AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #17

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My son had an allergy to sulfa and it looks a lot like that. The allergy presented itself as large raised welts about the size or a quarter of half dollar on his cheeks and were very hot to touch. We caught it in time or the places would have been all over his body.

Also one of the food dye colors in benedryl would do the same thing...Don't know if that's what's going on with this baby...just giving my experience with similiar red splotches...Bless his heart!
My son had an allergy to sulfa and it looks a lot like that. The allergy presented itself as large raised welts about the size or a quarter of half dollar on his cheeks and were very hot to touch. We caught it in time or the places would have been all over his body.

Also one of the food dye colors in benedryl would do the same thing...Don't know if that's what's going on with this baby...just giving my experience with similiar red splotches...Bless his heart!

It looks like it could be fungal, like ringworm. I have noticed that it seemed to come and go on him. Might be an allergy.
Maybe the paper would run Gabriel's photo


I wonder who the relatives there are ... there are some Facio's in Modesto, but that might be a common name and Smith isn't going to help or Peters

Good morning, friends. I'm catching up and you all were talkative last night :) so I'm way behind right now. Sorry if this has already been posted.

Do we have a list of all cities with relatives and friends of Tammi and Jack, and every city they've been associated with, lived in, etc, and let's see if we can get posters put up in those cities?

Also the few friends of Eliz we know of, like the one in Boston, and places she's lived in in the past like Fort Smith. Can we see if we can find people in those cities to put up posters?

Just on the off chance that Gabe's with somebody one of these three people knew in the past. Ya never know.

I will also ask MissingGabe for cities that Eliz might know somebody in, in addition to the ones in the media.
Newbie here....This story captured my heart. I looked for information on the paisly carseat and BabiesRUS is the only place that sells it. IT is a combo with the stroller. (Graco Quattro Tour Deluxe Travel System Stroller- Sienna) I am thinking it was purchased in San Antonio or most likely online. I have shared this with LE. Something that crossed my mind the other day is maybe someone dyed is hair and eyebrows....I know that seems crazy, but one thing about him is his eyes are so identifiable. I read about what the psychics said about a giftcard being used....Well BAbiesRUS has giftcards and a membership type card for discounts. I have had long nights thinking about this. ANother thing is that I think EJ went to San Antonio to change jurisdiction. It is possible that she handed the baby off to a couple she "met up" with at the park.. SHe sais,"I met them at the park." I do no believe they were a random couple......SHe says part lies and truths. I think they then would transfer G to TPS when things cooled down. I think EJ was mad at the hotel on the phone because the jurisdiction thing was not working out. SO either this couple that most likely knows TPS and JS picked him up for them. MAybe they met in Victoria? OR EJ took him to Victoria and TPS and JS picked him up with the new carseat. EJ knew at that time she needed to leave because it was passed the date....

Welcome to Websleuths! So glad to have you here!
-- Logan McQueary met with Tempe investigators Monday, handing over all text messages and recorded conversations he has had with both his ex-girlfriend Elizabeth Johnson, and persons of interest Tammi and Jack Smith.He said it was clear to him that police are building a stronger case of conspiracy to commit custodial interference.At the same time, he is planning a trip along the same route Elizabeth Johnson's GPS would have guided her to San Antonio, Texas. He doesn't think Elizabeth would have tried to make the 15 hour drive in one night, and plans to stop at hotels along the route, searching for anyone who saw her or his missing boy.

In Scottsdale Monday, Tammi Smith revealed that Elizabeth Johnson called her from jail on Friday and tried to lure her into some type of confession."Basically, she just started yelling at me. She said, 'You're the one who set this up' and I said 'What?, what are you talking about?' And I was really freaked out by that because I didn't think she would just tell a lie like that," said Tammi Smith. Both Tammi Smith and Elizabeth Johnson have been caught in lies during the investigation, but it appears Elizabeth is now trying to spread the blame."I said then, 'OK, tell me how I did this. How did I do it?' And she couldn't do it," said Smith.Tammi Smith said Elizabeth Johnson slammed the phone down and hung up when she warned her that she will take the rap for anything that has happened, or will happen to Gabriel.
What will happen? What the hell is that suppose to mean?

No pics of minors or their full names here at WS, except, of course, of the missing child him/herself, even if those names and/or pics have been in the media.

Links are fine.



[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - AZ-Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, missing since 12-26-09 thread # 9[/ame]
Police Visit Landfill In Search For Missing Baby
Authorities Looking In SA Landfill For Clues To Gabriel Johnson's Whereabouts

POSTED: Monday, January 25, 2010
UPDATED: 8:38 pm CST January 25, 2010

The San Antonio Police Department confirmed they were at the landfill Monday morning in regards to case of the missing baby, but they said they weren't searching.


