especially the mouth and nail beds,hands and feet.By her saying the baby was blue makes me believe something did happen to the baby..
The point is that TPS directly stated (blurted out) that she met with EJ after she left Arizona.

"TAMMI SMITH: I can give you some of the information, but some I cannot. One piece of information is when Elizabeth left, she had a Garmin, which is a navigation system, hooked up in her car and turned on. And when we met up, this was a place where she told us to meet her so there was no reason to have it turned on. And from what Yami says, her cell phone was -- had a signal in Victoria, Texas, and that was the day that she went missing. And that was the day that she actually got on the bus. So if she had to drive two hours south from San Antonio, why did she drive two hours south down to Victoria, and then drive back up to San Antonio, and then get on a bus to go to Miami? That leads us to believe that that baby is in Victoria."


Ummmm. Tammi "met up with EJ" at a church in AZ not outside of AZ from what I remember. JMO
Can someone link the radio show? the link from a few pages back wont load
How did you come up with that? I read the same link and you lost me. WHAT?


'MOS says: "The person she was on the news is not the person she saw in the room with the baby. The person in the room was a hispanic girl and she told her she was babysitting. The housekeeper had asked if she could touch the boy and she said "no i'm not allowed to let anybody in the room and just five me the towels and you can't come in"


MOS says: "There was a high chair with a tray, a basket full of clothes, a lot of toiletries and an ipod charger."
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