Supervisors at the landfill on Tessman Road would not tell KSAT crews exactly where on the property investigators were working. They also would not grant KSAT crews access to the property.
Missing baby search could lead to a S.A. landfill

Posted on January 25, 2010 at 9:59 PM

San Antonio Police Department tell us they are working on the logistical aspects of what it would take to search the Tessman landfill on I-10E near Foster Road. SAPD says they haven't gotten word that the search will be necessary, but they are taking the possible task seriously.

Other Media outlets have reported that the search has already begun, but SAPD says that is not the case.

ETA: This is exactly what I think LE was doing - working on the logistics. I read an article on Team Adam the other day where it said it took them a month and a half just to do the planning to search a landfill.

Landfill searches are very difficult, very time consuming, very labor intensive.
Damage control

The phone call might not have been taped though, if TS is telling the truth about the call on this video

The only way I can think of that Eliz would have been able to make a call not using the regular jail phones, is if she was meeting with her attorney, and she gave Eliz her cell to use.

Or... it was somebody calling Tammi pretending to be Eliz.

Or... the phone call never took place.

Or... I have no idea lol.
Logan McQueary met with Tempe investigators Monday, handing over all text messages and recorded conversations he has had with both his ex-girlfriend Elizabeth Johnson, and persons of interest Tammi and Jack Smith.

He said it was clear to him that police are building a stronger case of conspiracy to commit custodial interference.

I sure hope that Tammi and Jack will soon be charged for everything they did to facilitate Elizabeth taking Gabe from Logan. It was wrong to do to Logan, and it was wrong to do to Gabriel.

They walked all over both Logan's and Gabriel's rights, well-being, and best interests, and then flaunted it at every chance all over national news.
Good Morning Fellow Sleuthers! I woke up to the wonderful vision of TS being interviewed saying EJ called her friday. EJ is starting to crack! YEAH! The ship in sinking even further. The more TS opens that mouth the better it is looking. Hoping EJ now sees how she was manipulated by this woman and they can find Baby Gabriel. :woohoo:
-- Logan McQueary met with Tempe investigators Monday, handing over all text messages and recorded conversations he has had with both his ex-girlfriend Elizabeth Johnson, and persons of interest Tammi and Jack Smith.He said it was clear to him that police are building a stronger case of conspiracy to commit custodial interference.At the same time, he is planning a trip along the same route Elizabeth Johnson's GPS would have guided her to San Antonio, Texas. He doesn't think Elizabeth would have tried to make the 15 hour drive in one night, and plans to stop at hotels along the route, searching for anyone who saw her or his missing boy.

In Scottsdale Monday, Tammi Smith revealed that Elizabeth Johnson called her from jail on Friday and tried to lure her into some type of confession."Basically, she just started yelling at me. She said, 'You're the one who set this up' and I said 'What?, what are you talking about?' And I was really freaked out by that because I didn't think she would just tell a lie like that," said Tammi Smith. Both Tammi Smith and Elizabeth Johnson have been caught in lies during the investigation, but it appears Elizabeth is now trying to spread the blame."I said then, 'OK, tell me how I did this. How did I do it?' And she couldn't do it," said Smith.Tammi Smith said Elizabeth Johnson slammed the phone down and hung up when she warned her that she will take the rap for anything that has happened, or will happen to Gabriel.
What will happen? What the hell is that suppose to mean?

Dang it, Elizabeth reaching out to Tammi , wonder what Elizabeth would have said if Tammi went along with it...provided Tammi has nothing to hide why not get any information possible from Elizabeth....
Logan McQueary met with Tempe investigators Monday, handing over all text messages and recorded conversations he has had with both his ex-girlfriend Elizabeth Johnson, and persons of interest Tammi and Jack Smith.

He said it was clear to him that police are building a stronger case of conspiracy to commit custodial interference.

I sure hope that Tammi and Jack will soon be charged for everything they did to facilitate Elizabeth taking Gabe from Logan. It was wrong to do to Logan, and it was wrong to do to Gabriel.

They walked all over both Logan's and Gabriel's rights, well-being, and best interests, and then flaunted it at every chance all over national news.

I am patiently waiting for LE to connect all the dots, cross all the T's and dot all the I's and charge Tammi and Jack in connection with this case. They obviously guided her. I just don't think Elizabeth has the smarts to set up this whole road trip idea by herself. Yes, I know she is responsible for her actions, but with the Smith's guidance....... jmo
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